Establishing a blueprint for administrative data based longitudinal studies in the UK
Submitting Institution
University of St AndrewsUnit of Assessment
Geography, Environmental Studies and ArchaeologySummary Impact Type
PoliticalResearch Subject Area(s)
Mathematical Sciences: Statistics
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Economics: Applied Economics
Summary of the impact
The Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS) is a
pioneering study, combining census, civil
registration, health and education data
(administrative data). It has established an
approach that allows the legal and ethical use of
personal, sensitive information by maintaining
anonymity within the data system. This approach
has become a model for the national data linkage
systems that are now being established across the
UK. The SLS has also enabled policy analysts to
monitor key characteristics of the Scottish
population in particular health inequalities (alerting policy makers to
Scotland's poor position within
Europe), migration (aiding economic planning) and changing tenure patterns
(informing house
building decisions). Finally, the study has become fully embedded in
Scotland's National Statistical
agency, allowing it to produce new informative statistical series.
Underpinning research
Longitudinal studies have a long history in British social and
epidemiological research. Most are
based on surveys relying on re-interviews of the same persons over time.
This can result in a high
proportion of study members becoming lost to follow-up, potentially
introducing important biases to
the study. The Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS) is different. It has been
set up at the University of
St Andrews to collect data that is either required by law (Census, birth
registration, death
registration, marriage registration) or is a standard administrative
function within Britain (hospital
admissions data). The SLS was proposed in 2001 as a key tool for the
Scottish devolved
administration by a team of Geographers (from the Universities of St
Andrews - P. Boyle
(Professor 1999-2010), R. Flowerdew (Professor 2000-2012), Dundee - A.
Findlay, now at St
Andrews (Professor 2011-2013) and medical researchers (from Edinburgh and
Glasgow). Policy
makers were convinced of its value, funding it through amongst other
sources the CSO (Scotland's
Chief Scientific Office) as well as ESRC and the Scottish Funding Council.
The study was led by
Boyle until 2009 and then by Dibben St Andrews (Reader 2004-2013).
The key underpinning research is summarised in 5 areas.
1. Legal, ethical and governance research
The SLS is founded on the linking of personal data for which consent
cannot be practically sought
between individuals. This creates a circular problem where the data used
has to remain
anonymous, to comply with data protection legislation, while in order to
link the datasets, names
and addresses have to be used. Legal and governance research (2001-2004)
revealed a method
based on `firewalls' and `Trusted Third Party' mechanisms (where the
linkage is carried out by an
organisation geographically separate from that managing the research
dataset, this means that the
research organization does not need to hold names and addresses greatly
reducing the risk of
disclosure) that allow linkage while also maintaining anonymity [1].
2. Sample design and data development
Research was carried out into suitable sampling strategies that would
ensure that the sampling of
birthdates across the year did not produce seasons of the year with no
coverage. Considerable
work was involved (2001-2004) in processing the census forms in
particular, retrospectively coding
the 90% of `difficult to code' census information (e.g. occupation) that
were not available
electronically. Automatic systems for coding these were developed to allow
processing [1].
3. Linking methodology
None of the datasets that were to be linked for individuals (to produce
the breadth and length of
record for individuals) could be simply matched. Instead a method had to
be developed that would
use information such as address and date of birth to find the appropriate
record for an individual
(2001-2004). This method had to be sensitive to misspellings and changes
to this information (i.e.
people moving). We therefore developed a complex system of probabilistic
and manual matching
stages, all of which were implemented through a process that limited the
amount of information any
one organization had, to reduce the risk of information disclosure. This
process was very
successful, leading to final tracing and matching rates of >98% [1].
4. Research demonstrating the utility of a census-administrative data
based longitudinal study
In order for the large investment in the setting up and running of the SLS
to be made, a continuing
case for the utility of such a study had to be established. Research
therefore into gaps into the
Scottish policy evidence base, the utility of administrative data-based
research and a potential SLS
methodology was undertaken and fed into the case for support for the study
took place 2007
onwards after the data became available for analysis [2-4]. This led to
the initial investment in the
SLS by multiple funders [1] [A-C].
5. Estimating new variables in the data
The SLS is based on census and administrative data with variables limited
to those collected in
these systems. Research has therefore led to the estimation of `synthetic
measures', using a
number of modeling methods, of variables of research importance 2011-13.
This has included
estimates of smoking propensity and income [5].
Thus, a complex system has been put in place which allows anonymous
individual-level data
drawn from a range of different sources to be linked and held in the SLS.
References to the research
The design of the SLS was set out in a series of working papers and these
were then combined
into a main summary paper [1]. This was then published in the
International Journal of
Epidemiology, the main journal where new cohort/ longitudinal studies are
introduced. The
international excellence, in terms of originality and significance, of the
research on which the study
is based, is recognised by this and the continuing funding of the study by
the Economic and Social
Research Council.
Research Grants for maintaining the SLS during the REF period
A. ESRC 2011 Extending the Longitudinal Studies Centre - Scotland (LSCS)
2012-17 PI C. Dibben
£1.5 million
B. ESRC 2011 Extending the Longitudinal Studies Centre - Scotland (LSCS)
2011-12 PI C. Dibben
£0.3 million
C. ESRC 2009 Extending the Longitudinal Studies Centre - Scotland (LSCS)
from 2009 to 2011. PI
Paul Boyle £0.4 million.
1. Boyle, P., Feijten, P., Feng, F., Hattersley, L., Huang, Z., Nolan, J.
and Raab, G. (2009) Cohort
Profile: The Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS), International Journal
of Epidemiology 38(2):385-
392. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyn087
2. Popham, F., Boyle, P., O'Reilly, D. & Leyland, A.H. (2011)
Selective internal migration. Does it
explain Glasgow's worsening mortality record? Health & Place,
17(6): 1212-1217. doi.
3. Boyle, P., Feng, Z. & Raab, G. (2011) Does widowhood increase
mortality risk? Comparing
different causes of spousal death to test for selection effects. Epidemiology
22: 1-5. doi:
4. Popham, F., & Boyle, P.J. (2011) Is there a 'Scottish effect' for
mortality? Prospective
observational study of census linkage studies. Journal of Public
Health, 33(3): 453-458. doi:
Details of the impact
The Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS) has had impact in a number of
significant areas in Scotland
but also more widely across the UK
- It has changed National Records of Scotland's (NRS) statistical
infrastructure - allowing new
statistical series to be produced
- It is used by local, national government and NHS officials for policy
analysis, impacting local
and national policy decision making
- The study has trained over 100 researchers in longitudinal data
analysis using administrative
- The SLS data system has become a model for the newly emerging UK
administrative data infrastructure
Changed National Records of Scotland's statistical infrastructure.
The SLS has been
accepted as a Scottish National study and as such it is now co-supported
and housed within the
National Records of Scotland (NRS) — the National Statistical Agency since
2004. As a longitudinal
study it replaces the need for expensive traditional longitudinal surveys
collected through face-to-
face questionnaires (often costing up to £10 million) [S1]. The
recognition of the study by the
Scottish equivalent of the Office of National Statistics as being part of
the National statistical
system is testament to the quality and reliability of the study. The SLS
has changed the type of
statistical series that NRS are producing. For example the General
Registrars' report (2010) [S6],
on new demographic findings, makes extensive use of the SLS. (Since 1855 -
the General
Registrars' report is annually laid before Parliament as the major
statement on Scotland's
population). NRS have used it to ask important questions about the nature
of occupational coding
(and therefore social class) on death certificates (a key statistic for
government), investigating the
potential exaggeration of someone's occupation status at death [S1]. The
achievement of the SLS
in Scotland has had influence across the UK so that the Northern Ireland
Statistical Agency have
argued that the SLS has provided a roadmap for a similar study in Northern
Ireland - "There is real
SLS impact" [S2].
Impacted local and national policy decision making. Since its
creation, the SLS has also been
used by analysts outside the academy to examine a wide range of research
questions feeding into
government social, health and housing policy. This has included, for
example, reports and studies
conducted on behalf of the Scottish Government [S10], Scottish Public
Health Observatory [S11]
and the NHS [S12]. To give two examples. Researchers in Glasgow City
Council used it to
investigate local patterns of housing tenure change and in particular the
slowing of the fall in
demand for social housing [S7]. These findings were incorporated into a
demographic model of
tenure change, which then fed into the research base for a number of key
strategic policy
documents including the Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Housing Needs and
Demand Assessment,
Glasgow and the Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan, and Glasgow's
Housing Strategy. A
researcher working within Scottish Government working on `return
migration' [S9] work form key
evidence for the Scottish Government report, `Characteristics and
intentions of immigrants to and
emigrants from Scotland — Review of existing evidence' (Eirich, 2011),
this in turn was discussed
by Skills Development Scotland, Migrants' Rights Network, National
Coalition of Anti-Deportation
Campaigns and the Information Centre about Asylum and Refugees. It was
also referenced in the
UK Needs Analysis Report of the EU Portfolio of Integration projects.
Training researchers. In addition to the impacts of managing for
government a major data base,
and producing research that impacts policy in the areas of health,
education and employment, a
third impact has been in training people in longitudinal data analysis and
in supporting non-
academic research use of the SLS. St Andrews researchers have been
pro-active in organising
training for those outside the academy wishing to access the SLS. Since
2008, 14 training events
have been organised by the SLS team in Edinburgh, Belfast, Glasgow,
London, Stirling, and St
Andrews. In total 125 non-academic users have been trained including 4
people from local
authorities, 6 from health boards, 110 from various sectors of the
Scottish Government, 5 from
Charities or private consulting firms. Given the relatively small
community of quantitative social
scientists in Scotland, this represents a good proportion of potential
users. As a result of this
training, 9 longitudinal research projects have been launched by
non-academics in the fields of
health inequalities, migration and employment.
Model for the newly emerging UK national administrative data
infrastructure. The SLS has
become a path-breaking model that allows the linkage, holding, and
analysis of highly personal
data within appropriately strict legal and ethical constraints. For
example, the Scottish Government
use it as an exemplar of good practice in their development of national
Data Sharing and Linkage
Service, "The SLS has been of absolute fundamental importance to the
development of the new
National Data Sharing and Linking Service" [S3]. A senior member of
Scottish Government argues
"It is fair to say that the Scottish Longitudinal Study was a vital
element in Scotland being able to
make practical progress in this area quickly. This is because it had a
solution that had been
developed, tested and trusted. In particular, our thinking about
governance of privacy and ethics
issues is derived from that used for the SLS. The same is true for the
processes of indexing and
linking datasets themselves. These practical considerations would have
taken much more time to
think through if the SLS hadn't been around, risking frustration from
Ministers and loss of
momentum" [S4].
The SLS has become a very important model for other parts of the UK that
are seeking to produce
similar studies. The Administrative Data Taskforce (ADT) (making
recommendations to David
Willets, the Minister of State for Universities and Science, and BIS over
the future of UK wide
research infrastructure) has used the design of the SLS as a model for
future UK-wide research
centres) [S5]. The ADT argued that future "ADRC [Administrative Data
Research Centres] could
build on best practice from the experience of the ...Scottish
Longitudinal Study (SLS)" (p.5 [S10])
and have a "data linkage process ... similar to that used by the
Scottish Longitudinal Study (SLS),
where personal identifying information is not held in the ADRC, but is
matched through a third party
service, such as the National Health Service Central Register"
(p.6). One senior adviser to the
ESRC comments that "The design, direction and future ambitions of the
Scottish Longitudinal
Study, together with its impressive achievements to date, have provided
the prototype for the bold
step forward that is now being taken by the Economic and Social Research
Council, the statistical
authorities of the UK and government departments. There is no
doubt in my mind that if we did not
have this valuable experience and example to draw on, we would have been
much less likely to
have attracted the capital funding gained to establish the
Administrative Data Research Network."
Sources to corroborate the impact
Archived communication or agreed referee corroborating the use of SLS
for data
development within the respective governmental organisations.
[S1] Head of Department, National Record Office for Scotland, Scottish
[S2] Head of Department, Northern Ireland Statistical Agency.
[S3] Head of the Scottish Government's Data Sharing and Linkage Service.
[S4] Senior government official, Scottish Government.
[S5] Senior academic adviser to the UK Economic and Social Research
Reports/ papers
[S6] Scotland's Population 2010: The Registrar General's Annual Review of
Demographic Trends
156th Edition.
[S7] Jan Freeke "Housing tenure change 1991-2001 in Scotland, Glasgow
Conurbation & Glasgow
City". Glasgow City Council.
[S8] McCollum, D. (2011) The Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile
of Return Migrants and
Long-Term In-Migrants in Scotland: Evidence from the Scottish
Longitudinal Study. Scottish
Government Social Research Report.
[S9] The UK Administrative Data Research Network: Improving Access for
Research and Policy
Report from the Administrative Data Taskforce - December 2012
[S10] Kirsty Corbett & Alan Winetrobe "Once a NEET, Always a NEET"
Scottish Government.
[S11] Diane Stockton "The determinants of self-assessed health in
Scottish adults" Scottish Public
Health Observatory.
[S12] Katharine Sharpe "Area-based versus individual measures of
socioeconomic background -
How do they compare in predicting cancer incidence?" NHS Scotland,
Information Services