2. Enabling critical engagement with academic research in A-level Philosophy
Submitting Institution
Cardiff UniversityUnit of Assessment
PhilosophySummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Philosophy and Religious Studies: Philosophy
Summary of the impact
A booklet was produced to address a problem identified by A-level
teachers of Philosophy. They had reported that while independent critical
engagement is strongly emphasised in the A-level Philosophy marking
criteria, the available teaching materials do not foster this skill. The
booklet contains essays summarising research papers from three members of
the Unit that represent opposing views of Nietzsche's critique of
morality. Through questions and puzzles, students are able to compare the
claims and take up critical positions. The booklet has contributed a new
type of educational material for developing critical thinking in A-level
Philosophy and has been used in the UK and overseas.
Underpinning research
The booklet summarises and draws out the tensions between three academic
papers arguing original philosophical positions, written by staff in the
Unit: Robertson (joined as Lecturer 2012); Tanesini (joined as Lecturer
1992, SL '99, Reader '06, Professor '10); Webber (joined as Lecturer 2008,
SL '10, Reader '12).
Robertson's paper3-1 contributes to current
debate over the value of morality. It is widely agreed among philosophers
that if morality is intended to prescribe all our actions, then it is an
obstacle to living a fulfilling life. The lesson usually drawn is that
morality should only set constraints that rule out certain actions, but
which leave a wide range of options available. Robertson draws on
Nietzsche to argue that this is mistaken, since morality understood as a
set of constraints remains an obstacle to fulfilment. In particular, he
argues that such constraints would prevent the flourishing of great
individuals. Although elements of this philosophical position were
developed before his arrival at Cardiff, his booklet chapters reflect the
full position, developed at Cardiff and first published in this paper.
Tanesini's paper3-2 charts a course between the
realist view that moral values exist independently of the ways in which we
see the world and the subjectivist view that moral values are merely
expressions of opinion. Tanesini draws on Nietzsche to argue that mere
opinions are not genuinely ways of valuing something. She argues that
evaluative attitudes are rather grounded in long-term commitment to a
goal. It is this kind of self-determination, the mark of the great
individual, that gives rise to genuinely valuable ethical values.
Webber's paper3-3 defends Kant's idea that each
action lays down law which governs the future actions of that person.
Philosophers generally agree that Kant's idea of `self-legislation' is
nonsensical, but Webber argues that this consensus presupposes a
particular understanding of the kind of legislation involved. Instead of
reading it as analogous to the passing of statute, we should read it as
analogous to the way judges set precedent. Interpreted so, Kant views
morality as the set of restrictions that need to be observed for actions
to set precedents that can be respected.
Together, these papers generate debates over the nature and acceptability
of Nietzsche's critique of morality. One question is the relation between
Robertson's and Tanesini's papers. If genuine values are those pursued by
great individuals, why should we accept that the flourishing of great
individuals is genuinely valuable? Is it because some great individuals
value it, rather than each simply valuing their own flourishing? If so,
where is the evidence? A second question concerns the relationship between
morality and self-determination. Robertson defends the Nietzschean view
that morality is a threat to self-determination, but Webber presents a
Kantian argument that morality is required for self-determination.
References to the research
The booklet of teaching materials summarises and draws out tensions
between three recent research publications in leading academic journals of
philosophy. It is the juxtaposition of the three views that creates the
power of the booklet's impact:
1. Robertson, S. & Owen, D. 2013. Nietzsche's Influence on
Analytic Philosophy. In: Gemes, K. & Richardson, J. (eds.). Oxford
Handbook of Nietzsche. OUP, 185-206. ISBN: 9780199534647
2. Tanesini, A. 2013. Nietzsche on the Diachronic Will and the
Problem of Morality. European Journal of Philosophy 21. DOI:
10.1111/j.1468-0378.2012.00564.x (REF output)
3. Webber, J. 2012. A Law Unto Oneself. Philosophical
Quarterly 62 (246): 170-189. 10.1111/j.1467-9213.2011.692.x (REF
Details of the impact
The booklet5-2 was developed in order to make a significant
change in the materials available to A-level Philosophy teachers. It was a
response to a problem identified by teachers during an engagement and
outreach consultation. While independent critical thinking is an intrinsic
element of the A-level Philosophy syllabus, and the marking criteria for
the A-level examinations require critical engagement for gaining the
highest marks,5-1 there is a dearth of educational materials
able to foster it in relation to the set texts and topics. The skills of
critical engagement are learned through practice, which requires an
appropriate framework for developing conclusions, drawn from careful
consideration of alternatives. The insight for the Unit's research to
contribute in addressing this problem was that the contrasting positions
within some of the Unit's recent research publications on Nietzsche and on
moral philosophy naturally created such a framework. These publications
bear directly on two popular modules of the AS and A-level syllabus: `Why
Should I Be Moral?' (AS) and `Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil'
(A2). As a result, the booklet simultaneously provides research input at
the topic level and, through a set of questions and puzzles after the
texts, draws out the disagreements and encourages students to develop
views on the debate.
Process: The booklet was developed on the basis of
information gathered at two one-day conferences for A-level Philosophy
teachers and students held at Cardiff University in November 2011 (20
students, 5 teachers) and March 2012 (50 students, 5 teachers). The
conferences served two purposes. One was to identify through targeted
discussion what the teachers most wanted from new teaching materials. The
other was to gauge how sixth-formers responded to the ideas we presented,
so that we could calibrate explanations of our research at the appropriate
level of accessibility. The booklet was developed particularly through
close discussion with two A-level teachers in very different educational
settings: Marc Bevan of Llanidloes High School in rural Powys,5-6
and Pamela Marshall of Exeter College, a combined further and higher
education institution. Bevan used the conference handouts to structure
class discussion and Marshall tested first drafts of the booklet essays
with her students. Marshall was the one originally to propose that a
booklet might be developed to help A-level students with their critical
evaluation of Nietzsche.5-5
During the summer of 2012, the booklet of six 1000-word essays was
produced.5-2 The first half of the booklet comprises essays by
Robertson, Tanesini and Webber, laying out the core claims in their
respective research papers. These essays make the tensions between our
views apparent. Each essay is accompanied by two comprehension questions.
They are followed by two puzzle pages that set up the tasks of critically
comparing and assessing the ideas. The second half of the booklet deepens
the debate through three essays by the same authors that extend the
research discussions, again with comprehension questions. The booklet
closes with further puzzles concerning the disagreements between these
This design allows teachers and students to engage with the booklet in
the ways they find most appropriate. Teachers can use it to develop their
own teaching inputs or distribute it to their students. Engaging with a
single essay will be beneficial, but working through the first half of the
booklet provides a solid basis for independent argumentation concerning
Nietzsche's critique of morality. Students can check their understanding
using the comprehension questions, and can develop their own critical
views before they read the second essay set, so that, in effect, they gain
feedback on the ideas they have had.
The booklet was launched with a dedicated conference in December 2012. It
was made available as a free download under a Creative Commons licence.
Teachers can freely distribute it to their students in paper form or
through virtual learning environments. It was advertised through a network
of A-level Philosophy teachers, the Philosophy in Europe email list
(Philos-L), and our Twitter feed.
The change that this booklet has made to the set of available educational
materials is significant in that it not only informs students
about Nietzsche's work and opposing views of it, but also impacts on
students' meta-learning. That is, critical thinking practised in relation
to Nietzsche can be transferred to other topics within and beyond
philosophy.5-5,5-6 The head of Exeter College describes the
booklet as "a great response to the problem I raised in discussion [with
the team]" and says that "the experience of working through the booklet
has improved my students' abilities to engage critically with philosophy
across the syllabus and generally to argue philosophically."5-5
Nature of impact: The booklet constitutes an effect on,
and benefit to, society in providing a new kind of study material
that influences the activity, awareness, capacity and understanding
of A-level students. The impact is significant in making a
tangible and effective change to the quality of philosophy teaching at
A-level. The booklet is a direct conduit of the research undertaken in the
Unit, which, in representing different philosophical views, creates the
basis for the critical discussion and evaluation that teachers reported
difficulty in achieving by other means. As for its reach, although
the text was developed in consultation with teachers and school students
in Wales and SW England, the booklet is in use across the UK. The AQA
Chief Examiner for A-level philosophy has approved the booklet for use as
a teaching and study resource (see below), and since the AQA offers the
only A-level philosophy syllabus, that means the booklet is a recognised
resource for every philosophy A-level student in the UK: some 2941 A-level
and 5129 AS level philosophy candidates in June 2013 (http://www.aqa.org.uk/exams-administration/about-
results/results-statistics). Were the estimated 551 UK views and
downloads (see below) all from students, approximately one in 15 (6.8%) of
them (551/8070) would have accessed the booklet in its first year.
However, our evidence below indicates that most downloads are from
teachers, strongly suggesting that a considerably higher proportion of A
and AS level students were reached. Making the booklet freely available
for download has reached an additional user group in 46 countries beyond
the UK (see below).
Evidence of impact:
Downloads: Between the Dec 2012 launch and 31/07/13 the
booklet was viewed or downloaded 1100 times.5-3 While views and
downloads beyond the UK (47 countries) are a welcome extra (see
illustration), ranging across the world from Mexico to Japan and Mongolia,
from Oman to Canada and Barbados, the primary target was the UK. 422 were
recognised as being from IP addresses within the UK. Of the 258 IP
addresses of unknown location, a proportionate split attributes 129 more
to the UK (418/(1090-255) x 255), making a total of 551.5-3
Screen grab from: http://bit.ly/Rap3f5+
31 July 2013
AQA approval of booklet: AQA passed the booklet to the
Chief Examiner for A-level Philosophy for his opinion. He approved it as a
resource for the exam board to recommend, including on the AQA's
recommendations webpage. AQA also recommended it to teachers who contacted
them directly for advice.5-4
Use with A-level students: We used an online survey in June
and July 2013 to gauge the impact of the booklet. We advertised this
through the same channels as we had advertised the booklet. Respondents
were A-level philosophy teachers in a variety of settings, including state
secondary schools, private schools, and sixth-form and further education
colleges in the UK, a charity school in Singapore, and a community college
in New Zealand. Most respondents had used the booklet. 75% of respondents
said they would definitely use it next year.5-7 They reported
its use already as recommended private reading for students and as the
basis of classroom discussions. Users praised it as a good framework for
students to develop their own critical perspectives through the activities
that draw out the disagreements between the essays.5-6,5-7
(These activities were also praised on Twitter by John Taylor (http://bit.ly/12BmRjj),
Head of Philosophy at Rugby School and author of Think Again: A
Philosophical Approach to Teaching, Continuum 2012.)
All survey respondents who had used the booklet considered it to have
improved their students' abilities to engage with philosophy more
generally, not just to have improved student work in the area the booklet
focuses on. One respondent has contacted us to offer help with developing
further A-level teaching materials of this kind.
Marc Bevan, Subject leader of History, Philosophy, and Politics at
Llanidloes High School, liked how the booklet was able to "bring the
disagreement and argument of philosophy into the foreground", clarifying
the students' understanding of interpretations of Nietzsche, and
"presenting philosophy as a living discipline of debate." He also
commented, "I do think that this work has improved my students' critical
engagement with philosophy quite generally, not just on these issues"5-6
He reports that one of his students particularly liked: "the cut and
thrust between professional philosophers."5-6
Onward endorsements: Our download webpage has been
onward-listed by an organisation dedicated to supporting the teaching of
A-level Philosophy (http://bit.ly/alphilresources).
Our booklet has also been praised on Twitter by Nigel Warburton, whose own
Philosophy Bites podcasts have been downloaded more than 18,000,000 times.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- AQA A-level Philosophy specification (http://bit.ly/aqaphilspec).
This document's Scheme of Assessment specifies the requirement of
critical argumentation: "develop a set of transferable intellectual
skills—including comprehension, interpretation, analysis and
evaluation—which will facilitate the development of independent
thinking, based on critical examination of evidence and rational
argumentation, and which will be applicable in the study of other
academic subjects and in reflection on other important aspects of human
experience" (p.17).
- The booklet produced for this project (free to download under a
creative commons licence that permits free copying and distribution):
The booklet itself is evidence of impact, because its creation has
changed the body of materials available to A-level teachers and
- A screen shot of the bit.ly record of downloads of the booklet (live
at http://bit.ly/Rap3f5+) saved on
31.07.13. This record is evidence of the raw numbers and proportions of
downloads of the booklet around the world. It shows that there were 1100
viewings or downloads of the booklet, of which 38% were in the UK, 9%
the US.
- Email exchange with the Philosophy Qualifications Developer at AQA
(16/05/13), which confirms that the Chief Examiner had approved the
booklet, and it was scheduled to be linked from the AQA website once
software problems were resolved. The emails indicate that in the
meantime, AQA was recommending the booklet to A-level philosophy
teachers who enquired about suitable resources.
- Testimony from the Head of Philosophy at Exeter FE College (Nov 2013)
which confirms her involvement in developing the booklet in 2011-12 and
its impact on her students' learning, including allowing them to
"develop their own critical perspectives."
- Testimony from the Head of Philosophy at Llanidloes High School in
Powys, Wales (20/07/13). He confirms that he took part in the planning
discussions, that he brought students to an event to develop the
booklet, and that the booklet has helped his students' critical
- Sample survey responses from teachers of A-level Philosophy in the UK
and abroad (18/07/13). The survey confirms that the booklet is being
used, will continue to be used, and meets its objectives of improving
the students' abilities at critical engagement, not only with the issues
the booklet focuses on but also more generally, through providing a
framework within which they can develop their own arguments.
Pdf of 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, and copies of 5-4 to 5-7 are available from the