Enhancing children’s motivation and well-being through innovative coach education
Submitting Institution
York St John UniversityUnit of Assessment
Sport and Exercise Sciences, Leisure and TourismSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Education: Specialist Studies In Education
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences: Psychology
Summary of the impact
This case study describes impact from research conducted by Howard Hall
into motivational processes underpinning disaffection, debilitation and
burnout in youth sport. The conceptual foundations and empirical evidence
generated from this research helped inform the design of a large-scale
intervention, involving eight European partners, who each implemented a
community-based coach education program promoting psychosocial development
and healthy lifestyles among children. As a consequence of the
intervention, significant impact has been realised through the training of
coach educators, delivery of workshops to community coaches, production of
coaching resources, exchanges with FA staff and discourse among
stakeholders about revisions to coaching practice.
Underpinning research
The published research underpinning this case study was conducted by
Howard Hall between 1997 and 2008. This work, and that of eight
international partners, contributed to the development of a
conceptually-based coach education intervention that was grounded in both
Achievement Goal Theory and Self-Determination Theory. Its specific aim
was to enhance children's motivation and Promote Adolescent Physical
Activity (the PAPA Project). The research by Hall helped to inform the
conceptual basis for the intervention. It specified how coaches might
influence achievement goals through the creation of empowering
environments that would aid in preventing disaffection, dropout and
burnout in youth sport. The research was influential in the creation of
theoretically based coaching strategies and the development of resources
that helped to promote adaptive motivation and prevent the emergence of
maladaptive motivational patterns.
Hall's research was important in the design of the intervention as it
examined motivational processes underpinning the exhibition of potentially
debilitating patterns of cognition, affect and behaviour. Specifically, it
focused upon how the meaning given to achievement through either
dispositional goals or perfectionism influenced debilitating outcomes such
as anxiety and burnout. Of the research referenced below, the study by Hall
and Kerr (1997) was one of the first to provide evidence that both
perceived ability and dispositional goals were important predictors of
state anxiety for athletes as competition approached. In a follow up
study, Hall and Kerr (1998) were able to further demonstrate that
a combination of low perceived ability and a preoccupation with
comparative or normative outcomes gave rise to potentially debilitating
levels of cognitive anxiety. In addition to the endorsement of specific
achievement goals, Hall, Kerr and Matthews (1998) also provided
evidence that perfectionism was an important predictor of pre-competitive
anxiety. The chapter by Duda and Hall (2001) from the Handbook of
Sport Psychology reviewed the influence of achievement goals on both
adaptive and maladaptive motivational outcomes, and provided both a
conceptual explanation and supportive evidence for the way in which
coaches may influence athletes' goals by creating either empowering or
disempowering achievement environments. Within this chapter, perfectionism
was also identified as a personality characteristic that appeared to be
motivationally paradoxical, suggesting that while an important energiser
of achievement striving, it had the potential to render athletes
psychologically vulnerable. The paper by Lemyre, Hall and Roberts
(2008) was influential in confirming those factors underpinning
vulnerability. It identified that a motivational profile comprising ego
goals, self-doubt and perfectionism, in conjunction with a controlling
coaching climate, elevated the probability of burnout. A further important
mechanism explaining the relationship between perfectionism and burnout
was identified in research by Hill, Hall, Appleton & Kozub (2008)
where they reported that contingent self-worth was a critical mediator of
the association between perfectionism and burnout. In addressing these
debilitating outcomes, Hall's papers point to the importance of working
with coaches to create empowering coaching environments which are task
involving and autonomy supportive, as these offer the potential to
moderate the debilitating effects of ego goals and dispositional
perfectionism on disaffection, drop-out and athlete burnout.
References to the research
Hall, H. K., & Kerr, A. W. (1997). Motivational antecedents of
pre-competitive anxiety in youth sport. The Sport Psychologist,
11, 24-42.
Hall, H. K., & Kerr, A. W. (1998). Predicting achievement anxiety: A
social cognitive perspective. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,
20, 100-113.
Hall H. K., Kerr, A. W., & Matthews, J. (1998). Precompetitive
anxiety in sport: The contribution of achievement goals and perfectionism.
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20, 194-217.
Duda, J. L. & Hall, H. K. (2001). Achievement goal theory in
sport: Recent extensions and future directions. In R. Singer, C.
Janelle, & H. Hausenblas (Eds). Handbook of Research in Sport
Psychology (2nd Edition), pp. 417-443 New York: John Wiley
& Sons Inc.
LeMyre, P. N., Hall, H. K., & Roberts, G. C., (2008). A Social
Cognitive Approach to Burnout in Elite Athletes. Scandinavian Journal
of Medicine and Science in Sports, 18, 221-224.
Hill, A. P., Hall, H. K., Appleton, P. R., Kozub, S. A. (2008). The
Influence of Perfectionism and Unconditional Self-Acceptance on Athlete
Burnout. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 9, 630-644.
Details of the impact
How research underpinned impact
The research underpinning impact, conducted by Hall and other
international partners from the PAPA project consortium, provided the
conceptual foundations for the design of the PAPA coach education
intervention programme. Impact was achieved as a result of delivering the
four year EU funded research project. The PAPA project involved the
design, implementation and testing of the coach education intervention
which itself aimed to improve participation motivation and indices of both
physical and psychological health in 10-14 year old children. The
underlying research identified why and where in the motivational process
it would be possible to intervene and have the greatest impact.
Research collaboration
The PAPA project was a collaboration between staff at eight partner
Universities from five EU countries, which, in addition to Hall, included
Joan Duda (University of Birmingham, UK), Bente Wold and Oddrun Samdal
(University of Bergen, Norway), Isabel Balaguer (University of Valencia,
Spain), Athanasios Papaioannou (University of Thessaly, Greece), Philippe
Sarrazin and Jean-Philippe Heuze (Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble,
France), Yngvar Ommundsen (Norwegian University of Sport, Norway) and
Jaume Cruz (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain). The partnership
comprised leading researchers working in the field of sport motivation
whose collective theoretical and empirical research conducted between1993
and 2009 informed the design and implementation of the intervention.
Main beneficiaries
The PAPA project was designed to impact a number of distinct user groups
including coaches and administrative leaders in sport federations, PE
teachers, EU policy-makers involved in youth sport and health promotion
and young people across the EU. To date the PAPA project has impacted on
local, regional and national FA administrators in five European countries.
Impact on this group of stakeholders was initially facilitated through
representation on the PAPA external Advisory Board, where the English FA
Head of Coach Education was a member. Representatives from UEFA and WHO
also sat on the Advisory Board, enabling dialogue on strategies for
embedding the PAPA coach education programme into existing models of
training. Impact on the FA and North Riding FA was achieved through coach
educators who received PAPA coach education training. Coach Educators from
five European countries have been direct beneficiaries of the PAPA coach
training. Grass roots coaches were also beneficiaries along with 10-14
year old participants in teams competing in the five European countries.
Nature and Extent of Impact
The research has made a distinct and material contribution to impact by
improving standards in training for youth football coaches. The research
has guided the development of a theory based coach education programme,
including the development of a coaching workshop, written resources to
enhance professional practice and supporting web based resources located
on a dedicated web-site. Coach education training delivery and
implementation guidelines have been produced to support power-point slides
and DVD clips for the workshop. The research underpinning the project
influenced CPD training within the English FA, as the FA integrated the
initial training of FA coach educators into the CPD training programme of
each coach educator. In North Yorkshire three coach educators were trained
and eight workshops were delivered to grass roots coaches. Across the EU,
41 coach educators were trained to deliver the coach education
intervention. The research has also changed professional practice for
grass roots coaches. Across the EU, 112 training workshops were delivered
by FA coach educators and 1159 grass roots football coaches attended the
workshops and received training. Those receiving training were themselves
responsible for the coaching of approximately 8000 youth football players
and findings from the PAPA project indicate the trained coaches had a
positive impact on children's motivation and health behaviours.
Practitioner debate has subsequently been informed by the research
findings of the PAPA project, and various professional bodies are
utilising the findings to define best practice. In this case, impact was
achieved through a dissemination event held at St George's Park, Burton,
where members of the FA Education Department, professional coaches from
national FAs, representatives from WHO, UEFA, Sport Coach UK, national
sporting governing bodies and representatives from various sports
contributed to discussions on the implications of the research findings
from the project. Brochures summarising the findings from the PAPA project
were distributed and contributed to debate around best practice.
Evidence of Impact
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Report to EU Commission on PAPA project www.projectpapa.org
- Corroboration of CPD training for FA coach educators — FA Regional
Coach Development Manager (North of England).
- Impact on National Coach Educators — FA Head of Elite Youth Coach
- Impact on Regional Coach Educators — FA Tesco Skills Programme Leader
and FA Tesco Skills Programme Leader.
- Impact on Grass Roots Coaches — Easingwold FC; The North East &
Yorkshire Cerebral Palsy Centre of Excellence.
- Impact on English FA Coach Education — Head of FA Player Development
and Research.
- Impact on Coaching Education — CEO, Sport Coach UK.
- Corroboration from local clubs where coach training was delivered —
Chairperson, Brayton Belles FC.
- Testimonial focus group evidence outlining satisfaction with and
impact of workshops delivered. www.projectpapa.org.