Impact on management and monitoring for authorised discharges, accidental radionuclide releases and planned disposals of radioactive waste
Submitting Institution
University of GlasgowUnit of Assessment
Earth Systems and Environmental SciencesSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences
Chemical Sciences: Analytical Chemistry
Engineering: Geomatic Engineering
Summary of the impact
UK and international government departments, agencies and the nuclear
industry have benefitted
from improved understanding of environmental radioactivity and the
development of novel, in situ
gamma spectroscopy by researchers at the Scottish Universities
Environmental Research Centre
(SUERC, University of Glasgow). The provision of advice and novel data has
helped to develop
management, monitoring, regulation and human dose assessments for
authorised and accidental
releases of radionuclides, and to build plans for geological disposal
facilities for high and
intermediate level radioactive waste.
Underpinning research
Accurate knowledge of the concentration, distribution and environmental
behaviour of
radionuclides, and evaluation of current or potential human radiation
exposure, are of fundamental
importance for planning, management and regulation of nuclear facilities.
The research in three
areas has been led by: Professor Angus MacKenzie (Lecturer 1977-91; Senior
Lecturer 1991-99;
Reader 1999-2005; Professor 2005-present), Professor Gordon Cook (Lecturer
1985-95; Senior
Lecturer 1995-2005; Reader 2005-08; Professor 2008-present) and Professor
David Sanderson
(Lecturer 1986-90; Senior Lecturer 1991-2004; Reader 2004-08; Professor
2008-present) based at
SUERC. They have published 80 peer-reviewed research papers in this field
and produced 33
technical reports since 1993.
Environmental distribution and behaviour of radionuclides.
Research on the distribution, geochemistry and transfer pathways of
radionuclides in marine and
terrestrial environments has been led by Cook and MacKenzie with Dr Robert
Anderson (RA 1987-2010)
and Mr Philip Naysmith (RA 1986-present). This work has radically improved
of the rates and mechanisms of key processes controlling the fate of
radionuclides released in
authorised disposals and in nuclear accidents. Models have been developed
that describe
environmental radionuclide behaviour and assess resultant human radiation
exposure, with
implications for waste disposal management practices. Much of the research
was commissioned
by the nuclear industry to meet specific requirements. Key outputs
i. Quantitative understanding of the role of sedimentary processes and
aqueous-solid phase
partitioning in controlling the environmental behaviour of radionuclides.
ii. Anthropogenic 14C is the dominant contributor to
collective human dose commitment from
nuclear industry discharges, and research has defined its biogeochemical
dispersion and background activity for UK coastal marine environments (an
parameter in radiation dose calculations).
iii. Reconstructing temporal variation in atmospheric 14C
concentrations near Sellafield using
tree-ring records. This work has enabled evaluation of the relative
environmental impact of
marine and atmospheric discharges.
iv. Constraining the behaviour of depleted uranium in soils.
Development and use of field-based gamma spectrometry systems.
Sanderson established the first UK airborne gamma spectrometry (AGS)
capability for mapping
environmental radioactivity. This work was undertaken in conjunction with
Dr Alan Cresswell
(Research Assistant 1996-present). Key innovations include:
i. Improved systems to provide rapid, stable spectrometry and allow
provision of radiometric
maps to emergency response organisations within 30 minutes.
ii. Improved mapping techniques and calibration methods for airborne,
vehicular and static
radiometric spectrometry.
iii. Security-linked work in the UK for detection of concealed
radioactive sources.
iv. The first combined semiconductor and high volume scintillation
spectrometer arrays for AGS.
v. Baseline, natural variation and environmental AGS surveys of
approximately 40% of the UK.
vi. Development of miniature radiometric systems capable of defining
radionuclide distributions
in urban and rural environments at a spatial resolution of 1-10m.
Sanderson pioneered the development of mobile and airborne gamma
spectrometry for emergency
response for the nuclear industry, co-ordinating two influential European
Framework Programmes:
1. Framework Programme (FP) 4, part of the Radiation Protection Research
Programme, and 2.
FP5 Research Technological Development and Demonstration project ECOMAGS.
This research
culminated in 2002 in an international validation exercise involving 150
EU scientists and airborne,
vehicular and static measurement teams. The results (`An International
comparison of Airborne
and Ground-based Gamma Ray Spectrometry' ISBN 0 85261 783 6) have
subsequent work in this area.
Radioactive waste disposal natural analogue studies.
Planning for high and intermediate level radioactive waste repositories
depends critically on
understanding the long-term behaviour of radionuclides. Research led by
MacKenzie has focussed
on the use of natural radionuclides to establish rates and mechanisms of
key processes for
repository performance assessments. SUERC's expertise in this area has
resulted in long-term
involvement in UK, Swiss, Swedish, Japanese and other multinational
research programmes.
Understanding has been advanced in areas including:
i. Key processes influencing radionuclide migration in the host rock,
e.g. matrix diffusion and
ii. Potential effects of climate change on deep repository integrity.
iii. Alteration of host rocks as a result of tunnel drilling.
References to the research
1. MacKenzie A.B., Scott R.D., Allan R.L., Ben Shaban Y.A., Pulford I.D.
and Cook G.T. (1994)
Sediment radionuclide profiles: implications for mechanisms of Sellafield
waste dispersal in the
Irish Sea. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 23, 39-69. (doi:10.1016/0265-931X(94)90504-5)
2. Tyler A.N., Sanderson D.C.W., Scott E.M. and Allyson J.D. (1996)
Accounting for spatial
variability and fields of view in environmental gamma ray spectrometry. Journal
Environmental Radioactivity 33, 213-235. (doi:10.1016/0265-931X(95)00097-T)
3. Cook G.T., MacKenzie A.B., Naysmith P. and Anderson R. (1998) Natural
and anthropogenic
14C in the UK coastal marine environment. Journal of
Environmental Radioactivity 40, 89-111.
4. Oliver I.W., Graham M.C., MacKenzie A.B., Ellam R.M. and Farmer J.G.
(2008) Depleted
uranium mobility across a weapons testing site: Isotopic investigation of
earthworms, and soils. Environmental Science and Technology 42,
5. Drake H., Tullborg E-L. and MacKenzie A.B. (2009) Detecting the
near-surface redox front in
crystalline bedrock using fracture mineral distribution, geochemistry and
U-series dis-equilibrium.
Applied Geochemistry 24, 1023-1039. (doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2009.03.004)
6. Cresswell, A.J. and Sanderson, D.C.W. (2012) Evaluating airborne and
ground based gamma
spectrometry methods for detecting particulate radioactivity in the
environment: A case study
of Irish Sea beaches. Science of the Total Environment 437,
* best indicators of research quality
Details of the impact
SUERC researchers have had wide-ranging impacts on the UK and
international nuclear industry.
Expert advice and data provided to government departments, security
organisations, the nuclear
industry, regulators, local authorities and charities has influenced
management and monitoring of
authorised discharges, accidental radionuclide releases and planned
disposals of radioactive
waste. Findings have been disseminated to end users through direct
meetings, participation in
workshops, reports to funding bodies, conference presentations and
publication of research
Research outputs from 1993-2008 continue to have impact today. For
British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL)-commissioned research contributed to
the development of
improved practices for the disposal of radioactive waste, and new
protocols for assessment of
human radiation exposure (BNFL report H73837B). A review of the knowledge
of radioactivity in
the vicinity of the Dounreay site that was commissioned by the Scottish
Office is part of the
evidence base used by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)
in its regulatory
oversight of Dounreay (SEPA report 32/98).
Research outputs since 2008 have been utilised in the planning for, and
response to, four
scenarios relating to the release of radionuclides into the environment:
(1) Authorised releases of radionuclides from nuclear facilities.
Expert advice was provided to Sellafield sites in 2010/11 on improved
detection methods for "hot
particles" in beach sediments. Advanced modelling was used to assess
performance limits for field
based and airborne gamma spectrometry techniques. This work has identified
future options for
extending the efficiency and range of searches for the highest activity
particles, which carry the
greatest radiological risks.
(2) Unplanned releases from nuclear accidents and military activities.
As a consequence of Sanderson's AGS research the importance of airborne
mapping as a frontline
emergency response has been internationally recognised, as highlighted by
the Royal Society
report `Detecting
nuclear and radiological materials' (2008).
Immediately after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, the International
Atomic Energy Authority
(IAEA) asked Sanderson to provide specialist guidance on the
interpretation of environmental data
received from Japan and other IAEA member states (IAEA Special Service
Agreement BC
2892/1/3521). In collaboration with scientists at Fukushima University,
additional specialist
equipment, assessment and analysis was provided directly to Japanese
institutions. During five
trips to Japan in 2012 and 2013, Sanderson has employed a SUERC-developed
backpack gamma
spectrometer to map radiation levels in contaminated areas. Findings were
presented at
Fukushima University, the National Institute for Environmental Science,
and through a Japanese-UK-Nuclear
Safety workshop at the British Embassy in 2012. These results have since
published (`Validated Radiometric Mapping in 2012 of Areas in Japan
Affected by the Fukushima-Daiichi
Nuclear Accident' ISBN 9780852619377).
In response to a perceived gap in knowledge and understanding, the
Ministry of Defence (MoD)
commissioned a research programme, run by the Natural Environment Research
Council (NERC)
(2004-2008), into the environmental behaviour of depleted uranium (DU)
released in the use of
armour-piercing munitions. SUERC provided specialist analytical data and
conclusions on the
occurrence and behaviour of DU in soils at two UK military sites. Outputs
were provided to MoD
and Qinetiq via workshops, the DU Programme final report (NERC, 2008), and
published papers
(e.g. ref 4).
(3) Potential terrorist radiological threat.
SUERC researchers produced a series of confidential reports (2009-2011)
for the Home Office on
detection of radioactive sources using airborne radiometrics in
preparation for the Olympics in
(4) Planned long-term disposal of radioactive waste in geological
Studies of natural radionuclides in environmental contexts have been used
to inform performance
assessments in several waste disposal programmes, and to help define
research strategy of
various radioactive waste disposal organisations, as outlined below:
i. Advice was provided, via Nexia Solutions, to the Nuclear
Decommissioning Authority (NDA)
in 2008 relating to the behaviour of 14C in the UK
intermediate level waste repository,
contributing to NDA's current research strategy.
ii. As part of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company
(SKB) programme to
select a site for the Swedish high level radioactive waste repository,
commissioned to carry out research on natural decay series disequilibrium
in rock and
groundwater samples. The SUERC work was also used to evaluate the risk
that potential
future glaciations would force oxidising groundwater into the repository.
Provision of findings
and expertise to SKB was via Terralogica Consultants (Sweden) in
coordination meetings
(Sweden, Finland, UK) and via reports and published papers (ref 5).
iii. Research on natural radionuclides was used in the International
Cyprus Natural Analogue
Project to characterise radionuclide uptake by bentonite, which is a key
component in
planned repositories. Reports from this work (2011, 2013) to Posiva
(Finland) and the NDA
were central to the repository performance assessment programmes.
Sources to corroborate the impact