Establishing evidence-based clinical guidelines for multiple pregnancy
Submitting Institution
University of BirminghamUnit of Assessment
Clinical MedicineSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine
Summary of the impact
Perinatal morbidity and mortality is high in the UK compared to many
developed countries. Serious congenital diseases may be detected in-utero
and in some of these diseases fetal therapy may significantly improve
outcome. The Fetal Research Group in Birmingham led by Professor Mark
Kilby has made major contributions in improving knowledge of prevalence
and of best management of major causes of fetal death, especially
complications arising in monochorionic twins. These are cases where twins
share the same placenta, in which complications are common and can lead to
handicap and brain development problems as well as high fetal mortality
rates. Critical appraisal of the evidence and novel research into these
disordershasclearly evaluated therapeutic approaches and clinical
management. This work has ultimately allowed development and
implementation of evidence-based recommendations on managing multiple
pregnancies for the first time in the UK.
Underpinning research
Fetal disease contributes to perinatal (the period immediately before and
after birth) morbidity and mortality in the UK and worldwide. A large
amount of disease is caused by birth defects (normally structural),
although up to 15% of problems are amenable to prenatal treatment and
therapy, significantly improving outcome and long-term morbidity. Research
into the mechanisms underlying conditions that affect fetal health, as
well as the evaluation of potential fetal therapies, has been led by
Professor Mark Kilby at the University of Birmingham (at UoB since 1995)
over the past fifteen years.
Identical (monozygotic) twins that share the same placenta are known as
`monochorionic' twins. These pregnancies have high rates of morbidity and
mortality for the fetus; this is because of a shared placental circulation
which can cause disproportionate blood supply to one of the twins. This
may result in `twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome', where one twin has a
decreased blood volume (potentially leading to restricted growth or brain
development) and the other has an abnormally high blood volume (which can
strain their heart and lead to heart failure). In these cases, the risk of
one or more twins dying is up to 90%. Key systematic reviews delivered by
Professor Mark Kilby has highlighted the evidence-based risks of co-twin
demise and brain damage in the survivors of co-twin demise in
monochorionic twins and have identified the optimal prenatal management in
such scenarios [1]. Related work over a series of studies led by Professor
Kilby has demonstrated that fetoscopic laser ablation — ain-utero
technique involving laser surgery to coagulate and reduce abnormal blood
vessels — is the superior treatment in these complications [2]. This is in
comparison with other techniques which simply remove some of the excess
amniotic fluid with a needle (amniodrainage) to reduce the pressure in the
womb. Further appraisal of a dataset from Birmingham has also highlighted
that good outcomes can be achieved using fetoscopic laser ablation even
where the surgeon is less familiar with the technique but is supported by
appropriate training [3].
References to the research
1. Hillman SC, Morris RK, Kilby MD. Co-twin prognosis after single fetal
death: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol.
2011;18(4):928-40. doi: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e31822f129d
2. Fox C, Kilby MD, Khan KS. Contemporary treatments for twin-twin
transfusion syndrome. Obstet Gynecol. 2005;105(6):1469-77. PMID:15932845
3. Morris RK, Selman TJ, Harbidge A, Martin WI, Kilby MD. Fetoscopic
laser coagulation for severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome: factors
influencing perinatal outcome, learning curve of the procedure and lessons
for new centres. BJOG. 2010;117(11):1350-7. doi:
Details of the impact
Fetal therapy is a relatively new subspecialty that allows fetal and
perinatal morbidity and mortality to be reduced. Such treatment is
concentrated in specialist centres and there is a strong call amongst
maternal care specialists and national services for such interventions to
be evidenced-based [1]. Such interventions have to be targeted at
congenital conditions which are potentially fatal but have a reversible
course if treated or the long term consequences of fetal disease can be
ameliorated by in-utero intervention. The Fetal Medicine Centre led by
Professor Kilby and affiliated to the University of Birmingham has been
instrumental in critically appraising evidence for accurate diagnosis of
fetal conditions and systematically evaluating outcomes of prenatal
intervention. This is particularly evident in their contribution to
clinical guidelines and practice in management of monochorionic twins.
Monochorionic twins have conjoining of the feto-placental circulations
and `share' a single placenta. This form of twinning is associated with a
high perinatal mortality (8%). Complications, such as single twin demise
(death) and twin to twin transfusion syndrome (which complicates 15% of
monochorionic twin pregnancies) have high fetal mortality rates. Handicap
and brain development problems in survivors complicate up to 15% of
survivors, even with treatment.
Work led by Professor Mark Kilby has been pivotal in critically
evaluating risks of single twin demise in monochorionic twins and
outlining optimal investigation and management. In addition, in-utero
treatment of severe twin to twin transfusion syndrome is complex and has
been controversial. Critical appraisal of the evidence base informing
management strategies for this morbid disease have been incorporated by
the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group into guidance on interventions
to treat twin to twin transfusion syndrome [2].
Alongside this, Professor Kilby has been instrumental in ensuring that
his research in monochorionic twins has been incorporated into national
and international discussion and further peer-reviewed clinical guidance.
In 2005, Professor Kilby convened an international scientific working
group that held a week long symposium at the Royal College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) to gather current expertise and
evidence relating to the management of multiple pregnancies. Expert
opinion was published as a discussion vignette [3] which then formed the
basis and stimulus to the creation of a further peer reviewed,
evidence-based clinical guideline.
To achieve this, Prof Kilby co-chaired the working group that produced a
set of RCOG "Green-top guidelines" in 2008[4]. This type of guidance has
been specifically developed by RCOG to provide systematically developed
recommendations that assist clinicians and patients in making decisions
about appropriate treatment for specific, specialist conditions. They are
concise documents, providing specific recommendations on focused areas of
clinical practice. In this case, the aim of the guidelines was "to
describe and, if possible, quantify the problems associated with
monochorionic placentation and to identify the best evidence to guide
clinical care, including routine fetal surveillance and treatment of
complications at secondary and tertiary levels."
It was important to follow this up with official national recommendations
that would more formally influence practice on a broader scale. Typically
this is achieved via the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
(NICE), which sets accepted practice for patient healthcare, used by
groups ranging from NHS, Local Authorities, employers, voluntary groups
and others involved in delivering care or promoting wellbeing.Prof Kilby
was chairman of the national, multidisciplinary NICE Clinical Guidelines
Group (within the National Collaborating Centre for Women's and Children's
Health) which produced the 2011 national guidance for the management of
twin and triplet pregnancies [5]. This was the first time NICE had
published detailed recommendations for healthcare professionals on
managing multiple pregnancy, and therefore remains a crucial set of
information informing current and future practice. These data were also
summarised in a vignette for healthcare professionals to help ensure their
further dissemination and impact on clinical practice [6].
Sources to corroborate the impact
- NHS England Standard Contract for Fetal Medicine. 2013.
- Roberts D, Neilson JP, Kilby M.D, Gates S. Interventions for
the treatment of twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst
Rev. 2008;(1):CD002073. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002073.pub2.
- RCOG study group statement. Consensus views arising from the 50th
Study Group: Multiple Pregnancy. 2006. London, RCOG Press.
- RCOG Guidelines for the management of monochorionic twin pregnancies,
- Multiple pregnancy: The management of twin and triplet pregnancies in
the antenatal period Issued: September 2011. NICE clinical guideline
- Visintin C, Mugglestone MA, James D, Kilby MD; Guideline
Development Group.Antenatal care for twin and triplet pregnancies:
summary of NICE guidance.BMJ. 2011;343:d5714. doi: