Effecting educational policy change in different cultural and national contexts
Submitting Institution
University of BrightonUnit of Assessment
EducationSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy, Specialist Studies In Education
Summary of the impact
University of Brighton (UoB) research into the promotion and evaluation
of rights-based, participatory approaches to teaching and learning has
changed policies in schools, teachers' colleges, and non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) in three international and national contexts:
- in Africa, at 300 schools and allied teachers' colleges involving
120,000 learners, new policies towards teaching-learning have been
- research for the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
has led to the adoption of a UoB research model enhancing youth policies
into sexual-reproductive rights, which will be implemented
- in the UK, evaluation research into the Rights-Respecting School Award
(RRSA) programme has contributed to policy changes by the promoting
agency, UNICEF.
Underpinning research
Since the 1990s, a core feature of education research at UoB has been
undertaking rigorous research projects that also advance the development
of rights-based approaches to teaching and learning strategies.
Rights-based research aligns with our belief that the translation of
pedagogic research is as important as its intellectual veracity.
The three research projects featured in this case study — two
international and one UK based — also adopted a research or evaluation
methodology that was participatory and empowering, and thereby ethically
aligned with the intended policy outcomes of the research or evaluation.
Since his appointment in 2006, STEPHENS' research at UoB into culture,
education and development [reference 3.1] built on his earlier research
and was centred on four resource-poor sub-Saharan African countries.
Culturally sensitive participatory action research (PAR) developed by
STEPHENS [3.2] is used to analyse, promote and then evaluate strategies to
improve the quality of teaching and learning in economically poor schools
and teachers' colleges. As a result, research, evaluation and impact are
closely connected. The research in four African countries analysed 300
schools that adopted more participatory ways of teaching and learning. The
research examined and evaluated the outcomes by means of classroom
observation, interviews with teachers and pupils, and a comparison of
examination scores taken from project and non-project schools [3.3].
Indigenous research teams were established to carry out the research and
subsequent evaluation to build research capacity. The research
demonstrated that the project schools adopting the participatory
approaches had experienced improved learning compared to the non-project
schools [3.3]. Findings from both the research and evaluation formed the
basis of an international conference convened by Save the Children in
Cambodia in 2009.
JOHNSON, in her four-country research (Nepal, Kenya, Benin and Ethiopia)
into the sexual and reproductive rights of young people, used a new
socio-ecological theoretical model to conceptualise and design more
effective strategies for implementing a rights-based approach in teaching
and learning. This research employed a methodology of peer-focus groups,
enabling young people to participate in the research process, and
identified the nature of stakeholder views on controversial topics around
youth sexuality and human rights that informed the development of the
socio-ecological theoretical model [3.4].
In the UK, ROBINSON was funded by UNICEF (2008-2012) to evaluate its RRSA
[3.5]. This research was focused upon the achievement and well-being of
children within a range of UK schools. The longitudinal study with 22
schools over two years and 19 schools over one year, analysed the efficacy
of the RRS approach and the value of the rights-respecting discourse. The
research underpinned a set of recommendations presented to UNICEF.
Methodologically, this research also used methods that paid attention to
pupil perspectives and the articulation of stakeholder voice.
Key research grants:
STEPHENS, Save the Children, Norway, Evaluation of Quality Education
Project (QEP) in four African countries: Ethiopia, Mozambique, Zambia and
Zimbabwe, (2008-2009), total funding: £80k.
JOHNSON, IPPF/PANOS, Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Realising Youth
Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, (2012-2013), total funding: £10.5k.
ROBINSON, UNICEF and RRSA (two grants) (2008-2012), total funding: £35k.
Key researchers:
David Stephens: |
Professor of International Education (July 2006–to date). |
Carol Robinson: |
Senior Research Fellow (Oct 2008–Aug 2011), Principal Research Fellow (Sept 2011–to date). |
Vicky Johnson: |
Senior Research Fellow (Sept 2012–to date). |
References to the research
[3.1] STEPHENS, D. (2007) Culture in education and development:
principles, practice and policy, Oxford symposium books. [Quality
validation: peer reviewed sole-authored book.]
[3.2] STEPHENS, D. (2012) The role of culture in interpreting and
conducting research. In Research methods in educational leadership
& management, A. Briggs et al.' eds, London: Sage. [Quality
validation: output in leading peer-reviewed edited volume.]
[3.3] STEPHENS, D. and HARBER, C. (2010) From shouters to supporters:
quality education project — final evaluation report. Oslo, Norway:
Save the Children. [Quality validation: output as a result of tendered
external grant funded work that has been through a refereeing process.]
(2013) Love, sexual rights and young people: learning from our peer
educators how to be a youth centred organisation, London: IPPF.
[Quality validation: output as a result of tendered external grant funded
work that has been through a refereeing process.]
[3.5] SEBBA, J. and ROBINSON, C. (2010) Evaluation of UNICEF UK's
Rights Respecting Schools Award. Final Report. September 2010.
London: UNICEF UK [Quality validation: output as a result of tendered
external grant funded work that has been through a refereeing process.]
Details of the impact
Education research at UoB into rights-based learning has changed
education policy in developed and developing countries.
Changing policies for learning and teaching in Africa: STEPHENS'
four-country African research on the quality of primary education (QEP)
was part of a wider Save the Children policy to promote more participatory
ways of teaching and learning. This led to the adoption of these
participatory approaches in the 300 project primary schools involving
1,000 teachers and some 120,000 children (source 5.1). The evidence of
improved learning provided by the research led to changes in the policies
of Save the Children to promote participatory learning internationally
(5.2). As a result of the research, the special adviser to Save the
Children, Norway confirmed that QEP is being spread to all
teacher-training colleges in the Amhara region of Ethiopia (serving 20
million inhabitants) and reports that in 2012, `80 teacher training
lecturers have been trained in the new methods in all 15 teacher training
colleges' (5.2). PAR as a method to evaluate learning and teaching
approaches has been included since 2010 in the curriculum in all 14 of
Zimbabwe's teacher-training colleges, influencing 1,400 teacher trainees.
The research impacted upon Save the Children's international policy
development. At the 2009 Cambodia meeting of Save the Children
policymakers in Cambodia, it was reported in the national media that, `the
conference was used as a vehicle to present recommendations from Save the
Children Norway's Quality Education Project to educators and government
officials in Cambodia and around the world' (5.3).
Influencing NGO policies for sexual-reproductive rights: JOHNSON's
research for NGOs working in four developing countries has influenced
strategies promoting children's sexual and reproductive health rights in
over 1,600 schools, resulting in evidence-based policy change within IPPF,
which works in 172 countries (5.4). IPPF's Senior Advisor on Adolescents
says this of the UoB research: `Although the programme is over, the
journey is not. The legacy of this assessment will help us continue
better equipped and with a stronger focus to put young people at the
centre of our work (5.5). The advisor paid particular attention to
the application of JOHNSON's theoretical socio-ecological model for youth
programming and its impact on IPPF's 2015 revised global policy strategic
review: `It will have an enormous impact on our strategic thinking in
IPPF... influencing our work with adolescents and young people by
putting them at the centre of our work which will have implications for
IPPF's approach to communication and management' (5.5). In terms of
policy contribution in Nepal specifically, the Programme Officer for
Adolescents and Young People at the South Asia Regional Office of IPPF has
said: `The life changing impact the project has made in the lives of
the young people in FPAN (Family Planning Association Nepal) in
particular, the imprints are visible across the region in all our Member
Associations (MAs). The assessment research has brought out excellent
examples of MAs work in promoting and advocating for provision of
Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the national curriculum of Nepal.'
(5.6). The research has also influenced IPPF-funding decisions that led to
the continuation of services for vulnerable young people in challenging
geographical circumstances. The Programme Officer provides testimony that
the research results `helped in taking informed decisions on granting a
no-cost extension for six months to the project with FPAN' (5.6).
Policy changes in the UK around RRS: Research by ROBINSON for
UNICEF evaluating their RRS programme has had a policy impact at national
and regional level in the UK, with UNICEF UK adopting the evaluation
findings, particularly around changes to the rights-respecting discourse.
In his review of the Office of the Children's Commissioner presented to
the Department of Education (2010), John Dunford said of the UoB RRS
research: `in conducting my review I visited some Rights Respecting
Schools and saw at first hand that when children are taught about their
rights they learn a greater appreciation of the rights of others. The
evidence is that this research has a positive impact on behaviour and
teacher-pupil relationships. Rights respect and responsibility are the 3
Rs of learning to be a good citizen.' (5.7).
Sources to corroborate the impact
5.1 Harber, C. and STEPHENS, D. (2010). From shouters to supporters:
Quality Education Project, final evaluation report. Oslo: Save the
Children. Available at:
[Accessed 8 November 2013].
5.2 Testimonial from Special Advisor, Save the Children, Norway,
confirming how QEP is being implemented in training colleges in a number
of countries and regions.
5.3 International Conference on Quality Education. Available at:
[Accessed 8 November 2013]. A Cambodian news item is included that
evidences the contribution of the work.
5.4 JOHNSON, V., Leach, B., Beardon, H., Covey, M., and Miskelly, C.
(2013) Love, sexual rights and young people: learning from our peer
educators in how to be a youth centred organisation', London, IPPF
5.5 Testimonial from a Senior Advisor on Adolescents, IPPF, confirming
that the research has affected their work and their approach to
communication and management.
5.6 Testimonial available from the Programme Officer for Adolescents and
Young People, South Asia Regional Office, IPPF, confirming that the
research has helped advocate for provision of comprehensive sexuality
education in Nepal.
5.7 Review of Office of the Children's Commissioner (England) June 2010.
Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/176457/Cm-
[Accessed 8 November 2013]. This includes evidence about the review of the
Rights Respecting Schools Award with a positive impact on behaviour and