Animal welfare policy and practice improved internationally as a result of research into poultry-stunning prior to slaughter
Submitting Institution
University of BristolUnit of Assessment
Agriculture, Veterinary and Food ScienceSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Neurosciences
Summary of the impact
Defra-funded research at the University of Bristol showed that the water
bath stunning protocols commonly used in commercial processing plants
resulted in paralysis rather than unconsciousness in chickens during
slaughter. This finding led directly to the modification of stunning
protocols in a European Union Regulation (1099/2009). Their practical
application within slaughter plants has been promoted to the poultry
industry in Europe and worldwide via Animal Welfare Officer (AWO) training
courses that were developed in Bristol. This has ensured that since 1st
January 2013 billions of birds in Europe are now adequately stunned, and
therefore unconscious, before they are slaughtered.
Underpinning research
Dr Mohan Raj (Bristol University Research Associate 1990 — Reader 2010)
and colleagues, sought to determine the conditions necessary to
effectively stun poultry using an electrical water bath [1,2,3]. They
proposed that the electroencephalogram (EEG) should be recorded in birds
before and after electrical water bath stunning to evaluate whether birds
had been effectively stunned.
By identifying and objectively measuring the total power content of the
pre-stun and post-polyspike EEG, they demonstrated that an effective stun
occurs if the magnitude of post-polyspike is ≤10% of the pre-stun value.
These criteria reliably indicate the induction of unconsciousness because
when polyspike activity, which in birds is symptomatic of epileptiform
activity, is followed by EEG suppression, the ability of the brain to
function normally, and associated consciousness, is lost. These criteria
developed by Raj and colleagues are also now used by other researchers to
determine the effectiveness of stunning methods in poultry.
Using this approach, Raj et al. [2] demonstrated that the electrical
stunning parameters used in the poultry industry (typically 600 Hz Pulsed
DC current at 80mA rms per bird) did not necessarily result in immediate
unconsciousness for all birds. Specifically, they showed that AC
sinusoidal frequencies above 800 Hz (see Table 1) [1] and DC waveforms
above 200 Hz [2] did not lead to an immediate state of unconsciousness,
and that increasing the AC sinusoidal frequency progressively from 50 Hz
to 800 Hz required increasing levels of applied current to produce an
effective stun [1, 2, 3].
Table 1. Minimum current to achieve an effective stun (sinewave AC)
Frequency(Hz) |
minimum current (mA per bird) |
Up to 200 |
100 |
201 to 600 |
150 |
601 to 800 |
200 |
801 or more |
Not recommended |
In addition, the research did not support the use of the absence of eye
and brain stem reflexes as criteria for determining effective water-bath
stunning in a commercial processing plant because the absence of these
reflexes, which are consistently used with mammals, were not indicative of
loss of consciousness with birds. Raj and colleagues' approach therefore
provided new and important knowledge concerning the detection of
unconsciousness in bird species.
Raj published a review of these and other recent developments in stunning
and slaughter of poultry, detailing the efficacy of electrical variables
used in the water baths and the relative merits of different gas mixtures
used for stunning or killing broilers, concluding that the rationalisation
of electrical variables was urgently needed [4].
References to the research
[4] Raj, A.B.M. (2006) Recent developments in stunning and slaughter of
poultry. World Poultry Science Journal. 62: 467-484. DOI:
Grant : 2000-2004 DEFRA. £610,435. Raj, M. Evaluation of the
neurophysiological basis for electrical stunning in broilers and the
determination of the effective electrical stunning and slaughter
Details of the impact
In 2010, a Defra survey of approved processing plants in the UK showed
that 78% of plants were using electrical water bath stunners insufficient
to induce unconsciousness in chickens [a]. These stunning protocols were
also widely used in commercial poultry plants in Europe. This was exposing
millions of birds to a potentially painful death. Considering the very
large number of animals (minimum 9,350,000 birds per week), this was a
major animal welfare concern. However, since 1st January 2013,
a new European regulation [b] requires that all abattoirs in Europe must
now stun chickens using protocols shown to be effective by Bristol
research. The new regulation ensures that billions of birds in Europe are
adequately stunned prior to slaughter; a major positive impact on poultry
The Bristol research into the optimum use of water bath electrical
stunner parameters has been widely disseminated to the industry by two
main routes; i) inclusion within European legislation and, ii) training
Animal Welfare Officers in abattoirs by University of Bristol staff.
i) Impact on Legislation: The Bristol findings on electric water
bath stunning parameters were of sufficient welfare significance to be
directly incorporated into European legislation [b].
Implementation of these findings into legislation was rapid. On 4th April
2007, The Humane Slaughter Association (HSA) held a workshop to discuss
electrical water bath stunning parameters where the results from Raj and
colleagues [1, 2, and 3] were presented. The workshop brought together
representatives from the poultry industry, retailers and scientists from
across Europe. The potential welfare significance of the findings were
highlighted and a recommendation for the research work to be urgently
corroborated was subsequently undertaken by Prinz et al in Germany [c, d
and e].
In the light of the new Bristol research, the European Commission
received information and requests from the UK authorities to amend the
electrical requirements specified in the previous opinions [f]. The UK
authority requested that the high-range frequency band should cover 600 to
800 Hz and that it should not extend to 1500 Hz, due to the concerns that
frequencies above 800 Hz lead to electro-immobilisation and do not produce
an effective stun. The new frequencies were incorporated into the EFSA
Scientific Opinion on the electrical requirements for water-bath stunning
equipment applicable to poultry [g]. EFSA stated that when insufficient
current passes through a bird only certain areas of the brain are
affected. Consequently it is possible to induce partial epilepsy that
leaves a bird conscious and sensible even though it shows seizures and
convulsions that are indistinguishable from those shown after an effective
stun [1]. Therefore, the occurrence of seizures and convulsions is not a
reliable indicator of unconsciousness and insensibility. Fifteen out of 21
studies used to present data for the EFSA document [g] were conducted by
members of the University of Bristol, and 14 out of 30 references that
were used for the relevant report section had authors from the University.
In 2009, the research findings were adopted in the new EC Council
regulation No 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 (1/1/2013) on the protection
of animals at the time of killing.
ii) Impact on training and function of industry personnel: In
recognition of the need for complex technical requirements such as
stunning parameters to be well understood by those actually operating
slaughter equipment, the European Commission has also enshrined the role
of the Animal Welfare Officer (AWO) into the EC regulation. The
crucial knowledge transfer role of the AWO has been described in the
Council Regulation [b] as follows: "The appointment of a specifically
qualified person as an animal welfare officer to coordinate and follow
up the implementation of animal welfare operating procedures in
slaughterhouses has provided positive welfare benefits. This measure
should therefore be applied throughout the Community. The animal welfare
officer should have sufficient authority and technical competence
(provided by the course) to provide relevant guidance to line
personnel." This technical competence includes a need to understand
the welfare significance of the stunning protocols previously developed by
the Bristol research team [1, 2, 3]. AWO training courses, initiated and
run by the University of Bristol, are now available in Europe, and have
ensured that these important research findings have been disseminated to
those directly responsible for controlling stunning parameters. Bristol
played a pivotal role in embedding this robust knowledge transfer
mechanism within the poultry industry in Europe, thus providing a
long-term sustainable route for translation of future welfare science into
Direct involvement of Bristol in delivering impact
Active involvement of Bristol researchers in policy and dissemination
activities has made an important contribution to the impact in this area.
Bristol researchers gave evidence for and assistance with the Farm Animal
Welfare Council (FAWC) report on welfare of farmed animals at killing [h].
Raj is a member of the working group that contributed to the scientific
opinion on the electrical requirements for water bath stunning equipment
applicable to poultry, and leads the Scientific and Technical Advisory
Board of the farm assurance scheme "Animal Welfare Approved". In July
2012, members of the Bristol stunning and slaughter group (Knowles, Lines,
O'Callaghan, Raj, Wilkins and Wotton) received an award from the Humane
Slaughter Association for "Major contributions to the science underpinning
humane livestock slaughter".
In particular, Bristol has actively promoted dissemination of science by
developing the Animal Welfare Officer concept. This was acknowledged by
FAWC when it commented that "The Animal Welfare Officer Course developed
by the University of Bristol Department of Animal Science has attained a
high level of recognition" [h]. Steve Wotton, who developed the concept,
was awarded an MBE for services to animal welfare in 2007. This influence
is not limited to Europe. Largely driven by the technical specifications
of UK retailers, major exporters of poultry in the Asia and Central and
South America now also insist upon Animal Welfare Officer training for
managers within plants. Since 2008, Bristol researchers have run 61
courses which have trained over 800 delegates working in abattoirs in UK
and internationally.
Other implications for industry arising from Bristol research
Despite the significant welfare benefits of the modified stunning
parameters, further research carried out at Bristol University [i and j]
indicated that the new current/frequency requirements would significantly
adversely affect meat quality. As a result, it has been suggested that
slaughter plants might make a move towards CO2 stunning. As
discussed by FAWC [h], gas stunning has further welfare advantages since,
unlike electrical stunning, it does not require shackling, which is a
significant aversive experience for birds. Two out of four UK
poultry-processing plants contacted for a survey of stunning practices had
switched to biphasic CO2 in January 2013.
An alternative method of dealing with the potential conflict between
using the newly stipulated electrical parameters and the need to control
carcass and meat quality, is a new `head-only' water bath stunning
technique developed in a collaboration between the University of Bristol,
Silsoe Livestock Systems Ltd, Cargill Meats and the Humane Slaughter
Association (HAS) [k]. The project was funded by Defra and the Scottish
Government under the Sustainable Livestock Production LINK Programme. The
new technique involves the use of two currents — one across the head to
cause immediate insensibility and a smaller one through the body to
suppress involuntary wing flapping. The results of two studies [j, k]
carried out at Bristol indicate that head-only stunning is an effective
method of stunning birds using the criteria developed by Raj and others
and may represent a very significant improvement in carcass quality
compared with conventional water bath stunning. The application of
head-only stunning current to birds will encourage processors to apply
sufficient current that will guarantee good welfare, without significant
effect on carcass and meat quality. Head-only electric stunning therefore
has the potential to meet the commercial requirements of the processing
industry for high quality meat and a high standard of animal welfare at
slaughter. The LINK Programme Management Committee considered the
collaborative project " outstanding project", awarding a
score of 9 out of 10 for scientific content and 10 out of 10 for relevance
to the industry.
Sources to corroborate the impact
[a] Rebeca Garcia Pinillos. April 2010. Analysis of results from a
questionnaire sent to the poultry industry to estimate the most common
stunning and slaughter practices and summary of literature in electrical
water bath parameters. Animal Welfare Team, DEFRA (Information on the
effect of the January 2013 legislation change)
[b] COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 on the
protection of animals at the time of killing. Official Journal of the
European Union L 303/1 (Corroborates change in EC law and importance
of AWO)
[c] Prinz, S., Van Oijen, G., Ehinger, F., Coenen, A. and Bessei, W.
(2010) Electroencephalograms and physical reflexes of broilers after
electrical waterbath stunning using an alternating current. Poultry
Science. 89: 1265-1274.
[d] Prinz, S. Van Oijen, G. Ehinger, F., Bessei, W. and Coenen, A. (2010)
Effects of waterbath stunning on the electroencephalograms and physical
reflexes in broilers using a pulsed direct current. Poultry Science. 89:
[e] Prinz, S., Van Oijen, G., Bessei, W., Ehinger, F. and Coenen, A.
(2009) The electroencephalogram of broilers before and after DC and AC
electrical stunning. Archiv fur Geflugelkunde. 73: 67-70. ([c-e] These
publications corroborate Bristol research)
[f] UK request to EU (Corroborates UK request to amend EC 1099/2009,
based on Bristol research)
[g] EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), 2004. Opinion of the
Scientific Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW) on a request from the
Commission related to welfare aspects of the main systems of stunning and
killing the main commercial species of animals. The EFSA Journal. 45:
1-29. (Corroborates Bristol's contribution to EFSA report describing
the need for more research which preceded legislation change)
[h] FAWC Report on the Welfare of Farmed Animals at Slaughter or Killing.
Part II White Meat Animals. May 2009.
(Evidence that Bristol contributed to Farm Animal Welfare Council
report to UK Government)
[i] Barker, R. (2006) The Effect of Waterbath Stunning Current, Frequency
and Waveform on Carcass and Meat Quality in Broilers. MSc Dissertation.
University of Bristol.
[j] Lines, J.A., Wotton, S.B., Barker, R., Spence, J., Wilkins, L. and
Knowles, T.G. (2011a) Broiler carcass quality using head-only electrical
stunning in a waterbath. British Poultry Science. 52:4, 439-445.
[k] Lines, J.A., Raj, A.B.M., Wotton, S.B., O'Callaghan, M. and Knowles,
T.G. (2011b) Head-only stunning of poultry using a waterbath: a
feasibility study. British Poultry Science. 52: 432-438.
([i-k] Further research leading to improved stunning methods
benefitting both poultry welfare and the consumer, improving the nature
of the original impact).