Introducing a new strategic framework for assessing the impact of marine renewable energy developments on seabirds
Submitting Institution
University of GlasgowUnit of Assessment
Biological SciencesSummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Summary of the impact
There is a potential conflict between the expansion of marine renewable
energy developments, such as offshore wind farms, and seabird
conservation. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) must be carried out
before planning permission can be granted for such projects. Working with
environmental consultancies and key statutory bodies, Professor Furness at
the University of Glasgow developed a clear, systematic and widely
accepted framework for assessing the impact of wind, wave and tidal
projects on seabird populations. This framework has expedited the project
development process and lessened potential risks to seabirds, meeting
conservation requirements while benefiting all those involved in renewable
energy projects by reducing the risk of misjudgements in the impact
assessment process.
Underpinning research
Research led by Professor Robert Furness (Professor of Seabird and
Fishing Interactions, 1978-2011; Senior Research Fellow, 2011-present) at
the University of Glasgow has focused on the ecology and conservation of
seabirds in Scotland, particularly regarding population dynamics and
distribution, and the effect of man-made factors on these populations. A
key development in this regard was research to develop quantitative means
to assess such conflicts.
Developing expertise in the impact of marine renewables on seabirds
Between 2002 and 2008, Furness chaired an international panel of experts
in marine ecology (IAPEME), advising the Danish Government on monitoring
the impacts of demonstration offshore marine wind farms. As a result of
this work Furness recognised the need to develop appropriate expertise in
the UK and worked with Professor Dan Haydon (Professor of Population
Ecology and Epidemiology, 2004-present), with funding from Scottish
Natural Heritage (SNH), to develop methods to assess the impacts of
UK-based wind farms on seabird breeding success.
Between 2007 and 2009, the Glasgow team led by Furness evaluated the
barrier-effect that marine wind farms present to natural migratory
patterns of seabirds, for which there was no previous methodology.1
The work was done in collaboration with Professor Anthony Fox and Dr Mark
Desholm (Aarhus University, Denmark) who provided surveillance radar data
on migrating seabirds collected from the Danish Nysted offshore wind farm
before and after construction. The distance flown by birds to avoid the
wind farm was calculated from these data and the energy cost of this
(based on bird mass and dimensions) determined using software-based
movement modelling. The Glasgow team generated migration scenarios for the
common eider, to model the cost of their response to Nysted, and the
effect of a larger (or multiple) wind farms. This showed that while the
energy consumed avoiding a single wind farm (of 72 turbines) proved
minimal; the cumulative impact of avoiding multiple wind farms along a
migration route could increase energy consumption and potentially impact a
Developing a framework to assess impacts of marine renewables on
In research undertaken in 2011, Furness devised a framework for
quantifying the vulnerability of Scottish seabirds to offshore wind farms,
tidal turbines and wave energy devices.2,3 This followed the
approach of an earlier framework, developed between 1998 and 2000 by
Furness in collaboration with Dr Mark Tasker (Programme Leader, Joint
Nature Conservation Committee) which had been developed to quantitatively
assess the effect of reduced sandeel stock biomass on the breeding success
of different seabird species.4 This involved generating a
`vulnerability index' (described in more detail below) to score seabird
species on various ecological and environmental parameters, providing a
means to rank seabird vulnerabilities with respect to a given impact. The
research identified regions where seabird breeding success was threatened
by reduced food supplies due to industrial fishing.1 It was
also one of the first times such a vulnerability scale had been applied to
identify the key locations where conflicts arise between man-made factors,
providing a useful and accepted approach for identifying such impacts on
Whilst the original framework assessed impacts on breeding success, the
new framework focussed more on impacts that affect adult survival.
Seabirds are typically long-lived and produce few offspring, thus factors
that affect adult birds have a significant impact on population dynamics.
The new framework considered factors affecting the conservation status of
the bird species, such as conservation importance under the 2009 European
Commission Birds Directive, the percentage of the biogeographic population
located in Scotland, adult survival rate and UK threat status. A further
set of parameters were then used to represent behaviours that affect the
vulnerability of seabird populations to the marine renewable development.
These parameters varied depending upon the particular type of development
being assessed, but for example with offshore wind farms these took
account of flight height, flight manoeuvrability, amount of time spent in
flight, and nocturnal flying habits. Each parameter was then scored using
a five-point scale, from very high vulnerability (5), through to no
vulnerability (0). The numerical scores were summed to yield a
vulnerability score, and used to rank seabird populations at greatest
risk, either with respect to collision with wind farm turbines or
displacement/disturbance by them. These indicated that herring gulls,
black-backed gulls and northern gannets were most at risk of collision and
divers such as the black-throated diver, and common scoters were most at
risk of displacement.2
Scoring parameters required information drawn from an extensive review of
the scientific literature, and was refined in response to feedback from
other expert seabird ecologists. Furness's own research with international
colleagues helped contribute to this, including work to determine the
foraging ranges, migration routes and wintering areas of adult seabirds,
including northern gannets and great skuas (both of which are designated
`conservation priority' under the 2009 Birds Directive).5
The approach to vulnerability indices for tidal and wave energy devices
followed a similar methodology, but substituted parameters on seabird
behaviours pertinent to these devices, e.g. drowning risk, diving depth,
foraging locations of bird species. These indicated that birds such as
black guillemot, razorbill and shag were most vulnerable to tidal
turbines, whereas divers, razorbills and common scoters were vulnerable to
wave energy.3 The research showed that despite the large
number of different seabird populations occupying Scottish waters, only a
relative few need be considered as part of EIA. It identified the key
species to assess for each renewable type, showing that tidal array
generators represented the lowest hazard to seabirds, but also showed that
changes in migration behaviour observed in recent years are more likely
attributable to changes in fish stocks and fisheries than marine
renewables developments.5
References to the research
Details of the impact
The UK has pledged to derive 15% of its energy from renewable sources by
2020. Key to achieving this target is the development of offshore marine
renewable energy devices in Scottish waters. Scotland holds one quarter of
Europe's potential offshore wind resources, and the power density
achievable in Scottish waters has resulted in the world's largest
concentration of wave and tidal energy devices currently under development
and testing. A potential conflict therefore exists between offshore
renewable energy developments (such as wind farms, tidal and wave energy)
and seabird conservation. Before such developments can be approved,
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) must be carried out to assess the
potential impact on wildlife and the environment. These assessments
require that those seabird species most at risk from such developments are
Research by Furness described above has helped to strengthen the work of
environmental consultancies specialising in the assessment of the impact
of renewables on birds. It has also produced a robust methodology to
assist developers and provide guidance to statutory bodies, mitigating
conflicts between marine development and conservation.
Environmental consultancy
In August 2011, Furness was recruited as a consultant to the
environmental consultancy MacArthur Green Ltd.1 in recognition
of his expertise in seabird ecology and conservation. Furness's expertise
has considerably strengthened the work of this consultancy, particularly
in industry guidance work that required a specialist in seabird
conservation. This has resulted in several significant commissions with
industry-wide impact, some of which are described in subsequent sections.
"MacArthur Green was involved in Marine and Offshore projects before
Bob started however I was keen to expand this part of the company and
Bob's skills and experience fitted our need perfectly. Bob has brought
considerable value to MacArthur Green through his already well
established reputation for excellence in his field. This has led to us
growing our work in marine ornithology considerably." — Director,
MacArthur Green Ltd.a
Developing guidance on Ornithological Environmental Impact
In 2012, Prof Furness, through his consultancy role with MacArthur Green
Ltd, was commissioned to review the sensitivity of seabirds in Scottish
waters to offshore windfarms (by statutory regulator Marine Scotland)b
and to tidal turbine and wave energy devices (by statutory advisor
Scottish Natural Heritage).c Marine Scotland is responsible for
marine licensing and enforcement in the Scottish coastal region on behalf
of the Scottish Government. Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is one of
several statutory advisors to Marine Scotland, and is responsible for
providing advice to developers on the scope of EIAs, and for reviewing
EIAs as part of the planning consent process.
Furness's reports, the research within which was published,2,3
identified criteria for quantifying the vulnerability of Scottish seabirds
based on ecological and behavioural data, and also draw upon earlier
University of Glasgow research described above.1,4,5 The two
reports identified which few seabirds could be adversely affected by these
developments, and which (all but a few) did not need to be considered by
ornithological surveys.
"The report on tidal and wave energy devices was useful because it was
commissioned by the regulators themselves, undertaken by a respected
ornithologist and had a very definitive set of recommendations with
regards potential impacts of wave energy converters. Such research
undertaken by developers would not necessarily inform a consensus
approach at the strategic level. The peer reviewed nature of both the
underpinning vulnerability indices, and the final publication based on
the report has added significant credibility to the guidance." —
Project (EIA) Manager, Pelamis Wave Energy Ltd.d (one of the
leading technology prospects for Scottish renewables)
As these reports had been commissioned and endorsed at the statutory
level by Marine Scotland and SNH, the guidance provides consistent advice
at the highest level across the industry. This benefits stakeholders at
all levels including landowners, the Crown Estate (who lease the seabed),
renewable power developers (and the environmental consultants they
commission), conservation groups such as the RSPB, and other statutory
advisory bodies such as the Joint National Conservancy Council (JNCC).
Application of the research reports
SNH has used the research reports to assist the applications review
process (consenting) by identifying those species most susceptible to
impact, and to guide the advice they provide in statutory responses to
Marine Scotland. It also uses them to challenge statements in EIAs where a
given bird species has been incorrectly described as invulnerable, and to
shape advice on monitoring bird-related impacts to existing or planned
research proposals. The influence of this research2,3 is
evident in the fact that it has been cited in 15 applications (for
offshore wind, wave or tidal developments in Scotland) since first
reported in 2012, representing over half of the marine renewable schemes
on which SNH have been consulted.e
"[T]hese are the best guides we have to potential sensitivity [of
seabirds to renewables], and so both we and the developers will continue
to use them to guide the ornithological content and focus of the EIA
process." — Policy & Advice Manager (Marine Renewables), SNH.f
Establishing a framework for Cumulative Impact Assessments
In addition to EIAs undertaken for single development sites, cumulative
impact assessments (CIAs) are necessary to look at the cumulative impacts
of all developments in a given region on vulnerable seabird species. This
will become increasingly important as the number of developments increase,
and there had been a lack of standardised methodologies for assessing
CIAs, particularly with regard to seabirds.
In 2012, Furness contributed to a report by Wetlands Trust (Consulting)
Ltd., commissioned by the Crown Estate, to perform a population viability
analysis of northern gannets in the UK, with the aim of assessing the
cumulative impacts of existing and consented wind farms. This also drew on
University of Glasgow research to identify strengths and weaknesses to
different approaches for monitoring bird populations movements.1,5
The report was prepared on behalf of a wider stakeholder consortium, the
Strategic Ornithological Support Services (SOSS), which represents the
marine planning regulators (Marine Scotland), advisors (SNH, JNCC),
land-owner (The Crown Estate) and renewables developers.f It
therefore provides guidance at the highest strategic level.
In 2013, Furness and MacArthur Green Ltd. developed a methodological
framework for the CIA for the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters wave and
tidal projects.g This built upon Furness's framework for
assessing the vulnerabilities to seabirds of such projects in EIAs.3
The report was commissioned by The Crown Estate on behalf of a project
steering group comprising the same stakeholders involved in SOSS, and was
intended to accelerate and de-risk the development of renewables at a
strategic level.g
Sources to corroborate the impact
a. Statement provided by Director, MacArthur Green Ltd., Glasgow;
available on request.
b. Furness, R. & Wade, H. (2012) Vulnerability
of Scottish seabirds to offshore wind turbines. Commissioned by
Marine Scotland.
c. MacArthur Green Ltd. (Furness, R.) & Wade, H. (2012) Vulnerability
of Scottish seabird populations to tidal turbines and wave energy devices.
Commissioned by Scottish Natural Heritage.
d. Statement provided by Project development manager, Pelamis Wave
Energy, Edinburgh; available on request.
e. Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (Consulting) Ltd. (2012) Gannet
Population Viability Analysis: Demographic
data, population model and outputs. Commissioned by The Crown Estate
on behalf of the Strategic Ornithological Support Services (SOSS) steering
f. Statement provided by Policy & Advice Manager — Marine Renewables,
Scottish Natural Heritage; available on request.
g. MacArthur Green (2013). Ornithological
Cumulative Impact Assessment Framework: Pentland Firth
and Orkney Waters Wave and Tidal Projects. Report commissioned by
The Crown Estate. David MacArthur, Professor Bob Furness, Dr Mark Trinder
& Kirsty MacArthur