A genetically informed management plan for breeding African Wild Dogs in captivity
Submitting Institution
University of GlasgowUnit of Assessment
Biological SciencesSummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Genetics
Summary of the impact
African Wild Dogs (Lycaon pictus; referred to as `AWDs' hereafter
for brevity) have been classed
as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
for 22 years. Large,
well-managed captive breeding programmes provide a safety net to restore
wild populations.
However, the management of the AWD population has been difficult owing to
an incomplete family
record of captive AWDs, which risks introducing genetic disorders caused
by inbreeding. A
genetically informed management plan developed by University of Glasgow
researchers has
provided a genetic measure of diversity and establishes a genetically
informed pedigree, which is
used in the European Endangered Species Programme for African Wild Dogs.
This has introduced
a more informed means to manage the captive AWD population, to maintain
the genetic diversity
of the species across the European zoo network (roughly half the world's
captive AWD population),
with 53 zoos in 16 European countries (and Israel) currently
Underpinning research
Keeping captive populations of animals in zoos is often justified on the
basis that these populations
provide a potential source for the re-introduction of endangered species
into the wild. However,
there is a risk of losing genetic variation and introducing genetic
abnormality into wild populations if
individual zoos allow inbreeding within their captive populations. For
this reason, zoos maintain a
network to exchange animals for breeding. There are many factors that must
be considered when
selecting animals to breed; this is particularly true for highly
endangered African Wild Dogs, which
live and breed in packs and operate a breeding hierarchy where typically
only the alpha pair
breeds. While zoos have focused on ensuring outbreeding, less emphasis has
been placed on
considering any genetic factors that may limit breeding success or whether
captive populations
have sufficient levels of genetic variation to be useful as a source for
Between 2006 and 2013, University of Glasgow research led by Dr Barbara
Mable at the University
of Glasgow investigated the genetic diversity of AWDs within the European
zoo network and wild
populations in Africa. The original concept, developed by Professor
Cleaveland (then at the
University of Edinburgh), had been to determine whether genetic diversity
of the immune system in
AWDs might influence mate-attraction or disease resistance — the aim being
to see whether this
might improve the bonding of new AWD packs in captive breeding or reduce
disease susceptibility.
Cleaveland approached Mable, an evolutionary geneticist, who developed the
genetic approach to
investigate genetic diversity of immune-related genes compared to neutral
markers (detailed
below). However, the poor zoo records of AWD behavioural data and disease
records led instead
to a programme in which data on genetic diversity generated by the Glasgow
researchers was
used to create a management plan that could be used to inform captive
breeding across the
European zoo network.
The genetic profile of African Wild Dogs
In 2006, Mable developed working partnerships with the Royal Zoological
Society of Scotland (Rob
Thomas at Edinburgh Zoo, who provided the Glasgow team with contacts at
other zoos) and Dr
Lorna Kennedy from the University of Manchester (an expert in canid immune
characterisation). Cleaveland, who joined the University of Glasgow in
2008, continued playing an
active role throughout, to liaise with field researchers working with wild
AWDs in Africa. The
research, which was driven wholly by the University of Glasgow, used a
combination of studbook
(pedigree) data and analysis of genetic markers of diversity generated
from DNA samples
collected from the majority of individuals in the European breeding
programme, as well as samples
provided by field researchers in Africa.1
Both `neutral' and `adaptive' genetic markers of diversity were analysed.
Neutral markers include
genes that have no effect on evolutionary fitness and are thus independent
of selection by the
environment. By contrast, adaptive markers include genes that are
important for adaptation (and
thus evolutionary fitness), such as those encoding the major
histocompatibility complex (MHC)
involved in immune responses.
The combined neutral and adaptive MHC data showed that wild populations
maintain surprisingly
high levels of genetic diversity despite severe habitat fragmentation and
continuing persecution of
the AWDs by humans. This high genetic diversity could be due to their
extensive home ranges and
the hierarchical structure of packs.1,2 The Glasgow team also
showed that the captive populations
in the European zoo network maintain approximately 79% of the diversity
found in wild
populations.3 However, the research also showed that in some
European zoos, extensive
inbreeding had been allowed to occur by keeping large numbers of offspring
from the same
parents, causing a loss of genetic diversity and risking adverse effects
of inbreeding. Interestingly,
the research also showed that the founders of zoo populations derive from
southern Africa, where
AWDs are genetically distinct from those in eastern Africa, suggesting
that any re-introduction
programmes should be restricted to southern populations.3 In
addition, the genetic data
demonstrated that some of the AWDs recently imported into zoos, and which
were supposed to
have come only from southern-Africa-derived captive populations, must have
been imported from
wild populations in other parts of Africa. This reveals that while
introducing new animals to the
European zoo network could further increase genetic variation, it comes at
the risk of encouraging
poaching in wild populations.
Developing a genetically informed management plan
Based on the results of their genetic study,1,2 the Glasgow
team developed a genetic management
plan for captive populations that balances genetic priorities with
behavioural issues associated with
mixing AWD social groups.3 Key factors in this plan included:
(i) the selection of breeding groups
that provide equal representation of each of the founder families of the
captive population; (ii)
limiting individual family sizes by permitting breeding opportunities to
no more than two sibling
groups (groups of sisters or groups of brothers that are combined for
breeding) from the same
parents, with breeding pairs limited to producing two litters; (iii) not
splitting groups of same-sex
relatives unless for breeding, when a new breeding group can be formed by
bonding small
numbers of males and females; (iv) the continued separate management of
captive populations in
the USA, Australia, Europe and South Africa (with occasional migration of
AWDs between plans) to
help maintain variation across the comparatively small captive population
(554 across 104
institutions worldwide). The genetic profiling of animals that were born,
or introduced, to the
European zoo network is on-going at the University of Glasgow, led by
Mable. The genetically
informed management plan represents a balance that is sound from a genetic
perspective and
practical for implementation within the European zoo network.
Key University of Glasgow researchers: Dr Barbara Mable (NERC
Advanced Research Fellow,
2006-2011; Reader, 2011-present); Professor Sarah Cleaveland (Professor of
Epidemiology, 2008—present).
References to the research
2. Marsden, C.D., R. Woodroffe, M.G.L. Mills, J.W. McNutt, S. Creel, R.
Groom, M. Emmanuel,
S. Cleaveland, P. Kat, G.S.A. Rasmussen, J. Ginsberg, R. Lines, J.-M.
André, C. Begg, R.K.
Wayne, R.K., and B.K. Mable (2012). Spatial
and temporal patterns of neutral and adaptive genetic variation in the
endangered African wild dog (Lycaon pictus).
Mol. Ecol, 21:1379-1393. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05477.x.
Details of the impact
African Wild Dogs represent a unique lineage of wolf-like canids that
have been classed as
endangered on the IUCN's Red List of Threatened Species for the past 22
years. Currently, the
worldwide captive AWD populations are managed separately in
continent-specific programmes
(USA, Europe, Australia and South Africa). In Europe, the captive
population of AWDs is managed
within a European Endangered Species Programme (EEP), an intensive form of
management. European zoos hold half of the world's captive population of
AWDs (288
individuals).a The EEP is overseen by a coordinator (currently
based at GAIAzoo, Kerkrade, The
Netherlands) and a committee; the coordinator is responsible for
collecting and maintaining
information on each individual in captivity, and planning for the future
management of the species.
However, up until 2008 this had been difficult owing to incomplete
studbook records, which contain
information about the pedigree and history of individuals. In addition,
the studbook records were
not based on genetic diversity, which is of key importance in breeding
"From working with this studbook since 1992 it was very clear to me
that not all data were very
reliable, especially the earlier ones... Before [2008] I made
recommendations on best
information I could get from studbook data analysis and my personal
knowledge of the zoos,
their breeding results the family lines... After the 2008 research we
had proof of the DNA of
88% of the African wild dogs in our program." - African Wild Dog EEP
Implementation of the genetically informed management plan
The genetically informed management plan developed by researchers at the
University of Glasgow
was initially discussed and ratified at a meeting of the European
Association of Zoos and Aquaria
(EAZA) studbook management committee in Kerkrade, The Netherlands in 2008.
The EAZA has
statutory oversight over all member zoos involved in conservation
breeding, and consists of the
studbook coordinators, a vet and other zoo managers who make breeding
decisions annually and meet every 3 or 4 years.
Since 2009, recommendations based on the genetic profiling of wild and
captive populations of
AWDs conducted by the University of Glasgow have changed the way in which
the captive AWD
populations across the European zoo network are managed.a The
recommendations direct which
individuals should be selected for breeding and which should be relocated
and to where. Currently,
53 zoos in 16 European countries (and one in Tel Aviv, Israel), are
"Without genetic management a significant amount of diversity will be
lost in the next twenty
years. Based on these results, recommendations were made in August 2008
for a large
number of transfers in order to compile better genetic breeding groups."
— EAZA Annual
Report (2007/08)"b — referring to pre-publication results of
the University of Glasgow research3
Application of the genetically informed management plan
Dr Clare Marsden (University of California, Davis, 2010-present), who was
a research student
working under Mable (2006-2010), has provided an ongoing voluntary role as
consulting geneticist
to the studbook coordinator (2008-present). This involves a yearly
consultation involving a case-by-case
assessment of AWDs in each zoo. Since 2009, 98 individuals have been
(always as small groups).a Based on the Glasgow data, animals
from under-represented (and not
inbred) founder lineages are identified, as are animals that need to be
moved to prevent
inbreeding. From this list, the coordinator and geneticist (Marsden)
identify groups of males and
females that make good breeding combinations from a genetic perspective,
but also meet certain
guidelines that increase the likelihood that the breeding group will form
and successfully produce
"Clare [Marsden] figured out exactly which mixes would give best
results, I checked if it would
be possible in practical ways to bring these animals together." —
African Wild Dog EEP
For example, in the 2008/9 consultation, four males in Ebeltoft zoo
(Denmark) were assigned as
high priorities in terms of genetic management criteria, so two high
priority females were
transferred from Port Lympne Park (Kent, UK) to Ebeltoft zoo to breed with
two of the males.
Meanwhile, the two other Ebeltoft zoo males were transferred out to
another zoo so that two
females could be bonded with them.a Creating small breeding
groups such as this reduces the
chance that the males would kill the females (if two females had been
introduced to four males);
success is higher if introduction of male and female groups are similar in
age and size (e.g. three
males to three females), and where the animals were with their parents
long enough to help raise a
litter in a subsequent year (i.e. so they learn how to rear young).
In 2012, a breeding group needed females to bond with males in both
Dortmund (Germany) and
Rome (Italy) zoos. Females were available from Duisburg (Germany) and
Sigean (France) zoos.
The original proposal had been to combine males from Wroclaw zoo (Poland)
with the Duisburg
females, and Rome males with Sigean females, but this was a poor
combination genetically. So
instead, the genetically informed management plan enabled the selection of
a better genetic match
by sending Sigean females to Dortmund, and Duisburg females to Rome.a
Balancing genetic consultation with behavioural constraints
The genetically informed management plan also takes account of key
logistical issues raised by
the age, sex, and sex ratio of the group to be introduced, and how those
individuals were reared. It
remains difficult to implement an optimal genetically informed management
plan because the best
genetic matches aren't always possible. For example, some individuals who
would be well
matched are too old to breed, or were hand-reared and thus unable to rear
offspring (typically they
kill them); or the males and females are very different ages, where
experience shows there is a low
chance of the group breeding successfully. Often one sex is less
available, making finding matches
for genetic priorities difficult. Nevertheless, AWDs unsuitable for
breeding, genetically speaking,
may be good helpers for rearing pups or useful as companion animals —
which can benefit
breeding AWDs of high priority.
The genetically informed management plan also balances the desire of the
zoo with what is best
for the breeding programme. For instance, most zoos want to establish a
breeding group, but if all
zoos had breeding groups then there wouldn't be enough space for all the
pups. In addition, a new
zoo that hasn't bred AWDs before may have lower likelihood of successfully
producing a litter. For
this reason, consultations try to give the most important, high priority
breeding animals to the most
experienced zoos.a The University of Glasgow research has meant
"Zoos across Europe had to revise their studbooks, and radically
re-think the husbandry,
management and breeding programmes of captive wild dogs....The best
scientifb01c research
makes a difference to our knowledge of a species, and how we manage it.
This piece of work
has done both." — Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, Edinburgh,
Annual Review 2008c
The management plan established by the University of Glasgow research has
also initiated the
early stages of genetically informed management to the USA and Australia
captive breeding
programmes. In 2011, Pittsburgh zoo (USA) hosted a workshop involving the
African wild dog
breeding coordinators of the American Zoo Association and the Australian
Zoo and Aquarium
Association, with Marsden (by this time Postdoctoral Research Associate at
UC Davis, California)
invited to share insights into the development and implementation of the
Glasgow-EAZA plan.d It
was agreed that all regions would perform similar DNA surveys in their AWD
populations, with the
aim of initiating a genetically informed management plan for the US and
Australian captive
populations. These surveys are currently underway in the USA, with 56
samples from 23 zoos
currently documented.e
Sources to corroborate the impact
a. Statement from European African Wild Dog EEP coordinator (available on
b. European
Association of Zoos and Aquaria Yearbook 2007/2008 (p10)
c. Royal
Zoological Society of Scotland Annual Review 2008 (p28)
d. African Painted
Dog Workshop, April 14-15, 2011 (materials also available on
e. Statement on USA Survey from Assistant Professor of Biology, Penn
State Beaver, Monaca,
USA (available on request).