Guiding drug discovery by prediction of in vivo efficacy of monoclonal antibodies
Submitting Institution
University of SurreyUnit of Assessment
Mathematical SciencesSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Mathematical Sciences: Applied Mathematics, Statistics
Biological Sciences: Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Summary of the impact
In the initial stages of the drug-discovery process, a range of synthetic
molecules are developed and the most promising ones are selected for
further development into potential drugs. The research of the Surrey team
in collaboration with a research team at Pfizer sheds new light on how to
achieve high efficacy, by using mathematical modelling to speed up this
selection process. The research has led the pharmaceutical company Pfizer
to terminate a discovery project and redeploy resources in a new
direction. This research has generated direct impact in the field of
early-stage pharmaceutical research, and indirect impact on the economy
and health.
Underpinning research
The Surrey team (Dr Philip Aston and Dr Gianne Derks, both Readers in
Mathematics) had a combined 33+ years of experience working in applied
dynamical systems and mathematical modelling, when they were contacted by
a Research Scientist at Pfizer in 2009. Pfizer was interested in using
mathematical models consisting of small systems of ordinary differential
equations (ODEs) to get a better understanding of fundamental properties
of monoclonal antibodies, with an aim to improve and guide the early drug
discovery process through modelling.
Pfizer's problems involved monoclonal
antibodies and target-mediated drug disposition (TMDD) models that
describe their pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PKPD) interactions. One of
the questions was "What is the relation between efficacy of monoclinic
antibodies and their affinity and elimination parameters?" Another was
"Can rebound occur and if so, what triggers it?" The mathematical
underpinning involved systems of ODEs, representing the target-mediated
drug disposition (TMDD) models, with coefficients representative of
parameters in the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic processes. These models
were then extensively analysed both methodologically and rigorously to
determine parametric effect and asymptotic behaviour. The principal
analysis to address the efficacy question was a study of the relationship
between the target affinity of a monoclonal antibody and its in-vivo
potency/efficacy. As a measure of efficacy, the minimum level of the free
receptor following a single bolus injection of the ligand into the plasma
compartment was considered. It is known that the equilibrium dissociation
constant KD, which is the quotient of the dissociation constant
koff and the association constant kon, plays an
important role in the efficacy. Before this research, the different roles
played by the two constants in this quotient had not been realised.
The methodology in the underpinning research involved qualitative
analysis of ordinary differential equations, dynamical systems analysis
(invariant manifold theory, attracting sets, heteroclinicity), multi-scale
asymptotics, and numerical simulation. The initial stage
pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic implications of the analysis are discussed
in [1]. A rigorous mathematical analysis of the system of ODEs, focusing
on the full time course and the rebound question is considered in [2] ,
which is primarily a theorem-proof paper, and uses invariant manifold
theory, geometric analysis from dynamical systems, and heteroclinic orbits
to give a comprehensive description of the rebound phenomenon
From the ODEs in the model, two expressions for the efficacy were
obtained, in terms of the parameters of the problem, one of which is valid
over the full range of values of the equilibrium dissociation constant KD,
and the other which is valid only for a large drug dose or for a small
value of this constant. Both of these formulae show that the efficacy
achieved by increasing the association constant kon can be very
different from the efficacy achieved by decreasing the dissociation
constant koff. In particular, there is a saturation effect when
decreasing the dissociation constant koff, where the increase
in efficacy that can be achieved is limited. There is no such effect when
increasing the association constant kon.
Thus, for certain monoclonal antibodies, an increase in efficacy may be
better achieved by increasing the association constant kon than
by decreasing the dissociation constant koff. This observation
sheds new light on the drug-discovery process. The saturation of the
dissociation constant koff was an especially unpleasant
surprise as that one is easier to manipulate and hence usually the focus
of design trials.
While the efficacy question involved mainly the initial stages of the
PKPD interaction of the monoclonal antibody with its antigen target, the
rebound question involved the full time course. Rebound is a post-dose
rise in receptor (antigen/cytokine) levels to higher than pre-dose
(baseline). The mathematical research, which involved the study of four
different parameter regions, showed that rebound can happen if and only if
the elimination rate of the antibody-receptor complex is smaller than the
elimination rates of both the antibody and the receptor on their own.
References to the research
1. P.J. Aston, G. Derks, A. Raji, B.M. Agoram & P.H. van der Graaf ."Mathematical
analysis of the pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PKPD) behaviour of
monoclonal antibodies predicting in-vivo potency", J. Theoretical
Biology 281, 113-121 (2011)
doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.04.030.
2. P.J. Aston, G. Derks, B.M. Agoram & P.H. van der Graaf. "A
mathematical analysis of rebound in a target-mediated drug disposition
model: I. Without feedback", J. Mathematical Biology (published
online April 2013) doi: 10.1007/s00285-013-0675-5.
The project was initially funded by a grant from the BioPharma Skills
project, which was a joint initiative between the Universities of Surrey
and Reading. It was funded by both universities as well as the Higher
Education Funding Council for England's Economic Challenge Investment Fund
(ECIF) and the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA). The
BioPharma Skills project awarded an 11 month internship. The intern worked
in 2010-2011 at the Pfizer offices with regular interaction with the
Surrey team.
Details of the impact
The impact had five facets.
- It affected a decision pathway at Pfizer: the research gave strong
doubts into the viability of an on-going project and on this basis
Pfizer decided to terminate this project and redeploy the resources
elsewhere. This impact had clear financial implications, but Pfizer has
not revealed the value.
- Pfizer is part of a consortium in the US called the Centre for Protein
Therapeutics (which also includes most of the other major pharmaceutical
companies). The mathematical analysis, reported in the JTB paper, formed
the basis for a proposal by Pfizer for an experimental project by this
consortium. The proposal was ranked first out of all the proposals
competing for funding in this consortium. The project aims to exploit
the theoretical ideas by focusing on techniques to influence the
association constant of proteins such as antibodies.
- The impact has sector-wide implications as the major drug companies
such as Pfizer are now aware of the importance of both the dissociation
and the association constant in the efficacy of proteins and antibodies.
As evidence of this secondary impact, a team at Bristol-Meyers Squibb Co
in the USA, has adapted the analysis and simulation techniques from this
project to their drug discovery process. They reported their results in
one of the highest impact industrial journals issued by the American
Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists: Chimalakonda et al, Amer.
Assoc. Pharma. Sci. J. (2013), doi: 10.1208/s12248-013-9477-3.
- In the design of therapeutics, the question arose as to whether a
longer half-life antibody would be more likely to cause rebound in
antigen levels after treatment cessation. However, the rebound analysis
showed that this was not the case, allowing the Pfizer project to move
- On a more general level, this project gave new confidence to the idea
of using mathematical models as a guide in the early drug-discovery
process to develop and identify the most promising candidates.
Pfizer stated;
"As the pharmaceutical industry strives to improve decision-making at
all stages of drug discovery and development, one aspect that has gained
attention is the ability to make more objective decisions, especially at
an early stage of projects, using quantitative tools. This collaboration
is at the forefront of this shift in expectations. A key aspect of the
mathematical analysis practiced by Dr Derks and Dr Aston is the ability
to draw general conclusions about the "design property space" that is
not suitable for a particular project — a conclusion that can elude a
purely simulation-based analysis. While being elegant, this aspect has
the hidden advantage of condensing a lot of information into simple
outputs that can be more easily conveyed to a non-quantitative audience,
and hence used in decision-making. "
The principal impact occurred in the period 2011-2012, with research
interaction continuing which will further the mathematical modelling of
the discovery process in drug manufacturing. The team is currently working
on part 2 of the rebound paper, in collaboration with a new industrial
partner, MedImmune, the worldwide biologics research and development arm
of the international biopharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, based in
Cambridge. Further research and industry interaction: (a) a MMath
placement student was embedded in Neusentis (a part of Pfizer) for 7
months in 2013, working on 2 compartment TMDD models; (b) an EPSRC-DTG PhD
student will start in October 2013 under the supervision of Drs Aston and
Derks, in collaboration with Pfizer (a new team at Pfizer), to work on the
analysis of extended TMDD models; (c) funding is being sought for an
academic-industry partnership in the area of "Mechanistic Modelling of
Sources to corroborate the impact
Corroboration has been obtained from the two principal scientists working
on the project at Pfizer.
- Director of Clinical Pharmacology/DMPK, MedImuune. Provided statement.
- Principal Scientist, Academic Center for Drug Research, University of
Leiden. Contact details provided.
In addition, a file with the evidence of the award by the BioPharma
Skills project, and the outcome of the proposal to the Centre for Protein
Therapeutics (including evidence of its top ranking) is available.