15: Opening up the opportunities for stem cell therapies for neurodegenerative diseases
Submitting Institution
King's College LondonUnit of Assessment
Psychology, Psychiatry and NeuroscienceSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Biological Sciences: Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Technology: Medical Biotechnology
Medical and Health Sciences: Neurosciences
Summary of the impact
Neural stem cells offer enormous therapeutic potential for stroke but
they require regulatory approval. Researchers at King's College London
(KCL) devised a technology to immortalise stem cells, generated
clinical-grade neural stem cell lines and demonstrated efficacy in an
animal model of stroke. KCL research underpins the first approvals in the
UK for a therapeutic stem cell product. This led to an industry-sponsored
clinical trial of a stem cell therapeutic that has demonstrated vital
improvement in all the first five stroke patients treated. KCL research
has made a significant impact by considerably reducing the timetable for
delivering potential therapies which will affect the life sciences
industry and the process now in place acts as a model for other technology
developments in this area.
Underpinning research
At any one time around 900,000 people in the UK are living with the
effects of a stroke, which can include considerable disability. Neural
stem cells show great promise as therapeutics for neurodegenerative
disease, but this requires stable, clinical-grade neural stem cell lines
with demonstrable efficacy. Research conducted at the Institute of
Psychiatry, King's College London (KCL) sought to develop a stem cell
therapy for neurodegenerative disorders. This work was initiated by Prof
Jeffrey Gray (1983-1999, Chair of Psychology), Dr Helen Hodges (1985-2004,
Reader in Psychology) and Dr John Sinden (1984-1998, Reader in
Neurobiology of Behaviour) and continued by Prof Jack Price (1998-present,
Head of the Centre for the Cellular Basis of Behaviour), Dr Mike Modo
(2001-2011, Lecturer) and Dr Sandrine Thuret (2006-present, Research
Fellow). This was in collaboration with ReNeuron Ltd, a KCL spin-out
company founded by KCL researchers in 1998 and initially based on site. A
collaborative relationship has continued ever since, with the company now
operating from an outside base.
Generating a stable and robust cell line for safe therapeutic use
KCL research initially addressed the question of whether human neural stem
cells could be generated that would be sufficiently stable and robust for
clinical development. While many sources of these cells have been
identified under research conditions, none had met the standards of purity
and sterility required of a biological therapeutic set by the Medicines
and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and the Human Tissue Authority.
In a pivotal KCL publication in 1999, researchers demonstrated that
transplantation of immortalised rodent neural stem cells led to the
integration and development of regionally appropriate neurons and
astrocytes, which brought about functional improvement following brain
damage in both rodents and primates (1).
The challenge following these studies was to develop human stem cells
that would be therapeutic and safe in patients and also meet regulatory
standards. Cells in culture tend to be unstable: they lose chromosomes and
begin to differentiate, losing their ability to rebuild brain tissue. Over
the next 7 years, in collaboration with colleagues at ReNeuron, KCL
researchers discovered a new method of making neural stem cells through a
process named "conditional immortalisation," which allows the generation
of millions of identical and stable stem cells.
A clinical grade human cell line is patented and efficacy is shown
The technology led to the patenting of CTX0E03, the first and only such
line of clinical grade human cells to emerge from UK stem cell research.
CTX0E03 was derived from human somatic stem cells following genetic
modification with a conditional immortalising gene, c-mycER(TAM). This
transgene generates a fusion protein that stimulates cell proliferation in
the presence of the drug 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen (4-OHT). The cell line is
clonal, expands rapidly in culture and has a normal human karyotype (46
XY). In the absence of growth factors and 4-OHT the cells undergo growth
arrest and differentiate into neurons and astrocytes. In order for stem
cells to be incorporated into a clinical trial they must also demonstrate
efficacy in a validated animal model of neurodegenerative disease. KCL
research demonstrated that CTX0E03 does indeed bring about functional
recovery when engrafted into a rat model of ischaemic stroke. Appropriate
cell migration and survival was accomplished 6-12 weeks post-grafting with
no evidence of undesirable effects e.g. significant cell proliferation
accompanying (2).
These findings were followed up in 2012 with studies that enabled
clinical trials to commence. KCL research provided pivotal data of
efficacy and dose relationships, whereby intraparenchymal implant of
450,000 human neural stem cells in a rat model of stroke were shown to
improve sensorimotor dysfunctions and motor deficits over 3 months (3).
KCL research also provided evidence for the mode-of-action of the cells
indicating that engrafted stem cells induce endogenous brain repair
mechanisms (4).
References to the research
1. Virley D, Ridley RM, Sinden JD, Kershaw TR, Harland S, Rashid T,
French S, Sowinski P, Gray JA, Lantos PL, Hodges H. Primary CA1 and
conditionally immortal MHP36 cell grafts restore conditional
discrimination learning and recall in marmosets after excitotoxic lesions
of the hippocampal CA1 field. Brain 1999;122(Pt 12):2321-35. Doi:
10.1093/brain/122.12.2321 (44 Scopus citations)
2. Pollock, K; Stroemer, P; Patel, S; Stevanato, L; Hope, A; Miljan, E;
Dong, Z; Hodges, H; Price, J; Sinden, J D. A conditionally immortal clonal
stem cell line from human cortical neuroepithelium for the treatment of
ischemic stroke. Exp Neurol 2006;199(1):143-55.
Doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2005.12.011 (100 Scopus citations)
3. Smith EJ, Stroemer RP, Gorenkova N, Nakajima M, Crum WR, Tang E,
Stevanato L, Sinden JD, Modo M. Implantation site and lesion topology
determine efficacy of a human neural stem cell line in a rat model of
chronic stroke. Stem Cells 2012;30(4):785-96. Doi: 10.1002/stem.1024 (11
Scopus citations)
4. Hassani Z, O'Reilly J, Pearse Y, Stroemer P, Tang E, Sinden J, Price
J, Thuret S. Human neural progenitor cell engraftment increases
neurogenesis and microglial recruitment in the brain of rats with stroke.
PLoS ONE. 2012;7(11):e50444. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0050444 (1 Scopus
• 2000-4. £129,290. European Commission Framework V RTD Action. Neural
Stem Cells and stem cell-based therapies. Grant Holders: A
Giangrande (co-ordinator), T Edlund, D Henrique, J Price, B Richardson, G
Technau, A Vescovi
• 2004-7. £199,073. BBSRC. Is translational control a mechanism for
controlling neural stem cell differentiation? Grant Holders: J
Price, S Williams
• 2004-6. £125,654. European Commission Fr. V. Genetic Mechanisms
that determine neuronal progenitor identity in the ventral spinal cord.
Grant Holders: S Malas, J Briscoe, J Ericson, F Guillemot, E Martí, P
Legrain, J Price
• 2004-7. £332,074. BBSRC Project Grant. The relevance of embryonic
positional specification to neural stem cell differentiation. Grant
Holders: B Williams, J Price
• 2004-12. £963,356. Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust. Stem Cell
Research into Neurodegenerative Disease. Grant Holder: J Price
• 2005-8. €458,342. European Commission Framework 6. From Stem Cell
Technology to Functional Restoration after Spinal Cord Injury. Grant
Holders: A Privat, J Schoenen, E Sykova, J Mallet, M Gaviria, A Sirven, G
Brook, M Gimenez y Ribotta, J Price
• 2006-9. £260,617. BBSRC Project Grant. Controlling in vivo cell
behaviour of stem cells by transplantation on engineered substrates.
Grant Holders: M Modo, J Price, K Shakesheff
• 2006-9. $315,138. NIBIB (NIH) QUANTUM Grant. Neurovascular
Regeneration. Grant Holders: K Hirschi, M Dickenson, T Zwaka, J
Wild, M Brenner, J Price, R Lovell-Badge, C ffrench-Constant
Details of the impact
Prior to KCL research, in collaboration with ReNeuron, regulatory
approval had not been reached for any stem cell product in the treatment
of a neurodegenerative disorder. This is despite the UK being often cited
by Government bodies as having a strategic advantage in stem cell research
and despite considerable funds being committed to UK stem cell research.
KCL research led to regulatory approval, made significant impact on the
life science industry and has led to improved outcomes in the treatment of
Regulatory approval for first UK stem cell therapy trial for
KCL's pre-publication research provided the core of the regulatory
submission for the first stem cell therapy trial. Approval is given by the
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) who consult an
expert committee followed by interim approval. Full approval is only given
once the application has been approved ethically by the Gene Therapy
Advisory Committee (GTAC). No clinical trial on humans can begin without
these approvals. In 2009, Prof Jack Price presented at the MHRA Expert
Advisory Group as part of the process of acquiring the preliminary MHRA
approval. The evidence presented included the technology underpinning the
stem cell production process and the efficacy and safety data (Pollock et
al. 2006) (1a). GTAC requested further research on safety and efficacy and
these new data (Smith et al. 2012; Hassani et al. 2012) were presented at
GTAC meetings in April (1b) and July 2009 (1c), as evidenced by the
minutes of those meetings and the GTAC Annual Report (1d). These
presentations led directly to the first approvals for a stem cell therapy
trial in neurodegeneration in the UK, a major breakthrough for
regenerative medicine. The research that led to the approvals also secured
the future of the KCL spin-out company ReNeuron (1e) as an SME (1f), which
holds the patents for the cell line (1g,h). Of further impact is that the
process of meeting the regulatory standard developed during these
presentations and meetings now acts as a model for other technology
developments in this area.
First industry sponsored trial in stroke shows improvements in
Following these approvals, the stem cell line CTX0E03 became the first,
and so far only, fully regulated neural stem cell line (named ReN001) for
disabled stroke patients to reach a clinical trial in the world. The
ReNeuron sponsored PISCES (Pilot Investigation of Stem Cells in Stroke)
trial, which began in November 2010 in Glasgow, involves injecting 2, 5,
10 or 20 million ReN001 cells into the brains of 12 stroke patients (three
at each dose) with moderate to severe functional neurological impairments
following an ischaemic stroke 6-60 months previously. This is carried out
using MRI brain imaging to guide the injection to the areas neighbouring
the stroke damage (2a).
At this stage, the primary aim was to test the safety and tolerability of
the treatment, and indeed, there were no cell-related or immunological
adverse events reported in any of the patients. Additionally though, the
majority of the nine patients who had received treatment by January 2013,
some of whom had had considerable disability, showed reductions in
neurological impairment and spasticity compared with their pre-treatment
baseline performance. Improvements were sustained, and in some cases
increased, in the first five patients treated in 2010-2011 who have been
followed-up for a year. Functional MRI data indicated improved signalling
in parts of the cortex related to movement (2b,c). These are vital
improvements which herald faster recovery pathways for stroke victims
reducing the disability and care burden and improving quality of life.
These promising results have led to the approval of the next set of larger
studies (2d).
Government and public dissemination
With their expertise in regenerative medicine research, representatives
from both KCL and ReNeuron recently provided evidence to the Government's
Science and Technology Committee whose aim was to "pinpoint the UK's
strengths in regenerative medicine, identify barriers to translation and
commercialisation and recommend solutions." The findings of the committee
were presented in their First Report in June 2013, which concluded that
"Regenerative medicine has the potential to save lives and to help support
the UK economy ... accordingly, we recommend that the Government appoint
the chair of the independent regenerative medicine delivery expert working
group as the UK's regenerative medicine champion (with) a budget and
support from a Government office (3a).
The results of ReNeuron's first trial have been widely highlighted in the
media, including in reports from the BBC (3b), Channel 4 (3c) and Scottish
Television (3d), which feature one of the patients in the trial who
reported improvements in balance and mobility and activities of daily
living such as being able to tie his shoelaces and play the piano.
Overseas, in the USA ReNeuron was highlighted by the Alliance for
Regenerative Medicine (ARM) in their 2012 `Biotech Showcase.' ARM is a
Washington, DC-based global advocacy organisation that promotes
initiatives to accelerate the development of safe and effective
regenerative medicine technologies and works to increase public
understanding of the field and its potential to transform human healthcare
Sources to corroborate the impact
Regulatory approvals
a) GTAC Meeting 11th February 2009:
b) GTAC Meeting 29th April 2009:
c) GTAC Meeting 8th July 2009:
d) GTAC 16th Annual Report (see pages 11-12):
e) ReNeuron Ltd: http://www.reneuron.com/
f) ReNeuron Lit Financial Report 2009:
g) Patent: Methods of treating stroke through administration of ctx0e03
cells. Sanberg P, Sinden J, ReNeuron Limited. Publication date:
h) Patent: Cell lines. US 7416888 B2. Pollock K, Sinden J, Stroemer P.
ReNeuron Limited. Publication date: Aug.26.2008. http://www.google.com/patents/US7416888.
Cites Virley et al. 2009
First industry sponsored trial in stroke
a) PISCES Trial: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01151124?term=CTX0E03&rank=1
b) Abstract 495. Pilot Investigation of Stem Cells in Stroke [PISCES].
A Phase I Trial of CTX0E03 Human Neural Stem Cells. Kalladka D, et al.
22nd European Stroke Conference. 28-31 May 2013. London. http://www.esc-archive.eu/22ESC_London_2013/pubData/source/ESC%20London%202013.pdf
c) ReNeuron Press Release (28 May 2013): http://www.reneuron.com/press-release/interim-data-from-clinical-trial-of-reneuron-s-stem-cell-therapy-for-stroke-to-be-presented-at-leading-stsustained-reductions-in-neurologica
d) ReNeuron Press Release (11 Sept 2012): http://www.reneuron.com/press-release/reneuron-files-two-new-clinical-trial-applications-ahead-of-plan-in-stroke-and-critical-limb-ischaemia-as-its-stem-cell-programmes-advance
Government and public dissemination
a) Science and Technology Committee Report on Regenerative Medicine in
the UK (26 June 2013): http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201314/ldselect/ldsctech/23/2302.htm
b) BBC News — Stroke patients see signs of recovery in stem-cell trial
(27 May2013):
c) Channel 4 News — New stem cell hope for stroke patients (27 May
d) STV News — Stroke victims show signs of recovery following stem cell
therapy (27 May 2013) http://news.stv.tv/west-central/226967-stroke-victims-show-signs-of-recovery-following-stem-cell-therapy/
e) Alliance for Regenerative Medicine: http://alliancerm.org/
f) ARM Biotech Showcase: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDpVsFlxIic