21: Improved Mental Health Assessments for Children in Local Authority Care
Submitting Institution
King's College LondonUnit of Assessment
Psychology, Psychiatry and NeuroscienceSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences: Psychology
Summary of the impact
Prior to King's College London (KCL) research, social workers did not
regularly assess mental health needs of Looked After Children (i.e. those
in the care of their Local Authority). KCL investigations showed that 45%
of British Looked After Children have mental health disorders,
considerably pushing this issue up the policy agenda. KCL developed
assessments that are now the statutory annual measures used by all Local
Authority children's services in England. The assessments enable Local
Authorities to identify the treatment needs of Looked After Children and
plan accordingly. The Department for Education requires Local Authorities
to complete the measures. The measures are used worldwide and are now key
elements of treatment trials of social and psychological interventions to
reduce the level of difficulties in Looked After Children.
Underpinning research
Children in the care of their Local Authority, known as Looked After
Children, account for around 1% of the population but make up about 25% of
prisoners and are also at high risk of school drop-out, substance abuse
and teenage pregnancy. Research on this vulnerable population at the
Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London (KCL) has been led by Prof
Robert Goodman (1990-present, Professor of Brain and Behavioural Medicine)
and Dr Tamsin Ford (2000-2008, Research Fellow). These researchers
developed two measures of psychopathology — the Strengths and Difficulties
Questionnaire (SDQ) and the Development and Well-Being Assessments (DAWBA)
— that make it easier to assess children's psychological well-being and
identify treatable mental health difficulties.
KCL researchers develop and trial novel questionnaires for Looked
After Children
The SDQ is a brief behavioural screening questionnaire for 3-16 year olds
with 25 items on psychological attributes including emotional symptoms,
conduct problems, hyperactivity/inattention, peer relationship problems
and prosocial behaviour. Led by KCL researchers in 1997, the questionnaire
development involved parents and teachers of 403 children drawn from
dental and psychiatric clinics and validity was confirmed by comparison
with a similar, but longer, questionnaire (1). KCL work also led to the
DAWBA, a novel package of questionnaires, interviews and rating techniques
designed to generate ICD-10 and DSM-IV psychiatric diagnoses on 5-16 year
olds. The assessment collects rich, open-ended accounts from multiple
informants (parents, youths, teachers). In the development study of the
DAWBA, involving community (n = 491) and clinic (n = 39) samples,
clinicians reviewed the information before making computer-aided
diagnostic ratings. Excellent discrimination was found between the samples
in rates of diagnosed disorder (2).
Further KCL analyses demonstrated that the SDQ was a useful predictor to
determine which Looked After Children had mental health disorders. In a
community sample of 1,028 looked after 5-17 year olds, the proportion with
SDQ predictions of `unlikely', `possible' and `probable' psychiatric
disorder were roughly a quarter, a quarter and a half respectively. The
accuracy of the SDQ was compared with DAWBA-based diagnostic ratings and
overall the multi-informant SDQs identified individuals with a psychiatric
diagnosis with 80% specificity and 85% sensitivity (3). This accuracy is
high enough to serve as a practical guide as to which children warrant
more detailed assessment.
KCL-developed questionnaires identify unmet need
In 2002-3, three nationwide surveys of the mental health of British
children and adolescents were commissioned by the Department of Health,
Scottish Executive and Welsh Assembly. The fieldwork was carried out by
the Office for National Statistics with academic leadership from KCL. To
ascertain the prevalence of mental health disorders in this age group, the
SDQ and DAWBA were used to investigate representative groups of Looked
After Children from these surveys (n=1,453) alongside a representative
group of 10,428 children living in private households to confirm validity.
This established a prevalence of mental health disorders of 45% in Looked
After Children, as compared with 10% in the household survey. Worryingly,
'Looked After' status was independently associated with nearly all types
of psychiatric disorder even after adjusting for their high rate of
educational difficulties and neurodevelopmental disorders (4).
A subsequent analysis in 2012 (with colleagues at the London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) involving 1,391 children aged 5-16
demonstrated that the mean SDQ difficulties score in a group of Looked
After Children is an excellent predictor of the prevalence of mental
health disorders in that group. This finding underpins the use of the mean
SDQ score as the statutory measure of the emotional and behavioural health
of Looked After Children in Local Authorities in England (5).
References to the research
1. Goodman R. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A Research
Note. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1997;38(5):581-86. Doi:
10.1111/j.1469-7610.1997.tb01545.x (2244 Scopus citations)
2. Goodman R, Ford T, Richards H, Gatward R, Meltzer H. The Development
and Well-Being Assessment: description and initial validation of an
integrated assessment of child and adolescent psychopathology. J Child
Psychol Psychiatry 2000;41(5):645-55. Doi:
10.1111/j.1469-7610.2000.tb02345.x (362 Scopus citations)
3. Goodman R, Ford T, Corbin T, Meltzer H. Using the Strengths and
Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) to screen looked-after children for
psychiatric disorders. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2004;13 Suppl
2:II25-31. Doi: 10.1007/s00787-004-2005-3 (53 Scopus citations)
4. Ford T, Vostanis P, Meltzer H, Goodman R. Psychiatric disorder among
British children looked after by local authorities: a comparison with
children living in private households. Br J Psychiatry 2007;190:319-25.
Doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.106.025023 (57 Scopus citations)
5. Goodman A, Goodman R. Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire scores
and mental health in looked after children. Br J Psychiatry
2012;200(5):426-7. Doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.111.104380. (1 Scopus citation)
Details of the impact
Practitioners have probably always suspected that Looked After Children
have high rates of emotional and behavioural disorders, but until recently
the research evidence was weak and the mental health of Looked After
Children was a low priority on the policy agenda. The development, use and
dissemination of mental health assessments by King's College London (KCL)
researchers changed that, with a positive impact at several levels.
KCL measures are disseminated to professionals, young people and
families across the world
From the outset, the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) was
designed to meet the needs of researchers, clinicians and educationalists.
Studies across the world have provided normative data so that the SDQ
can be used within specific populations, with recent studies taking
place in Italy (involving 3,302 children and young people aged 3-17) (1a)
and in Spain (with a sample of 1,341 children from 54 schools) (1b). The
SDQ has been translated into over 70 languages, with all versions being
downloadable without charge for non-commercial use. The dedicated website
provides free scoring and analysis of the SDQ (used for half a million
children per year) as well as a downloadable computerised scoring and
report-writing program (1c). The Development and Well-Being Assessment
(DAWBA) is also available for researchers and clinicians. This has been
translated into 28 languages as a paper version and 17 as an online
version, with a full data recording and assessment service offered for a
small fee (1d). These are all provided by YouthInMind Ltd, a private,
family-run company website edited by Prof Goodman of KCL and aimed at
professionals as well as young people and families who want psychological
advice (1e).
KCL research influences UK policy
The findings of the 2002 and 2003 British surveys of the mental health of
Looked After Children (Ford et al. 2007) have had an enduring influence on
policy makers because valid measures were applied to large and nationally
representative samples. In 2007, the Department for Education (DfE)
produced the white paper `Care Matters: Time for Change,' which
highlighted the need to improve the mental health of children and young
people in care and provided the policy foundation for the current approach
to looked after children. This report discussed the work KCL had carried
out with the Office for National Statistics, published as Ford et al. 2007
(2). Following this, in 2009 the DfE and Department of Health (DH)
published `Statutory Guidance on Promoting the Health and Well-being of
Looked After Children,' referring to Ford et al. 2007 when
discussing the evidence for the "prevalence of emotional and behavioural
difficulties among Looked After Children" (3). KCL work has also been used
at local level with regard to policy, for instance, the `Lewisham's
Children and Young People's Plan for 2012-2015' uses figures from Ford et
al. 2007 when discussing the high rate of mental health problems in looked
after children (4).
KCL research impacts on monitoring the quality of services at Local
Authority level
As Local Authorities' services to the children in their care can be
variable it is important to monitor the mental health of Looked After
Children at this level. From April 2008, all Local Authorities in England
were required to provide information on the emotional and behavioural
health of children and young people in their care. The Government's
`Statutory Guidance' states that "the SDQ is a reliable and valuable
screening tool for mental health problems" and discusses how Local
Authorities "are responsible for making sure that an SDQ is completed
for every child they look after aged between 4 and 16 inclusive"
(3). The collection of data by Local Authorities through use of the SDQ
was set out in a 2008 DfE guidance document that also provides the
rationale and method of routine SDQ monitoring of Looked After Children
(including links to the SDQ website) and advice on the use of the SDQ to
guide referral for specialist treatment. Local Authorities have to report
the mean SDQ score to the DfE (the SSDA903 return), with the intention
that trends can be monitored over time and comparisons made between
demographically matched Local Authorities (5).
National SDQ data on Looked After Children were first published in 2012
when SDQs were collected on 24,270 participants. This found overall a
higher proportion of boys who scored 17 or above (39.6% compared to 31.6%
of girls), which indicates a cause for concern with regard to emotional
health. The fact that more than a third of Looked After Children were in
the "cause for concern" range is a powerful antidote to complacency (6).
Local Authorities can now set themselves targets in terms of an intended
year-on-year change in the mean SDQ scores of their Looked After Children
and obtain feedback on whether they meet this goal, as exemplified by
Lewisham's 2012-15 plan (4).
KCL research impacts on assessing individual needs of Looked After
SDQ data also provides social workers with access to annual SDQs on
children in their care which facilitates the recognition and referral of
high-risk individuals for assessment and treatment (3). Independent
evidence, for instance as detailed in a report from the Development Centre
of the South West Region of England, has shown that "the development
of an SDQ care pathway for Looked After Children can provide a framework
for a more coordinated and thus effective approach to identifying
and improving emotional health and wellbeing of children in care" (7).
The SDQ, along with the DAWBA, are used by the Centre for Excellence and
Outcomes in Children and Young People's Services (C4EO), a best practice
hub for 'what works' in children's services used by all Local Authorities
across England (8a). C4EO present several examples of Local Authorities
using these measures in practice. For instance, in Islington, the
Adolescent Multi-Agency Support Service team used the SDQ to see how their
interventions improved emotional well-being (8b). In Kent, the
Multi-dimensional Treatment Foster Care team discusses how it uses DAWBA
and SDQ "for every child prior to joining the programme" to give "a clear
understanding of mental health difficulties" (8c). In Birmingham, Foster
Care Associates & Core Children's Services used the SDQ to measure
changes in the young people's functioning following training of foster
carers in understanding the psychological reasons for children and young
people behaving in the way that they do in foster care (8d).
KCL research impacts on the development of effective interventions
Objective research by KCL demonstrating high levels of mental health
problems in Looked After Children led the DfE to launch an ongoing
initiative to introduce therapies that reduce the level of difficulties in
Looked After Children. SDQs played a key role in the evaluation of a new
intervention called "fostering changes" for Looked After Children with
significant problems; the randomised controlled trial of this intervention
— which was carried out by KCL researchers and cites Goodman et al. 2000
and Ford et al. 2007 — showed that the SDQ problem score decreased more in
the intervention than in the comparison group of this trial (9).
Sources to corroborate the impact
1) Measures
a. SDQ: Normative SDQ Data from Italy: http://www.sdqinfo.com/ItaliaNorm.html
b. Spanish norms for the Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire
(SDQ3-4) for 3 and 4-year-old schoolchildren http://www.sdqinfo.com/Spanish_norms_for_3-4_year-old.pdf
c. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: http://www.sdqinfo.com/
d. Development and Well-Being Assessment: http://www.dawba.info/
e. Youth in Mind website: http://www.youthinmind.com/
2) Department for Education — Care Matters: Time for Change (June 2007):
3) Statutory Guidance on Promoting the Health and Well-being of Looked
After Children, 2009. Departments for Education and Health (Ford et al:
pgs 12, 70) (SDQ: pgs 2, 27, 28, 37, 72): https://www.education.gov.uk/publications/eOrderingDownload/Promoting_Health.pdf
4) Lewisham's Children and Young People's Plan for 2012-2015 (Ford: pg
28) (SDQ: pg 29) http://www.lewisham.gov.uk/myservices/socialcare/children/Documents/CYPP2012-15.pdf
5) Department for Education guidance document, 2008:
6) Department for Education statistical release — Outcomes for Children
Looked After by Local Authorities in England, Dec 2012 (pgs 10, 11. Table
7) Development Centre of the South West Region of England SDQ project
report (Jan 2011):
8) The Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People's
Services (C4EO)
a. Website: http://www.c4eo.org.uk/about/default.aspx
b. The Adolescent Multi-Agency Support Service using an Intensive
Community Outreach model with complex need adolescents and their families,
c. Multi-dimensional Treatment Foster Care, Kent:
d. `Adapt' (Attachment Difficulties and Parenting Therapeutically) —
carer groups:
9) Briskman J and Scott S (2012) Enhancing attachment security and
reducing behavioural problems in fostered children: an RCT of the
Fostering Changes programme. London: Department for Education Research
Report DFE-RR237: