Catching the Drug Cheats: The Science Behind Anti-Doping for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Submitting Institution
King's College LondonUnit of Assessment
Sport and Exercise Sciences, Leisure and TourismSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Chemical Sciences: Analytical Chemistry
Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Summary of the impact
King's College London (KCL), operating a state-of-the-art Drug Control
Centre (DCC) in collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), delivered the
anti-doping analysis at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This
operation, undertaken in their World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA)
accredited laboratories, was characterised by unprecedented scale, speed
and accuracy. It succeeded in protecting the health of athletes and the
integrity of the Games. KCL was chosen to undertake the 24/7 anti-doping
operation based on its cutting-edge bio-analytical research in drug
control. Although a number of athletes were disqualified in the pre-Games
testing, the deterrent effect of the KCL work was evidenced by the few
doping cases during the Games itself. Using the new biomarker test
developed by the DCC at KCL in collaboration with colleagues at the
University of Southampton, the team identified for the first time the
administration of recombinant human growth hormone (hGH) in two athletes.
The findings of the KCL-led operation are already being used to develop
similar testing facilities for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro
and have opened up the science of drug-testing to schools through the
"Scientists in Sport" initiative.
Underpinning research
The Drug Control Centre (DCC) at King's College London (KCL) is at the
forefront of research into the detection of drug abuse in sport, taking
the lead in changing the way in which anti-doping analysis is conducted
both in the UK and internationally. The underpinning research has been led
by Professor David Cowan, Director of the DCC since 1990, and has resulted
in the development of new and improved analytical approaches for the
detection of a number of prohibited substances in sports. This research
has also involved Dr Andrew Kicman (1990-present, Head of Research &
Development Group), Dr Norman Smith (2002-present, Senior Research
Fellow), Dr Alan Brailsford (2004-present, Post-Doctoral Analyst), Dr
Ivana Gavrilovic (2007-present, Post-Doctoral Research Analyst), Dr
Alessandro Musenga (2010-present, Post-Doctoral Analyst), Dr Mark Parkin
(2005-present, Lecturer in Analytical Science) and Dr Christopher Walker
(1986-present, Senior Analyst).
Key examples of cutting-edge bioanalytical research undertaken at the DCC
to deter drug misuse have included the development and application of the
first tests for stimulants (such as amphetamines), anabolic steroids and
the protein hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin, as well as the
development of more complex tests to confirm administration of the
naturally produced anabolic steroid 5α-dihydrotestosterone.
Human Growth Hormone (hGH): In collaboration with the University
of Southampton, work on hGH detection has been pursued to develop a
reliable biomarker approach for detection of misuse with a longer window
of detection than was provided by existing approaches
(Erotokritou-Mulligan I, et al. 2009). This includes
characterising physiological variability of two markers of exogenously
administered hGH: insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and pro-collagen
type III N-terminal peptide. For this work, DCC scientists were essential
in helping plan the research from the anti-doping perspective and
performing all of the analytical measurements. World Anti-Doping Agency's
(WADA) accreditation of the DCC was an essential part of making the
approach legally defensible for anti-doping work. The development of
ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry for
quantifying IGF-1 is helping further to enhance detection methodology.
Nandrolone: In a study funded by the United States Anti-Doping
Agency, scientists at the DCC refined the detection of misuse of this
anabolic steroid by using state of the art gas chromatography-tandem mass
spectrometry to define the upper limits for urinary 19-norandrosterone
(19-NA), the principal urinary metabolite of nandrolone. This research was
undertaken on samples taken from a large cohort of healthy women not
taking anabolic steroids but including those using permitted
contraceptives containing norethisterone (Walker CJ, et al. 2009).
These important results confirmed that the WADA revised threshold for
19-NA for females was acceptable, negating the need for a more complex
approach for 19-NA analysis. New techniques have also been developed to
enable the administration of nandrolone to be distinguished from the oral
contraceptive norethisterone.
In additional work, KCL researchers have improved the ability to detect
the administration of naturally produced substances, especially the male
hormone testosterone, by using chemically synthesised molecularly
imprinted polymeric substances rather than using antibodies produced from
animals (Gavrilović I, et al. 2011). They have also furthered the
development of combustion isotope ratio mass spectrometry, including
sophisticated two-dimensional gas chromatography to simplify and improve
sample purification (Brailsford AD, et al. 2012).
Improvements achieved in both performance and efficiency of doping
control analysis include the development and validation of a simple, but
sensitive and rapid, analytical procedure based on flow cytometry to
detect human haemoglobin and haemoglobin-based oxygen carriers potentially
misused in endurance sports. KCL researchers have also developed methods
to deal with the quantification of difficult basic drugs such as
ephedrines (Gray N, et al. 2011) and a fast multi-analyte
screening method specifically developed for the detection of prohibited
xenobiotics in urine that allows the screening of several classes of
substance in a single chromatographic method with a very rapid run-time
(Musenga A, et al. 2013). These novel techniques proved invaluable
in the anti-doping analysis at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic
Games. Post Games, and of particular note, is the ability to review
archived data to be able to check for new `designer' drugs to see whether
athletes may have misused them under the WADA 8 year rule to be able to
re-investigate samples (Musenga A, et al. 2013).
References to the research
Brailsford AD, Gavrilović I, Ansell RJ, Cowan DA, Kicman AT.
Two-dimensional gas chromatography with heart-cutting for isotope ratio
mass spectrometry analysis of steroids in doping control. Drug Test
Analysis 2012;4:962-69. Doi: 10.1002/dta.1379 (1 Scopus citation)
Erotokritou-Mulligan I, Bassett EE, Cowan DA, Bartlett C, Milward P,
Sartorio A, Sönksen PH, Holt RIG. The use of growth hormone (GH)-dependent
markers in the detection of GH abuse in sport: Physiological
intra-individual variation of IGF-I, type 3 pro-collagen (P-III-P) and
GH-2000 detection score. Clin Endocrinol 2009;72:520-26. Doi:
10.1111/j.1365-2265.2009.03668.x (15 Scopus citations)
Gavrilović I, Mitchell K, Brailsford AD, Cowan DA, Kicman AT, Ansell RJ.
A molecularly imprinted receptor for separation of testosterone and
epitestosterone, based on a steroidal cross-linker. Steroids
2011;76:478-83. Doi: 10.1016/j.steroids.2011.01.004 (7 Scopus citations)
Gray N, Musenga A, Cowan DA, Plumb R, Smith NW. A simple high pH liquid
chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for basic compounds:
Application to ephedrines in doping control analysis. J Chromatogr A
2011;1218:2098-105. Doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2010.10.104 (6 Scopus citations)
Musenga A, Cowan DA. Use of ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography
coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry for fast screening in high
throughput doping control. J Chromatography A 2013;1288:82-95. Doi:
10.1016/j.chroma.2013.03.006 (Recent paper, no citations)
Walker CJ, Cowan DA, James VH, Lau JC, Kicman AT. Doping in Sport — 1.
Excretion of 19-norandrosterone by healthy women, including those using
contraceptives containing norethisterone. Steroids 2009;74:329-34. Doi:
10.1016/j.steroids.2008.10.008 (8 Scopus citations)
Research Funding (PI Professor David Cowan):
• 2005-7. Norethisterone. US Anti-Doping Agency, £120,000
• 2005-8. Development of novel high sensitivity and specific methods to
provide reliable forensic evidence of drug administration in vulnerable
groups. Engineering and Physical Science Research Council, £300,297
• 2007-9. Confirmation of Doping with Natural Androgens by Isotope Ratio
Mass Spectrometry; simplifying the analytical Procedure and Increasing the
Evidential Power. World Anti-Doping Agency, £150,250
• 2010-11. Can genomic analysis be the answer to autologous blood
transfusion detection? Partnership for Clean Competition, £81,704
• 2011-13. RNA based testing for the detection of autologous blood
transfusion. Partnership for Clean Competition, £144,920
• 2012-13. Subject-based profiling for the detection of testosterone
administration in sport-investigating the value of serum analysis. World
Anti-Doping Agency, £64,254
Details of the impact
The bio-analytical research in forensic drug analysis by King's College
London (KCL) researchers into the testing of sports competitors for
prohibited substances has been recognised as world-leading. In support of
the work of the Drug Control Centre (DCC), the Chief Science Officer of
the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) confirms that "the underpinning
research at the internationally renowned Drug Control Centre has
developed new and improved analytical approaches for prohibited
substances in human sports drug testing." He goes on to detail,
referring to the specific studies discussed above, how "the research
knowledge and expertise of the Centre continue to have significant
impact in the field of anti-doping" (1).
In 2002, due to their expertise and extensive research on methods for
detecting prohibited substances, the DCC at KCL (2) delivered anti-doping
testing for the Commonwealth Games in Manchester. Following this, the
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) produced an independent observer's report
that, in reference to the DCC, said that "future Games Laboratories
[should] adopt the procedures for analysis as carried out in this highly
professional and effective laboratory" (3). This expertise led the DCC to
become a key advisor to testing laboratories for the 2008 Summer Olympic
Games in Beijing and the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi. Most
significantly, the DCC was then chosen to run the anti-doping facility at
the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. As such, the DCC played a
pivotal role in protecting the health of the athletes and ensuring these
Games were conducted to the highest ethical standard, as reflected in a
number of worldwide media articles at the time (4a-d). Due to his role as
Director of the DCC, Professor Cowan was also a member of the London 2012
Summer Olympic Games Bid team, the London Organising Committee of the
Olympic and Paralympic Games and was the Laboratory Representative on the
International Olympic Committee's Medical Commission (posing no conflict
of interest in respect to winning the anti-doping contract as decisions
were made independently).
The testing of competitors for prohibited substances was successfully
delivered from a dedicated state-of-the-art laboratory set up at the
research and development site of the pharmaceutical company
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) at Harlow in Essex. This Anti-Doping Science Centre
(ADSC) carried out analysis of more than 6,250 samples (up to 400 per day)
throughout the Games, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, using instruments in
accordance with the highest possible standard of accreditation for
analytical work and accredited by WADA. The ADSC employed nearly 400 staff
in total, including 37 DCC core staff and over 175 temporary analysts and
overseas scientists.
Methodologies were utilized that had been developed by the DCC. These
include novel high resolution mass spectrometric screening method for all
of the urine samples (Musenga 2013) and the improved isotope ratio mass
spectrometric method for confirmatory testing of all samples where there
was suspicion of endogenous steroid administration (Brailsford 2012). In a
letter of support, the GSK Director for this operation writes that: "As
the Drug Control Centre has been in the forefront of introducing
advances in anti-doping science for many years, we were particularly
impressed by their analytical chemistry ability which is evidenced by
their publication record, especially in such challenging areas as
quantitative handling of basic compounds, working with minor
contaminants such as those found in contraceptive steroids and the
application of biomarkers at an evidential forensic level" (5).
The unprecedented scale of the anti-doping operation at London 2012 is
demonstrated by statistics revealing that over 5,000 athletes' samples
were tested during the Olympics and a further 1,400 during the Paralympic
Games, equating to almost 50% of the competitors and including all medal
winners. Working in a highly regulated environment, where confidentiality
and security were paramount at all times, DCC staff demonstrated their
track record of quality and delivery. Both these attributes came to the
fore in an environment that mandated not only a rapid turnaround of
results, but also accurate identification of prohibited substances and
interpretation of the findings. Indeed, unequivocal identification is
essential, since laboratory findings may be the subject of prolonged and
intense legal scrutiny. Negative analytical findings were securely
reported no later than 24 hours of receipt at the laboratory and even
adverse analytical findings were reported within very short time-frames.
The latest research on the interpretation and application of the human
growth hormone (hGH) biomarker projects described above were accepted by
WADA and resulted in the undisputed disqualification of two Paralympic
athletes for hGH misuse, as described in the letter from USADA (1).
The procedures set up at the ADSC for the London Olympic Games created a
base of knowledge around operations and processes. As such, the DCC is
currently working with scientists who will set up a similar laboratory in
Rio de Janeiro for their 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games (6). The DCC
also continuously works with the UK Anti-Doping Agency (UKAD), providing
assistance through their research and expertise. In a letter of support,
the Chief Executive of UKAD testifies that "the Drug Control Centre is
the current provider of comprehensive analytical services to
UK-Anti-Doping and has demonstrated not only its ability to provide
consistent tests but also its commitment to lead the science behind
anti-doping testing." He goes on to describe how UKAD has "valued
the advice and experience of the DCC" and how they are "experienced
in presenting its analytical results at athlete hearings, appeals and
courts of law both nationally and internationally" (7).
In partnership with GSK, the DCC has delivered further impact based on
its drug monitoring programme role through public outreach programmes such
as "Scientists in Sport" (8). These encompass the promotion of anti-doping
messages as well as chemistry and science within schools and the broader
community through visits to/presentations at both the Harlow Olympic
testing facility and the DCC laboratories at KCL. Professor Cowan has also
served on the WADA Laboratory Accreditation sub-committee and the Council
of Europe Working Party Investigating Drug Abuse in Sport that led to the
first World Anti-Doping Convention.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Letter of professional support from the Chief Scientific Officer of
the US Anti-Doping Agency, Colorado Springs, CO, USA (on request)
- Drug Control Centre Website:
- Observer's Report XVII Commonwealth Games, Manchester, 25th July To
4th August:
- Media coverage:
a. Olympics-London 2012 to be most tested Games, says WADA expert.
Reuters (US) June 16 2011:
b. ANALYSIS-Olympics-Testers gear up for sophisticated dopers.Reuters
(US) 19 July 2011:
c. Doping: Journey of a sample at London 2012 Olympics. Reuters
(Canada) 19 Jan 2012:
d. London Olympic lab declared ready by WADA.ESPN 23 April 2012:
- Letter of professional support from the Director of London 2012
operations at GlaxoSmithKline, Brentford, UK (on request)
- Letter of professional support from the Laboratory Director of the
2016 Rio Games, Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil (on request)
- UKAD website:
and letter of professional support from the Chief Executive of UKAD,
London, UK (on request)
- Scientists in Sport: