Accurate diagnosis of pre-eclampsia in both hospital and rural clinic settings
Submitting Institution
King's College LondonUnit of Assessment
Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and PharmacySummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine, Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
Pre-eclampsia is a major contributor to death and disability in
pregnancy. Diagnosis, based on accurate blood pressure (BP)/proteinuria
determination, is limited by measurement errors and being late features of
the disease. In collaboration with industry, King's College London (KCL)
researchers have developed an inexpensive, accurate, simple BP device
suitable for rural clinics. This device allows intervention to reduce
mortality/morbidity and is currently being rolled out in a Gates
Foundation project in Africa and Asia. KCL researchers have also helped
the company Alere Inc. with the development of a diagnostically accurate
test of placental growth factor (PlGF) in women with suspected
pre-eclampsia: Alere Triage®PlGF. This demonstrates high
sensitivity, superior to current tests, and following commercialisation is
being adopted internationally. Their work is additionally reflected in
guidelines of international standards for BP device accuracy.
Underpinning research
Annually up to 20% of the 130 million pregnant women worldwide will be
affected by a hypertensive disorder. These make a major contribution to
maternal mortality and morbidity and are the leading cause of iatrogenic
preterm delivery, resulting in perinatal deaths or anything from
short-term to life-long morbidity for the infant. Prediction and
prevention of pre-eclampsia remain a major goal. For nearly two decades,
King's College London (KCL) researchers, including Prof Andrew Shennan
(1997-present, Professor of Obstetrics), Prof Lucilla Poston
(1987-present, Tommy's Campaign Professor of Maternal & Fetal Health)
and Dr Lucy Chappell (2006-present, Clinical Senior Lecturer) have worked
on a programme of characterising accurate blood pressure (BP) measurement
and biomarkers for identification of pregnant women.
KCL researchers develop ways to accurately measure BP in rural
Pre-eclampsia is a frequently asymptomatic condition with far reaching
consequences for maternal and fetal health. Manually inflated BP devices
can be inaccurate as the oscillations generated by a deflating cuff can be
inconsistent and unreliable for an accurate algorithm. Work at KCL
identified that the oscillations generated in pregnancy, and particularly
in pre-eclampsia, further confound the issue (1,2). KCL research has
sought to control these issues and move monitoring of pre-eclampsia from
a predominantly clinic setting to including self-monitoring at home by
testing devises accurate enough to be used in both settings (3,4).
This work has been channelled into refining and testing similar low-cost,
easy to use antenatal BP equipment in clinics and antenatal outreach posts
in rural settings in low-income countries where both equipment and/or
expertise to do this are lacking. KCL researchers have worked with a
number of companies (Omron, Microlife, Nessei) to find solutions to
implementation in such settings. Research demonstrated a systematic
under-recording of BP and allowed correction factors to be implemented.
Initial validation determined how much to correct systematic errors and
alter the pressure transducers readings to mimic the gold standard of
Korotkoff sounds taken simultaneously by two blinded trained observers. By
introducing a fixed rate deflation valve, the quality of the oscillogram
could be improved sufficiently to increase accuracy to acceptable
standards, in spite of the manual initiation and deflation control
required on low cost devices (5). As such, by repeated testing in
pregnancy and pre-eclampsia following KCL-defined protocols, Microlife has
now altered the algorithm and changed the deflation characteristics of
their suitable BP device to improve accuracy to an acceptable standard. To
field-test this devise, a pilot study in Ethiopia and Tanzania taught
healthcare workers in rural community settings to use these machines. They
were found to be acceptable and easy to use, long-lasting and have the
potential to increase detection rates of hypertension in pregnancy,
enabling referral and targeting women for interventions with the potential
to save maternal lives (6).
Placental growth factor (PlGF) as a biomarker in suspected
PlGF is a placentally-derived angiogenic factor with concentrations in
normal pregnancy peaking at around 30 weeks' gestation. An almost complete
absence of this typical gestational rise is seen in women who subsequently
develop pre-eclampsia, many weeks before the onset of clinical signs. KCL
researchers were among the first to undertake rigorous prospective
longitudinal studies of pregnant women who subsequently developed
pre-eclampsia (7). Due to this work, along with their track record in
delivering multicentre studies in pregnant women and in PlGF research (8),
the KCL group were approached in 2009 by Alere Inc. (a company at the
forefront of PlGF testing) to help develop a commercial PlGF test. KCL
undertook the definitive prospective multicentre study of PlGF in cases of
suspected pre-eclampsia to accurately identify those at greatest risk of
adverse outcomes and thereby substantially improve management. The KCL
team (PELICAN group) designed the study, obtained the necessary approvals
and recruited 649 women across seven leading maternity centres in the
UK/Ireland. The study showed that low PlGF (<5th centile)
had very high sensitivity (96%) and negative predictive value (98%) for
confirmed pre-eclampsia requiring delivery within 14 days of testing. PlGF
concentrations were low or very low in all seven cases of stillbirth,
preceding abnormal foetus scan findings (9).
References to the research
1. Golara M, Benedict A, Jones C, Randhawa M, Poston L, Shennan AH.
Inflationary oscillometry provides accurate measurement of blood pressure
in preeclampsia. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2002; 109:1143-147. Doi:
10.1016/S1470-0328(02)01987-0 (16 Scopus citations)
2. Reinders A, Cuckson AC, Jones CR, Poet R, O'Sullivan G, Shennan AH.
Validation of the Welch Allyn `Vital Signs' blood pressure measurement
device in pregnancy and preeclampsia. Br J Obstet Gynaecol
2003;110:134-38. Doi: 10.1046/j.1471-0528.2003.02038.x (11 Scopus
3. Chung Y, de Greeff A, Shennan A. Validation and compliance of a home
monitoring device in pregnancy: Microlife WatchBP home. Hypertens
Pregnancy 2009;28(3):348-59. Doi: 10.1080/10641950802601286 (3 Scopus
4. Reinders A, Cuckson AC, Lee JT, Shennan AH. An accurate automated
blood pressure device for use in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia: the
Microlife 3BTO-A. BJOG 2005;112(7):915-20. Doi:
10.1111/j.1471-0528.2005.00617.x (39 Scopus citations)
5. de Greeff A, Nathan H, Stafford N, Liu B, Shennan AH. Development of
an accurate oscillometric blood pressure device for low resource settings.
Blood Press Monit 2008;13(6):342-8. Doi: 10.1097/MBP.0b013e32830fd07c (4
Scopus Citations)
6. Baker EC, Hezelgrave N, Magesa SM, Edmonds S, de Greeff A, Shennan A.
Introduction of automated BP devices intended for a low resource setting
in rural Tanzania.Trop Doct 2012;42(2):101-3. Doi: 10.1258/td.2011.110352
7. Chappell LC, Seed PT, Briley AL, Kelly FJ, Lee R, Hunt BJ, Parmar K,
Bewley SJ, Shennan AH, Steer PJ, Poston L. Effect of antioxidants on the
occurrence of pre-eclampsia in women at increased risk: a randomised
trial. Lancet 1999;354(9181):810-6. Doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(99)80010-5
(537 Scopus Citations)
8. Poston L, Briley AL, Seed PT, Kelly FJ, Shennan AH. Vitamins in
Pre-eclampsia (VIP) Trial Consortium. Vitamin C and vitamin E in pregnant
women at risk for pre-eclampsia (VIP trial): randomised placebo-controlled
trial. Lancet 2006;367(9517):1145-54. Doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(06)68433-X
(347 Scopus Citations)
9. Chappell LC, Duckworth S, Seed PT, Griffin M, Myers J, Mackillop L,
Simpson N, Waugh J, Anumba D, Kenny LC, Redman CW, Shennan AH. Diagnostic
accuracy of placental growth factor in women with suspected preeclampsia:
a prospective multicenter study. Circulation 2013;128(19):2121-131. Doi:
10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.113.003215 (Recent publication)
• 2006-9. PIs: Shennan AH, Coleman A, Liu B. Longitudinal validation and
calibration of devices. GSTT charity, £59,685
• 2010-11 ($100,000); 2013-16 ($1,000,000). PI: A Shennan. Community BP
monitoring to detect pre-eclampsia in Africa. Grand Challenges Exploration
Grants, Gates Foundation
• 2010-13. KCL PELICAN team. Tommy's Charity. Alere Inc, £470,000
Details of the impact
KCL-developed blood pressure (BP) monitoring device makes an impact in
rural settings
KCL researchers have worked closely with the Taiwanese company Microlife
to help them develop a BP device that can be accurately used in
pre-eclampsia, especially in the home setting. This company cites Reinders
2005 as the sole source of clinical validation for the Microlife BP
3BTO-A(2) device, saying that it is "currently, the only reliable monitor
which can be used for the measurement of BP during pregnancy and
pre-eclampsia" (1a). Working with a number of rural antenatal clinics in
African countries, KCL researchers and Microlife have transposed the
utility of their BP monitors to this setting. Here, pre-eclampsia is
frequently under-detected for a number of reasons including lack of
training and competency in using supplied devices; queries to the
robustness, safety and accuracy of both mercury containing models and
aneroid replacements and reliance of automated BP devices on a power
supply or source of batteries that may be inadequate or open to theft. In
these circumstance, under-diagnosis of early pre-eclampsia until it
presents as hypertensive emergencies or eclampsia is common.
A pilot study in Tanzania (Baker 2012) showed the validity of the
Microlife BP device. This work was featured on a news story including Prof
Shennan by Voice of America, the largest international broadcast operation
in the US (1b). The pilot led to an award of $1 million from the Gates
Foundation Grand Challenges in Global Health initiative. This project is
twofold in that it both supplies devices to rural clinics and uses clinic
feedback as part of a research project with the University of British
Columbia, Canada (PRE-EMPT) (1c). Since May 2013 PRE-EMPT has supplied
1340 devices and training to screen for pre-eclampsia to rural antenatal
clinics: 400 in Nigeria, 400 in Mozambique, 360 in Pakistan and 180 in
India. Microlife, who have greatly benefitted financially as all the
devices were purchased from them, has in return committed to improving the
device based on KCL recommendations from findings from these clinics (1d).
KCL research contributes to BP monitoring recommendations in Europe
KCL research determined that BP may be underestimated by automated BP
devices in pre-eclampsia. As such, they have developed protocols to
assess BP devices in pregnancy that now inform many international
guidelines. Most significantly, Reinders 2003 and Golara 2002 are in the
2009 American National `Standard for Non-invasive sphygmomanometers,'
which dictate international standards. Here the methodology includes an
adaption of that laid out in these papers and they are cited when
discussing the use of sphygmomanometers in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia
(2a). In the European Society of Hypertension 2008 guidelines for home BP
monitoring these studies, as well as Reinders 2005, are used in a
meta-analysis to produce a table showing the validity of home blood
testing in pregnancy. They are also cited as recommended reading with
regard to pre-eclampsia (2b). Prof Shennan is an advisor to this society's
Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring (2c), as well as being on the
NICE committee for Guidelines on Hypertension in pregnancy (2d) and the
WHO Committee on BP Measurement in Low Resource Settings, whose
`field-test protocol' is used by groups investigating the use of BP
devises (e.g. 2e).
It is soon to become EU law that mercury sphygmomaometry be phased out
for health and safety reasons and be replaced with oscillometric automated
BP monitoring. This is predominantly due to a 2009 report from the
Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks, who
provide the European Commission with the scientific advice it needs when
preparing policy and proposals documents, for which Prof Shennan was an
external expert. For the report, the committee needed to determine if BP
devises to replace mercury ones were accurate and suitable for use. In
consideration of this they drew on a number of KCL references including
Chung 2009 when discussing automated oscillometric devices (2f).
Placental growth factor (PIGF) is developed into a commercial product
KCL researchers have also worked to develop another aspect of
pre-eclampsia screening in the form of a test for PIGF. Measurement of
PlGF can augment clinical assessment and improve risk stratification,
enabling healthcare professionals to provide more objective and accurate
information to their patients. The advent of a highly sensitive test for
pre-eclampsia enables identification of those at greatest risk of adverse
outcomes, while those with a normal test result can avoid costly and
unnecessary intervention. The test provides an advantage to women who do
not wish to have to remain in hospital for monitoring. In a survey carried
out by Action on Pre-eclampsia (APEC-UK), 86% said that if a new robust
test (e.g. PlGF) were introduced that enabled them to be monitored safely
as an outpatient they would prefer this to being in hospital (3a).
Alere Ltd. is a global diagnostics and health management company that
provides products and services that allow healthcare decisions to be taken
at the point of care. The KCL-led, multi-centre PELICAN study of PlGF
testing strategy in women with suspected pre-eclampsia (Chappell 2013)
provided validation of PlGF and led to Alere developing the test as a
commercial product: Alere Triage®PlGF. This definitive
study led to the establishment of novel thresholds of PlGF levels on which
to base clinical management. A `normal' level indicates low risk of
needing delivery within the next 14 days for pre-eclampsia, so a woman can
return to outpatient care; a `low' level shows an increased risk and
requires surveillance to be stepped up; a `very low' level means a woman
is at high risk (median time to delivery for pre-eclampsia of 9 days) and
should be admitted for assessment. Alere's product brochure highlights the
findings from KCL's study and uses their management algorithm as a
`traffic light' system for risk assessment (3b). To date, Alere have
marketed 12,500 PlGF tests for ongoing global use for pre-eclampsia
prediction/diagnosis and the study findings are being used by Alere to
lobby US Congress and the FDA for faster regulatory approval times for
innovations in pregnancy.
Alere also provide an educational website with a globally recognised
Editorial Board aimed at healthcare professionals. This highlights the use
of PlGF tests and the PELICAN study results (3c). This research was also
subject of a widely reported press release by Alere in 2012 (3d).
Additionally, an international registry — Management of Pregnancy
Complication With PlGF Testing - has been established by Alere to collate
outcomes across consultant-led centres. Here, consecutive patients will be
managed using KCL's PlGF threshold algorithm with the audit coordinated by
an International Steering Group (3e). Throughout their research, the KCL
group has been one of the first to routinely incorporate patient and
public involvement through Tommy's Charity and APEC-UK at all stages from
design and execution to dissemination. For instance, APEC-UK incorporated
this new strategy for pre-eclampsia diagnosis and management into a recent
educational study day for health care providers (July 4th, 2013) (3f).
Sources to corroborate the impact
1) KCL-developed Blood Pressure monitoring device makes an impact in
rural settings
a. Microlife:
b. Voice of America
c. PRE-EMPT: http:://
and on last page of newsletter:
d. Confirmation of shipping details of devises from the University of
British Columbia PRE-EMPT Trial manager (available on request)
2) KCL research contributes to BP monitoring recommendations in Europe
a. ANSI/AAMI/ISO 81060-2:2009. Non-invasive sphygmomanometers — Part 2:
Clinical validation of automated measurement type (pdf available on
b. Parati G, et al. European Society of Hypertension guidelines for blood
pressure monitoring at home: a summary report of the Second International
Consensus Conference on Home Blood Pressure Monitoring. J Hypertens
2008;26(8):1505-26. Doi: 10.1097/HJH.0b013e328308da66
c. O'Brien E, et al. European Society of Hypertension International
Protocol revision 2010 for the validation of blood pressure measuring
devices in adults. Blood Press Monit 2010;15(1):23-3. Doi:
d. NICE 2010. Hypertension in pregnancy: the management of hypertensive
disorders during pregnancy:
e. Parati G. A new solar-powered blood pressure measuring device for
low-resource settings. Hypertension 2010;56(6):1047-53. Doi:
f. SCENIHR. Mercury Sphygmomanometers in Healthcare and the Feasibility
of Alternatives. 2009:
3) Placental growth factor is developed into a commercial product
a. APEC-UK survey: Letter available from APEC
b. Alere Triage® PlGF brochure:
d. Alere press release. 8.10.2012: Picked up by
e. Management of Pregnancy Complication With PlGF Testing:
f. APEC-UK study day: