Achieving change through policy-relevant research: strengthening the provision of health visiting by influencing government
Submitting Institution
King's College LondonUnit of Assessment
Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and PharmacySummary Impact Type
PoliticalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Studies In Human Society: Social Work
Summary of the impact
Evidence about the need for and provision of health visiting services
generated through research undertaken at King's College London (KCL) has
underpinned major changes in national policies for health visiting. Our
findings about health visitors' practice, availability and distribution of
services and effectiveness in terms of parenting/child outcomes, revealed
both shortfalls in provision and opportunities for improvement and led to
the development of a new caseload weighting tool and funding model for
service planning. The accumulated evidence from this research helped
convince the UK Government in 2010 to commit to 4,200 more health visitors
by 2015 — a workforce expansion of nearly 50% — in a time of austerity and
restraint elsewhere in the public sector.
Underpinning research
There is increasing awareness of the importance of early life experience
(from pregnancy through the pre-school years) for children's development
and later health. In the UK, health visitors are the professional group
charged with supporting this life stage, through a universal service
designed to support the health development of pre-school children and with
a wider aim of promoting public health and reducing health inequalities.
Studies of health visiting undertaken at King's College London (KCL) and
led by Professor Dame Sarah Cowley (Professor of Community Practice
Development, 1997-2012; Lecturer/Senior Lecturer 1992-97) (a) identified
specific approaches to health visiting practice and service organisation
that are required to support uptake and effectiveness; (b) revealed a lack
of relationship between the number of health visitors, distribution of
health visiting services and need for those services at local level (as
measured by indices of area deprivation); and (c) showed that reduced
numbers of health visitors and decreasing access to the universal health
visitor service were preventing access to beneficial early interventions
for children who needed them.
Research at King's has highlighted the uneasy relationship between health
visiting as a proactive and preventive public health service and the
overall orientation and structure of the NHS, which is more geared to
dealing with acute or chronic illness and responding to problems once they
become evident, than to preventing illness and maintaining positive
health. In our theory-building research we demonstrated the importance of
the health-creating, relational and proactive nature of health visiting, a
form of support that is not easily accounted for within NHS commissioning
and information systems designed to deal with circumscribed episodes of
care. This research revealed the organisational challenges of identifying
suitable guidelines or indicators for the quality of preventive services,
which cannot be gauged by conventional measures of change or
responsiveness to treatment (Refs 1 & 2) In further work we were able
to specify more clearly the particular skills and processes involved in
health visiting practice — especially when assessing need for this form of
health promoting, preventive work — and to demonstrate the importance for
effective practice of practitioners having appropriate relational and
analytic skills and breadth of knowledge about families and child
development, as well as public health (Refs 3 & 4).
Between 2004 and 2010, the number of health visitors in post fell by more
than 20% following closure of the health visiting register, changes to the
recommended child health promotion strategy and renewed emphasis on NHS
targets for dealing with specific illnesses. During the same period, the
birth rate rose by approximately 20%, so increasing demand at a time of
service contraction. By analysing patterns of service organisation and
practice, KCL researchers revealed a significant lack of fit between the
availability and distribution of health visitors and the need for their
services, which is greater in areas of high deprivation. The role of
health visiting in helping to reduce health inequalities was thereby
compromised and children's health needs were not being met (Ref 5). These
findings, together with insights from the earlier research, were used to
develop a funding model and caseload weighting tool for service planning,
by identifying time required for key activities and a method of linking
staff distribution to area deprivation. This work was influential in
convincing the Government to increase the number of health visitors (Refs
6 & 7). Through combining raw data from a 2007 survey of parents
conducted by the Family and Parenting Institute (FPI) with health visiting
survey data collected in the same year (Ref 8), we established convincing
evidence of the ad hoc nature of service distribution. This
additional analysis strengthened the findings of the consumer survey,
adding rigour and providing the credibility needed to influence policy
(Ref 5).
References to the research
Ref 1 Cowley S. In health visiting, a routine visit is one that
has passed Journal of Advanced Nursing 1995; 22(2):276-284.
(Scopus citations 21)
Ref 2 Appleton JV, Cowley S. The guideline contradiction: health
visitors' use of formal guidelines for identifying and assessing families
in need. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2004;
41:785-797. (Scopus citations 13)
Ref 3 Appleton JV, Cowley S. Health visiting assessment—unpacking
critical attributes in health visitor needs assessment practice: A case
study. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008; 45
(2):232-245. (Scopus citations 10)
Ref 4 Appleton JV, Cowley S. Health visiting assessment processes
under scrutiny: A case study of knowledge use during family health needs
assessments. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008; 45(5):
682-696. (Scopus citations 6)
Ref 5 Cowley S, Caan W, Dowling S. Too little for early
interventions? Examining the policy-practice gap in English health
visiting services and organisation. Primary Health Care Research and
Development 2009; 10:130-142.(No Scopus data)
Ref 6 Cowley S. A funding model for health visiting: baseline
requirements (part 1). Community Practitioner 2007; 80(11):18-24.
(Scopus citations 3)
Ref 7 Cowley S. A funding model for health visiting (part 2):
impact and implementation. Community Practitioner 2007;
80(12):24-31. (Scopus citations 1)
Ref 8 Cowley S, Caan, W, Dowling S, Weir, H. What do health
visitors do? A national survey of activities and service organisation. Public
Health 2007; 21(11):869-879. (Scopus citations 9)
Supporting grants:
• Responding to the `Call to Action': Programme of work to support
the Health Visitor Implementation Plan Department of Health Policy
Research Programme. PI:Maben £769,937, 2011-12.
• How do health visiting services relate to levels of deprivation or
availability of other services in an area, or are other factors are
influential? Burdett Trust for Nursing. PI: Cowley. £15,926, 2007.
• Determining future directions for health visiting: a scoping census
of health visitor registrants Florence Nightingale School of Nursing
& Midwifery (special research funds) PI: Cowley. £25,000; CPHVA,
£3000. 2004-05.
• Health visiting in partnership project: an investigation of
partnership working and decision making in relation to `Extra Health
Visiting' and outcomes of care in Community Health South London Health
Services NHS Trust Guys & St Thomas' Charitable Foundation. PI:
Cowley. £46,709. 2000-01.
• An exploration of the extent to which the health visitor assessment
process promotes the health of the families involved. Florence
Nightingale School of Nursing & Midwifery (special research funds) PI:
Cowley £34,899. 2000-01.
• Family Health Needs Project. SETRHA Primary Care Development
Fund, PI: Cowley. £80,029. 1994-96.
Details of the impact
In 2008, Parliament's Health Select Committee reported on an inquiry into
the NHS and Health Inequalities, to which Professor Dame Sarah had given
evidence about KCL research showing the inequitable distribution, funding
and implementation of health visiting services in relation to area
deprivation (Source 1). She also presented a report on these topics to the
Early Years Commission, established in 2008 by the Centre for Social
Justice, a Conservative-leaning think tank which included several
references to KCL research (Source 2). Professor Dame Sarah's testimony to
these two inquiries, and the research studies she mentioned, were cited in
the Conservative Research Department's Helping New Families policy
document, which set out its vision for a universal health visiting service
(Source 3). This document supplied the rationale for the Conservative
Party's manifesto pledge to increase the number of health visitors by
4,200. The manifesto pledge was carried forward by the new Coalition
government and included in its 2010 Spending Review, despite the general
commitment to a 20% reduction in public spending.
The KCL research studies underpinning Professor Cowley's report also
provided core evidence for the UK Public Health Association's (UKPHA)
report Health Visiting Matters, which was developed in
collaboration with Professor Cowley and launched at the House of Commons
in November 2009 (Source 4). The UKPHA was an independent voluntary
organisation that acts as an information platform to support people
working in public health, now part of the Faculty of Public Health. Health
Visiting Matters discussed a number of challenges including the need
for secure funding, criteria for best practice, a stronger evidence base
for health visiting and future options for employment, education and
The Community Practitioners' and Health Visitors' Association (CPHVA) was
also very active in lobbying prior to the 2010 election, and some of its
publications are cited in Helping New Families. As part of the
Department of Health's Action on Health Visiting programme set up
in 2009, the CPHVA published a report entitled Getting it right for
children and families: Defining research to maximise the contribution of
the health visitor. That report cited several KCL studies as
instances of good practice (for example Cowley et al, 2007 is discussed as
an existing data source available to influence health visitor service
development )(Source 5) Additionally, in its document Exploring the
role of the Health Visitor and the Registered Nurse in the Health
Visitor Team and the Health Visiting Service (Source 6) the CPHVA
drew on KCL findings regarding health visiting assessment processes to
recommend that, while registered nurses could contribute to the health
visiting service, their role should not go beyond the boundaries of their
The interim workforce/funding and caseload weighting models developed at
King's led to widespread acceptance of the need for more health visitors
and for their numbers to be distributed equitably. These models have been
used in a number of local Trusts and by at least three Strategic Health
Authorities (East of England, North West, London) (Source 7). This was the
`public face' of KCL work, which became known through the policy evidence
outlined above, but which drew on a far wider body of knowledge and
understanding about health visiting developed over two decades of
research. Our standing in this field was summarised in a local authority
scrutiny review of health visiting as follows: `The reason that Prof
Cowley's model has been chosen is that she is the academic who has
nationally done the most work in this field and is always quoted in the
work by e.g. Commons Select Committees etc.,' (Source 8, para 107
page 31).
It is arguable, therefore, that the government's commitment to expanding
the health visiting workforce was influenced by the whole body of research
at King's. The significance of Professor Cowley's work in this field was
noted in her DBE citation, where the academic research she led was
described as having, "created the evidence base for modern health
visiting. She has ensured that this research has been translated into
practice to improve health outcomes for children, families and
communities and has been an especial champion for the most vulnerable
Once in power, the Coalition government developed its own Health
Visitor Implementation Plan (Source 9), aimed at growing the
workforce, mobilising the profession and aligning delivery systems. This
report heavily cited KCL research regarding the health visitor's `journey'
with a client and how best it should be initiated and developed, and the
need to retain health visiting services in forms that would help people
most in need. To support the plan, the DH Policy Research Programme
commissioned researchers at KCL to undertake a programme of research into
the provision of health visiting services under the leadership of
Professor Jill Maben (Professor of Nursing Research 2011-present; Senior
Research Fellow 2007-2011.) and Professor Cowley. Outputs from this
programme included a literature review which confirmed the findings from
KCL research on the importance of service organisation and the skills,
attributes and values of health visitors in promoting access to and uptake
of the service (Source 10).
In February 2013 according to the NHS Information Centre for Health and
Social Care, 1000 more health visitors had been employed (now 9113) than
the baseline figure at May 2010 (Source 11).
Sources to corroborate the impact
Source 1 Cowley S (2008) Memorandum by Professor Sarah Cowley (HI
76) The contribution of the NHS to reducing health inequalities. House of
Commons Health Committee. Health Inequalities. Written Evidence Session
2007-08, Volume II, pages 256-261 HC 422-II (
Source 2 Cowley S (Prepared 3.3.2008). The Contribution of the NHS
To Reducing Health Inequalities: evidence to the Early Years Commission
(Centre for Social Justice): (unpublished — available from author)
Source 3 Conservative Research Department (2008). Helping new
families. Support in the early years through universal health visiting.
London, Conservative Party.
Source 4 UKPHA Health Visiting Matters:
Source 5 Getting it right for children and families: Defining
research to maximise the contribution of the health visitor:
Source 6 Exploring the role of the Health Visitor and the
Registered Nurse in the Health Visitor Team and the Health Visiting
Service :
Source 7 Examples of use of caseload weighting:
Source 8 London Borough of Hounslow (2010) Scrutiny Review of
Health Visitor Numbers Report of the Children and Young People Scrutiny
Panel. Hounslow, London Borough of Hounslow.
Source 9 Health Visitor Implementation Plan 2011-2015: A Call to
Source 10 This document was supported by the following literature
review: Cowley S. Whittaker K, Grigulis A, Malone M, Donetto S, Morrow E,
Maben J. (2013). Why Health Visiting? A review of the literature about key
health visitor interventions, processes and outcomes for children and
families. London. National Nursing Research Unit, King's College London:
Source 11 NHS Information Centre for Health and Social Care (2013)
NHS Hospital & Community Health Service (HCHS) monthly workforce
statistics — Provisional Statistics: Minimum Data Set (MDS) collection for
Health Visiting (HV)