Maize variety GM-6 brings £55 million of benefits to more than 300,000 resource-poor farmers in western India
Submitting Institutions
Aberystwyth University,
Bangor UniversityUnit of Assessment
Agriculture, Veterinary and Food ScienceSummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Environmental Sciences: Soil Sciences
Biological Sciences: Genetics
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences: Crop and Pasture Production
Summary of the impact
GM-6, a new maize variety developed through innovative Bangor crop
breeding research (pioneering the use of participatory plant breeding) was
released in three states in Western India between 2002 and 2005. Since its
release, GM-6 cultivation has rapidly grown to a cumulative area exceeding
2M hectares, of which 54% (more than 1M ha) was during 2008-2013, with a
major positive impact on the welfare and prosperity of at least 330,000
households per year. Because of its advantage under drought and on poor
soils, GM-6 has average grain yields 28% higher than the best available
alternative varieties, providing 360,000 t of additional food grain during
2008-2013 with a total net present value to these farm households of an
average of at least £9M per year.
Underpinning research
Professor John Witcombe (JRW), in BEAA's Centre for Advanced Research in
International Agricultural Development (CARIAD) 1990-present, started
research to develop new varieties of maize in 1994 through participatory
plant breeding (PPB), which was specifically designed to meet the
identified needs of resource-poor farmers in the more arid regions of
Gujarat, India. It used his novel research-based participatory varietal
selection (PVS) method (Witcombe et al. 1996). This approach to PPB
incorporates on-farm varietal testing and farmers' experiences with, and
reactions to, new varieties from the breeding program. This was the first
published example (Witcombe et al. 2003) of the application of PPB in
maize, and included several research innovations to increase the
efficiency of mass selection in the crop. JRW made further innovations to
introduce properties desired by farmers, such as (i) breeding for very
early maturity and (ii) using both yellow- and white-endosperm maize as
parent varieties to combine the superior yield of yellow maize with the
preferred taste and colour of white maize.
This research produced new varieties highly adapted to the requirements
and preferences of local farmers, which greatly improved their popularity
and adoption rate. One of these varieties, GM-6, had particular strong
advantages in terms of yield (18% more than the local control variety in
research-station trials, and a 28% advantage in trials on farmers'
fields). In addition, GM-6 was superior for agronomic traits, e.g. extreme
early maturity in less than 80 days (Witcombe et al. 2003). Farmers also
highlighted GM-6's superior grain quality and the tightly packed cobs that
reduce insect attacks, as well as production of higher quality fodder,
which is a main source of animal feed. The resulting extremely high
popularity of GM-6 amongst farmers is reflected in the high adoption rate
of GM-6: between 1998 and 2000, over half the farmers that were given the
seed continued to grow it in the next year and all farmers growing GM-6
for a second year became continuing adopters, growing GM-6 on 30-100% of
their land (Witcombe et al. 2003).
This research, led by JRW, resulted in the official release of GM-6 for
the whole of the Gujarat agro-climatic zone in 2002 by the Gujarat State
Seed Certification Agency (GSSCA, Witcombe et al. 2003). It was notified
in 2003 by the central variety release committee of the Government of
India with the reference number S.O.383 (E)12-3-2003 REG/2007/338. It was
subsequently officially recommended for cultivation in the states of
Rajasthan (2004) and Madhya Pradesh (2005). JRW led research into the
pathway of rapid uptake of this variety by farmers in the three states
which was reported to the DfID Research into Use programme (Witcombe et
al. 2007).
The research was a collaboration between Bangor University, the
DFID-funded Krishak Bharati Cooperative Rainfed Indo-British Farming
Project (KRIBP) and Gujarat Agricultural University (GAU). All of
the breeding research was done by Bangor and KRIBP, and the on-station
testing by GAU, which also put the new varieties through the formal
testing system and jointly proposed them for release. PVS on the maize
varieties was organised by KRIBP with supervision and analysis by JRW. The
impact of the maize varieties on the livelihoods of local farmers was
surveyed by the Gramin Vikas Trust (GVT), Gujarat.
References to the research
BEAA authors are in bold. Citation counts obtained through Google
Scholar (October 2013).
Witcombe, J.R., Joshi, A., Joshi, K.D. & Sthapit, B.R. (1996).
Farmer participatory crop improvement. 1. Varietal selection and breeding
methods and their impact on biodiversity. Experimental Agriculture
32: 445-460. DOI: 10.1017/S0014479700001526. Published in a
peer-reviewed journal, 274 citations, submitted to RAE 2001
Joshi, A. & Witcombe, J.R. (1996). Farmer participatory crop
improvement. 2. Participatory varietal selection, a case study in India. Experimental
Agriculture 32: 461-477. DOI: 10.1017/S0014479700001538. Published
in a peer-reviewed journal, 163 citations
Sthapit, B.R., Joshi, K.D. & Witcombe, J.R. (1996). Farmer
participatory crop improvement. 3. Participatory plant breeding, a case
study for rice in Nepal. Experimental Agriculture 32:
479-496. DOI: 10.1017/S001447970000154X. Published in a peer-reviewed
journal, 151 citations
The above three papers on participatory methods of plant breeding were
the first to be published that dealt with the entire process and have
been widely cited. The first of the papers above is the most widely
cited in the fields of PPB and PVS
Witcombe, J.R., Joshi, A. & Goyal, S.N. (2003). Participatory
plant breeding in maize: A case study from Gujarat, India. Euphytica
130: 413-422. DOI: 10.1023/A:1023036730919. Published in a
peer-reviewed paper, 59 citations, submitted to RAE 2008
Virk, D.S., Chakraborty, M., Ghosh, J., Prasad, S.C. & Witcombe,
J.R. (2005). Increasing the client orientation of maize breeding
using farmer participation in eastern India. Experimental Agriculture
41: 413-426. DOI: 10.1017/S001447970500270X. Published in a
peer-reviewed journal, 17 citations
Research into the pathway by which the maize breeding research led to
impact through rapid uptake by farmers of the new GM-6 maize variety is
reported in the following reference
Witcombe, J.R., Virk, D.S. & 9 co-authors from Indian
institutions (2007). Client-oriented breeding in maize — improved
varieties GM-6 for western India and BVM 2 for eastern India. Research
into Use project report, PSP Dosier 15. Available at:
Details of the impact
The new maize variety GM-6, developed by Bangor research using the novel
methods of PPB and PVS, was successfully released in Gujarat State in 2002
and, as shown below, has had a major impact on food production in Western
India between 2008 and 2013. The relationship between the research output
(GM-6) and the impact is causal and direct and is related to the
production and economic benefits of growing GM-6 and the area upon which
it is grown. Because of careful targeting of farmers' needs during the PPB
and PVS, the high benefits gained from the new variety did not require
additional input of resources by the farmers. PPB and PVS produced a
variety that was earlier to mature than any of those produced by
conventional maize breeding, combined this trait with high yield, and took
fewer years to do so than conventional breeding methods [5.1, Witcombe et
al. 2007 (cited in section 3)].
Impact on production and international development: improved food
yield, security and economy
The impact resulting from the uptake of GM-6 on livelihoods of a sample of
farmers in three states in Western India that had previously been given
seed was surveyed [5.1]. Farmers liked the new variety for its higher
yield as well as other traits such as improved grain quality, earlier
maturity (7 days earlier silking than local varieties) and better
tolerance of major diseases and pests. Because of its early maturity, GM-6
escapes terminal drought, resulting in a much lower frequency of failed
harvests. Combined, these properties of GM-6 give a major advantage to
resource-poor farmers, allowing them to sell more grain, as well as
increasing their household food self-sufficiency. Farmers reported
considerable impacts on their livelihoods with seed sales in maize
increasing by 51% and food self-sufficiency by more than one month.
Large-scale uptake of GM-6 during the 2008-13 period is attributable to
the evidence that during its period of rapid uptake over 70% of the
farmers growing this new maize variety reported an overall increase of
more than 10% in their total income [5.1].
A comprehensive survey of the seed production records of the 13 main
responsible institutions in the states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and
Rajasthan in western India by Yadavendra (2013) [5.2] showed that the
amount of GM-6 seed produced for sowing has increased rapidly from 2002 to
2013 with a notable acceleration during 2010-2013 (Figure 1 below). During
the 2008-2013 period 1519 t of GM-6 seed for sowing was produced (over 250
t per year), which represents 54% of the cumulative total seed produced
since the release of the variety in 2002. These documented values are
conservative as data are unavailable for private-sector non-certified
seed. This indicates the sustained and accelerating demand for this seed
amongst farmers. During 2008-2013 GM-6 accounted for over 91% of the total
recorded maize seed production in Gujarat State, and in each year during
2011-2013 it accounted for at least 98% of the total production (Figure 2
below, [5.2]).
Based on an average sowing rate of 20 kg seed/ha, the 1519 t of
officially certified GM-6 seed produced since 2008 enabled 76,000 ha of
maize to be planted. Importantly, Yadavendra (2013) [5.2] determined that
the actual area of GM-6 planted is much greater than this, equating to an
estimated cumulative area of 1.08M ha since 2008. This was based on an
estimate that 4% of farmers' harvest of GM-6 is sown as seed in subsequent
years. This estimate is conservative as previous surveys [5.1] found that
farmers themselves sowed an average of 3% of the seed of GM-6 that they
harvested and distributed an additional 6% to relatives, friends and
neighbours for sowing. This estimated is further supported by the finding
of Yadavendra and Witcombe (2013) [5.1] that more than 60% of farmers who
were given GM-6 seed more than once grew it in the following year and
increased the proportion of their land area sown to this variety
year-on-year. Independent evidence for this large estimated land area
planted with GM-6 is provided by the principal maize research scientist at
the Main Maize Research Station, Gujarat Agricultural University, Godhra
who concluded from his observations that GM-6 is the most popular maize
variety in Gujarat, that it occupies a large majority of the maize area,
and that it has been grown on a cumulative area of 2M ha since its release
in 2002 [5.2].
Surveyed resource-poor farmers reported that cultivating GM-6 maize had
considerable positive impacts on their livelihoods with their maize seed
sales increasing by more than 50% and their household food supply lasting
for more than one additional month [5.1]. In addition, a majority of the
surveyed farmers growing GM-6 reported that it increased their total
income by 10-20%. Given that, on average, resource-poor households in
Gujarat each own 0.9-1 ha of land, which is only partially planted to
maize, it is estimated that the cumulative 1.08 million ha of GM-6
planting during the six years 2008-2013 equates to the livelihoods of an
average of more than 2 million household-years (333,000 households per
year) directly benefitting from GM-6. Using conservative estimates for
current value of maize grain and the estimated 30% yield advantage
obtained from cultivating GM-6 over other local varieties, GM-6 has
provided an additional harvest for farmers in Gujarat, Rajasthan and
Madhya Pradesh States of 360,000 t of food grain during 2008-2013 with a
net present value of Rs 5,600M (£55M) [5.2, page 33], a major direct
impact on international development of the Bangor-led research that
created GM-6.
There are also good grounds for inferring substantial beneficial impacts
on the environment as the increased productivity of GM-6 is achieved
without the need for additional inputs, specifically water, inorganic N
and pesticides, thus reducing the burdens of water-consumption and
polluting agro-chemicals per amount of food production.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 1. Cumulative production of GM-6 seed (t) for truthfully
labelled seed (TL, black solid line), foundation (F) and certified (C)
seed (black dotted line) and all three categories combined (grey line)
over the period 2002-2013. 60% of all seed was distributed during
2008-2013 at an average rate of over 250 t per year.
Figure 2. GM-6 cumulative production as a proportion (%) of all
cumulative maize seed production (black line) and as a proportion (%) of
production in each separate year (grey line) in Gujarat State over the
period 2002-2013. In all years from 2009 GM-6 accounted for > 90% of
seed production.
* 2013 figures are extrapolated based on the average of the previous
three years.
Sources to corroborate the impact
5.1 Yadavendra, J.P. and Witcombe, J.R. (2013). The impact of maize and
rice varieties from client oriented breeding on the livelihoods of poor
farmers in western India. SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics 45:
5.2 Yadavendra, J.P. (2013). Spread of Gujarat Maize-6 (GM-6): A maize
variety bred by participatory plant breeding released in Gujarat and
recommended in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan in Western India. Available
For these sources a copy can be made available upon request if
preferred, or if web-links have become inactive.