18. Improving survivability of protective structures through novel design and modelling
Submitting Institution
Imperial College LondonUnit of Assessment
Aeronautical, Mechanical, Chemical and Manufacturing EngineeringSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Engineering: Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Materials Engineering
Summary of the impact
The vulnerability of both military and civilian infrastructure to the
threat of terrorist activity has highlighted the need to improve its
survivability, and this poses a significant design challenge to engineers.
Research work at Imperial has led to the development of novel constitutive
relationships for polymeric materials coupled to novel analysis
procedures; software algorithms for effective simulations of blast and
impact events; and enhanced experimental testing methods allowing a
fundamental understanding of the structures. According to Dstl, this body
of research has `unquestionably improved the security and effectiveness
of the UK armed forces operating in hostile environments abroad as well
as the safety of citizens using metropolitan infrastructure within the
UK'. The techniques have been applied to vehicles and UK
infrastructure, including for high profile events, such as the 2012
Underpinning research
Research projects funded by the EPSRC, European Union, TSB and MoD (Dstl)
over the past ten years have contributed to the development of this
research area. The overall aim of this research activity has been to
develop sophisticated modelling techniques that are capable of simulating
the complex phenomena associated with the deformation of polymeric armour
materials under high velocity impact loadings [C, F]. The research has
also contributed to the development of sophisticated meso-scale modelling
methods for advanced materials and structures, which have been implemented
into bespoke and (protected) commercially-available numerical simulation
software [E,D,F]. The clearer insight into the dynamic response mechanisms
of the current protective materials has also provided a strong foundation
for the micro-scale design of significantly better systems in the near
future [B], Figure 1 and 2.
Figure 1: Ballistic impact into Dyneema armour panels at 1km/s with
60g copper projectile. Left: Improved numerical predictions; Right:
Experimental test (from Figure 2 test).
The evolution of the modelling approaches for high performance composites
can be divided into the development of delamination failure modelling and
in-plane failure modelling techniques.
Delamination failure modelling (using the cohesive element approach) was
originally developed for implicit finite element codes within the
Aeronautics Department by Professor Mike Crisfield [97-02] and later
adopted for use in commercially available explicit finite element codes.
In parallel with the original cohesive element approach a number of
in-plane composite failure models were developed specifically for impact
and blast and implemented into finite element codes [2, 3]. In recent
years new advanced fracture-based failure models for in-plane failure were
devised and these have been key in the development of new impact modelling
approaches [3, 5]. In parallel with the modelling developments a number of
novel testing and examination procedures [6] have been developed to
understand the physical processes which occur during severe loadings and
to measure key material parameters[1, A]. The resulting two- and
three-dimensional numerical modelling of composite materials, validated
with extensive experimental studies, has greatly improved the
phenomenological understanding in this field and enabled a much more
accurate response prediction of protective structures when exposed to
blast and ballistic loading [5, B, F]. Most recently these modelling
techniques have been applied to the development of techniques to improve
the design of polymer armours and polymer composites [4, B] subject to
severe loadings. This deeper understanding has also led to the development
of fundamentally new armour concepts based on recycled and micro-braided
materials [F].
Figure 2: Enhanced ballistic testing of high performance composites
References to the research
* References that best indicate quality of underpinning research.
*[1] S.T. Pinho, P. Robinson, L. Iannucci, "Fracture toughness of the
tensile and compressive fibre failure modes in laminated composites",
Composites Science and Technology, Vol 66, pp. 2069-2079, (2006), DOI:
This original publication presents procedures to determine the
intralaminar fracture toughness of composites which led to the
successful award of the Dstl/EPSRC (C) project and has been incorporated
into models used by Dstl for impact and blast and for AIRBUS
vulnerability airframe design (F).
*[2] L. Iannucci, M.L. Willows, "An energy based damage mechanics
approach to modelling impact onto woven composite materials - Part I:
Numerical models", Composites Part A - Applied Science and Manufacturing,
Vol 37, pp. 2041-2056, (2006), DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2005.12.013
The initial development work which led to the 3D constitutive model for
high performance fibres. This was key background knowledge for the award
of the Dstl/EPSRC (C) and MAAXIMUS (D) grants.
*[3] M.V. Donadon, L. Iannucci, B.G. Falzon, J.M. Hodgkinson, S.F.M. de
Almeida, "A progressive failure model for composite laminates subjected to
low velocity impact damage", Computers & Structures, Vol 86, pp.
1232-1252, (2008), DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2007.11.004
The paper provides an original implementation into ls-dyna of an impact
constitutive model with mesh objectivity for composites. This approach
was used to successfully win the CEC MAAXIMUS (D) and the DTI IPSoFACTo
(E) projects. The approach has also been used to support AIRBUS on their
vulnerability studies, AIRBUS projects (F).
[4] L. Iannucci, D. Pope, "High velocity impact and armour design",
eXPRESS Polymer Letters, Vol 5, No 3, pp. 262-272, (2011), DOI:
The original approach in this paper resulted in the award of the
RAEng/Dstl chair (B) on multiscale armour design, and provided an
outline procedure to develop the 3D modelling approaches (F).
[5] L. Raimondo, L. Iannucci, P. Robinson, P.T. Curtis, "Modelling of
strain rate effects on matrix dominated elastic and failure properties of
unidirectional fibre-reinforced polymer-matrix composites", Composites
Science and Technology, Vol 72, pp. 819-827, (2012), DOI:
This paper presents a fundamental output of the TSB IPSoFACTo (E) and
Dstl/EPSRC (C) grants on impact, and has led to a new US-UK government
collaboration on high velocity impacts, via grants (A) and (B).
[6] E.S.
Greenhalgh, V.M.
Bloodworth, L.
Iannucci, D.
Pope, "Fractographic observations on Dyneema® composites under
ballistic impact", Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing,
Vol 44, pp. 51-62, (2013), DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2012.08.012
This paper presented a detailed examination of a polymer armour panel.
This led to the award of the MAST polymeric armour project (March 13,
£480k) and the multiscale polymer design grant (B). The insight also
allowed the successful award of Dstl PhD CASE award (F) and CDE award
(F) on novel recycled approaches to armour.
3.1 Grants supporting the research
[A] Dstl, Development of improved of improved modelling and materials
for protective/armour systems, 24 months, July 2012, £200k,
L Iannucci(PI).
[B] RAEng/Dstl, Chair: Multiscale Armour Design, 60 months, April
2011, £455k, L Iannucci(PI).
[C] EPSRC/Dstl, Development of improved of improved modelling and
materials for protective/armour systems, 36 months, Oct 2009, £1275k,
L Iannucci(PI), L Louca, P Robinson.
[D] CEC, MAAXIMUS: more affordable aircraft through extended
integrated and mature numerical sizing, 36 months, Nov. 2008, £230k,
L Iannucci(PI).
[E] DTI/TSB, IPSoFACTo, Shock and impact for hostile
environments, 36 months, April 2006, £336k, L Iannucci(PI),
P Robinson.
[F] Approximately £800k of further funding via projects from
Dstl, EPSRC, AIRBUS, and EU.
Details of the impact
Improving the survivability of vital infrastructure is vitally important
to the development of military technology, and, due to the increased
threat of terrorist activity, to civilian installations. Research at
Imperial between 1993-2013 led to a major advance in the ability to
virtually design a range of protective components, which are often very
expensive or impractical to test, and provided improved performance and
significant cost savings to the UK between 2008 and 2013. New blast,
impact and ballistic modelling techniques developed at Imperial were
applied in the military sector to investigate improved materials and
designs for protective components. As a result Dstl has been able to
develop lighter, more effective armour for both military vehicles and the
dismounted soldier, providing personnel with better protection and
superior operational performance. These improvements were achieved with
significant cost savings and, more importantly, have ultimately
contributed to the saving of many lives during expeditionary operations.
Within the UK MOD the development and procurement of military vehicles
represents a significant portion of the annual defence budget. A typical
development cost for a single vehicle is £500M. A critical part of this
process is to ensure that the occupants of the vehicles are properly
protected against potential explosive and penetrative threats present in
the current theatres of operation. While initial financial outlay for the
protection of a vehicle would typically amount to £10M, the total cost for
protection development over the lifetime of each vehicle will be
significantly higher due to the need for system retrofitting as new
threats or operational requirements emerge. [a]
The research findings have also been used to address the emerging and
increasingly severe threat of terrorist activity, which has highlighted
the vulnerability of vital infrastructure. Testing undertaken at Imperial
to characterise the structural components of civilian aircraft has enabled
Government scientists to better simulate the failure mechanisms associated
with internal explosive detonations, and therefore identify and mitigate
potentially critical terrorist scenarios. This capability has been used to
assess the explosive performance of a wide range civil aircraft structures
manufactured by Airbus and Boeing. Quick-running algorithms developed by
Imperial to predict blast effects for operational analysis have been
integrated within the Government-developed HIP (Human Injury Prediction)
code. This is now being used by security analysts both within the UK and
in friendly nations abroad to implement appropriate security measures
within transport infrastructure and high-profile public events (such as
the London Olympics[a]).
Dstl has summarised the benefits of this research activity as follows:
`The Department of Aeronautical Engineering at Imperial College London
have provided key expertise to Dstl in the field of physical protection
for many years. Although it is difficult to place a financial value on
these state of the art, technical advancements, their contributions have
unquestionably improved the security and effectiveness of the UK armed
forces operating in hostile environments abroad as well as the safety of
citizens using metropolitan infrastructure within the UK.'
The resulting improvement in model fidelity has led to a vast reduction
in the number of expensive tests required to confirm the veracity of a
particular amour variant. A typical purely experimental trial to assess an
armour design against one of the many potential threats costs over £100K.
Conservative estimates indicate that the cost of undertaking the same
design exercise but replacing all but the key experiments with numerical
simulation are one third of this amount.
Sources to corroborate the impact
[a] Capability leader, Structural Dynamics, Dstl Porton Down, Physical
Protection Group & Material and Structures Group. (for
corroboration of the Dstl statements regarding the impact of this