C4 - Bio Nano Consulting: a successful bio and nanotechnology consultancy business
Submitting Institution
Imperial College LondonUnit of Assessment
ChemistrySummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Chemical Sciences: Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry (incl. Structural)
Summary of the impact
Bio Nano Consulting (http://www.bio-nano-consulting.com)
was established as an operating business in 2007 through a joint venture
between Imperial College London and UCL, whose formation was underpinned
by research produced by Professor Tony Cass's group at Imperial. The
company is the first consultancy in Europe to focus on the increasingly
important intersection between bio- and nanotechnology, and it facilitates
the development and commercialisation of new biomedical and
nanotechnology-based techniques. Since its start-up, the company has
attracted numerous clients across the aerospace and diagnostics sectors,
including Lockheed-Martin and [text removed for publication]. The
company's activities have generated £6M worth of revenue and it has a
growing portfolio. The company, which is based in London, currently has 8
full time employees.
Underpinning research
The establishment of Bio Nano Consulting (BNC) was a direct consequence
of a DTI grant [G1] under the Micro and Nanotechnology Manufacturing
Initiative Capital Facilities programme in the specific area of
bionanotechnology (awarded in 2005). Its remit was to help UK industry in
de- risking new micro- and nanotechnology enabled biomedical devices,
especially in the diagnostics sector.
In a series of papers, the Cass group at Imperial College demonstrated
that the use of protein design and engineering, often in combination with
nanostructured surfaces, could lead to novel sensor designs. The use of
engineered extensions (`tags') to enzymes was shown to enhance their
immobilisation on sensor surfaces. This work was in collaboration with the
Universities of Warwick, Southampton and Texas (Austin) [e.g. 1]. A
related collaboration with Prof E. Kobatake's group at the Tokyo Institute
of Technology, funded by JSPS and BBSRC, was also focussed along the same
lines [2]. Most of the research prior to this used very non-specific and
poorly controlled chemistry to attach enzymes to surfaces, often resulting
in significant and variable loss of function. Our work on engineered tags
showed how they could be used to develop a more rational approach. In
addition, the attachment of enzymes to nanostructured metal oxide surfaces
was being investigated, through collaboration with Prof James Durrant and
funded by the BBSRC [G2], and it was shown that a functional coupling
between the hard and soft materials could be achieved [3-5]. The unique
properties of the metal oxides meant that both optical and electrochemical
signal transduction schemes could be used, so yielding a flexible design
strategy. This resulted in the grant of a patent [6] with Cass, Durrant
and Gilardi as inventors. These papers and the patent established the
advantages of using engineered proteins with nanomaterials in producing
novel diagnostic devices, as well as demonstrating the expertise of the
Cass group in this area. It was this proven, internationally recognized
expertise that led directly to the establishment of BNC and the early
contracts that it won with diagnostics companies.
The personnel contributing to this research programme at Imperial were
Academic staff members Prof A.E. Cass (1983-present), Prof James Durrant
(1993-present), Prof Gianfranco Gilardi (Reader 1993-2011 then Visiting
Professor 2011-present), and research associate Catherine Halliwell
(1998-2002). The primary collaborators were the group of Prof E Kobatake
(Tokyo), Prof P.N. Bartlett (University of Southampton). In the
collaboration with Southampton, the contribution of the Cass group was to
carry out all the protein engineering work and to characterise the
engineered proteins in terms of their biochemical properties.
Incorporating these engineered proteins into electrically conducting
polymers and demonstrating the sensing aspects was done both at Imperial
and in Southampton. Collaborating with the Tokyo group, we had already
cloned, engineered and fluorescently labelled the glutamine binding
protein and this knowledge and materials (plasmids) were sent to Tokyo,
where the new tag was attached and the behaviour of the immobilised
protein characterised.
References to the research
(* References that best indicate quality of underpinning research)
[1] Halliwell, C. M., Simon, E., Toh, C. S., Bartlett, P. N.,
& Cass, A. E., "Immobilisation of lactate dehydrogenase on
poly (aniline)-poly (acrylate) and poly (aniline)-poly (vinyl
sulphonate) films for use in a lactate biosensor". Analytica Chimica
Acta, 453 (2), 191-200 (2002). DOI.
Times cited: 37 (as at 6/3/13)
[2] *Wada, A., Mie, M., Aizawa, M., Lahoud, P., Cass, A. E.,
& Kobatake, E., "Design and construction of glutamine binding
proteins with a self-adhering capability to unmodified hydrophobic
surfaces as reagentless fluorescence sensing devices", J. Am. Chem.
Soc., 125 (52), 16228-16234 (2003). DOI.
Times cited: 26 (as at 6/3/13)
[3] *Topoglidis, E., Cass, A. E., Gilardi, G., Sadeghi,
S., Beaumont, N., & Durrant, J. R., "Protein
adsorption on nanocrystalline TiO2 films: an immobilization strategy for
bioanalytical devices", Anal. Chem., 70 (23), 5111-5113
(1998). DOI. Times
cited: 140 (as at 6/3/13)
[4] Topoglidis, E., Cass, A. E., O'Regan, B., & Durrant,
J. R., "Immobilisation and bioelectrochemistry of proteins on
nanoporous TiO2 and ZnO films", J.
Electroanalytical Chem., 517(1), 20-27 (2001). DOI.
Times cited: 155 (as at 6/3/13)
[5] *Topoglidis, E., Campbell, C. J., Cass, A. E.,
& Durrant, J. R., "Factors that affect protein adsorption
on nanostructured titania films. A novel spectroelectrochemical
application to sensing", Langmuir, 17 (25), 7899-7906
(2001). DOI. Times
cited: 112 (as at 6/3/13)
[6] Patent, PCT Int. Appl., EP
1071945 B1, "Biochemical devices and their methods of manufacture",
Inventors: Cass, A. E., Durrant, J. R., Gilardi, G.,
Applicant: Imperial College
[G1] DTI, "A Bionanotechnology Centre", £3.74m (Imperial College element
£1.5m), 2005- 2010, PI: Tony Cass
[G2] BBSRC, E11939,
"A novel strategy for bioanalytical and biocatalytic devices : biomolecule
immobilisation on nanoporous TiO2 electrodes", 10/04/2000 - 10/04/2003,
£191,904, PI: Prof J. Durrant, Co-Is: Prof A Cass, Prof G Gilardi
Details of the impact
The formation of Bio Nano Consulting arose from the realisation that
combining the expertise at Imperial College (A Cass in nanobiotechnology
and diagnostics, Tim Jones in nanomaterials) with that at UCL (G Aeppli in
nanofabrication and M Horton in nanomedicine), and drawing on the National
Physical Laboratory's metrology resources, would present a unique offering
in Bionanotechnology to provide services to the UK's biomedical sector.
Imperial College and UCL had already jointly established the London Centre
for Nanotechnology (LCN) in 2003 and discussions had started on how to
build on the academic excellence of the LCN to enhance its interactions
with industry. A call for proposals in Micro and Nanotechnology
Manufacturing Facilities by the Department of Trade and Industry in 2004
led to a successful bid by the consortium of the 3 organisations (late
2005) [grant G1]. The company was incorporated in October 2007, appointing
the experienced Dr David Sarphie as CEO, who had "over a decade's worth
of senior management expertise in drug delivery, diagnostics and
medical-device companies" [A]. Following a total investment in
infrastructure, instrumentation and working capital of £5m from the
Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and London Development Agency (LDA), it
was officially launched in April 2008 [A, B] as a "specialist product
development consultancy applying nanotechnology tools to address
real-world problems from the biomedical industry" [B].
In 2010, following steady growth in the business, Lord Alec Broers
accepted the role of Chairman. By late 2010, BNC announced the completion
of its publically funded phase of corporate development. To "mark the
company's transition to a self-supporting and revenue-funded
organisation, BNC...acquired new expanded offices in central London to
meet the increasing demand for its services and specialist expertise"
[C]. At that time BNC had "completed 22 projects for 16 life science
and high-technology sector companies" and, as an indication of its
continued success, "already [had] a further 10 projects actively in
progress" [C].
As a not-for-profit company, wholly owned by Imperial College London and
University College London, the business has focussed on applying expertise
in bio- and nanotechnology in the two universities to provide technical
consulting services to UK and overseas companies and institutions. It
offers four main services: consultancy services, project management
services, contract research and development, and open access to
instrumentation [D]. The BNC business model is to be a `labless' company,
employing scientist and engineers, as well as project managers, who will
deliver the project objectives and who carry out the research in
collaborating academic institutions (Imperial and UCL). In doing so, it
pays bench fees and equipment access charges to the Universities. Over the
assessment period, the company has diversified both its client base and
the type of projects that it has taken on. It currently employs 8 people
(7 PhD scientists/engineers with backgrounds in chemistry, materials
science and the life sciences) and has employed a yearly average of 13
people over the 2009-2012 period [Item 3, E, F, G]. It has generated £6M
worth of revenues from both UK and overseas clients since 2008. During the
2009- 2012 period, total revenues exceeded £4.6M of which 78% was
attributable to overseas clients [Item 2, E, F, G].
BNC's business model of working closely with academic groups has resulted
in £2.8M of the revenues being returned to the Universities through bench
fees and equipment access payments, as described above [Item 5/`Research
and development expenditure', E, F, G]. The company has filed 8 patent
applications and is actively negotiating exploitation agreements for
several of these. In total, the company has had approximately 14 domestic
and international clients including: Oxford Immunotec Ltd., Applied Nano
Detectors Ltd, Lockheed-Martin Inc., Vestergaard Frandsen, Targanta
Therapeutics Inc., Linde A.G., King Abdulaziz University, [text removed
for publication] [H]. The nature of the consultancy has been quite varied
as is demonstrated in the examples below.
Oxford Immunotech Ltd: In the work with Oxford Immunitech Ltd, an
international medical diagnostics company, that commenced in 2008, BNC
applied "its expertise in nano- characterisation to assist Oxford
Immunotec in a project related to its novel Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSPOT
(ELISPOT) system...Oxford Immunotec [were] commercialising a diagnostic
test to detect tuberculosis (TB) based on its patented T-SPOT
technology, effectively providing a new way to diagnose and monitor this
deadly disease" [I]. By collaborating with Oxford Immunotec, BNC
facilitated the development of precise, accurate techniques to diagnose
and monitor infection and disease. It developed and successfully
transferred a method that allowed the client to implement an improved QC
process for one of its bought-in assay components.
King Abdulaziz University (KAU), Saudi Arabia: In 2009 BNC was
chosen to "lead the UK arm of a collaboration with [KAU] in a
multi-million pound environmental nanotechnology endeavour. The
agreement, worth in excess of £2 million over two years for BNC and its
London partners,... [utilised] the expertise of the London Centre for
Nanotechnology (LCN...on two important projects looking at the
applications of nanotechnology to environmental issues: `nano-catalysts
for wastewater treatment' and `nano-catalysts for the synthesis of fine
chemicals'" [J]. In 2012, a further contract was signed with KAU "for
two collaborative research projects in the field of environmental
nanotechnology... worth £1 million over two years for BNC and its London
partners...The aim of each project will be to develop new classes of
multifunctional nanomaterials that can pave the way for more sustainable
and energy-efficient processes" [K]. The work with KAU has resulted
in 6 patents being filed and 10 publications (as of June 2013). The
patents and publications were a direct result of BNC enabling an on-going,
collaboration with Prof Milo Shaffer's group at Imperial.
Targanta Therapeutics Inc (Now part of the Medicines Company):
Targanta Therapeutics Inc. approached BNC in 2008 for help in elucidating
the mechanism of action of one its antibiotics (oritavancin), where the
lack of a defined mechanism was seen as a barrier to obtaining FDA
approval [L, M]. This project built on the BNC's experience with other
antibiotics. BNC researchers "spearheaded the development of the
label-free detection of antibiotic-mucopeptide interactions using
cantilever arrays, achieving 100 pM sensitivity...This technique is now
being made available on a commercial basis for the assessment of
drug-target interaction for a broad range of other antibiotics and drugs
under development" [N]. This "novel technique exploiting
nanotechnology used in the micro-electronics industry presents the
opportunity to speed up the discovery process for antibiotics and other
pharmaceutical products, as well as many other diagnostic and
therapeutic processes" [L]. Commenting on the project Dr David
Sarphie, CEO of the BNC said, "We are thrilled to be working with a
company of the quality of Targanta Therapeutics and to assist them in
advancing their understanding of the mechanism of action of this new
antibiotic drug candidate. This further establishes the BNC as a leader
in applying cantilever-array technology to the assessment of drug-target
interaction. In addition, it further demonstrates the important role
that the BNC plays in the rapidly expanding bio-nanotechnology sector"
Linde A.G.: Working with Linde A.G., the company developed a
method for separating carbon nanotubes that was very successful. The head
of nanotechnology at Linde testifies: "Bio Nano Consulting facilitated
a program of collaborative work to advance a UCL/Imperial technology for
the separation of carbon nanotubes from academic research to the point
of commercialization. The team at BNC managed the overall project,
organised regular meetings and ensured that all milestones and report
deadlines were met in accordance with the agreed schedule...the
responsiveness was vastly superior compared to similar projects at other
institutions...Overall the project was a great success and resulted in
not only the commercialisation of the technology, but the establishment
of a new business entity in our company" [O]. Linde subsequently
spun out a company to develop this work further.
Sources to corroborate the impact
[A] http://medicalphysicsweb.org/cws/article/research/33933
(Archived at
on 10/6/13)
[B] http://www.bio-nano-consulting.com/NewsAndEvents/Archive%20-%202008/LaunchofBioNanoConsulting.aspx
(Archived at
on 10/6/13)
[C] http://www.mtbeurope.info/news/2010/1011038.htm
(Archived at
on 10/6/13)
[D] http://www.bio-nano-consulting.com/ServicesAndExperts/OurServices.aspx
(archived at
on 11/6/13)
[E] Bio Nano Annual Report, year ending 31 July 2010 (available here)
[F] Bio Nano Annual Report, year ending 31 July 2011 (available here)
[G] Bio Nano Annual Report, year ending 31 July 2012 (available here)
[H] CEO, Bio Nano Consulting
[I] http://www.azonano.com/news.aspx?newsID=7023
(Archived at
on 10/6/13)
[J] http://www.bio-nano-consulting.com/NewsAndEvents/Archive%202009/Saudi%20Contract.aspx
(Archived at
on 11/6/13)
[K] http://www.bio-nano-consulting.com/NewsAndEvents/News/New%20KAU%20contract.aspx
(Archived at https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ref/webarchive/lmf
on 11/6/13)
[L] http://www.mtbeurope.info/content/ft1106001.htm
(Archived at
on 11/6/13)
[M] Bio Nano Press release, 'Bio Nano Consulting commences first
pharmaceutical project' 17/1/08, (available here)
[N] http://www.bio-nano-consulting.com/SuccessStories/SuccessStories/TargantaTherapeutics.aspx
(Archived at
on 11/6/13)
[O] http://www.bio-nano-consulting.com/Testimonials/Testimonials/Linde%20AG.aspx
(Archived at
on 11/6/13)