P2 - Commercial success of high power, all-fibre supercontinuum sources
Submitting Institution
Imperial College LondonUnit of Assessment
PhysicsSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Physical Sciences: Optical Physics, Other Physical Sciences
Technology: Communications Technologies
Summary of the impact
The development of a high average power, all-fibre integrated,
supercontinuum (or "white light") source, has led to a completely new
product that has had significant commercial impact on the fibre laser and
applications market place. The basic science, the technologically
important power scaling and all-fibre integration were undertaken and
first demonstrated by Imperial College staff. This device is currently
sold as a compact free standing device by companies such as Fianium, NKT
Photonics and IPG Photonics. Sales of supercontinuum lasers at Fianium
alone have greatly exceeded £10M. The device has also been successfully
incorporated into spectroscopic and medical imaging instrumentation
generating new business activity through this disruptive technological
Underpinning research
The concept of the "supercontinuum" is not new. Spectral broadening in
lasers or external to the laser cavity as a result of nonlinearity has
been identified and utilized since the late 1960s. However, no commercial
devices were developed simply because of the unwieldy experimental
configurations and the instability and irreproducibility as a result of
lens focussing into the nonlinear medium. With the appearance of low loss
optical fibre in the 1970s control of nonlinearity became simpler and more
reliable yet lens coupling from bulk lasers prohibited commercial
development of supercontinuum sources.
A major step in the miniaturization, power scaling and reliability of
fundamental pump sources came with the development of the all fibre master
oscillator power fibre amplifier scheme or MOPFA [1]. This was an
experimental technique that was pioneered and developed by the Imperial
College group in collaboration with IPG Photonics, the world's largest
manufacturer of fibre laser and amplifier based instrumentation, in the
mid-1990s. By 1997, the group in collaboration with IPG Photonics
developed an extremely compact moderate average power (1W) supercontinuum
source [2] that was commercialized by IPF Technology in the UK, a spin-off
company from IPG Photonics and led by ex-Imperial College Physics
Department personnel. This device was not a "white light" source, instead
utilizing soliton-Raman cascading, a technique developed by the Imperial
College group, to cover the near infra-red range from 1000nm to 2300 nm.
With the introduction of photonic crystal fibre at the end of the 1990s
and the demonstration of supercontinuum generation in that medium
utilizing a femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser, interest was renewed in
supercontinuum generation and the potential of "white light" generation.
These latter systems were identical to the earlier schemes of the 70s and
80s in their experimental configurations, exhibiting instability and low
average power levels of only a few milliwatts with little chance of
spectral power increase.
The quantum jump in supercontinuum sources was undertaken by the Imperial
group in 2002 [3]. The post deadline report in 2004 at the prestigious
international Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (paper CPDC7,
Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics, CLEO 2004) described the fully
integrated all fibre supercontinuum source incorporating a picosecond Yb
MOPFA with photonic crystal fibre as the non-linear platform [e.g. 2] drew
academic and commercial interest alike. The spectral power density was
three orders of magnitude greater than could be achieved with Ti:Sapphire
lasers and the construction was compact, reliable, reproducible and
completely hands free. In 2003 details of the construction were passed to
Fianium in the UK, a manufacturer of pulsed fibre lasers.
During the period of the current REF consideration, we have further
developed the source power-scaling by more than another order of magnitude
[3, 4] and solved the problem of extension of the supercontinuum to
blue/UV spectral region [5, 6]. We identified that limitations to short
wavelength extension were caused by long wavelength loss and confirmed
that control of soliton-dispersive wave interactions were vital for short
wavelength extension [4]. This is implemented either through tapering of
the nonlinear PCF fibre or by controlling and lowering the loss in the
manufacture process or it can also be solved by simple power-length
The Imperial personnel contributing to this research programme were
Academic Staff Members Prof JR Taylor and Dr SV Popov, RA Dr S.V.
Chernikov and PG Research Students Mr. J.C. Travers, Mr. A.B. Rulkov, Mr.
B. Cumberland, Mr E.J. Kelleher and Mr. B. Chapman. Dr Rulkov (PhD 2008)
is now employed by IPG Lasers GmbH. Dr Cumberland (PhD 2009) is employed
by Coherent UK.
References to the research
(* References that best indicate quality of underpinning research)
[1] S.V. Chernikov, J.R. Taylor, et al., "1083 nm ytterbium doped
fibre amplifier for optical pumping of helium", Electronics Letters
33, 787 (1997), DOI,
35 citations (30/11/12)
[2] * S.V. Chernikov, Y Zhu, V.P. Gapontsev and J.R. Taylor, "Supercontinuum
self-Q-switched ytterbium fiber laser", Optics Letters 22, 298
(1997), DOI, 117
citations (30/11/12)
[3] * B.A. Cumberland, J.C. Travers, S.V. Popov and J.R. Taylor, "29W
High power CW supercontinuum source", Optics Express, 16, 5954
(2008), DOI, 59
citations (30/11/12)
[4] J.C. Travers and J.R. Taylor, "Soliton trapping of dispersive
waves in tapered optical fibres", Optics Letters 34, 115 (2009).
DOI, 24 citations
[5] * J.C. Travers, A.B. Rulkov, B.A. Cumberland, S.V. Popov and J.R.
Taylor, "Visible supercontinuum generation in photonic crystal fibers
with a 400W continuous wave fiber laser", Optics Express 16, 14435
(2008), DOI, 66
citations (30/11/12)
[6] B.A. Cumberland, J.C. Travers, S.V. Popov and J.R. Taylor, "Toward
visible cw-pumped supercontinua", Optics Letters 33, 2122 (2008),
DOI, 27 citations
Details of the impact
There have been several important development stages undertaken by the
Imperial College group, all with strong industrial interaction and product
feed through, that has led to the commercial and academic success of the
all-fibre integrated supercontinuum source. Before our seminal publication
in 2004 there were no commercial supercontinuum sources with visible
radiation capability, although our infra-red system of 1997, which was
commercialized by IPF Technology, did have the capability but required
external frequency doubling and this was not available as a commercial
The high power supercontinuum source has had significant impact on
various fields from time resolved spectroscopy, imaging and remote sensing
and most certainly has been a commercial success. The major beneficiaries
have been manufacturers of the fibre based product: high power,
supercontinuum fiber lasers are now sold by commercial laser companies
such as Fianium (UK), NKT Photonics (Denmark) and Toptica (Germany and
USA). Devices have been available from 2006, but visible spectral coverage
was limited. Our research publications showing how short wavelength
spectral extent of the supercontinuum was linked to long wavelength loss,
e.g. [6], and our demonstrations illustrating mitigation of this effect
and allowing short wavelength extension to the blue have led to commercial
devices operating throughout the complete visible spectrum with high
spectral power density. Impact has been made on the commercial devices
which are now truly "white light", in fact covering practically the
complete window of transmission of optical fibre. Minimizing the IR loss
allowed manufacturers to introduce simpler fibre structures and improve
the performance and specification of commercial products.
The best example of a commercial Yb fibre MOPFA-powered, fully integrated
supercontinuum source incorporating photonic crystal fibre is exemplified
by the Fianium product line [A]. The Whitelase supercontinuum sources
provide "a spectrum from below 390nm to beyond 2400nm, enabling
applications such as fluorescence imaging, broadband spectroscopy,
optical coherence tomography (OCT), and time-correlated single-photon
counting" [B]. In a letter Fianium states the important contribution
of J.R. Taylor's group, and in particular publication [4], to the "development
of commercial supercontinuum fiber lasers". It confirms that "the
current installed base of supercontinuum fiber lasers is approximately
1000 units worldwide and this follows directly from pioneering research
conducted by Professor J.R. Taylor's group. With our current devices
being priced at between £12,000 and £80,000, this number of sales
represents a significant impact on the commercial development of the
market" [C]. In 2012 Fianium, which has headquarters in Southampton
and offices in the US, Europe and Asia, won the Queen's Award for
Enterprise in the Innovation Award category for the development of the
Whitelase Supercontinuum Fibre laser [D].
The Danish company NKT Photonics offers a range of commercial
supercontinuum lasers under the SuperK brand. Their SuperK Extreme
supercontinuum lasers "represent the next generation of supercontinuum
lasers that are truly turn key with industry leading brightness covering
the entire 400-2400nm wavelength range" [E] and "with more than
8W of total power and 2W of visible power, the SuperK EXTREME lasers are
the brightest supercontinuum lasers on the market" [F]. The SuperK
Extreme laser "covers a broad range of applications such as
Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM), Optical Coherence Tomography
(OCT), Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC), Förster Resonance
Energy Transfer (FRET), Flow cytometry, DNA sequencing, White Light
Inteferometry (WLI), Test and Measurement and many others" [E]. In a
letter NKT Photonics confirms the key role the Imperial group played in
the research and development of fiber based supercontinuum sources, in
particular paper [4]. It also confirms the effect of this on the products
it offers: "this basic configuration of the all-fibre integrated
scheme, pumped by a MOPA...provided as inspiration for commercial high
power supercontinuum sources, several types and models which [the]
company produces" [G]. Users of the SuperK product include Leica
Microsystems, Germany, the RECENDT Research Centre for Non Destructive
Testing GmbH, Austria, and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Important to the further simplification and power scaling was the
realization by us that continuous wave fibre lasers could be employed for
supercontinuum generation as opposed to the general consensus that
efficient nonlinear optics required high peak powers. This was achieved
through a complete understanding of the non-linear processes controlling
supercontinuum generation, in particular modulational instability that
initiates it and the process of soliton-dispersive wave interaction that
mediates long and short wavelength extension. The potential for
commercialization was acknowledged through the award of a Royal Society
Brian Mercer Feasibility Award in 2008 [I]. Through this we have looked at
the complete simplification of the supercontinuum source, minimizing the
number of components in order to produce a very commercially competitive
device. IPG Photonics have "indicated [their] willingness to support
the commercialization of this in collaboration with Prof Taylor's group"
[J]. The Feasibility Award has now ended and the potential
commercialization of the technology is on-going.
Following the commercial success of high power supercontinuum sources,
J.R. Taylor from the Imperial College group, in collaboration with
Professor J.M. Dudley at the University of Franche-Comte, was commissioned
to prepare a commercially successful research text "Supercontinuum
Generation in Optical Fibers", Cambridge University Press, ISBN
978-0-521-51480-4 (2010). In the first year since publication this text
book has sold 460 copies.
Additionally, during the period of this impact assessment, our pioneering
work in developing the systems and clarifying the underlying science and
technological challenges has been recognized in the field through 21
invited talks (solely on high power supercontinuum generation) at the
major international conferences incorporating Industrial Trade Shows where
commercial supercontinuum sources were exhibited. For example at
Biophotonics '11 (Sweden), International Conference on Laser Optics 2010
(Russia), The Latin American Optics & Photonics Conference (Brazil),
International Conference on Materials & Advanced Technologies
(Singapore), Asia Optical Fiber Communications & Optoelectronics
Exposition and Conference (China). Fianium confirm that the "many
international conference presentations delivered by Professor J.R.
Taylor and members of his group have helped stimulate significant
world-wide interest and demand for commercial supercontiuum products"
The beneficiaries of our research span all fields as a direct result of
the diverse applications of the high power supercontinuum source. These
devices have been directly cascaded into research and imaging diagnostics,
with primary application in health care as well as in the biomedical
research base. According to Antonoly Grudinin, CEO of Fianium Ltd, "Ultrafast
fiber lasers in general and super-continuum sources in particular have
good prospects to become a key technology in biomedical applications"
Sources to corroborate the impact
[A] The Fianium Powerful WhiteLase Supercontinuum sources product line
(Archived at
on 8/8/13)
[B] Fianium press release about the supercontinuum fiber laser in Laser
Focus World, Feb 2012
(Archived at https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ref/webarchive/6pf
on 8/8/13)
[C] Letter from Dr Anatoly Grudinin, CEO, Fianium Ltd, 29th
Nov 2012. Letter confirms the significant impact that Imperial's
pioneering research by JR Taylor's Femtosecond Optics Group had on the
development of commercial supercontinuum fiber lasers (available from
Imperial on request).
[D] Fianium win Queen's Award for Enterprise for Whitelase laser, Fianium
news from 1/10/12,
(archived at https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ref/webarchive/ssf
on 20/9/13)
[E] NKT Photonics SuperK Extreme product page
(Archived at https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ref/webarchive/qsf
on 17/9/13).
[F] Optics.org, Jun 2011, "NKT Photonics releases SuperK EXTREME — the
world's brightest, most reliable supercontinuum laser series", http://optics.org/products/P000018993
(Archived at https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ref/webarchive/8pf
on 8/8/13)
[G] Letter from Dr Thomas Tanggaard Alkeskjold, Group Manager, Fiber
Technology, NKT Photonics, 3rd Dec 2012. Letter confirms the
significant impact the research by JR Taylor's group had on the
development of fiber-based supercontinuum sources (available from Imperial
on request).
[H] Users of SuperK Extreme, http://www.nktphotonics.com/side7855.html
(archived at https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ref/webarchive/rsf
on 17/9/13)
[I] Royal Society Brian Mercer Feasibility Award 2008 http://royalsociety.org/news/tomorrows-world/
(Archived at https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ref/webarchive/9pf
on 8/8/13)
[J] Letter from Valentin Gaponstev, CEO and Chairman, IPG Photonics, 4th
Dec 2012 (available from Imperial on request).
[K] Optics.org, June 2012, "Fiber lasers challenge traditional sources"
(Archived at https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ref/webarchive/0pf
on 8/8/13)