C2 - Improved scorecard evolution methods impacting financial services
Submitting Institution
Imperial College LondonUnit of Assessment
Mathematical SciencesSummary Impact Type
EconomicResearch Subject Area(s)
Mathematical Sciences: Statistics
Economics: Applied Economics
Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services: Accounting, Auditing and Accountability
Summary of the impact
This case study describes impact resulting from research on assessing the
performance of credit scoring models conducted by the Consumer Credit /
Retail Banking Research Group of the Mathematics Department at Imperial
College. The group's work has influenced both high-level industry
strategies for developing scoring models, and also low-level performance
measures for which such models are developed, refined and evaluated. We
describe examples of companies or bodies that have benefitted from
improved credit scoring models, including Prescient Models (a US credit
scoring company), Experian and the US Office of the Comptroller of
Currency. The group has established a very significant reputation for a
wide range of commercially valuable work in this area — to the extent that
the group received the major Credit Collections and Risk industry
award for Contributions to the Credit Industry in 2012.
Underpinning research
The research impact described in this Case Study is concerned with
predictive models for guiding decisions concerning individual applicants
and users of financial products, such as bank loans, credit cards, car
finance, store cards, debit cards, mortgages, student loans, and so on. We
focus on retail credit — that is, financial services for
individual people, not corporations or investors, etc. — and our aim is to
model and predict likely behaviour.
A `scorecard' is a statistical model purporting to measure
someone's riskiness, creditworthiness or other attribute. Such models are
used as the basis of loan decisions, to monitor credit card transactions
patterns, for fraud detection and for a host of other reasons. Measuring
the performance of scorecards lies at the heart of their construction
(e.g. parameter estimation to maximise performance), their selection (e.g.
which one should be used) and their effectiveness (e.g. is it good enough
for purpose). In short, sound evaluation methods are central to this
trillion dollar industry's effectiveness and progress.
We describe three of the evaluation areas where we have had significant
(i) The H-measure. The most widely used measure of scorecard
performance in the UK is the Gini coefficient (GC), which is applied in
situations where the aim is to assign people to classes (e.g. good risk or
bad risk). The GC is a chance-standardised version of the area under the
Receiver Operating Characteristic curve. It is also very widely used in
other areas, such as diagnostic medicine, fault detection and signal
detection. Currently, this measure is used as the choice of performance
measure in around 6,000 papers per year [1]. As the culmination of an
extended piece of work, dating from 1999 and continuing to 2009 [2], 2010
[3], 2012 [1] and beyond, we characterised two distinct situations under
which the GC may be used. One ignores the classification of other people
when assigning a particular individual, and the other takes other
classifications into account. We showed that the former usage implies a fundamental
incoherence in the GC. That is, when used in such situations, it
is equivalent to using different performance measures for different
scorecards — contravening the fundamental performance assessment
tenet that the same instrument must be used to measure different
scorecards. This contribution therefore identified, and provided a
solution to, a deep conceptual problem at the core of all practical
scorecard assessment. This solution is a new statistic (the H-measure)
which overcomes the problem. Public domain code for this is available in
the R statistical computing language (http://www.hmeasure.net/).
(ii) A KS comparative test. Paralleling the H-measure, the most
widely used measure of scorecard performance in the US is the Kolmogorov
Smirnov KS test statistic (not the statistical test, per se, but
the statistic itself). However, we recognised there was no formal
statistical test to compare KS statistics: comparisons in the industry had
hitherto been based on ranking, or on informal assessments of the relative
size of the statistics. This was a serious shortcoming; it compromised
credit-granters' legal obligation to claim that credit-granting decisions
are objective, and it risked poor decisions about the choice of scoring
model, with adverse implications for both lenders and borrowers. Having
identified the problem, to meet the industry needs we developed, described
and implemented a test for comparing KS statistics [4].
(iii) The illusion of progress. Although scorecards are measuring
devices, not classifiers, they are often used as the basis for classifiers
by comparing the score with a threshold. More general research on
comparative evaluation of classifiers, culminating in [5], demonstrated
that there was a pronounced tendency to exaggerate new results, and
elucidated the various mechanisms behind this tendency. This contribution
is important to banks, since it provides a balancing view to overstated
claims of improved performance: it helps them make informed decisions
about when new models should be adopted, or when performance claims were
(usually accidentally) inflated. [N.B. This work has also had a wide
impact in other areas, not least the quantitative algorithmic trading
hedge fund industry.]
The Consumer Credit/Retail Banking research group has been located at
Imperial College since 1999. The group at Imperial has included over 20
researchers. Key personnel are:
- Prof David Hand, Professor, group leader, 1999-present.
- Dr Niall Adams, PDRA, Lecturer, and now Reader in Statistics,
- Dr Christoforos Anagnostopoulos, PhD student, then lecturer at
Imperial, 2006-present.
The research was supported by EPSRC [e.g. G1, G2]. Close collaborations
with industry (e.g. Barclaycard, Experian, Fair Isaac, Equifax, Capital
One & GMAC) also funded the research [e.g. G3], identified relevant
problems, and provided data and other resources.
References to the research
(* References that best indicate quality of underpinning research)
[1] Hand D.J., Anagnostopoulos C., `When is the area
under the receiver operating characteristic curve an appropriate measure
of classifier performance?', Pattern Recognition Letters, 34,
492-495 (2013). DOI.
[2] *Hand D.J., `Measuring classifier performance: a coherent
alternative to the area under the ROC curve', Machine Learning, 77,
103-123 (2009). DOI.
[3] *Hand D.J., `Evaluating diagnostic tests: the area under
the ROC curve and the balance of errors', Statistics in Medicine,
29, 1502-1510 (2010). DOI.
[4] Krzanowski W.J., Hand D.J., `Testing the
difference between two Kolmogorov-Smirnov values in the context of
Receiver Operating Characteristic curves', Journal of Applied
Statistics, 38, 437-450 (2011). DOI.
[5] *Hand D.J., `Classifier Technology and the Illusion of
Progress', Statistical Science, 21, 1-14 (2006). DOI.
[G1] EPSRC, EP/C532589/1,
1/10/05/-31/3/08, `Statistical and machine learning tools for plastic card
and other personal banking fraud detection', PI: DJ Hand, CoI: NM Adams,
[G2] EPSRC, EP/D505380/1,1/3/06-28/2/09,
`Risk Management in the Personal Financial Services Sector', PI: DJ
Hand, Project partners: Fair, Isaac & Company Incorporated, Lloyds Tsb
Bank Plc, £540,154
[G3] Link Financial, MATH_P06509, 1/10/06-30/9/09, `Creating a
predictive portfolio review model', PI:DJ Hand, £83,492
Details of the impact
Credit is an important, driving mechanism in the economy. Not giving it
when we should has impact on the individual and impact on wider society.
The advances in the three evaluation areas described in section 2 benefit
consumers and the economy by helping to ensure that consumers are not
denied credit when they do indeed qualify and, conversely, preventing
people from obtaining credit when they shouldn't qualify.
Since the challenges motivating our research in this area arise from the
industry itself, dissemination of our work and results across the industry
is an integral part of our activity. We achieve this dissemination in a
number of ways, such as formal consultancy projects, industry-funded PhD
studentships (sometimes part time, with company employees), postdocs,
invited presentations to corporations, and through industry conferences
(where we are regularly invited to give keynote presentations). Examples
of bodies which have funded our work include GMAC, (evaluating
scorecards), HBOS (pattern discovery in retail banking data), British
Credit Trust (developing new scorecards), Fair Isaac (evaluating
scorecards), Capital One (evaluating scorecards), Goldman Sachs (fraud
detection), and many others. We have worked with most of the major
industry players, and many minor ones.
Turning to each of the three areas of research described in Section 2 we
now describe the impact:
(i) The H-measure: These matters were first presented (by Hand)
to the industry at the Henry Stewart Conference on Predictive
Analytics (an important conference for industry users of marketing
analytics) in December 2008. Since then Hand has been presented this work
in many commercial and industrial contexts (as well as more academic
meetings), for example, Credit Scoring and Control XI (August
2009, the premier conference on retail finance, with 90% industrial
participants), IMA Conference on Mathematics and its Applications
(March 2011), an invited seminar to Opera Solutions (November
2011, a leading data analytics company), a two-hour keynote presentation
at the Capital One Allstat and Quants conference (October 2013),
and many many others. The H-measure is being increasingly adopted in the
retail credit industry, as a performance measure which overcomes the
incoherence problem of the current industry standard Gini and KS measures.
The CEO of a leading US credit modelling company, Prescient Models,
writes: "Over the last decade I have found the research papers from the
team at Imperial College to be very valuable. For the topics of adverse
selection, reject inference, the proper use of statistics like KS and
Gini, and survival models, I have read several excellent papers
that have assisted in my product development and general understanding"
[A]. He also notes that paper [2] "has alerted practitioners to how
they can make more useful models instead of simply chasing improvements
in arbitrary measures" [B].
(ii) A KS comparative test: This new test [4] was first
described, by Hand, to the industry at the Credit Scoring and Control
XII meeting (August, 2011). Of this work, the Director of the Credit
Risk Analysis Division of a US banking regulator, the US Office of the
Comptroller of Currency, commented in 2012: "The statistical test you
outlined in your paper is exactly what is needed to add statistical
rigor to the decision process. It is a test we will recommend banks
adopt as part of their model selection and validation process" [C].
In 2013, the CEO of the US credit modelling company, Prescient Models,
noted that the work in [4] provided "further weight and clarity" to
the issue, allowing "models to be judged realistically" [B]. In
praising the robust K S comparative test in [4], he commented that "[s]ubstituting
one model for another in pursuit of spurious accuracy can be a
multi-million dollar waste of money and distraction" [B].
(iii) The illusion of progress: The illusion of progress work is
fundamental, with wide applications, and can be considered a cautionary
tale for the industry, warning it against inflated claims of enhanced
performance for complicated classifiers. The Director of the Credit Risk
Analysis Division of a US banking regulator, the US Office of the
Comptroller of Currency, wrote about the work described in [5]: "I
would also like to note the contribution your paper [5] has had on our
discussions internally and with modelers at the larger institutions we
supervise ... Your insight on this issue has helped us solidify our
thoughts on this issue and develop methods of assessing the process
banks use to develop and implement their new models. We have used your
paper as a "discussion paper" for an internal workshop on modeling
methods after the crash, and as a recommended research paper for
modelers at large and mid-size banks..." [C]. Similarly, "This
article has had a direct impact on the creation of models in retail
lending with some of its terminology quickly becoming part of standard
conversation within the industry. It has provided the needed support for
analysts to avoid wasting time on spurious improvements, thereby saving
moving and allowing analysts to investigation deeper issues" [B].
Further impact
In addition to the specific impact that has arisen from our research on
the H-measure, KS comparative test and illusion of progress, the more
general impact made by the statistics group is demonstrated by the
following statements from people we have worked with in the financial
industry, and the major industry award citation given below:
- One of the leaders of the industry, a former CEO of Experian (Experian
is a FTSE100 company, and a leading international provider of credit
information) writes "You and your team's research has helped
enormously in the development of credit scoring and the credit
industry" [D].
- This general point is also made by an employee of one of world's
largest credit scoring organisations, Fair Isaac, who says "it is
more valuable than ever to hear your voice which cuts straight through
to the scientific underpinnings of predictive modelling and
classification, while at the same time being concerned with the
important issues of practicality and usefulness of the resulting
models" and "We continue to look very much forward to your
highly relevant contributions in the field of credit scoring and
statistics" [E].
Finally, in 2012, the Consumer Credit Research Group at Imperial was
awarded the Credit Collections and Risk (CCR) industry award for
Contributions to the Industry. This is the first time this, or
indeed any of the CCR awards, has been made to an academic unit. The award
was presented by Gary Brooks, Group Credit Manager at Hitachi Europe, and
the citation read: "... our winners have contributed significantly to
improving decision-making strategies for the retail credit industry.
They have worked with regulators, the banking and finance sectors and
scoring and ratings agencies worldwide in a wide range of areas to
improve scoring" [F]. Prof Hand has also been asked to join the
Editorial Advisory Board of Credit Collections and Risk, the
leading industry magazine in the area.
Sources to corroborate the impact
[A] Letter from CEO, Prescient Models LLC, 2/1/2012 (letter available
from Imperial College on request)
[B] Letter from CEO, Prescient Models LLC, 4/4/2013 (letter available
from Imperial College on request)
[C] Letter from Director, Credit Risk Analysis Division, US Office of the
Comptroller of Currency, 9/01/2012 [The Comptroller of Currency is the US
Federal Agency responsible for chartering, regulating, and supervising all
national banks and the federal branches and agencies of foreign banks]
(letter available from Imperial College on request)
[D] Letter from Former CEO of Experian, now PDG of Scoresoft, 25/10/2011
(letter available from Imperial College on request)
[E] Letter from Analytic Science-Senior Director, FICO Research, FICO
(Fair Isaac Corporation), one of the world's biggest players in the
area,16/10/13 (letter available from Imperial College on request)
[F] Contribution To The Industry Credit Excellence Award 2012, Winner:
Professor David Hand and the Consumer Credit Research Group at Imperial
College, http://www.ccr-
(Archived at https://www.imperial.ac.uk/ref/webarchive/tkf
on 21/5/13)