Increased employment and wealth creation from a spin out technology company - Cascade Technologies
Submitting Institution
University of StrathclydeUnit of Assessment
PhysicsSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Physical Sciences: Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Other Physical Sciences
Chemical Sciences: Other Chemical Sciences
Summary of the impact
Cascade Technologies is a rapidly expanding technology company that
contributes significantly to the UK economy. The company, a spin out
from the Physics Department, manufactures gas sensors based on
Strathclyde research that are used for environmental monitoring,
security monitoring and process monitoring. From 2008 to 2013 the
company has expanded to employ 50 people and sales have increased from
£0.9 million to £6.4 million. From 2008 the company's products are used
on a number of commercial shipping fleets to monitor emissions, and from
2010 until 2011 have been used to increase traveller safety at Glasgow
Underpinning research
The Kyoto protocol (1997) was agreed with the intention that industrial
nations would reduce the emissions of key atmospheric pollutants (carbon
dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and sulphur hexaflouride). This
commitment to reducing the production of greenhouse gases was reaffirmed
at the 2012 Doha climate change talks. The drive to reduce greenhouse
gas emission means that there is an obvious need for instrumentation
that can detect and quantify rapidly the concentration of these gases in
the atmosphere, or from polluting sources such as industrial plants,
aeroplanes and ships. Laser based spectroscopy has been shown to be a
suitable basis for such instrumentation. Furthermore, laser based
spectroscopy has the necessary sensitivity to detect the trace levels of
gases emitted by the gaseous pre-cursor of improvised explosive devices
and so the instrumentation developed for pollution monitoring can also
be applied to homeland security.
Key Researchers
The underpinning research was undertaken from 1999 in the Department of
Physics at the University of Strathclyde by Dr Nigel Langford (employed
January 1990 as Lecturer, promoted April 1999 to Senior Lecturer,
promoted May 2005 to current post as Reader), Professor Geoff Duxbury
(employed January 1981, Professor from January 1987, Emeritus Professor
from October 2006) and Mr E Normand (PhD student at time of research).
Key Research Findings
History — In 1999 Dr N Langford and Prof G Duxbury were funded by
EPSRC to investigate the use of the newly developed mid infrared light
source, the pulsed quantum cascade (QC) laser, for the optical detection
of trace gases. Although the first demonstration of this class of laser
was in 1994, it was not until 1997 that a variant suitable for optical
spectroscopy, the distributed feedback (DFB) quantum cascade laser, was
available. A student, Mr E Normand, was employed on this grant. The key
outcome from this research was the development of a laser-based
spectrometer that combined the recently developed pulsed DFB QC laser
with well-established multi-mirror long path cells, thereby enabling the
rapid detection and quantification of trace gases.
Methodology — The approach developed by Duxbury, Normand and
Langford, intrapulse spectroscopy, was significantly different from the
methodology used by other researchers for the detection of traces gases.
In contrast to the other research groups that used short duration (<
20 ns) optical pulses to detect trace gases, the Strathclyde approach
was to use long duration optical pulses (300 - 2000 ns). A consequence
of operating the QC laser in pulsed mode is that the frequency of the
laser's output radiation changes during the pulse giving a time varying
frequency or frequency chirp.
Advantages of Intrapulse Spectroscopy — The frequency chirp
associated with the intrapulse spectroscopy technique is of crucial
importance as it (i) eliminates optical interference effects in the
multiple mirror cell (these interference effects have been a major issue
in the use of multiple mirror cells for optical spectroscopy as they
limit the sensitivity of the spectrometer) and (ii) allows the
absorption spectrum of the trace gas to be written on to the time
profile of the pulse so giving a simple way of observing the spectrum.
Furthermore, the approach generates frequency windows that are large
enough (typically 100 GHz) to enable the observation of many absorption
lines of trace gases simultaneously, giving the user the ability to
determine the concentration of a single gas using several different
lines or to monitor the variation of gases during different processes,
such as changes in methane and nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere or
acetylene in the growth of synthetic diamond.
The initial intrapulse spectrometer that was developed under the EPSRC
funding was further refined with funding from the NERC (P2 in Section
3). This research funded both ground level measurements and airborne
measurements through flights on the Airborne Research and Survey
Facility aeroplane and in these flights the effectiveness of the
instrumentation was demonstrated further. The key development discussed
in point (i) was patented in 2003 (see P1 in Section 3). The scientific
content of the work that resulted in the patent is detailed in R1 and R2
of Section 3 and examples of applications are given R3 and R4 of Section
References to the research
The references numbered R1 - R3 best indicate the quality of the
R1. "Fast, real-time spectrometer based on a pulsed quantum-cascade
laser." E. Normand, M. Mcculloch, G. Duxbury, and N. Langford Optics
Letters, 28, 16-18, 2003;
DOI: 10.1364/OL.28.000016
R2. "Highly sensitive detection of trace gases using the time-resolved
frequency downchirp from pulsed quantum-cascade lasers." M. T.
McCulloch, E. L. Normand, N. Langford, G. Duxbury, and D. A. Newnham,
Journal of the Optical Society of America B20, 1761-1768, 2003;
DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.20.001761
R3. "In-flight measurements of ambient methane, nitrous oxide and water
using a quantum cascade laser based spectrometer" K. G. Hay, S. Wright,
G. Duxbury, N. Langford, Applied Physics B: Phys. B90, 329-337, 2008;
DOI: 10.1007/s00340-007-2926-x
R4. "A compact quantum-cascade laser based spectrometer for monitoring
the concentrations of methane and nitrous oxide in the troposphere" S.
Wright, G. Duxbury, N. Langford, Appl. Phys. B85, 243-249, 2006; DOI:
Evidence for quality of research (grants, patents etc.).
P1 A semiconductor diode arrangement GB0208100.8, E. Normand, G.
Duxbury and N. Langford, Semiconductor diode laser spectrometer
arrangement and method — US Patent 7,283,243, 2007,?E Normand, G
Duxbury, N Langford
P2 2002 £95,253 From NERC NERC/T/S/2002/0052 "A portable sensitive
mid-infrared spectrometer for detection of atmospheric trace species.
Core strategic measurements for atmospheric science (COSMAS) programme
P3 2004 £15,000 AWE Technical Outreach Programme "Development of a
mid-infrared quantum cascade laser based intra-pulse spectrometer for
applications in time resolved spectroscopy of chemical reaction
P4 2005 £18,000 Engineering Doctorate Award with Cascade Technologies
P5 2009 £18,000 Engineering Doctorate Award with Cascade Technologies
Details of the impact
Process from research to impact
The fact that the intrapulse spectroscopy technique allows
interference-free operation to be achieved in multi-pass optical cells
was patented by Langford, Duxbury and Normand in 2003. The patent was
assigned to Cascade Technologies, a company started by Normand in 2003.
The transfer of intellectual property developed in the Physics
Department to Cascade Technologies has allowed the company to build
systems that have been applied to many different gas sensing scenarios.
The company has negotiated licence agreements with industry, leading to
the application of the technology in a variety of fields
Types of impact
The initial impact of the research was in the formation of a company
that brought economic benefit to the UK and in the growth of a highly
skilled international workforce. Over the period from 2008 to 2013 the
company workforce has continued to expand from 25 to 50 employees (eight
possess PhD degrees and nine have BSc / BEng degrees). The benefits are
now more wide ranging, as the instrumentation solutions sold by Cascade
Technologies are used in the monitoring of pollution (both marine and
automotive), detection of leaks in aerosol systems, and the detection of
minute traces of explosives. The sensors developed by Cascade
Technologies are used to ensure that the companies that have purchased
the instrumentation meet the strict emission guidelines set out by EU
and USA regulatory bodies.
Reach and Significance
Economic benefits in UK
Cascade Technologies was the first supplier of quantum cascade laser
based spectrometers capable of making trace gas measurements. Over the
period 2008 to 2013 Cascade Technologies' turnover has increased
year-on-year from just under £1 million to £6 million, as shown in
Figure 1.
In the financial year 2012/13 Cascade Technologies sold instrumentation
solutions all over the world and the breakdown of sales was: Far East
46%; Europe 32%; USA 17%; Australasia 5%. Cascade Technologies core
markets are in supporting the automotive industry (44% of sales),
process monitoring (31% of sales) pollution monitoring (24% of sales)
and other markets took up the final 2% of sales (Source C1).
Figure 1: Annual turnover over the REF period
In the year 2011/12 Cascade Technologies was recognised as one of the
100 fastest growing privately owned technology companies by Panoramic
Growth Equity (Source C3) and in 2012 Cascade Technologies was ranked 94th
in the annual league table of Britain's fastest-growing private
technology companies compiled by Fast Track in association with The
Sunday Times.
The impact of the Strathclyde research has continued to expand as
illustrated by the following examples:
Environmental process monitoring — The intrapulse spectroscopy
technique is a key feature of an aerosol leak detection system that was
released in by Cascade Technologies in 2010. The CT2210 Micro Leak
Detector offers a simple cost-effective approach to detecting defective
aerosol cans when compared with the existing approaches of monitoring
bubbles in water baths, using acoustic sensors or flame ionisation
detectors. It can operate on production lines running at up to 500 cans
per minute compared with the 150-200 cans per minute limitation for
conventional systems (Source C4). The system satisfies the leak
detection performance requirements as specified by the Fédération
Européenne des Aérosols (FEA) in its FEA Waterbath Alternative
Guidelines and has been certified to comply with EU transport
regulations. To date (June 2013), 50 of the CT2210 units have been sold
worldwide, from the UK to Argentina. The effectiveness of the
instrumentation for process control was recognised by the British
Aerosol Manufacturers Association through the award of the
"Environmental Benefits" Award in 2012 (Source C5).
Global Pollution monitoring — In 2008, Cascade Technologies
agreed a technology licensing agreement with BP to supply emissions
monitoring systems for use in the marine industry. Following trials of
the instrumentation (CT2100) the technology licensing agreement was
extended in 2008 for a further five years to 2013 (Source C6), and the
instrumentation is currently being installed on the commercial fleets of
a number of shipping companies both in Europe and the US to monitor
emissions and check that these emissions meet EU defined levels. These
fleets include both cargo ships and cruise liners. The American Bureau
of Shipping has issued the CT2100 a confirmation of Product Type
Approval (Source C7). The Cascade Technologies system is also the basis
of the MEXA-1400QL-NX measurement system supplied by Horiba
International to the auto-motive industry for the detection of NO, N2O,
NO2 and NH3 from car engines (Sources C8, C9).
Defence and security at a major international airport — The
potential of the intrapulse technique to detect explosives was
demonstrated in 2005 and in 2009 Cascade entered a partnership with
Morpho a division of the Sarfan group to develop a system for detecting
the pre-cursors of improvised explosive devices (Source C10). A
walk-through portal containing an intrapulse spectrometer was installed
at Glasgow International Airport in 2010 (Source C10). Over the period
of the trial approximately 12 million people were scanned by the device.
There are on-going discussions between Cascade, Morpho and civil
aviation authorities regarding the implementation of the Cascade
Technologies sensor system and these are subject to confidentiality
Sources to corroborate the impact
C1. Managing Director — Cascade Technologies, can corroborate the claim
that the company would not exist without the transfer of IP from
Strathclyde University to the company and can verify sales data and
turnover data stated in case.
C2. Cascade Technologies web-site
supports the claim that the company was founded on research undertaken
at the University of Strathclyde and the IP generated as a result of
that research
C3. Press release from Panoramic Equity Growth can be found at
C4. "From Water to Lasers", article in The Canmaker, March 2011;
corroborates the enhances performance of the Cascade leak detection
system compared with conventional systems.
C5. Announcement of BAMA prize —
supports the claim that the aerosol detection system is recognised by
aerosol industry body
C6. Announcement from Cascade Technologies giving details of extension
of BP agreement downloaded from
C7. Confirmation of Product Type Approval 11/FEB/2011 downloaded from
C8. Article from CryoGas International February 2013 pg 38 stating that
Cascade Technologies instrument in the basis of the Horiba device.
C9. Article from Electro-Optics February 2011 pg 16 showing
applications of Cascade
Technologies spectrometers for various measurement applications.
C10. Morpho-Cascade Technologies press release
Date stamped print-outs of C2 - C10 are available from the University.