Innovative acoustic material enables economic growth while reducing waste and noise pollution
Submitting Institution
University of BradfordUnit of Assessment
Civil and Construction EngineeringSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Physical Sciences: Other Physical Sciences
Engineering: Biomedical Engineering, Interdisciplinary Engineering
Summary of the impact
University of Bradford research has enabled a material manufacturing
company, Armacell, to reuse
up to 95% of its production waste to produce new, high-value acoustic
products with up to 50%
better acoustic performance than any competition products of similar size.
We protected the
developed IP through several international patents and set up a spin-off
company, Acoutechs Ltd,
to explore this technology commercially. These materials are now used to
reduce noise levels
below the recommended limits and to improve the general acoustic quality
of spaces at home and
work for the benefit of public health. The products generate an annual
turnover of more than €4
million for Armacell and prevent more than 500 tonnes of plastic waste
from going into landfill
Underpinning research
The underpinning research leading to this impact was mainly conducted
between 1996 and 2001.
The work has resulted in over 10 publications in international
peer-reviewed journals, over 10
international conference publications, and 3 patents. This was mainly
EPSRC-sponsored research
work (EPSRC GR/L54905/01 and QUOTA REF. 96304127) to advance existing
analytical and
computationally based numerical models for the acoustic and mechanical
properties of porous
elastic media.
This provided the theoretical base to design "acoustically thin" porous
flexible panels applied to
vibro-acoustic noise reduction. The original idea proposed by Kirill
Horoshenkov (PDRA 1993-
1995, Lecturer 1995-2002, Senior Lecturer 2002-2004, Professor 2004-2013)
and David Hothersall
(Reader 1993-2000, Professor 2000-2011) was that visco-thermal absorption
could be enhanced
by the vibrations of a poro-elastic plate. The viscosity correction
function, which accounts for these
effects in the equation of motion for poro-elastic plate, has poles that
relate to the frequencies at
which the relaxation process are particularly pronounced. Suitable
expressions for this function
were derived rigorously and accurately approximated to allow for the
efficient calculations (1).
The work studied two different mechanisms which can be used to excite
vibration in a thin poro-
elastic plate: (i) the differential pressure that is applied to the solid
surface of the elastic frame (2);
(ii) the friction forces that are developed inside the porous frame so
that the frame is dragged as
the filling fluid oscillates (3). These effects were investigated for
porous elastic plates via
modifications of the original Biot and standing waves theories for thin
porous plates.
New experimental facilities were constructed in the Acoustics Laboratory
at the University of
Bradford to measure the visco-thermal acoustic absorption and vibration
damping phenomena to
validate the developed theoretical models. These included a new flow
resistivity, pore size
distribution, porosimetery (4), and transmission loss rigs. A unique,
large impedance tube facility at
Fukuoka University (Japan) was used to illustrate the apparent enhancement
in the acoustic
absorption associated with the frame vibration effects.
The derived theoretical models and experimental facilities paved the way
for the design and
manufacture of materials with enhanced acoustic absorption and vibration
damping properties.
This work was sponsored through an EPSRC studentship award.
Many material specimens have been manufactured and characterised in the
Acoustics Laboratory.
The acoustical properties of these media were predicted using the values
of the non-acoustical
material parameters, which were measured independently using the developed
laboratory setup
(5,6). This work led to the design of a thin, poro-elastic material with
commonly required vibro-
acoustic performance that could be achieved with a layer which was 2 to
3-fold thinner than any
commercial acoustic product available at that time. The production process
was designed to be a
sustainable technology based on the reuse of industrial polymeric waste.
This process was
patented in the UK in 2000, in the USA in 2001 and Europe-wide in 2003.
This process was scaled
up using a DTI SMART award and industrial funding provided by Armacell UK
References to the research
1. Horoshenkov KV, Attenborough K, Chandler-Wilde SN. (1998) Padé
approximants for the
acoustical properties of rigid frame porous media with pore size
distribution. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America 104: 1198-1209.
2. Horoshenkov KV, Sakagami K. (2001) A method to calculate the acoustic
response of a thin,
baffled, simply supported poroelastic plate. Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America
110(2): 904-917.
3. Leclaire P, Horoshenkov KV, Cummings A. (2001) The transverse
vibrations of a thin
rectangular porous plate saturated by a fluid. Journal of Sound and
Vibration 247(1): 1-18.
4. Leclaire P, Swift MJ, Horoshenkov KV. (1998) Specific area from
water-suction porosimetry in
application to porous acoustic materials. Journal of Applied Physics
84(12): 6886-6890.
5. Horoshenkov KV, Swift MJ. (2001) Acoustic properties of consolidated
granular mixes. Applied
Acoustics 62(6): 665-690.
6. Horoshenkov KV, Swift MJ. (2001) The acoustic properties of granular
materials with pore size
distribution close to log-normal. Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America 110(5): 2371-
(1), (2), and (5) are the three most significant publications.
August 2000. Sound Absorbing Materials, UK patent GB0019913.3. MJ
Swift, DC Hothersall, KV
August 2001. Sound Absorbing Material, US patent 7,721,846 B2. MJ
Swift, DC Hothersall, KV
August 2003. Sound Absorbing Material Including a Plurality of Pieces
with Pores,
WO/2003/069595. E French, MJ Swift, KV Horoshenkov.
Poroelastic Materials for Noise Control, (awarded to KV
Horoshenkov & A Cummings (University of
Hull)), £133,779. 1997-2000, EPSRC GR/L54905/01.
The Acoustics of Porous Materials, EPSRC Research studentship
(Awarded to MJ Swift), QUOTA
REF. 96304127, 1996-1999.
Feasibility Study Grant: To Investigate the Industrial Scale
Production of a New Sound Absorbing
Material, £45,000, 2000-2001, DTI, Yorkshire and Humberside
Government Office, (Grant
YHF/21702/NSObj2, Awarded to Acoutechs Ltd).
Details of the impact
Our research enabled us to optimise the porous structure and mechanical
properties for several
types of acoustic materials produced from industrial waste, which would
otherwise have been
destined for landfill. We were able to enhance the acoustic absorption and
vibration damping
performance of these products and to maintain quality and reproducibility
of the scaled-up
manufacturing process.
To commercialise this technology, the University of Bradford set up a
spin-off company, Acoutech
Ltd, in 2000 and started scaling up the technology (a). In 2003, the
technology was licenced to
Armacell (b), which in 2004 started manufacturing a range of products in
Europe, the Far East and
the USA under the brand name ArmaSound. It is estimated that the
production of this product
created directly at least 20 full-time engineering and manufacturing jobs
worldwide, including 4 in
the UK. Originally a slow starter, ArmaSound soon began to
demonstrate its capability as a
material unlike any other, offering acoustic benefits that were difficult
to replicate with conventional
acoustic insulation.
Early projects included acoustic linings for heavy vehicles and equipment
as well as
telecommunications cabinets and domestic boilers. Later on, it found its
way into linings for
canopies and enclosures used for housing industrial scale generators and
compressors. The jewel
in the crown, however, was when ArmaSound was approved for use in
an acoustic system
designed to reduce noise from process pipe-work including very large bore
pipes. This product has
enabled the design of a compact vibro-acoustic insulation system which
reduces the noise levels
emitted by petrochemical equipment and machines below the 75 and 80 dB
noise limits
recommended by the UK national and much international noise control
legislation. More
specifically, the availability of this range of products has led to a
shift in the conventional way in
which large pipes at petrochemical plants and offshore platforms are
treated for noise, and
ArmaSound has been specified on many prestigious petrochemical
project sites around the world.
Following success within the ammonia and ethylene segments, ArmaSound
achieved approval for
use on Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) facilities in 2010. These included the
Skikda `Mega Train' LNG
facility with Sonatrach in Algeria and PNG LNG facility with Exxon Mobil
in Papua New Guinea.
Sales of ArmaSound in 2012 were around €4M, (growing from around
€3M in 2011). Despite hard
economic times, especially for manufacturing industries, ArmaSound
bucked the trend by
continuing to grow year on year. In early 2012 Armacell were awarded a
contract to supply
ArmaSound to the Gorgon LNG project operated by Chevron/Shell, a
$45 billion facility to be
constructed on Barrow Island, off the coast of Western Australia (b). The
value of ArmaSound
insulation in this project is estimated at US$23M. This facility is the
largest ever constructed and
will utilise ArmaSound to treat around 200km of pipe-work. ArmaSound
will experience its largest
growth period to date during 2013.
The accessible pipework insulation material market is estimated to be
€200m/annum. ArmaSound
system market penetration is estimated at 5% or €10m/annum in terms of the
insulation systems in
which this product is specified. Before licencing our technology, the
company was not active in this
market at all, so our technology has enabled the company to enter an
entirely new and lucrative
market. Armacell's clients now include Foam Techniques (c) (one of the
world's largest insulation
contractors), Baxi Potterton, Durabella, and Sterling Generators.
Companies who specify this
product include BP, Amec, and KBR (d).
ArmaSound products have not only generated revenue for Armacell
(e,f,g,h,i), but have also had a
significant environmental impact in three ways: firstly the acoustic
quality of spaces has been
improved through the introduction of a new product with better acoustic
properties and durability;
secondly as the product is at least half the thickness of conventional
sound-proofing material and
95% of it is recycled waste, it provides more environmental benefits than
other more conventional
products which are made from virgin materials; thirdly the company has
significantly reduced its
industrial waste.
Sources to corroborate the impact
Spin-off company
a. Director, Acoutechs Ltd. Company Registration No.: 04068829.
b. Head of Technical-Engineered Systems, Armacell UK Ltd. Company
Registration No.:
c. Joint Managing Director, Foam Techniques Ltd. Company Registration
No.: 02078810.
d. Senior Technical Advisor, Kellogg Brown & Root Ltd., Company
Registration No.: 02021947.
Product details and example applications