Prevention of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among people who inject drugs
Submitting Institution
University of the West of ScotlandUnit of Assessment
Social Work and Social PolicySummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Medical Microbiology, Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
The research reported here has influenced the Scottish Government's
Hepatitis C Action Plans and led to changes in practice in services
providing sterile injecting equipment to people who inject drugs (PWID) in
Scotland and to reductions in risk behaviours for hepatitis C infection
among this population. Specifically, there has been an increase in the
availability and uptake of sterile equipment used to prepare and inject
drugs and a reduction in sharing of such equipment by PWID. More recent
research is beginning to indicate that the changes in Government policy
and practice are helping to reduce recent (incident) hepatitis C
infections among PWID.
Underpinning research
The impacts reported here are derived from a body of research spanning
more than a decade from the mid-1990's to the present. The aim of the
research has been to determine the prevalence, incidence and associated
risk factors for transmission of hepatitis C among PWID in Scotland.
All of the research has been led by Professor Taylor, Chair in Public
Health at the time of the research. Key collaborators are colleagues at
Health Protection Scotland and research staff at UWS.
Hepatitis C, a blood-borne virus, is a major public health problem,
described by the Scottish Government in 2004 as "one of the most serious
and significant public health risks of our generation"1.
Globally, approximately 10 million people are affected by hepatitis C.
PWID are disproportionally more likely to be infected with hepatitis C,
with upwards to 90% of PWID infected in comparison with ~2% of the general
population. Incidence of new infections is estimated as at least 10% per
annum. The main route of transmission for PWID is through injecting with
contaminated injecting equipment.
The research described here has shown the extent of the infection among
Scottish PWID and risk behaviours which contribute to transmission both
before and after implementation of new policies. The early research
indicated that 90% of PWID in Scotland had been infected with hepatitis C2
(Roy et al) and that incidence of infection was steady at 20-30 infections
per 100 person years of injecting2. Professor Taylor and her
team also collected information that showed that not all PWID were aware
of the amount of needles and syringes they were entitled to obtain at
needle exchanges, even after a specially targeted campaign, nor did some
services inform them of this3. One study that has had a major
impact on policy and practice was a groundbreaking ethnographic study, the
first in the UK and one of few worldwide, that filmed PWID injecting in
their homes and other "natural" settings. Funded by the Scottish
Government to examine injecting practices and identify where risks for
transmission arose, it clearly demonstrated the multiple opportunities for
infection in the injecting process, including the extent of sharing other
injecting paraphernalia (spoons, water and filters) including the risk of
accidental sharing of commonly stored, previously used needles and
syringes and preparing drugs in batches with a previously used
needle/syringe and sharing the batch between groups of PWID. It also
ascertained that PWID had a poor understanding of the risks of
transmission associated with these behaviours and indicated that PWID
lacked knowledge of transmission of hepatitis C4.
More recent research by Professor Taylor and colleagues is beginning to
indicate that the changes in interventions influenced by the findings
described above are coinciding with positive changes on risk behaviours
and rates of incident infections. For example, the independent effect of
needle/syringe provision on incident HCV infection has been demonstrated
using a novel method of testing dried blood spots for recent infection
utilising the "window period" 5. (After infection with HCV,
antibodies cannot be detected in blood for several weeks but virus can be
detected from about 2 weeks after infection. The period between presence
of virus and antibody is known as the "window period". Samples testing
positive for virus but negative for antibody are classified as recent or
incident infections.) Further work has also shown that the uptake of
injecting equipment has increased and that the proportions reporting
sharing needles and syringes and other paraphernalia were significantly
lower in 2010 than in 2008/96. There are also indications that
incident infection is falling7.
References to the research
2. Peer reviewed KM Roy, SJ Hutchinson, S Wadd, A Taylor,
SO Cameron, S Burns, P Molyneaux, PG McIntyre, DJ Goldberg. Hepatitis C
Virus Infection among injecting drug users in Scotland: a review of
prevalence and incidence data and the methods used to generate them. Epidemiology
and Infection, 2007 Apr;135 (3): 433-42.
3. Gov Report. Taylor A, Allen E, Hutchinson S, Roy K, Goldberg D,
Ahmed S, Roberts K. Evaluation of the Lord Advocates Guidance on the
distribution of sterile needles and syringes to injecting drug users.
Scottish Executive Effective Interventions Unit, Edinburgh 2005.
5. Peer reviewed. Katy M. E. Turner, Sharon Hutchinson, Peter
Vickerman, Vivian Hope, Noel Craine, Norah Palmateer, Margaret May, Avril
Taylor, Daniela De Angelis, Sheila Cameron, John Parry, Margaret Lyons,
David Goldberg, Elizabeth Allen & Matthew Hickman. The impact of
needle and syringe provision and opiate substitution therapy on the
incidence of hepatitis C virus in injecting drug users: pooling of UK
evidence. Addiction, 2011;106
(11): 1978-1988. One of top 3 scientific papers of 2011 voted by
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Abuse (EMCDDA).
6. Peer reviewed. Norah Palmateer, Sharon Hutchinson, Georgina
McAlliste, Alison Munro, Sheila Cameron, David Goldberg, Avril Taylor.
Risk of transmission associated with sharing drug injecting paraphernalia:
analysis of recent HCV infection using cross-sectional data. Journal of
Viral Hepatitis (in press).
7. Gov Report. University of the West of Scotland, Health
Protection Scotland, University of Strathclyde and the West of Scotland
Specialist Virology Centre. The Needle Exchange Surveillance Initiative
(NESI): Prevalence of HCV and injecting risk behaviours among people who
inject drugs attending injecting equipment provision services in Scotland,
2008/9 & 2010. University of the West of Scotland, 2012.
Details of the impact
The research described above has impacted directly on policy and
practice. The Scottish Government's Hepatitis C Action Plan Phase 1 states
that its understanding of what needs to be done to prevent the
transmission of hepatitis C among PWID "has largely been informed by the
findings of several key Scottish Executive funded research studies" (p9)
among which are Taylor et al, 2004 and Taylor et al, 2005, both cited in
the previous section. It also states that another of Taylor's studies (Roy
et al, 2007, cited above) has informed the Action Plan. The aim of the
first phase of the Action Plan was to gather evidence for a set of
specified of actions aimed at preventing infection and developing specific
proposals for improvements in services. One of the Prevention Actions
(Action 2) arose directly from the findings of Taylor's ethnographic work
cited above. It stated "these interventions should
include.....distributing a wide range of paraphernalia in addition to
needles and syringes in needle exchanges; and labelling or colour coding
of injecting equipment to help drug users identify their own" (P10). Based
on her expertise, Professor Taylor was asked to chair the Prevention
Working Group of the Action Plan, Phase 1.
The second phase of the Scottish Government's Hepatitis C Action Plan
aimed at implementing the proposals arising from Phase 1. The Government
invested £43 million over the three years of the Action Plan, £8 million
of which was dedicated to prevention. Two Actions were influence by
Taylor's ethnographic work, "Examining the Injecting Practices of Drug
Injectors" cited above (ref 4 above). Action 14 proposed the
development of national guidelines for services providing injecting
equipment to PWID to ensure consistency across services in Scotland.
Action 15 stated that improvements to services should be made in
accordance with the Guidelines and these had to include increasing
provision and uptake of injecting paraphernalia as well as provision of
colour coded equipment. Professor Taylor was asked to chair the Guidelines
Development Group and the Guidelines for Services Providing Injecting
Equipment were published in 2010 but Health Boards had access to them from
The Guidelines recommended that all items of injecting paraphernalia
should be provided for each injection, free of charge. This has coincided
with a significant increase in the provision of paraphernalia from
Scotland's injecting equipment provision services: 350,000 filters and
500,000 spoons were provided between April 2009 and March 2009, prior to
the publication of the Guidelines and this had risen to 2,534,289 filters
and 2,527,480 spoons between April 2011 and March 2012.
Professor Taylor was also commissioned to lead on and undertake the
Scottish Government funded "Needle Exchange Surveillance Initiative" to
monitor the impact of the prevention actions of the Hepatitis C Action
Plan, Phase II (Action 22 of the Action Plan Phase II). This includes
monitoring on an annual basis the prevalence, incidence, risk behaviours
and uptake of services for hepatitis C among PWID attending injecting
equipment provision services in all mainland health boards in Scotland.
Three sweeps of the study have been undertaken. Papers arising from this
have indicated i) that the expansion of injecting equipment recommended by
the Guidelines has coincided with greater uptake of injecting
paraphernalia and this, in turn, is associated with safer injecting
practices1 and ii) that high coverage of needle and syringe
programmes can substantially reduce the risk of hepatitis C transmission
among people who inject drugs(ref 6 above).
The study "Examining the Injecting Practices of Drug Injectors" has also
led to the commercial development of coloured syringes to reduce the
occurrence of syringe sharing and also to the development of a training
DVD ("The Injecting Process: Viral Transmission"), in which Professor
Taylor and her team demonstrate the multiple risks for infection during
the injecting process. The DVD has been distributed widely to healthcare
workers and service providers, both in the UK and internationally. The
study also resulted in numerous invitations to present the study in the UK
and other countries, often to drug service and healthcare workers. The
invitations included presenting at the UK Advisory Committee on the Misuse
of Drugs (ACMD) in 2004, the National Advisory Committee on Drugs in
Ireland in 2004, and organising and presenting at a symposium at the
International Conference on the Reduction of Drug Related Harm in 2005.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Hepatitis C Action Plan for Scotland Phase I: September 2006 — August
2008. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh 2006 (
— impact on government policy
- Hepatitis C Action Plan for Scotland Phase II: May 2008 — March 2011.
The Scottish Government, Edinburgh 2008
— impact on government policy
Guidelines for Services Providing Injecting Equipment. The Scottish
Government, Edinburgh 2010
— impact on government policy
- Nevershare needles
— impact on service provision
The Injecting Process: Viral Transmission",
— impact on education for service providers
- ISD Scotland & NHS National Services Scotland. Injecting Equipment
Provision in Scotland Survey 2011/12. June 2013. Significant increase in
the provision of paraphernalia — outcome of government policy
influenced by the research.
- Report of the Global Commission on Drug Policy The Negative Impact of
the War on Drugs on Public Health: the Hidden Hepatitis C Epidemic. May
2013, Geneva. "Evidence based national hepatitis C strategies have the
potential to reduce the financial and societal burden of the epidemic.
The Hepatitis C Action Plan for Scotland is an impressive example of a
national strategy that has successfully focused on people who use drugs.
Within a period of six years, hepatitis C testing, prevention and
treatment have all been improved" P16.