Promoting Gender Equity in Public Sector Governance
Submitting Institution
University of East LondonUnit of Assessment
Business and Management StudiesSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration, Sociology
Summary of the impact
The findings of empirical research conducted by Professor Jim Barry and
Dr Trudie Honour of UEL were shared at two focused capacity building
sessions held in 2008 and 2009 for women leaders in middle and senior
positions of responsibility and decision-making in the public and third
sectors of a number of developing countries. Workshops were attended by
women from Albania, Bahrain, Brazil, Burma, Cambodia, Cameroon, Ecuador,
Egypt, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Pakistan,
Philippines, Tunisia, Turkey, and Uzbekistan. Participants considered the
relevance and application of the research findings for their own
countries, and worked together and with the researchers to formulate
potential capacity development implementation strategies for women in
positions of responsibility in those countries.
Underpinning research
The research underpinning this case study concerns attempts to move
beyond an acknowledgement of the relatively low numbers of women in middle
and senior positions of responsibility and decision-making in the public
and third sectors, to a consideration of ways in which this situation
might be rectified. Drawing on a research investigation and training
initiatives developed by the research leaders during the 1990s, it has
been used to identify and promote methods of capacity building among women
from myriad developing countries around the world. The body of research
underpinning these impacts built on earlier work by Professor Barry on
women and local politics in London, which demonstrated how women had
achieved approximately 30% of political seats in London [1].
Subsequent research focussed particularly on the impacts of a 30%
(critical mass) seat reservation system for women urban politicians in
Mumbai, as well as for the wider panchayati raj system of local governance
in Maharashtra, where Mumbai is located. The impacts of this innovation,
which was initiated in 1992, on the gendering of governance, management
and politics more generally were subject to widespread and intense media
and public scrutiny. Women were not the first group to be selected for
special attention: quotas for the Scheduled Castes and Tribes (known more
widely as the 'untouchables', `Harijans' or God's People') had existed for
many years and were already the subject of academic interest as well as
media attention.
The research project was undertaken during the 1990s and 2000s and
involved women from many walks of life, from lawyers to illiterate
community activists. The principal findings of the research included its
demonstration of the capacity of these women to be extremely able
practitioners once given the opportunity, which they readily accepted when
it was offered. In short, the findings showed the women to be concerned
and committed politicians who acted as facilitators and enablers for the
most disadvantaged in their communities [4, 5].
The seat reservation (or quota) system for female politicians thus showed
that women performed at least as well as male politicians given the
chance, and even being less susceptible to clientalism [4]. As a result,
the issue of gender was a concern throughout the urban corporation of
Mumbai and embraced the positions of women professionals and managers;
gender was clearly on the agenda as the women demonstrated their capacity
for change. Drawing on Barry's earlier work [1], the research included
comparative analyses of the means by which the similar (30%) quotas in
London and Mumbai were achieved [3, 6]. The project culminated in
Professor Barry being invited to present findings to the World Mayor's
Conference, held in Cochin, India, in May 2005 [2].
This in turn derived from a collaborative project involving Professor Jim
Barry of UEL and Professor Sneha Palnitkar at the All India Institute of
Local Self-Government based in Mumbai. Support from outside UEL came from
Professor Susanne MacGregor (now at the University of London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine). Professor Barry, along with Professors
Palnitkar and MacGregor, were also associated with the Mega-Cities
Project, a worldwide network of academics and practitioners, and headed by
Janice Perlman (
), which has been examining innovations in Mega-Cities from the early
1990s into the early part of this century. Professors Palnitkar and
MacGregor were country representatives of the Mega Cities Project and
supported the project with guidance and access to women and men
politicians, professionals and managers for purposes of semi-structured
interviews for the underpinning empirical research.
References to the research
[1] Barry, J., The Women's Movement and Local Politics (1991).
Gower, Avebury: Aldershot. Available on request.
[2] Barry, J. and Berg, E. (2006) Gender Equality and the Empowerment of
Women: Experiences of Urban Governance, Local Government Quarterly,
(2005), LXXIII, 2-3-4, 6-17. Available on request.
[3] Barry, J., Honour, T. and Palnitkar, S. (2004) Social Movement, Acton
and Change: The influence of women's movements on city government in
Mumbai and London (2004), Gender, Work and Organization, 11, 2,
[4] Barry, J. and Honour, T. (1999) The Quota Innovation, Gender and
Indian Politics: Experience and Prospects, Equal Opportunities
International, 18, 7, 1-16.
[5] Barry, J., Honour, T. and Palnitkar, S. (1998) Gender and Public
Service: A Case Study of Mumbai, (1998), International Journal of
Public Sector Management, 11, 2/3,188-200.
[6] Barry, J., Honour, T. and Palnitkar, S. (1998) Gender and Urban
Governance in Mumbai and London, International Review of Women and
Leadership, 4, 2, 61-73. Palnitkar. Available on request.
Details of the impact
The impacts described below result from the research investigation
started in Mumbai in the 1990s and a subsequent series of capacity
building sessions for women managers, politicians and local community
activists. These were: the "Master Trainer's Training Programme" for Women
in Panchayati Raj system of Governance, financed and delivered through the
British Council, Mumabai and held in Pune, India, in January 1997. Two
one-day sessions for the "Women in Management" Training Programme were
developed and delivered in 2002 and 2003 through CENTEK in co-operation
with Luleå University, Sweden, financed by the Swedish development aid
organisation (Sida). Finally, a further three, two-day sessions were
delivered in the same programme in 2004, 2005 and 2006 with Professor
Elisabeth Berg (Visiting Professor at UEL), who had undertaken research on
capacity building for women managers in Sweden.
Key findings of the research outlined above included the identification
of both training and networking as important factors in endeavours to
support women in positions of responsibility [e.g. 4]. In attempting to
move beyond the recording of unequal gender representation in middle and
senior levels of responsibility and decision-making in the public and
third sectors, Professor Barry, in consultation with Dr John Chandler
(UEL) and Professor Berg, developed two sessions focused on capacity
building for women in middle and senior positions of responsibility and
decision-making in the public and third sectors in a number of developing
countries at the invitation of University College, London's Development
Planning Unit in February 2008 and February 2009; the invitation was
unsolicited and was based on the reputation of the earlier work.
The sessions introduced a range of strategies and systems regarding
equality of opportunity and gender equity more generally, including gender
quotas and their implications in bringing about organizational change in
public and third sector organisations. They promoted participants' greater
awareness of, and sensitivity towards, gender issues in the workplaces.
The countries represented were Albania, Bahrain, Brazil, Burma, Cambodia,
Cameroon, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman,
Pakistan, Philippines, Tunisia, Turkey, and Uzbekistan. Organisations
represented included women's charities, NGOs, a Constituent Assembly, a
Women's Affairs Department Ministry of Capacity, a Gender Violence
Recovery Centre, a Youth Initiative, Commission of Human Rights, a
Ministry of Social development, a Gender Studies Department, a Public
Defenders Office, Legal Support for Women and Children, International
Human Rights Training, UN Relief and Works Agency, Ministry of Women,
Youth Commission, SEDAW, and UNP. The job titles of those involved
included Director, Head, Activist, Gender Specialist, Area Officer, Lawyer
and Ministerial Advisor [a].
The sessions involved Professor Barry outlining varying approaches to
issues of leadership that had been developed historically. In so doing, he
drew particularly on the findings the Mumbai research investigation [4,
5], along with comparable research material on local women representatives
in London [1, 3, 6]. Participants were then encouraged to discuss the
findings in relation to their own experiences and both organisational and
country contexts within which they worked. They did this initially in
small groups of three or four and then engaged in plenary interaction.
In initial verbal feedback from the sessions, participants indicated that
they gained knowledge of gender and public leadership initiatives and
strategies in the context in which they were working.
Given the diverse geographical origins of the participants it has been
difficult to obtain evidence of how it the sessions have affected their
work in the longer term. However, one participant (Country Director of the
Association Francois-Xavier Bagnoud International, NGO, Bahrain) did
comment that the course:
"... help[ed] me and our people to change our existing gender
perspective at different levels from policy to practice, and vice versa"
Taken as a representative indication of the impacts of the sessions on
participants, this suggests their enhanced awareness and understanding of
gender equity issues. Furthermore it suggests, in turn, subsequent
beneficial effects on their working lives, with attempts being made to
enhance gender equity wherever possible in an area of work still largely
closed to women.
Sources to corroborate the impact
[a] A list of the participants at the capacity building sessions in both
2008 and 2009 is available on request.
[b] A copy of the statement made by the Country Director, Association
Francois-Xavier Bagnoud International, NGO, Bahrain in August 2013 is
available on request.