Development of methods to better inform healthcare decision making and innovation
Submitting Institution
University of LeicesterUnit of Assessment
Public Health, Health Services and Primary CareSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Mathematical Sciences: Statistics
Economics: Applied Economics, Econometrics
Summary of the impact
The National Institute for health Care Excellence (NICE) in England and
Wales makes timely and equitable decisions regarding the use of health
technologies (medical devices and pharmaceuticals) within the NHS in order
to improve patient care. Such decisions are reliant on Health Technology
Assessment (HTA) — the processes of evidence generation and synthesis, and
the methods that underpin these. Methods pioneered and developed at
Leicester over the last 15 years are now used routinely in HTA both by
NICE and the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare consultancy companies
who make submissions to NICE. Internationally, these methods are also now
being adopted in the US by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
(AHRQ), as well as in rapidly developing countries such as Brazil and
Underpinning research
The underpinning research that this case study is based upon has two
inter-linked themes — Evidence Synthesis and Decision Modelling
Methodology and Survival Analysis Methodology. The
pioneering work that researchers in Biostatistics at Leicester have
undertaken over the last 15 years is briefly summarised below.
Evidence Synthesis & Decision Modelling
In HTA the evidence on clinical effectiveness is often disparate and
heterogeneous in both source and nature. As such the methods that have to
used are by necessity flexible and often complex. Members of the
Biostatistics Group at Leicester have been at the forefront of developing
such methodology in the field of evidence synthesis over the last 15 years
funded by MRC, NIHR, and the pharmaceutical industry. Such methodological
developments have included: allowing for different types of evidence
within a generalised evidence synthesis framework, publication bias, and
network meta-analysis. Such syntheses are often undertaken in order to
inform either a clinical net benefit model or an economic decision model,
and it is important that the uncertainty (and correlation derived from the
same source informing a numbers of inputs into such models) is
appropriately accounted for. Many of these issues have been addressed
using Bayesian methods which both allow for the heterogeneous nature of
the evidence to be synthesised and the often complex structure, whilst
enabling appropriate inputs into the decision models to be obtained.
Survival Analysis
The Cox proportional hazards model is one of the most widely cited
methods in medical research and is used in wide variety of clinical
setting in which time to an event is the main outcome, e.g. mortality,
discharge, disease recurrence. However, the model makes a number of
assumptions that often do not hold and that hinder the complexity of data
that can be modelled, and hence the clinical questions that can be
answered. Extension of these regression based survival models to
accommodate more realistic aspects of the data is a key component of
research in Biostatistics at Leicester — often using flexible parametric
models. In HTA interest often focuses on differences in overall survival
for decision making, but this can be problematic when patients switch from
the treatment to which they have been randomised to in RCTs. Research at
Leicester has focused on the evaluation of a variety of different methods
that have been proposed for adjusting RCTs to account for treatment
switching, and this work has been funded by ABPI, NICE and NIHR. In both
HTA and other health-care policy contexts appropriate prediction of long
term patient outcomes (including death) is important in either the
evaluation of health technologies or the planning of patient services. The
methods developed at Leicester using flexible parametric models are
particularly suited to this aim of long term prediction.
The Biostatistics Group at Leicester comprises; Prof. Keith R Abrams, Dr
Sylwia Bujkiewicz (L), Prof. Nicola J Cooper, Dr Clare L Gillies (L), Dr
Laura Gray (L), Prof. David R Jones, Prof Paul C Lambert & Prof. Alex
J Sutton.
References to the research
[Underlined authors were members of staff/students at UoL at the time the
research was undertaken]
Cooper NJ, Sutton AJ, Abrams KR, Turner D,
Wailoo A. Comprehensive decision analytical modelling in economic
evaluation: A Bayesian approach. Health Economics.
2004;13(3):203-226. [MRC funded]
Crowther MJ, Abrams KR, Lambert PC. Flexible
parametric joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data. Stat Med.
2012 Dec 30;31(30):4456-71. doi: 10.1002/sim.5644. Epub 2012 Oct 4 [NIHR
Gillies CL, Lambert PC, Abrams KR, Sutton AJ,
Cooper NJ, Hsu RT, Davies MJ, Khunti K.
Different strategies for screening and prevention of type 2 diabetes in
adults: cost effectiveness analysis. BMJ. 2008;336:1180-5. [ESRC-MRC
Morden JP, Lambert PC, Latimer N, Abrams KR,
Wailoo AJ. Assessing statistical methods for dealing with treatment
switching in randomised controlled trials: A simulation study. BMC
Methodology 2011;11(4). [NICE funded]
Prevost TC, Abrams KR, Jones DR. Hierarchical
models in generalized synthesis of evidence: an example based on studies
of breast cancer screening. Stat Med. 2000 Dec 30;19(24):3359-76. [NHS
Sutton AJ, Cooper NJ, Abrams KR, Lambert PC,
Jones DR. A Bayesian approach to evaluating net clinical benefit
allowed for parameter uncertainty. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.
Details of the impact
The impact emanating from the research has been to:
- Enable NICE to employ a rigorous, fair and standardised methodology
with which medical devices and pharmaceuticals can be assessed, and
- Support the selection of the most cost- and health-effective medical
devices and pharmaceuticals to be approved for public use;
- Help pharmaceutical and device manufacturers seeking NICE approval to
implement processes and practices which are more efficient and
Healthcare Decision Making in NHS for England & Wales
The National Institute for health Care Excellence (NICE) was created in
1999 in order to make timely and equitable decisions regarding the
appropriate use of health technologies (medical devices and
pharmaceuticals) within the NHS for England and Wales thus improving
patient care. Since its inception NICE has radically changed the way in
which health technologies are assessed and appraised — using evidence on
both clinical and cost-effectiveness1,2. Evidence regarding
health technologies on both clinical and cost-effectiveness is identified,
collated and synthesised by both commissioned academic groups and the
pharmaceutical industry/device manufacturers (often subcontracted to
specialist healthcare consultancy companies), and which is then appraised
by an independent technology appraisal committee at NICE. This comprises
NHS healthcare professionals, academics (including Abrams since
2006), industry representatives and lay members. The ensuing guidance
issued regarding the use of such health technologies is mandatory within
the NHS in England and Wales. In addition to the academic and
pharmaceutical/device company submissions NICE may also call upon its own
Decision Support Unit (DSU), in which Leicester (Abrams, Cooper &
Sutton) is a key member, to undertake ad hoc analyses and
bespoke methodological work,. For example, Abrams3 led
the NICE response to the judicial review of the NICE appraisal of
alendronate, etidronate, risedronate, raloxifene and strontium ranelate
for the primary (TA 160) and secondary (TA 161) prevention of osteoporotic
fragility fractures in post-menopausal women. In addition to appraising
health technologies, NICE also has a remit to undertaken the assessment of
public health interventions under the auspices of its Public Health
Guidance Committee (of which Jones is a member).
Methods Employed by NICE & Pharmaceutical/Device Industry for
Technology Appraisal & Public Health Guidance
The methods to be employed by academic groups, DSU and industry in
undertaking submissions for NICE are set out in the NICE Methods Guide,
to which Abrams & Sutton have contributed extensively
as members of Methods Task Forces ,and are specialist advisers on
evidence synthesis methodology1,2. In particular, Abrams,
Cooper and Sutton have pioneered at NICE, (through
membership of the Appraisal Committee, DSU and contributors to the Methods
Guide}, the use of indirect comparisons or network meta-analysis in
technology appraisals and this has led to an increase in its use, for
example all 10 of the 212 technology appraisals published to 2011 which
used indirect comparisons or network meta-analysis appeared after
publication of 2004 Methods Guide which approved its use4.
Abrams & Sutton has further contributed extensively to a series
of NICE DSU Technical Support Documents which have further
articulated the rationale and use of network meta-analysis5. In
addition Abrams, Cooper & Sutton have run
tailored bespoke courses for the pharmaceutical industry on network
meta-analysis, including courses for Novartis, Pfizer & Roche (approx.
150 participants), as well as for NICE (approx. 50 participants) and
general courses (approx. 600 participants from consultancy companies,
industry and academia). Further, Abrams has provided
methodological consultancy services to both major pharmaceutical companies
(Bristol-Meyers-Squibb, GSK, Janssen, Novartis, & Roche) and
healthcare consultancy companies (Amaris, OptumInsight, & PRMA) on
network meta-analysis. Abrams, Bujkiewicz, Cooper
& Sutton undertook implementation of comprehensive decision
model in user-friendly real-time software and piloted it in a NICE
Technology Appraisal Committee meeting in order to aid more timely
decision making on tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors in psoriatic
In addition to short courses and consultancy activities on evidence
synthesis, including network meta-analysis, Abrams & Lambert
have delivered courses, provided consultancy and undertaken contract
research projects on methods for dealing with treatment switching in
oncology clinical trials to inform HTA for ABPI, Amaris, GSK,
OptumInsight, and Roche. For example, in the area of locally advanced or
metastatic BRAF V600 mutation-positive malignant melanoma Abrams
provided expert advice on most appropriate methods for adjusting for
treatment switching which led to an eventual positive decision by NICE
(subject to a patient access scheme) for Vemurafenib [Roche] which
represents an innovative therapy in this poor prognosis condition in which
80% die within 2 years of diagnosis7. Lambert has also
provided methodological advice as a member of the Academic Reference Group
to the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership.
As a measure of contribution to UK economy, since 2010 the ability to Abrams
to provide expert methodological advice on methods for evidence synthesis
and treatment switching to Amaris (a health-care consultancy company) has
resulted in them being awarded projects with a combined revenue of [text
removed for publication], including them being awarded `preferred vendor
status' by Roche in 2013.
In terms of Public Health decision making, Cooper & Sutton
undertook a network meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of
interventions to increase the uptake of smoke alarms as part of a NIHR
Programme Grant and which has been included in an update to NICE Public
Health Guidance 29: Strategies to prevent unintentional injuries among
children and young people aged under158. Using
comprehensive decision modelling techniques pioneered at Leicester, Abrams
& Gillies undertook further modelling for the Department of
Health to inform the UK Vascular Screening Programme9.
International Impact
As well as disseminating and promoting methodological developments in the
UK, Abrams, Cooper & Sutton have delivered
short courses of evidence synthesis in the US to the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ) which have adopted some of these innovative
methods10. In addition Abrams has acted as an advisor
to both the Brazilian and Colombian Ministries of Health as regards
methods for HTA, whilst Lambert has delivered short courses on
advanced survival methodology, developed at Leicester, to the
International Association of Cancer Registries (approx. 60 individuals)
and North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (approx. 30
This significant body of translational activity — delivered through
committee membership, contract research, consultancy and training
delivered by key academics — is fundamentally underpinned by research in Evidence
Synthesis and Decision Modelling Methodology and Survival
Analysis Methodology pioneered at Leicester.
Sources to corroborate the impact
Contactable individuals to corroborate impact:
- Director, Centre for Health Technology Evaluation, NICE (to
corroborate impact on NICE methodology)
- Director, Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Amaris, UK (to
corroborate impact on healthcare consultancy companies)
- Group Health Economics Manager, Roche Products Limited, UK (to
corroborate impact on pharmaceutical companies)
- Executive Director, Instituto de Evaluación de Tecnologías en Salud
(IETS) Bogota, Colombia (to corroborate international impact).
Documents to corroborate impact
- Tan SH, Bujkiewicz S, Sutton A, Dequen P, Cooper N. Presentational
approaches used in the UK for reporting evidence synthesis using
indirect and mixed treatment comparisons. J Health Serv Res Policy
Online First, published on August 14, 2013 as
- Bujkiewicz S, Jones HE, Lai MC, Cooper NJ, Hawkins N, Squires H,
Abrams KR, Spiegelhalter DJ, Sutton AJ. Development of a transparent
interactive decision interrogator to facilitate the decision-making
process in health care. Value Health. 2011 Jul-Aug;14(5):768-76.
- Vemurafenib [Roche] for treating locally advanced or metastatic BRAF
V600 mutation-positive malignant melanoma [TA269]
- NICE public health guidance 29 `Strategies to prevent unintentional
injuries among children and young people aged under 15' (2010) — Updated
Feb 2013.
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) — Methods Guide