Submitting Institution
University of AberdeenUnit of Assessment
SociologySummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Studies In Human Society: Political Science
History and Archaeology: Historical Studies
Philosophy and Religious Studies: Religion and Religious Studies
Summary of the impact
Research carried out by the Department of Sociology at the University of
Aberdeen into the
nature and extent of communal division in societies emerging from conflict
— particularly in
Northern Ireland — has directly benefitted policy makers and community
leaders through
personal briefings and exposure on influential electronic media. The
research findings have
also benefitted action groups, peace practitioners, churches and other
civil society groups in
Northern Ireland, Sri Lanka and elsewhere through workshops and training
materials; and
they have raised awareness and understanding and stimulated debate through
purposeful use of online media outlets.
Underpinning research
Intra-state conflicts have emerged as the most frequent and deadly form
of warfare in late
modernity — with Northern Ireland and Sri Lanka providing just two recent
examples. As
these conflicts have proliferated so too have international efforts to
resolve them via peace
agreements. A team based in the Department of Sociology at the University
of Aberdeen, led
by John Brewer (Professor of Sociology at Aberdeen 2004-13) and Bernadette
(Professor of Sociology at Aberdeen since 2005), has built a
well-established reputation for
research in this area.
Much of the team's research has focused on the conflict in Northern
Ireland. In 2009, Hayes
and Ian McAllister (Professor of Political Science at Australian National
University) examined
the impact of segregated and integrated education in Northern Ireland on
attitudes towards
community relations among the adult population. The results suggested that
individuals who
had attended an integrated school were significantly more likely to have
friends and
neighbours from across the religious divide, and a more optimistic view of
future community
relations. [3.1]
Another study, jointly produced by Hayes and Lizanne Dowds of Access
Knowledge (ARK) examined religious affiliation in Northern Ireland and how
it relates to
church attendance. Published in 2010, the research found that since the
early 1990s, weekly
church attendance has declined sharply, particularly among the Catholic
community, with
nominal adherence — i.e., having a religious affiliation without going to
church every week —
now the norm. This work was further developed in a monograph by Hayes and
(2013) focusing on the role of religious affiliation in terms of the
socio-political dimensions of
the conflict over a 50-year period. [3.2]
Building on earlier work by Brewer (2010) pointing to the neglected
social dimension of
peace processes, including the rights of victims [3.3], a further study
(Brewer and Hayes,
2011) examined the relationship between conceptions of perpetrators and
victims. Using the
2004 Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, Hayes and Brewer found that
those who claim
a victimhood status are notably more likely than others to identity the
`other side' as the
group mainly responsible for the conflict. As a result, Brewer and Hayes
suggest, it is
problematic to hold up victims as `moral beacons' in post-conflict
societies. [3.4]
Another study by Brewer et al. focused on the role of the churches in
peace building in
Northern Ireland. Based on a series of in-depth interviews conducted
between 1999 and
2002, the study points to the key role of churches in ameliorating the
conflict via facilitating
secret communications between politicians and paramilitary organizations.
A further study by Brewer et. al (2013) examined the religious outlooks
of ex-combatants in
Northern Ireland. Based on a series of interviews with 29 ex-combatants,
the study assessed
the role of religion in their transition from a military to a political
campaign. [3.6]
Supported by a grant from the Leverhulme Trust, the team is continuing to
broaden its
understanding of intra-state conflict through the `Compromise after
Conflict' project, which
investigates a range of societies emerging from conflict, such as South
Africa and Sri Lanka.
References to the research
Academic publications:
3.1 Hayes, B. 2009. Education as a Mechanism for Conflict Resolution in
Northern Ireland.
Oxford Review of Education 35: 437-450.
3.2 Hayes, B. and McAllister, I. 2013. Conflict to Peace: Politics
and Society in Northern
Ireland Over Half a Century. Manchester: Manchester University
3.3 Brewer, J. D. 2010. Peace Processes: A Sociological Approach.
Cambridge: Polity
3.4 Brewer, J. D. and Hayes, B. 2011. Victims as Moral Beacons: Victims
and Perpetrators in
Northern Ireland. Contemporary Social Science 6: 69-84.
3.5 Brewer, J. D., Higgins, G. I. and Teeney, F. 2011. Religion,
Civil Society and Peace in
Northern Ireland. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
3.6 Brewer, J. D., Mitchell, D. and Leavey, G. 2013. Ex-Combatants,
Religion and Peace in
Northern Ireland. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Supporting Grants:
Brewer, J.D. and Hayes, B. (2009-2014) Compromise After Conflict.
Leverhulme Trust,
Brewer, J.D. (2010-2011) Religion and Ex-Combatant Prisoners in
Northern Ireland. NIAMH,
£30,000 (with G. Leavey).
Hayes, B. (2008-2010) Religion in Ireland: North and South. ESRC,
£47,840 (with G.
Hayes, B. (2010) 2010 Northern Ireland General Election Survey.
ESRC, £10,615 (with J.
Tonge and P. Mitchell).
Details of the impact
The research described in this case study has directly benefitted policy
makers and
community leaders, peace practitioners and civil society groups in
Northern Ireland and
elsewhere, as well as building knowledge and stimulating debate via online
Brewer and Hayes have briefed influential Northern Ireland policy makers,
leaders and opinion formers on their research findings. These include Paul
Jordan, Director
of Funding Programmes at the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council
who commended the research as being `insightful' and showing `a deep level
understanding of the causes and ongoing impact of conflict' [5.1]; Norman
Taggart, former
President of the Methodist Church in Ireland and Patron of the Northern
Ireland Council for
Integrated Education (NICIE; 2010-2011) [5.2]; and Eamonn Mallie, a
veteran political
journalist (2013), who praised the team for challenging conventional and
evolving thinking on
aspects of compromise and has invited them to contribute to his
influential website on
several occasions (see below) [5.3].
Hayes's research on integrated education has been used by NICIE to argue
in favour of
educating children from different communities together. A leaflet quoting
Hayes's work was
re-posted on the NICIE website in 2012; several of her outputs are
available on the site [5.4].
Brewer and Hayes have both translated their research findings into
practical peace-building
events and workshops for civil society groups. Brewer contributed to an
conference on Trauma and Spirituality held in Belfast during March 2011;
it brought together
over 250 delegates (mostly health professionals and representatives of
faith communities)
from around the world. Brewer presented his findings on the role of church
leaders in
providing prophetic and practical guidance during the Northern Ireland
conflict [5.5].
In June and November 2011, Brewer delivered a set of workshops based on
his research to
an international group of participants from Sweden, Ireland and Northern
Ireland at
Ballymena under the auspices of Mediation Northern Ireland, a
peace-building NGO. The
aim of these workshops was to build civic leadership through international
dialogue [5.6].
This programme was coordinated with an event in July 2010, at which Brewer
addressed a
civil society audience at the John Hewitt International Summer School in
In October 2012, Hayes presented her research findings on church
attendance to a seminar
run by ARK, which aimed to promote knowledge-based policy in Northern
Ireland. The
audience included people from the voluntary sector and churches [5.7].
In 2011, Brewer's research findings on religion and well-being among
victims and ex-combatants
were translated by the Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health
into a training DVD, Journey towards Healing [5.8].
Internationally, Brewer has used his research insights to devise
peace-building workshops
for civil society groups, which he rolled out in Sri Lanka via the Asian
Institute of Missiology
in August 2010 and February 2012 [5.9]. Following the latter, Brewer
agreed with the
Institute that he would engage in a small scale but active civil society
peace-building project
bringing together Sinhalese and Tamil widows and their children. He also
addressed an
audience of civil society peacebuilders in Houston, Texas, under the
auspices of the Gulen
Institute in September 2010.
In September 2012, a former student of Brewer's set up a charity in
Scotland called Enabling
Women to Engage in Peace Processes, acknowledging that this was due
to Brewer's work
on gender empowerment in peace processes.
Brewer and Hayes have also actively engaged with opinion leaders,
peace-builders, and the
public through online media [5.10]. They have a following of nearly 7,250
on their Twitter
account, @compromisestudy, which focuses on the role of compromise after
Followers include politicians such as Northern Ireland's First Minister,
Peter Robinson,
members of every political party in the UK, international organisations
like the European
Union, NATO and the White House, social movements and victim rights
activists, and world
leaders like Nelson Mandela. In 2012, representatives of the Northern
Ireland Assembly
contacted Brewer for advice on victims legislation as a result of his
tweeting and other social
media comments. The corresponding `Compromise after Conflict' website had
nearly 8,000
hits in the 12-month period up to 1st July 2011 until 30th
June 2012, with 6,320 of those being
unique visitors. Hayes's work has been quoted on the website of
Presbyterian minister and
former politician Ivan Foster, on, an
international foreign and
security policy network, and on Northern Ireland's highly regarded
political blog, (2008). While impressive themselves, these figures were
dwarfed by the
establishment of a very successful blog based on research by Brewer and
Hayes in July
2013 and a correspondingly dramatic increase in their work's social media
presence [5.10].
Brewer's research is widely reported and quoted on influential blogs in
Northern Ireland,
including, a platform for independent thought run by
leading political
journalist, Eamonn Mallie (most recently in 2012) as well as on (2012).
Sources to corroborate the impact
Contact details for relevant stakeholders (letters from the following
three are provided):
5.1 Community Relations Council for Northern Ireland
Director of Funding Programmes
The Director of Funding Programmes has corroborated contribution of
research as evidence
base for solving communal conflict in Northern Ireland.
5.2 Former President of the Methodist Church in Ireland
The former President of the Methodist Church in Ireland has corroborated
the importance of
this research in building understanding of and potential for resolving
long-term social conflict.
5.3 Journalist
This journalist (freelance) has corroborated the research's value in
sparking public debate on
the meaning of compromise in post-conflict societies.
5.4 See NICIE website (
for the leaflet, Time for Change! Integrated
Education Helping to Build a Shared Future for Northern Ireland:
5.5 International `Trauma and Spirituality Conference', Belfast 9-13
March 2011.
5.6 Mediation Northern Ireland
5.7 ARK website (
for seminar presentation and resulting Update
5.8 Training DVD used by NIAMH: Journey Through Healing, Trauma and
Spirituality: An
International Dialogue. See website:
5.9 NGOs
Asian Institute of Missiology
The institute will corroborate Brewer's (research-based) peace-building
workshops for civil
society groups, held in Sri Lanka through the Asian Institute of
Missiology in August 2010
and February 2012.
5.10 Web-based media impact: Leverhulme `Compromise after Conflict'
Social Media Outlets:
Twitter: Currently, 8,081 Twitter followers. A majority of the
followers are news and media
organisations, other academic institutions, governments, political
parties, pressure groups
and politicians, including many based in the White House and Downing
Facebook: In September 2013, the Facebook account had received 586
`likes'. It was also in
a network that reached 2,084 people; this figure rises weekly, with a
positive impact on
website hits.
Website: Between July 2012 and July 2013, there were 81,319 page
views of our website, of
which 14,757 were unique. (Figures provided by DIT, University of