Impact on literacies and learning in schools
Submitting Institution
Robert Gordon UniversityUnit of Assessment
Communication, Cultural and Media Studies, Library and Information Management Summary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy, Specialist Studies In Education
Summary of the impact
Research since the late 1990s has developed an evidence base on the role
of school libraries in developing information literacy and learning. The
research has impacted on policy (social and education) and decision-making
at governmental level; policy, strategy and advocacy in professional
bodies and NGOs; policy, practice and service delivery in individual
school library services; and practice of individual school librarians. The
research has helped state the case for the contribution of school
libraries to learning and has been used to develop the professional role
of school libraries and librarians across the world.
Underpinning research
Information literacy (IL), the ability to find and use information
effectively, has been an important research focus at RGU for 30 years. The
Making Connections programme of research which began in the late 1990s has
focused on understanding and developing IL in schools, as a foundation for
lifelong learning, effective problem-solving, decision-making, and
resilience in a knowledge society (
The research team is led by Professor Dorothy Williams
(1983-present) with Research Assistants Wavell (1999-2007, 2013),
Coles (1998-2006), Morrison (2007-present), and Bloice
Making Connections includes significant research on a) the role and
impact of the school library and librarian on the development of IL and
learning, and b) teachers' perceptions and experiences of IL, both strands
contributing to a more rounded understanding of the complexity of IL
development and the relationship to learning. This case study focuses on
wide-ranging impacts of this research. The programme has also included
doctoral studies by practitioners supervised by Williams (Sutton's work on
the development of critical reading in upper-primary age-groups, PhD 2001;
Turriff's research into school librarians' engagement in evidence-based
practice, PhD 2008; and Cunningham's current DInfSci on perceptions of IL
in an international-school context).
While the research in schools continues, the group is expanding its
research into workplace contexts to deepen understanding of the challenges
of transfer of IL beyond school. Examples include on-going research into
IL in SMEs (Williams, Bloice, Morrison), recent work with Burnett
exploring relationships between information use and knowledge processes in
organisational learning (see REF2, Williams 3 and 4), and doctoral studies
supervised by Williams, e.g. IL and knowledge management in an NHS context
(O'Farrill, 2008) and Morrison's current study of IL practice in
decision-making in a large energy sector company.
This case study focuses on Making Connections research in schools. A
foundation study of the impact of school libraries on learning funded by
Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, 1999-2001, was
undertaken at a time when the Scottish Library and Information Council
(SLIC), curriculum authority and government were developing guidelines for
self-evaluation by Scottish school libraries of their impact on learning.
Working closely with teachers and librarians, the research identified
school library impacts on achievement and learning within the secondary
school curriculum. Case studies showcased approaches that librarians could
adopt, and indicators that could be developed and tailored to specific
learning contexts.
Dissemination of findings from this study (UR1, UR2) led to a
commission by DfES in 2001-2002 to conduct a critical review of available
international evidence on the impact of school libraries on learning and
achievement (UR3) to provide an evidence base to support on-going
DfES consultations with professional bodies on the support and staffing of
school libraries in England. The value of this work to policy discussions
was evidenced by a further commission, by DfEs and Resource in 2002, to
provide a review of evidence of the impact of primary school libraries (UR4).
An Ofsted (2006) report confirms the importance of this research (UR3,
UR4), alongside the work of a DfES Task group, in influencing
developments in the years up to the REF period.
These studies pointed to the importance of teacher-librarian
collaboration in developing the information literate learner and led to
the team's research into teachers' perceptions and experiences of IL,
revealing the complexity of differing understanding of IL within schools.
This includes ESRC-funded research (2002-2003, ESRC Award Number:
R000223842) into teachers' own IL in their professional learning, later
published in the Journal of Documentation (UR6), and a
Society for Educational Studies-funded study (2004-2005) of teachers'
conceptions of their pupils' IL, published in the Journal of
Librarianship and Information Science (UR5).
Making Connections research has been disseminated in the information and
education professional literatures (e.g. The School Librarian, Connected)
and through user-focused conferences and workshops, e.g. Scottish
Education and Teaching Technology, 2002; Learning and Teaching
Scotland/NGfL Masterclass, 2004; Scottish Learning Festival 2005, 2013;
Making Connections workshops, Glasgow, 2001; Aberdeen, 2005; London 2007;
invited keynotes at Gulbenkian Foundation Seminar, Portugal 2006, LILAC
2006, Information Literacy Network, Stockholm, 2006. The outcomes of UR3
and UR4 were presented to DfES, Resource, and the National
Literacy Trust (NLT) in invited meetings (2001-2002).
References to the research
UR1 — Williams, D.A. and Wavell, C. (2001) Impact of the
School Library Resource Centre on Learning. Library and Information
Commission Research Report 112. [Available at:]
UR3 — Williams, D, Wavell, C and Coles, L. (2001) Impact of
School Library Services on Achievement and Learning. Report for
Department for Education and Skills and Resource: The Council for Museums,
Archives and Libraries. Information Management Research Report No. 10.
[Available at:]
UR4 — Williams, D, Coles, L and Wavell, C. (2002) Impact of
School Library Services on Achievement and Learning in Primary Schools.
Report for the Department for Education and Skills and Resource: The
Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries. Information Management
Research Report No. 11. [Available at:]
UR5 — Williams, D and Wavell, C. (2007) Secondary school teachers'
conceptions of student information literacy. Journal of Librarianship
and Information Science, 39 (4), December, 199-212.
UR6 — Williams, D and Coles, L. (2007) Evidence-based practice in
teaching: an information perspective. Journal of Documentation, 63
(6), 812-835.
Details of the impact
The research has provided clear evidence of: the positive role and impact
of school libraries on learning, including reading and IL, academic
attainment, and attitudes to learning; and key factors that contribute to
the impact of school libraries on learning: effective professional
staffing; quality and flexible access to resources; and effective
librarian-teacher collaboration. These messages have been used by
professional groups to advocate for better school library provision and in
literacy initiatives, government-policy initiatives, and CPD for library
and teaching professions. Examples below show research impact on three
levels: impact on high-level policy and decision-making (government,
education depts); impact on policy, strategy and advocacy by professional
bodies and NGOs; and impact on library development, practice and CPD in
Government and education departments
The School Library Commission, chaired by Baroness Estelle Morris,
established a joint initiative between the Museums, Libraries and Archives
Council and the NLT, to "set a national agenda to ensure school libraries
are delivering exceptional services to help young people reach their
potential". Following an open call for evidence the Commission's 2010
report (CE2) recommended "wholehearted" support by the Dept of
Education and key actions by decision-makers in making school libraries
more effective in support of educational objectives. It cited UR3
as evidence (CE2), while the SLA's open response to the Commission
(CE3) had also cited UR4. In Ireland UR1 and UR3
were influential in decisions by the Junior Certificate School Programme
(JSCP) to ensure their school libraries moved beyond a focus on
standardised attainment tests to look at wider learning, when evaluating
achievements (CE1). The JCSP Demonstration Library Project, part of
Ireland's Literacy and Numeracy Strategy, is funded by the Dept. of
Education and Skills (DES) to improve educational provision and equality
of opportunity in socio-economically disadvantaged communities. The first
10 of 50 JCSP school libraries sanctioned by the DES were operational from
2007 indicating ongoing social and educational impact in the REF period (CE1).
Professional bodies, Independent Advisory Bodies, and NGOs
UR3 and UR4 have continued to be used to the present day to
raise awareness of the role of school libraries and their impact on
learning and literacy. In a blogpost (CE3) response to the Campaign
for the Book's 2009 call for school libraries to be made statutory in
England, Jonathan Douglas, Director of NLT, cites UR3 and UR4
as supporting evidence to argue that it is not simply a school library
that is important in developing the learner, but the presence of a skilled
librarian and integration of the library in the school's teaching and
learning strategies. Douglas also uses a further outcome of UR3
and UR4 as evidence of the need to fill a gap in UK data to enable
better planning of school libraries.
A number of UK and international advocacy tools have drawn on the
research and/or recommended it as a resource for practitioners in their
own advocacy and development work. An example with wide international
reach is the IFLA School Library Advocacy kit (CE4), where UR3
and UR4 are the only examples of recommended research undertaken
outwith the US, Australia and Canada. Within the UK, CILIP Scotland
recently cited UR4 evidence to back up its response to North
Lanark's budget proposals (CE5).
SLIC reports that it has continued to use UR3 and UR4 to
the present day "to inform its strategic approach to school library
services and to share good practice with practitioners" and that the
research has "given practitioners a credible source of information to
demonstrate the value of library services" (CE6). The on-going
impact and value is evidenced by SLIC's commissioning in 2013 of an
updated critical review of evidence to cover the period since UR3
and UR4 (CE6). Preliminary findings, reinforcing the impact
of school libraries in IL, reading, attainment and learning, have already
been the subject of an invited presentation to librarians, teachers and
policy-makers at the Scottish Learning Festival, Sept 2013, with a public
commitment by SLIC to use the research as launchpad to improve on-going
data collection.
School libraries and librarians, CPD and practice
Invitations to give keynote presentations to practitioners and
policy-makers (e.g. Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 2006; Scottish Learning
Festival, 2005, IL Network, Stockholm 2006) enabled reach into teaching as
well as librarianship professions, using evidence from a range of Making
Connections studies (UR1, UR2, UR3, UR4, UR5, UR6) to develop
international awareness of the relationship between IL, learning and the
role of school libraries. Following the Gulbenkian event a self-evaluation
framework, influenced by UR3, was developed to improve the impact
of school libraries in Portugal (CE7). Examples of impact beyond
the library profession are the inclusion of research in literacy
guidelines for elementary educators in the US (CE8); and
collaborative teacher-librarian IL initiatives at a Scottish secondary
school, stimulated by teachers' involvement in UR5, and in turn shared
widely by the school (CE8).
UR3 recommended that pre-service training and CPD of both teachers
and librarians should address the need for greater understanding of their
roles in learning in school libraries. In her professional journal article
(CE9) school librarian Lynn Barrett uses this to support a call for
more effective staff development for librarians in their professional role
in developing IL. Other examples of CPD use of the research include
Saskatchewan School Library Association's recommendation of UR3
for teacher-librarian development in their role as "instructional leader"
(CE9); and its use in a practitioner-led CILIP workshop (CE9).
Activity on librarian blogs (CE10) provides evidence that the
research (UR4, UR5) is changing librarian thinking.
Sources to corroborate the impact
CE1 JCSP Support Service (2008) "More than a room for reading"
(2008), pp 1, 2, 14
CE2 School Library Commission evidence:
- "School Libraries: A plan for improvement" (2010), pp12,15
- School Library Association (2010) submission to the School Library
CE3 Jonathan Douglas, National Literacy Trust, 2009 blog post.
CE4 IFLA School library advocacy kit (first published earlier, but
most recently updated on 24th November 2012)
CE5 CILIP Scotland (2012) Consultation Response to North
Lanarkshire Council Savings Options 2013-14 to 2015-16 Learning and
Leisure Services.
CE6 Statement from SLIC on file, 2013
CE7 Portugese Ministry of Education: School libraries
Self-evaluation model, 2008
CE8 Impact on teaching and development of information literacy:
- "The compendium of research (campaign for grade-level reading) 2012" p.8
- Caldervale High School: letter to Williams, 2008; their Professional
Development Group report "Supporting pupils in developing information
skills" is available at:
CE9 Impact on CPD and the role of the librarian:
- Barrett, L. (2010) "Effective school libraries: evidence of impact on
student achievement" The School Librarian, 58(3), pp 136-139
- Saskatchewan School Library Association (2008) "50 ways to love your
library", p.13.
- "From old school to new profession", presentation for CILIP Careers
Development Group/Diversity group, 6th July 2009 by Hazel James, Assistant
Librarian in Dame Alice Owen's School, Potters Bar.
CE10 Librarian Blogs: UR4 in School librarian in action,
Friday, 29 June, 2012.;
UR5 in The Librarian's Portal, 10 June 2008.