CHE01 - Resources in the National Health Service (NHS)
Submitting Institution
University of YorkUnit of Assessment
Public Health, Health Services and Primary CareSummary Impact Type
EconomicResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Economics: Applied Economics
Summary of the impact
York research has, continuously since the early 1990's, underpinned the
methods by which a substantial proportion of the total NHS budget is
allocated by the Department of Health to the organisations providing or
arranging healthcare. Despite numerous NHS reforms, our research has
produced formulae appropriate to each new system. These formulae have
driven NHS policy on allocations across geographical areas and health care
administrative entities in England, thereby ensuring that the population
of approximately 55 million people receives a share of over £90 billion of
healthcare resources that is fair and better reflects relative health care
Underpinning research
The underlying principle of allocation formulae is to distribute
resources on the basis of the relative need for health care services of
the population. York has been at the forefront of developing methods for
designing these formulae across the spectrum of NHS activity, encompassing
primary and secondary care services. This dates back to seminal work in
1993 when research at York resulted in a step change in the methodology of
NHS allocation formulae by combining small area level information on
health care utilisation with small area census data to produce a more
robust method of modelling population need than hitherto (1). Used by the
Department of Health (DoH) to allocate resources in the English NHS, the
`York formula' set the precedent for research and policy over the
following 20 years and York researchers have made a regular, sustained
intellectual contribution to this area of research introducing major
methodological innovations. Research on resource allocation brings
together a range of researchers from different institutions. York's main
contributions have centred on devising modelling strategies, developing
methods, interpreting results and advising on datasets.
The AREA research (Gravelle; jointly led with the University of Glasgow),
formed the basis of allocations made from 2003/04 to 2009/10 and for the
first time devised formulae suitable for allocations to Primary Care
Trusts (2). Using newly assembled data for 8414 geographical areas, the
research estimated utilisation models that took into account unmet need,
in order to make the distribution of resources more equitable. It was
innovative in deriving measures of specifb01c morbidities (to measure
relative need) at small area level from individual level survey data.
Capitation payments to general practices since 2004/05 have been based on
work by York researchers, producing what is generally referred to as the
"Carr-Hill formula". Carr-Hill led analysis of the impact on GP workload
(and hence on the costs of delivering care) of a range of factors
including rurality, age/sex of practice population and practice turnover
(3). The research utilised novel data sources, including Inland Revenue
accounts to explore the expenses attributable to GPs operating in rural
areas and analysed 99 million computerised "file openings" recorded at GP
practices in order to explore workload. Additional analyses (Gravelle;
collaborating with Imperial College), used small area data from the Health
Survey for England for the first time, to allow for socio-economic patient
factors affecting consultation rates (4). Research by Carr-Hill, Dixon and
Rice (collaborating with Brunel University) refined the measurement of
health care needs, incorporating more sensitive age-specific needs
adjustment and, for the first time, included outpatient hospital activity,
producing the CARAN formula (5).
York researchers utilised new data sources in order to improve the way in
which the formulae take account of the need for mental health services
(Gravelle, Dusheiko, Smith, in collaboration with Manchester University)
(6). In particular, use of the Mental Health Minimum Dataset allowed the
formula to reflect a substantial amount of community-based activity
delivered to people with mental health conditions, previously excluded
from the formula.
A major recent development (Dusheiko, Gravelle, Rice; in collaboration
with Nuffield Trust) was the derivation of a formula to assist PCTs in
setting fair share indicative allocations to over 8000 general practices
within PCTs in England. The analysis involved innovative data linkage
methods to combine the 55 million patients registered with a general
practice with around 16 million annual hospital admissions and 84 million
annual outpatient visits, together with demographic and morbidity
characteristics, area measures of deprivation and practice and area supply
characteristics. This research represents a significant innovation in
several ways: analysis is conducted at the individual, rather than at the
area level ("Person Based Resource Allocation"); the model is prospective
(it predicts next year's expenditures based on current year's needs
characteristics); and it includes detailed individual morbidity
information (7).
Hugh Gravelle (Prof, August 1995-); Nigel Rice (Senior Research Fellow
(SRF), Prof 1994-); Roy Carr-Hill (SRF, Prof, 1983-Sept 2011); Mark
Dusheiko (Research Fellow (RF), SRF 1998-); Peter Smith (Reader, Prof,
1991-Sept 2009); Paul Dixon (SRF, 1989-April 2010), Trevor Sheldon (SRF,
Prof, 1992-); Geoff Hardman (RF, 1984-Sept 2005), Steve Martin (RF,
References to the research
The research has been published either in top peer reviewed journals
(refs 1, 2, 7) or Resource Allocation Working Papers and reports to the
Dept of Health (refs 3, 4, 5, 6) which are reviewed rigorously by both the
Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation (ACRA) - an independent expert
body that advises the Secretary of State for Health on the weighted
capitation formula - and the Technical Advisory Group which supports ACRA.
All the research was funded by the Dept of Health either via a competitive
process or was subject to review by ACRA.
1. Carr-Hill R, Sheldon TA, Smith P, Martin S, Peacock S, Hardman G
(1994) Allocating resources to health authorities: development of method
for small area analysis of use of inpatient services. British Medical
Journal 1994
2. Gravelle H, Sutton M, Morris S, Windmeijer F, Leyland A, Dibben C,
Muirhead M (2003) Modelling supply and demand influences on the use of
healthcare: implications for deriving a needs-based capitation formula. Health
Economics. 12: 985-1004. DOI:10.1002/hec.830
5. Morris, S., Carr-Hill, R., Dixon, P., Law, M., Rice, N., Sutton, M.,
Vallejo-Torres, L. Combining Age Related and Additional Needs (CARAN)
Report. 2007 review of the needs formulae for hospital services and
prescribing activity in England. Final Report. DoH, 2007.
6. Sutton M, Whittaker W, Morris S, Glover G, Dusheiko M, Wildman J,
Gravelle H, Burrows S, Simpson J, Fé-Rodr03afguez E, Birch, S, Smith PC.
Report of the resource allocation mental health and prescribing project
(RAMP). Dec 2010. Resource Allocation Research Paper 35
7. Dixon J, Smith P, Gravelle H, Martin S, Bardsley M, Rice N, Georghiou
T, Dusheiko M, Billings J, De Lorenzo M, Sanderson C A person based
formula for allocating commissioning funds to general practices in
England: development of a statistical model British Medical Journal
Grants (amount sub-contracted to York given, where contract held
Research on resource allocation (Carr-Hill) was undertaken as part of
successive 5 year large programme contracts awarded to the Centre for
Health Economics by the DoH (Aug 1996-July 2001 & Aug 2001-July 2006).
Carr-Hill R, Sheldon TA, Smith P. (1993) Small area study for the review
of weighted capitation. NHS Executive £138,500.
Gravelle H (2002/3) Small area study of supply and demand determinants of
healthcare resource use and estimation of relative needs for PCTS in
England. £11, 653
Carr-Hill R (2007) Review of need formula. DoH (£32,300)
Smith PC, Gravelle H (July 2008-Oct 2009) Developing a PBRA formula for
general practices in England. DoH (£219,907)
Gravelle H (2009) Programme budget level PBRA. DoH £11,500
[sub-contracted amount]
Gravelle H (2010) Resource Allocation for Mental Health and prescribing
(RAMP) DoH (£26,340)
Gravelle H (Nov 2010-Dec 2012) Developing the mental health funding
formula for allocations to general practices. DoH £35,312
Gravelle H, Rice N (Nov 2010-Sept 2011) Updating and enhancing a resource
allocation formula at general practice level based on individual patient
characteristics. DoH (£39,800)
Details of the impact
By devising and refining the methods and undertaking the empirical
analysis on which formulae are based, York helped to ensure that the
organisations responsible for commissioning services receive a fairer
share of the NHS budget i.e. in proportion to the relative health care
needs of their constituent populations. The path-breaking nature of the
work was referred to in a review of Resource Allocation for the Secretary
of State in 2008:"A team from York University were awarded the contract
... and produced an impressive report based on state-of-the art
techniques to derive estimates from small-area variations in utilization
(Carr-Hill et al, 1994a): this was well described by Ken Judge, in
evidence to the Health Select Committee as being `widely acknowledged to
be the most impressive and sophisticated undertaken so far in this
field' (source 1).
The DoH has been utilising this body of research for the allocation of
resources for almost 20 years and in 2011-2012, weighted capitation
formulae informed recurrent allocations of £85 billion to Primary Care
Trusts and thence via Practice Based Commissioning (PBRA) to General
Practices, directing resources according to relative population needs.
Revising the formulae to take account of unmet need, rather than
just reflecting current utilisation patterns, ensured that particular
groups in the population (e.g., ethnic minorities and the socially
disadvantaged) who were not utilising health care services at the same
level as other groups with similar health characteristics, were not
unfairly treated in terms of the resources allocated for their care. The
decisive impact of York's research on NHS resource allocation is
corroborated in the official history of resource allocation (source 2).
Research led by, or involving York researchers as co-authors, is
referenced throughout the account of how the formulae have been developed.
The appendix shows that York's research features in 18 of the 27
"external" reports to the Dept of Health, used in the development of the
formulae over several years (source 3).
Through successive re-organisations of the NHS, York research has defined
and under-pinned the development of allocation formulae in order to ensure
that a more equitable distribution of resources is achieved, regardless of
which organisations (District Health Authorities, PCTs, Clinical
Commissioning Groups) have had responsibility for the provision and
purchasing of health care services (source 2). Without the
research, the financial allocations made to these organisations would have
been made on a cruder basis, ignoring many of the sources of the relative
difference in the healthcare needs of local communities. The impact of the
formula can be illustrated by comparing the allocations to a hypothetical
benchmark: in 2011/12, adjusting the allocations to reflect population
needs (as in the most recent formula) has the effect of re-distributing
approximately 10% of the total budget of over £100 billion compared with a
benchmark scenario under which each area received a share based purely on
the size of their population. The use of the formula, compared to this
"equal shares" scenario, would increase health care budgets by up to £571
per head of the population in 56% of PCTs and reduce allocations by up to
£440 in the remaining 44% of PCTs, thus reflecting a re-distribution to
areas most in need.
The research undertaken on general practice General Medical Services
(references 3 and 4) and in particular the element of the research by
Carr-Hill (reference 3) became widely known as the "Carr-Hill formula",
and has underpinned the capitation payments — the "global sum allocation
formula" — since 2004. The BMA said "The new Carr-Hill allocation
formula will provide equity, recognise casemix and practice
circumstances, and ensure money will flow according to patient need"
(source 4). The lack of adjustment for factors influencing workload
and the cost of providing services were perceived as flaws and the new
contract stated "The introduction of a global sum payment, combined
with new rewards for quality, will address these flaws. A new GMS
resource allocation formula, developed by Professor Roy Carr-Hill of
York University, will provide the basis for allocating funds for global
sum resources and for quality payments" (source 5). The
formula and its adjusted versions (reference 5) continues to inform
capitation payments to general practices, involving around £3 billion per
annum (source 5).
In addition to the research impacting on the main allocation formula,
other York research has also had a significant effect on allocations.
Research on the mental health formula led the DoH working group (ACRA) to
recommend to Ministers: "One of two recommendations to have a
significant impact on PCT target allocations is that for mental health.
ACRA recommends a new approach to the mental health component of the
weighted capitation formula. The approach is a major step forward in how
funding is allocated for mental health services" (source 6)
Hence improving the accuracy with which resources can be allocated to
reflect the relative mental health needs of the population and the costs
to commissioners of delivering those services.
The most recently developed Person Based Resource Allocation (PBRA)
mechanism was the basis of the "toolkit" to enable PCTs to compare actual
expenditure on acute care at practice level with a needs-based standard
allowing for the differences in needs amongst general practices. This can
promote an even fairer distribution of NHS funds, to the direct benefit of
society. This research is cited in the Department of Health's Guidance to
PCTs which also cites the role of research on mental health (covered in
reference 6): " The 2011/12 toolkit introduces new methodologies for
the Prescribing and Mental Health parts of the toolkit. This is based
upon the results of the Resource Allocation for Mental Health and
Prescribing (RAMP) project, which was developed as part of the
methodology for PCT allocations. In the 2010/2011 toolkit we introduced
a new methodology for the Acute care component. This was based on
research that the Department of Health commissioned ... to develop an
acute formula based on the prediction of individual patient costs. We
have retained this methodology for the 2011/12 toolkit and the data
underlying the formula have been updated." (source 7).
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Review of Weighted Capitation Formula, report submitted to the
Secretary of State for Health in June 2008 by Prof Gwyn Bevan
- Annual report by DoH on the formula used and the underpinning methods,
which also contains a history of resource allocation. Resource
Allocation: weighted capitation formula. 7th edn, 2011.
- List of major research and working papers commissioned on resource
allocation, also here:
- Investing in General Practice: the new General Medical Services
This contains the quotations cited in the text as well as extensive
further references to the Carr-Hill formula and an Appendix D (Carr-Hill
resource allocation formula) explaining it in more detail.
- British Medical Association letter to GPs (2/11/11) explaining their
national 2012/13 contract agreement with all the UK health departments,
referring to the use of the "Carr-Hill formula" and to the work
undertaken by Professor Roy Carr-Hill in 2001-03
- Letter to Andrew Lansley 27/9/10 from David Fillingham Chief Exec,
Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA) North West & Chair of ACRA:
- Practice Based Commissioning Budget Guidance for 2011/12. DoH March