ARC07 - Impact on Mesolithic heritage preservation, conservation and presentation
Submitting Institution
University of YorkUnit of Assessment
Geography, Environmental Studies and ArchaeologySummary Impact Type
CulturalResearch Subject Area(s)
Built Environment and Design: Architecture
History and Archaeology: Archaeology, Curatorial and Related Studies
Summary of the impact
The site of Star Carr (c. 9000 BC) is internationally renowned in the
archaeological world yet, until now, has been virtually unheard of in the
public sphere. Research at York has enhanced the preservation and
conservation of this important site, securing its status on the Schedule
of Monuments, and informed the management, protection and restoration of
wetlands across Europe. Alongside this, research into the public
perception of the Mesolithic has guided a comprehensive range of public
engagement activities which have enhanced Mesolithic heritage presentation
and raised global awareness of this undervalued period of human
Underpinning research
There are two avenues of research: `The archaeology and preservation
of the heritage', and `The public perception of the Mesolithic'.
Excavations at Star Carr between 2004 and 2007 showed that rare
organic archaeological remains had seriously deteriorated within the last
couple of decades. Research on the conditions of the peat demonstrated
that it was drying out and had become extremely acidic. This work prompted
funding from English Heritage in 2008 in order to understand why this
process was happening and in 2010 to establish the evidential value of the
archaeology that remained1,2. The excavations revealed (i) the
site was much larger than imagined; (ii) the earliest known `house' in
Britain; (iii) an extensive platform of worked wood at the lake edge — the
earliest evidence of carpentry in Europe. This resulted in a paradigm
shift from believing that Mesolithic people lived in small, nomadic
groups, to evidence that Mesolithic people created large settlements and
had the capability for building structures3. Following
widespread consultation, which included non-archaeological stakeholders
such as Natural England, the RSPB and County Councils, it was concluded
that the archaeology was of international importance but that it was at
risk, that it could not be preserved in situ, and what remained
should be preserved "by record" through further excavation. In 2011 Milner
won an ERC grant to enable this to happen.
The Meso-what? Star Carr was first excavated in the 1940's by
Clark and again in the 1980's by Lane and Schadla-Hall. It is
internationally renowned in the archaeological world yet both Star Carr
and the Mesolithic are relatively unheard of in a wider context.
Discovering at university that she had grown up only five miles from this
landmark site, no one was more acutely aware of the disparity in knowledge
than Milner, and addressing this divide became an integral part of her
research aims.
This was the driver underpinning:
- An AHRC CDA supervised by Milner The Meso-what? Public Perception
of the Mesolithic (2012-). The results are demonstrating
significantly low public awareness of the Mesolithic and little attempt
to present this period of prehistory within UK heritage tourism: local
surveys in 2009-2011 showed only 8% of people had heard of Star Carr;
the British Museum has one small display case for the whole of
Mesolithic Europe and most other museums do not feature the Mesolithic
at all. This is in contrast to the significance afforded to this period
elsewhere in Europe, e.g. in Denmark where the `Golden Age' of the
Mesolithic features heavily in school education and museums.
- Improving the presentation of the Mesolithic. This includes a series
of exhibitions and the creation of an online, publically available
archive bringing together the artefacts from current and past
excavations in a single place. This research aimed to locate, catalogue
and photograph as much as the material as possible in order to create a
"virtual museum archive" for the public and researchers. In addition,
the research suggests how the site may be imaginatively interpreted for
a range of users.
Key Researchers
- Nicky Milner (Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Professor), co-director of
excavations with Conneller (University of Manchester) and Taylor
(University of York). Milner has overseen fundraising (£1,700,000 as
sole PI and £72,500 as Co-I), managed grants, site management and
logistics and currently is PI on an ERC grant with full budgetary and
managerial responsibility for a team of 20+. She is responsible for all
the public outreach.
- Barry Taylor (Post-doc York, June 2012-Sept 2013, to be seconded a
further 16 months over the next 3 years).
- Hayley Saul (Research Assistant, part time 2011, 2012)
- Ben Elliott (PhD until 2012, IfA workplace bursary Oct 2012-2013)
References to the research
1. Boreham, S., Conneller, C., Milner, N., Needham, A., Boreham, J. &
Rolfe, C.J. (2011) Geochemical indicators of preservation status and site
deterioration at Star Carr. Journal of Archaeological Science 38
(10), 2833-2857
International peer-reviewed journal, highest Thomson-Reuters Impact Factor
for the discipline; REF2 publication.
2. Milner, N., Conneller, C., Taylor, B., Koon, H., Penkman, K., Elliott,
B., Panter, I. & Taylor, M. (2011) From Riches to Rags: organic
deterioration at Star Carr. Journal of Archaeological Science 38
(10), 2818-2832
International peer-reviewed journal, highest Thomson-Reuters Impact Factor
for the discipline.
3. Conneller, C., Milner, N., Taylor, B. & Taylor, M. (2012)
Substantial settlement in the European Early Mesolithic: new research at
Star Carr. Antiquity 86, 1004-1020. Available at:
Research funded by EH and NERC Urgency Grant; international peer-reviewed
journal; shortlisted for the Antiquity Prize 2012; highlighted by the
BBC's review of 2012's archaeology (;
the research received substantial global media interest and appeared in
over 100 media outlets worldwide; UK Universities and Science Minister,
David Willetts, remarked how "This exciting discovery....will change our
perceptions forever"; Journal Editor, Martin Carver, highlighted the
article for "rewrit[ing] the character of Early Mesolithic settlement in
Europe"; REF2 publication.
Grants: the research at Star Carr has been funded through the
following selected grants
• Milner, Penkman, Panter, 2010-2013 `Rate of deterioration of peat
deposits at Star Carr', NERC Colloborative Doctoral Award, c.
• Milner, 2010-2011 `From riches to rags: rapidly deteriorating wetland
archaeology at the internationally renowned site of Star Carr', NERC
urgency grant, £65,000.
• Milner, 2010-2012 `Star Carr: excavations to inform a management
strategy', English Heritage, £29,000.
• Milner, 2011-2013 `The Meso-what? Public Perception of the Mesolithic',
AHRC collaborative doctoral award (with York Archaeological Trust) c.
• Milner, 2012-2016 `POSTGLACIAL: After the Ice, hunter-gatherer
postglacial lifeways', European Research Council, c. £1,300,000.
• Milner, 2013-18 `Project Manager for Star Carr', English Heritage,
• Milner, 2013-18 `Lease agreement', English Heritage, £75,000.
• Milner, 2012-13 `Creating and promoting archives for the Star Carr
Project', IfA/HLF Workplace Learning Bursary, £20,880.
Details of the impact
The research at Star Carr has demonstrated significant impact on
creativity, culture and society. A management plan, written by Milner and
approved by the English Heritage Advisory Committee (2012), is now in
place which presents a strategy for (i) the preservation by record of the
site and (ii) its relationship to the public [1].
Preservation and conservation of Mesolithic wetland sites
As a direct impact of the research the site was granted Scheduled
Monument status (19 December 2011) and was added to English Heritage's
`Heritage At Risk Register' [2, 3]. Scheduling is the only legal form of
protection available to a site in the UK and highlights the research
findings as `Nationally Important' [4]. Unlike other Mesolithic sites,
Star Carr, was scheduled without relying upon structures from a later
period for designation. It was scheduled in order to encourage a dialogue
with stakeholders over best management practices, including further
excavation, and to support funding applications by official recognition of
the importance of the site. Announcing its Scheduling, John Penrose,
Heritage Minister, said "The diversity of finds on offer at Star Carr
and its history which goes back to 9000 BC are unequalled in British
Archaeology and it remains one of the most important Mesolithic sites in
As a result of our research, Star Carr has been used as a model for the
national and international importance and vulnerability of wetland
heritage in the National Heritage Protection Plan [5] (section 3A5) and
prompted further funding of £350,000 for other wetland projects. Milner
has given lectures and talked to colleagues working in related agencies
involved in wetland management and policy in Germany, Finland, Ireland,
Denmark and the Netherlands. The European Stone Age Bogs network, which
Milner established, now draws members from 12 countries. Research at Star
Carr has directly informed two of the key aims of this network: evaluating
the risks to the resource and enhancing impact [6].
Enhancements to Mesolithic heritage presentation
Star Carr is generating unprecedented public and media interest for
Mesolithic archaeology locally, nationally and internationally. Milner has
engaged audiences at over 30 local societies, hosted site visits, open
days and festival events; the immediate audience engaged by this research
is conservatively estimated at 3,000. The mediated audience is greater
than the 12-14M that the BBC estimate were reached in the UK by news
coverage of the "oldest house in Britain" [7] — the research has
featured in 6 television and radio programmes, Milner has been interviewed
for over 30 television and radio news broadcasts and contributed to over
100 media outlets around the world. The team has produced Mesolithic packs
for Young Archaeologists Club and published 5,000 copies of a booklet "The
Story of Star Carr" (2012), sold for public outreach funds and given
to local schools. A "virtual museum archive" housed in ADS was launched
May 2013 [8].
A key media event featuring the research was a Time Team special
on the submerged Mesolithic landscape of Doggerland (2007, repeated 2009).
In response to this programme Science City York established a partnership
with the Yorkshire Museum and the Star Carr team to produce a creative
response to the Mesolithic period by four artists for a short exhibition
entitled, Artists in the Archives, (April/May 2010). Continuing
this partnership, research at Star Carr now underpins a major exhibition,
After the Ice, at the Yorkshire Museum (05/2013-04/14, expected
footfall 110,000) (9). For the museum the incorporation of multimedia to
translate the underpinning research and immerse visitors in the Mesolithic
landscape is groundbreaking and will influence the design of future
exhibitions, two of which are planned to focus on pre-history. It
includes, for example, a Mesolithic soundscape, a digital flythrough, and
films all produced by University staff and students from their research.
An evaluation of visitors to the exhibition revealed that 81% would
recommend it to others, and 96% were more informed about Star Carr.
Impacts of the exhibition include:
- Drawing in visitors to the museum and its region (29% of visitors
sampled had visited the museum because they had an interest in
prehistory, Star Carr and/or this exhibition in particular);
- Developing cultural benefit for visitors (the exhibition prompted 43%
to want to learn more about Star Car); benefiting community cohesion by
encouraging visitors to value local links and connections;
- Providing educational resources through the activities for children,
especially schools (Figure 1).
- Whitby Museum and Ryedale Folk Museum have created new displays on
Star Carr in 2013.
- Scarborough Museums Trust is considering how to incorporate material
from Star Carr in their geology museum, The Rotunda.
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Milner, N. (2012) Star Carr Revisited: A Management Strategy to
support the proposed excavation of the Early Mesolithic occupation site
in the Vale of Pickering, North Yorkshire. University of York:
unpublished report.
- English Heritage, Heritage At Risk Register:
(accessed 17.10.2013).
- English Heritage, celebrating 100 years of heritage protection by
highlighting 52 of England's most significant historic places protected
under the designation system:
(accessed 17.10.2013).
- Emerick, K. 2011. The management of Star Carr. Journal of Wetland
Archaeology 11, 120-132.
National Heritage Protection Plan, 2012 (Measure 3A5) http://www.english-
- Stone Age Bog Group:
- Milner, N., Blinkhorn, E., Hadley, P., Hellewell, E. (forthcoming) The
Meso-what? The public perception of the Mesolithic. In Ashton, N. (ed.)
Feschrift for Roger Jacobi.
- Virtual museum archive:
- After the Ice exhibition, Yorkshire Museum,
Evaluation of Visitor Responses to the Yorkshire Museum Exhibition
`After the Ice' by Emma Carr, Adam Clark, Susan DeVal, Kelly
Guerrieri, Olivia Morrill, and Jenna Tinning. Report prepared for N.
Milner and YMT. Available on request.