EDU03 - Developing a characterization of citizenship education in England and in other contexts
Submitting Institution
University of YorkUnit of Assessment
EducationSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy, Specialist Studies In Education
Summary of the impact
Research by Davies and others at York has clarified the views and
understandings of stakeholders of `citizenship' in the context of
citizenship education, and developed the case for an approach that has a
strong conceptual core (inspired by political literacy and incorporating
influences that emphasise communities and identities at local, national
and global levels) and which is contemporary, public, participative, and
reflective. Through UK and international networking and community building
exercises this characterization of citizenship education has impacted on:
curriculum policy discussions; classroom practice through the development
of teaching materials; teacher educators including initial and in-service
teacher education; and the work of professional organisations concerned
with citizenship education in schools and beyond.
Underpinning research
Context: Research led by Davies showed a gap between the ways in
which citizenship was characterized in the academic literature and in the
ways teachers thought about citizenship education and how they worked
professionally to develop it. Davies and others at the University of York
(UoY) argued that citizenship education is concerned with contemporary
society and public contexts, requiring an integrated approach to
substantive and procedural concepts, and having a clear focus on
understanding and practising reflective participation. This
characterization may seem unremarkable until one considers the existing
(declining) lack of clarity and excessively broad interpretation that has
often been associated with citizenship education (including those who see
`citizen' as indistinguishable from `person', with a vague sense of the
need to promote `good' citizenship).
Researchers: All research was led by Davies (Lecturer 1989-99,
Senior Lecturer 1999-2005, Reader 2005-08, Professor 2008-present). UoY
research collaborators include: Mary Bousted (1993-1998); Martin Cloonan
(1994-98); Ian Gregory (1971-2008); Professor Stephen Gorard (2004-07); Dr
Gillian Hampden-Thompson (2008-present); Dr Sylvia Hogarth (2001-2009); Dr
John Issitt, (2002-present); Dr Nicolas McGuinn (1998-2010); Paula
Mountford (2005-present); Dr. Vanita Sundaram (2006-present); and, Dr.
Maria Tsouroufli (2010-2012). In addition, Professor Mark Evans
(University of Toronto), former PhD student, at UoY (graduation 2005) was
supervised by Davies.
Research: In 1994 Davies (reference 1) argued, based on empirical
data gathered from a sample of 20 policy professionals and academic
experts, that the authors of the version of the National Curriculum in
place in the early 1990s neglected to promote professional forms of
political learning (`political education') and instead, they replaced them
with the cross-curricular theme of education for citizenship. This
approach was biased towards the reduced educational approach of simply
encouraging young people to act as volunteers. Davies, Gregory and Riley
(1999) (reference 2), explored teachers' characterizations of citizenship
and citizenship education. This study collected questionnaire and
interview data of the views of 719 teachers in England about citizenship
and citizenship education. It was part of a five-nation study (the full
results of which were published by Hong Kong University press in a 2005)
book edited by Fouts (Seattle Pacific University, USA) and Lee (Hong Kong
Institute of Education). A series of research and publications by staff
based at UoY (Bousted, Cloonan, Davies, Hampden-Thompson, Hogarth,
Mountford, Sundaram) explored teachers' characterizations of models of
citizenship learning in a range of contexts including work on political
literacy, assessment of citizenship in initial teacher education and
teachers' and young people's understandings of citizenship and community.
Davies also undertook several related international comparative studies
consisting, for example, of 80 teacher interviews in England and Hungary
(Davies et al. 2004) (reference 3). The result of this research
work found that teachers' understandings largely emphasised being
considerate to those others with whom one spends time and neglected the
more critical and globally oriented conceptions discussed by academics.
Further research suggested that there were gaps in relevant
characterizations between professionals within schools who were concerned
variously with whole school and curricular matters and gaps between those
professionals and young people. The fundamental argument put forward by
Davies and others (and published on the citizED web pages as the `citizED
statement on citizenship education,
was for an approach to citizenship that developed and emphasized rights
and responsibilities, government and democracy, identities and communities
at local, national and global levels. This approach to citizenship
education was directly connected to the research and publications of
Davies and others. Davies, Evans and Reid (2005) (reference 4) in a think
piece identified key distinctions between citizenship and global
education. Davies, Gorard and McGuinn (2005) (reference 5) similarly
differentiated citizenship and character education. An empirical study by
Davies et al (2004) explored the differences between citizenship
and enterprise education and other work on science (Davies 2004), history
(Arthur et al 2001), assessment (Davies et al. 2007),
community (Davies & Evans 2002; Davies et al 2009; Davies et
al 2012) and textbooks (Davies & Issit 2005, reference 6),
helped develop the emerging characterization of citizenship education.
Programmes of teacher education in citizenship education were also
analysed leading to suggestions about how they may be improved through a
clear conceptual base and the promotion of reflective practice.
References to the research
1. Davies, I.(1994).Whatever happened to political education? Educational
Review, 46(1),29-37. DOI: 10.1080/0013191940460104
2. Davies, I., Gregory, I., & Riley, S.C. (1999).Good citizenship
and educational provision. London, Falmer Press. (Available on
3. Davies, I., Fülöp, M., Hutchings, M., Ross, A., & Berkics,
M.(2004).Citizenship and enterprise: Issues from an investigation of
teachers' perceptions in England and Hungary, Comparative Education,40(3),363-385.
DOI: 10.1080/0305006042000274845
4. Davies, I., Evans, M., & Reid, A. (2005).Globalising Citizenship
Education? A critique of 'global education' and 'citizenship education'. British
Journal of Educational Studies, 53 (1),66-89. DOI:
5. Davies, I., Gorard, S., & McGuinn, N. (2005).Citizenship education
and character education: similarities and contrasts. British Journal
of Educational Studies, 53(3),341-358. URL:
6. Davies, I., & Issitt, J.(2005). Reflections on citizenship
education in Australia, Canada and England. Comparative Education,41(4),389-410.
DOI: 10.1080/03050060500300915
All articles were published in international, peer reviewed, high impact
journals; the book (Davies et al 1999) was published by the
leading academic education publisher. Reference 2 was recognised, in an
anonymous reviewer's report to the publisher, to be the first empirical
study on citizenship education.
Grants: Institute for Citizenship and Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Ltd
£26.5k (2 linked projects 2002-3 and 2003-5); Teacher Training Agency/
Training and Development Agency for Schools TTA/TDA £1.3m (£151k direct to
York) 2002-6; Citizenship Foundation/Esmée Fairbairn £12k 2001-2;
Department for Education and Employment £20k (2000-1); European Commission
and Canadian government £109k 2002-5; British Council £4350 (2001-3);
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation £97k 2010-13.
Details of the impact
The focus of the impact is in the achievement of clarity and the
development of consensus around an evolved form of citizenship education
implemented in England and elsewhere. Impact was achieved in several
Impact on Policy Makers: Professor Sir Bernard Crick invited
Davies to develop guidance for teachers, including teaching materials,
around the characterization of citizenship education emerging from the
research referred to above. Those papers were presented at meetings for
teachers and teacher trainers in Canada (Ontario History and Social
Studies Teachers association), Japanese Educational Research for the
Social Studies (JERASS), London and elsewhere. Davies was invited to join
the UK-based Citizen 2000 group that offered papers to policy makers and
was a member of the government's Citizenship and Teacher Training Group.
Cabinet minister Liam Byrne at the 2008 citizED Cambridge conference
affirmed the importance of the work on citizenship education. Davies is a
member of Democratic Life (an organisation that helped promote the case
for the retention of citizenship in the National Curriculum). Democratic
Life, when making the case for citizenship education, was able to draw on
research by Davies and others at York. Kerr, a key member of the Crick
committee, cites continuing influence on policy nationally ("the research
you [Davies] have conducted has helped to inform the [successful] case for
the retention of citizenship as a statutory National Curriculum". Kerr
witnessed explicit reference to that research, during the review period,
in meetings with Michael Gove, Michael Wilshaw, in the Five Nations
Network, Council of Europe and beyond Europe (United Nations, UNESCO,
International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement).
Further evidence of European impact on policy is evidenced by Davies'
appointment by the Council of Europe as an expert of education for
democratic citizenship (EDC) for the Pestalozzi programme (2006-08). The
nature of EDC is clearly congruent with the characterization promoted by
Davies (on the basis of understanding developed through work with the
Council of Europe in Germany (Berlin), France (Strasbourg), Slovenia
(Ljubljana) and Norway (Oslo)). Further evidence for on-going impact on
policy includes presentations by Davies at the Japanese ministry for
education (MEXT). Professor Ikeno (Hiroshima University) has cited Davies'
influence on policy for regional initiatives and also on the revision of
the Japanese National Curriculum for social studies from 2008.
Impact on Teachers, Trainee Teachers and Classroom Practice: Many
of the citizED classroom resources on the citizED web pages are based
directly on the research undertaken by Davies and written by him. Peterson
writes: "The student teachers (and indeed their school based mentors)
...used the practical resources extensively, implementing them within
schools". The same is true of many of the activities for professionals and
young people created and used because of the Democracy through Citizenship
project funded by the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Ltd. Bernie Flanagan
(project director of Democracy through Citizenship) states that Davies'
work helped in the establishment of various initiatives including a web
site for young people; the development of the York Youth Forum; the
promotion of locality events in which schools enabled young people to
influence policy; the development of school councils (available to 50
schools); and in the promotion of the influence of young people on the
Children and Young People's Plan. The evaluation of the Esmée Fairbairn
funded `political literacy project' (by Davies) influenced the creation of
teaching materials that were published commercially (Huddleston 2004) and
were still available during the review period. Davies has written
textbooks based on his research including 100+ ideas for teaching
citizenship. London, Continuum. This is the 2nd edition (2011) of a
book first published in 2005. It provides practical, research-based
guidance for teachers who are encouraged to develop a particular approach
to citizenship education. The book has international impact (e.g. it has
been translated into Malay during the review period). Kerr states that
Davies' research helps in "anchoring the understanding and practice of
student teachers and practising teachers in relation to citizenship
education". Peterson states that Davies' research has impacted positively
on "classroom practice through the development and use of classroom
resources". The Children's identity and Citizenship in Europe (CiCe)
network (approximately 100 higher education institutions across almost all
European countries and funded by the EU) — and its subscription based
partner CiCeA — uses in its many working groups, conferences and
publications continues to use the characterization of citizenship
education promoted by Davies and others and indicates the impact on
international capacity building. Ross has written: "Davies' work has been
widely used by teacher educators across Europe and is particularly well
regarded by teacher educators in Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Japan
where his perceptions are widely communicated to student teachers".
Impact on Teacher Trainers: The CitizED organisation (which Davies
helped to set up and of which he is currently Deputy Director) is a major
vehicle for developing internationally academic clarity and influencing a
professional consensus and disseminating research findings and ideas, in a
form that led to direct impact on practices and professional thinking.
Davies' research led directly to the development work with citizED funded
by the Teacher Training Agency (TTA)/Teacher Development Agency (TDA).
CitizED created extensively used web pages immediately accessed by people
in over 40 countries), which make available reports from 67 workshops and
conferences. These events brought together teacher trainers in England
with researchers (including an Evidence for Policy and Practice
Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre) project), policy makers
and community-based workers from around the world (UK, Canada, Hong Kong,
Japan, Australia, USA). Using ideas from the research of Davies and
others, papers, which continue to be widely used, were written by and for
trainees (62 papers), teacher mentors (5 papers), and tutors (157 papers)
on citizenship and how to teach it in Initial Teacher Training (ITT),
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and in schools. Liam Gearon was
appointed by the funder (TTA/TDA) to assess the CitizED Project and he
wrote that "The CitizED Project ... is a major innovation in citizenship
education which has provided strong leadership in the field of curriculum
development... and research in teacher education in England. It is a
beacon of good practice throughout the United Kingdom and
internationally.... [It has been of] greatest service to the community of
initial teacher education and training through the network of PGCE and
other postgraduate courses in citizenship (either as an individual course
of training, or combined with another subject, or on advanced Master's
level courses)" (source Gearon, p.24).
There are a large number of resources available for teacher trainers on
the citizEd web pages (
These resources are used within teacher education programmes and by
teachers. Peterson states that "the citizED network has underpinned the
work of all teacher educators for citizenship education in the UK (and
indeed elsewhere in the world)... In particular the Tutor Induction Packs
written by Professor Davies were utilised to help support colleagues new
to citizenship education". Professor Ikeno (Japan) has written of 3 new
courses since 2009 for secondary teachers in Hiroshima University that are
influenced by Davies' research. Davies was founding (and current) editor
of the journal Citizenship Teaching and Learning. Gearon
recognised it as an "excellent resource for practitioners, researchers and
practitioner-researchers" (source Gearon, p. 16).
Impact on Subject and Other Associations. Impact has been achieved
on subject and other associations to promote a particular characterization
of citizenship education. The Society for Educational Studies, of which
Davies is Secretary, established the engagED project to explore and
promote citizenship and community links. Davies has impacted on the
Association for Citizenship Teaching (ACT). ACT's Professional Officer,
Waller, writes that research "undertaken by York has directly impacted on
the work of ACT in supporting new teaching activities ... specifically
this [research] has helped ACT develop new resources for National Citizens
Service on community engagement". Kerr (as Director of Education,
Citizenship Foundation) states that Davies' research influences "decisions
as to what areas development work should focus on". CiCeA has awarded
Davies its Outstanding Achievement Award for 2013. Impact on international
associations is seen on the influence on the British Council (e.g.
projects in Russia that led to the production of 15 booklets for teacher
trainers and teachers; involvement in the Migrant Integration Policy Index
III initiative concerning citizenship and migration across many
countries). Involvement with the Japan Association for Social Studies
(JASS) in the development of conferences and papers that were distributed
to teachers provides further evidence of influence on opinion formers in
other countries.
Sources to corroborate the impact
For Impact on Policy Makers, Teachers, Trainee Teachers and Classroom
Practice, and subject and other associations:
- David Kerr, Visiting Professor of Citizenship, Birkbeck College,
University of London, Senior Teaching Fellow (Citizenship), University
of Bristol, Consultant Director of Education, Citizenship Foundation
For Impact on Policy Makers and Teacher Trainers:
- Professor Norio Ikeno, Ph D., Professor of Graduate School of
Education, Hiroshima University and President of JERASS, Japanese
Educational Research for the Social Studies.
For Impact on Teachers, Trainee Teachers and Classroom Practice:
- Bernie Flanagan, Strategy and Commissioning Manager and former
Director of the Democracy through Citizenship project (funded by the
Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Ltd and managed by the Institute for
For Impact on Teacher Trainers:
- Report titled "A Review of the CitizED Website" submitted to the TDA
by the assessor Dr Liam Gearon (Oxford University).
Impact on Teachers, Trainee Teachers and Classroom Practice and Teacher
- Dr. Andrew Peterson, Senior Lecturer: History and Civics Education,
University of South Australia.
Impact on Subject and other Associations:
- Chris Waller, Association for Citizenship Teaching (ACT).