Asia Triennial Manchester (ATM)
Submitting Institution
Manchester Metropolitan UniversityUnit of Assessment
Art and Design: History, Practice and TheorySummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Studies In Creative Arts and Writing: Film, Television and Digital Media
Language, Communication and Culture: Cultural Studies
History and Archaeology: Curatorial and Related Studies
Summary of the impact
This case study discusses the impact of the research that contributed to
Asia Triennial Manchester
(ATM) in 2008 and 2011. The ATM is the only Asian Arts Festival in Europe
with a focus on new
work. It attracts established audiences for art as well as those not
normally engaged with culture
through exhibits in nationally important venues and in locations with low
levels of cultural
engagement. ATM has established new cultural partnerships and knowledge
exchange that has
affected gallery programming and curatorial knowledge and ensured
demonstrable impact. Over
364,000 people attended events at ATM08 and 11 generating £12m in economic
activity across
the Northwest. The ATM's directly engaged 1500 artists in the production
of 58 entirely new
Underpinning research
The Asia Triennial Manchester (ATM08, ATM11): Contemporary Visual Arts
and Crafts Festival is
a collaboration between MIRIAD and Manchester's Asian Arts Agency, Shisha.
investigators are Alnoor Mitha, (former Artistic Director Shisha, current
MMU Research Fellow:
Asian Cultures: 2012- present) and Professor John Hyatt, (1991-present).
ATM 08 and 11 were
jointly led by Mitha and Hyatt through an extensive consultation process
with Manchester's key
museum and gallery curators and contemporary artists from Asia and its
international Diaspora. As
such, the ATMs explored the lack of international Asian exhibitions, in
the context of Manchester's
sizable Asian community and the growing economic and cultural boom in Asia
The main aim of the ATM is to develop a long-term programme of
international exhibitions and
residencies by contemporary Asian artists that creates opportunities for
western audiences to view
high-quality Asian cultural work. ATM makes an intervention into the
international art market and
helps to promote Manchester as a significant international cultural
centre. Every three years the
ATM commissions world-class artists, and links public and third sector
organizations across
multiple venues and new cultural sites. It fosters exchange and
collaboration among academics,
artists, curators and policymakers.
The inaugural ATM08 programme had the theme of `Protest'. The research
embedded in the ATM
questioned how issues of protest have engaged Asian artists and how this
has emerged in their
art. International research trips investigated how this was demonstrated
through a wide-ranging
study of contemporary practice. Many artists were interviewed and work was
selected that
developed the character of the international art scene. Underpinning
research was applied in
nature and focused on the relative impact of Asian practices. ATM was
developed to hold a unique
form and position within an international field of other similar and
dissimilar events. This provided
an inclusive curatorial context, which had local and global relevance
echoing Manchester's radical
political and social history and creating resonances between Manchester
and Asia.
Through its methodology, ATM08 united a community of galleries across
Manchester. This
provided a curatorial framework that enabled individual galleries to
devise their own distinctive yet
interrelated exhibitions and events collaboratively with MIRIAD and ATM.
Component outputs took
the form of venue-based exhibitions, site-specific new commissions, a
series of international
artists' residencies, talks, screenings, workshops, outdoor performances,
teahouse discussions,
symposia, and publicly sited work by artists from Mainland China, Hong
Kong, India, Korea,
Singapore and Taiwan.
An important contribution to the underpinning research was Mitha and
Wainwright's, (2008-2011)
series of Curatorial Laboratories (2011) that supported museum curators to
gather new knowledge
on Asian cultures creating a hub for educational activities and public-led
discussions. The Open
University filmed the discussions and further information was disseminated
to partners.
ATM11 built upon the methodological foundations of ATM08 expanding to
encompass 18 core
partners delivering 35 new visual art exhibitions e.g. Rashid Rana [2].
ATM11 featured craft
commissions, 7 x film premieres, including a 40-minute creative
documentary film entitled South
Asian Whispers (Cornerhouse Cinema 28/04/11) [3] and 4 x
commissioned dance performances.
This expansion of the ATM partnership encouraged a more comprehensive
range of Asian arts
from 13 countries and reflected an ongoing commitment to sustain ATM.
"Time and Generation" was the artistic theme for ATM11 and was researched
and devised by
Mitha and Wainwright. Artists, curators and the wider public were invited
to consider how growing
patterns of movement have radically altered our global demographics, thus
advancing new politics
of identity, focused on place, territory, belonging, and community. In
preparation for the main
festival, a yearlong series of ATM11 trailblazers called "Connecting
Cultures" was staged [4].
The ATM11 publication entitled "Triennial City" is jointly produced by
MMU and Third Text and will
be launched during spring 2014 when ATM14 takes place [5].
Through collaborative research, MIRIAD has built local and international
artistic networks,
sustaining a dynamic field of inquiry into Asian visual cultures that is
relevant to British society and
interconnected with wider global fields.
References to the research
[1] Mitha, A. (2009) Asia Triennial Manchester 08: The UK's First
Asian Art Triennial 5 April-1 June
2008,Catalogue publication includes essay on research process by Hyatt J.
ISBN: 978-0-9545563-9-6.
[2] Mitha, A. and Perks, S. (2011) Rashid Rana Everything is
Happens At Once, Catalogue
publication, Introduction page 6. ISBN 978-0-9550478-9-3
[3] Mitha, A. (2011) South Asian Whispers, DVD Film produced by
Mitha and curated by Kunda, L.
featuring archive footage and original work by: Mauro Camal, Saquib
Chawdhury, Sarah Gbeleyi,
Sarah Sayeed, Jason Singh and Richard Ramchurn. The film retells stories
of migration in the
South Asian communities of Cheetham Hill, Manchester through three
distinctive mediums: spoken
word, film, and music
[4] Mitha, A. and Bradley, B. (2011) Connecting Cultures
Evaluation report
[5] Mitha, A, Dr. Wainwright, L. and Dr. Kennedy, B. (2013/14)
Triennial City Draft Asia Triennial
2011 catalogue
Grants to indicate research quality:
• ATM08, Arts Council England, One year 2008/09, £100k
• ATM08, Zachonis Charitable Trust, One year 2008/09, £10k
• ATM08, Sue Hodgkiss Charitable Foundation, One year 2008/09, £10k
• ATM11, Manchester City Council, One year 2010/11, £10k
• ATM11, Vision and Media, One year 2010/11, £15k
• ATM14, Arts Council England, 2013/14, £100,000
Details of the impact
In 2007, the Rusholme Project [A,B] an international artist
residency set the tone for the first Asia
Triennial in Manchester (ATM08). Artists Rashid Rana (Pakistan) and Subodh
Gupta created site-specific
work in response to, and in celebration of Manchester's Rusholme district.
The resulting
artworks were installed as part of the Manchester International Festival's
Manchester Firsts that
aims to support the commissioning and production of new Manchester-based
ATM 08 and accompanying `Reflections and Revolutions' public events
hosted by Hyatt and
Wainwright created dialogue, promoted international understanding and
added new knowledge to
an overly western-centric art-historical canon [B].
54% of audiences were from Manchester and 44% from outside. 43% were from
diverse ethnic
backgrounds [B]. These are higher percentages than those usually
achieved by the galleries
involved and demonstrate that ATM08 attracted audiences from within the
Asian communities.
Evaluation also showed a good age range, particularly ages 16-54 (as
expected for a
contemporary art program). The education program had a wider age-span
attracting audiences
from the very young to the very old.
Across the two festivals in 2008, and 2011, ATM produced 58 high quality
new commissions
(mostly visual art and craft but also including performance and film),
exhibited over 380 days,
featuring 52 non-UK and 50 UK artists. The ATM's brought emerging and
established Asian artists
to the UK and directly engaged 1560 artists and associated groups in
creating the work, more than
half of who were from Black and Minority Ethnicity (BME) communities [D].
An independent economic impact study into ATM11 indicated excellent value
for money within the
Greater Manchester conurbation it generated in excess of £12m in activity
and over £5.9 million in
impact. The ratio of cost to economic impact is 1:16 and compares
favorably with other major
festivals and events in the region [D].
Public and private funding was secured for both ATM08 and ATM11, sourcing
new funders for
each festival from within the UK (including trusts and foundations) and
Asia. In-kind support came
from commercial sources including partnership funding from commercial
galleries such as The
Lisson Gallery (London) and Nature Morte (India).
Over 229,000 attended ATM11 exhibitions and events whilst an estimated 7
million were exposed
to new work presented in key public spaces in the city. These audiences
included almost 20,000
people who had attended ATM08 and some 53,000 from outside Greater
Manchester who came
for an ATM11 event. 3.3% came from as far as Japan, Taiwan and USA [D].
Over 80% of audiences rated their overall enjoyment of ATM11 highly. A
similar proportion rated
the online provision as excellent or good, an increase on the 75% reported
for ATM08.
Each collaborating institution received the advantage of working with a
large university and the
benefits of knowledge exchange are considerable. Participating curators
expanded their research
expertise and knowledge base. Collaboration led to programming by the
participating galleries
impossible without the ATM [D and E]. One curator from the John
Rylands Library reported on the
benefits of this approach, "...the Library has not commissioned an
artwork before, or worked so
closely with a contemporary artist and hasn't previously been involved
in a city-wide festival to this
extent" (Quotation from Public Programmes Manager, John Rylands
Library taken from [D])
Both ATMs were critically acclaimed in national and international media
and press reviews, [F]
securing the influential ArtAsiapacific Journal and A-N (Artists
Newsletter) (2008) as media
partners, Mitha was invited to give a paper at the Sydney Biennial,
Australia (2008); and a paper in
Istanbul, Turkey. The Rt. Hon Andy Burnham, then Secretary of State for
Culture Media and Sport
in his opening speech at Manchester Art Gallery, 2008 said, "international
exchange is the lifeblood
of creativity. This is a real celebration of contemporary Asian art and
the power of cultural
partnerships and exchange".
Audience feedback for ATM11 was extremely positive and underlines the
cross-cultural appeal and
diversity of the event: User feedback includes the following comments "It
was so interesting to look
at a different culture I wouldn't usually associate with art" (ATM
website visitor), "the fact that
ATM11 is located in various venues across Manchester...the Cathedral,
Craft and Design Centre,
the Whitworth, Jodrell Bank...makes us visit places we would not
normally go to" (Visitor to ATM
exhibition at the Chinese Arts Centre), "It explodes the stereotypes
that many Westers have about
Asian Art" (These quotations taken from [D] (many others
Utilising its considerable network MIRIAD (Mitha / Hyatt / Kennedy) is
researching and organising
ATM14. It has already received £100,000 from Arts Council England in
recognition of the
importance of ATM08 and 11. In September 2014, ATM14 will take place in 15
venues across
Manchester as well as expanding out to take in new audiences in outlying
Bury and Rochdale
galleries. The Imperial War Museum North is participating as a hub venue
and Manchester's
Chinese Art Centre has secured £350,000 private investment from Tang
Contemporary, China.
The Taiwanese Representative Office has contributed £100,000 for a
Taiwanese artists show and
a film programme at Cornerhouse. ATM14 will present the largest exhibition
of Chinese
contemporary art in the UK to date with 20 artists. The curatorial
research for this aspect is being
conducted in collaboration with Professor Jiehong Jiang of Birmingham
Institute of Art and Design.
ATM14 has also secured a £50,000 investment from MMU's Knowledge Exchange
and Innovation
Fund to support the development of impact initiatives including a UK/Asia
Art and Business Forum.
Sources to corroborate the impact
[A] Jackson, A. (2007) Rusholme Project (2) Evaluation Report,
reflecting on the "Curry Mile"
Oxford Road Cultural Corridor and the international artists residency
project leading the way up to
the first Asia Triennial in Manchester 2008. Available on request.
[B] Jackson, (2008) A. Asia Triennial Manchester 08 evaluation.
Available on request.
[C] Mitha, A. and Bradley, C. (2008) Asia Triennial Manchester 08
— The UK's first Asian art
triennial artistic overview report. Available on request.
[D] Cockery, H. (2011) Asia Triennial Manchester 11, Evaluation
Report. An assessment of the
economic impact, audience reach and reaction to the second festival of
contemporary visual arts
and crafts by Asian artists. Includes comprehensive audience feedback and
full evaluation data.
Available on request.
Testimonial available from:
[E] Artistic Director, Cornerhouse & HOME (Manchester-based
gallery, cinema and cultural venue)
to corroborate impacts on Manchester-based cultural venues.
[F]Media and press reviews ATM08 & ATM11