CfSL research into integrity and anti-corruption in the UK informs Parliamentary debate, National Security policy and the Home Office’s strategy on organised crime
Submitting Institution
Teesside UniversityUnit of Assessment
Business and Management StudiesSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration, Political Science
Summary of the impact
This case study centres on a body of work, comprising three projects
commissioned by Transparency International UK (TI-UK), carried out by a
research team at the Centre for Strategy & Leadership (CfSL). The
research notably links specific sectors with institutions of organized
crime and corruption. TI-UK has labelled this work: "the most
comprehensive research ever undertaken in this area" (
and has influenced TI's five-year strategy and advocacy programme,
informed Parliamentary debate and national security policy, and has had a
major media impact given subsequent events such as the Leveson Inquiry.
Underpinning research
Following earlier world-class research in this area (e.g. Macaulay and
Lawton, 2006a, b), the team came to the attention of TI-UK who
commissioned the research discussed herein. The body of work underpinning
the impact detailed in this case study takes the form of three research
projects commissioned by TI-UK, which were undertaken by Macaulay
(now: Victoria University Wellington, NZ), Scott who undertook
quantitative analysis of the national opinion survey results (Macaulay and
Scott, 2010); McCusker, who leads CfSL's fraud and
financial crime agenda and who undertook analysis of organised crime
(Macaulay et al, 2011), and others.
The first study was a national public opinion survey that extended the
annual TI corruption perception index and was published in December 2010
(Macaulay and Scott, 2010). For this survey, Transparency International
commissioned Gallup to poll a random sample of 2014 respondents in
England, Scotland and Wales. The authors analysed the resulting data and
determined, inter alia, a clear perception on the part of the respondents
that corruption in UK had increased although conversely the majority
claimed not to have ever been affected by corruption. The second study was
an evaluation of the UK National Integrity System (NIS), and was one of 26
EU funded projects across Europe. The NIS study was the first of the 26 to
be published in July 2011. For this study, the authors examined the
principal institutions of governance through which integrity and the
combating of corruption might be achieved and analysed a number of
indicators by which the success or otherwise of those pillars might be
determined. The authors collected data for each indicator through
desk-based research and key informant interviews; where feasible,
interviews were held with (1) a person employed within the respective
institutions and (2) a person external to but expert upon the respective
institutions. The third study was an assessment the corruption risks in
key sectors in the UK (e.g. police, prisons, legal services), which
addressed the areas not covered by the NIS study (Macaulay et al, 2011).
The authors adopted a research strategy combining desk-based research with
key respondent interviews and the net effect of that approach was the
determination of a broad mapping of the state of corruption in the UK.
These studies have led to an extension of the discussion to other areas of
academic enquiry such as local integrity systems (Macaulay et al, 2013).
Indeed, a study of effective standards committees was a series of 9 case
studies looking for "notable practice" in local government standards
committees throughout England, funded by Standards for England, and
building on earlier underpinning research (Macaulay and Lawton, 2006a, b)
which itself has influenced TI-UK in commissioning their subsequent
studies by highlighting CfSL's research reputation and competence.
References to the research
Key Publications:
1. Macaulay, M. and Scott, J.M. (2010) `Corruption in the UK — part one: public opinion survey'. (London: Transparency International)
2. Macaulay, M. and Hickey, G (2011) Corruption in the UK: National
Integrity System Study (London: Transparency international)
3. Macaulay, M., McCusker, R, Handley-Schachler, M., Hutchinson,
F., Peters, J. and Wise, N. (2011) Corruption in the UK: survey of key
areas (London: Transparency International)
4. Macaulay, M. and Lawton, A. (2006a) 'Changing the standards? Assessing
the impact of the Committee for Standards in Public Life on local
government in England', Parliamentary Affairs, 59 (3), pp.474-490.
5. Macaulay, M. and Lawton, A. (2006b) `From virtue to competence:
Changing the principles of public service', Public Administration
Review, 66, pp. 702-710.
6. Macaulay, M., Newman, C. and Hickey, G. (2013) `Towards a model of the
Local Integrity System', International Journal of Public
Administration (under review).
Evidence of Quality: Each piece of TI-UK research was peer
reviewed by leading academics in the field of corruption including Alyson
Warhurst (Warwick University); Indira Carr (Surrey University); Michael
Levi (University of Cardiff) and John Hatchard (Open University). In
addition, the NIS study was subjected to a validation workshop of over 40
leading academics and practitioners before its results were published.
Each journal article underwent double-blind peer review and has been
targeted specifically at prominent journals in the field including the
world-leading Public Administration Review (4* on the ABS list).
Details of the impact
The TI-UK studies were commissioned based on the strength of prior
underpinning research (Macaulay and Lawton, 2006a, b). Further, the impact
of the underpinning research has several elements: there is the impact on
policy and practice; on the media; and on further academic studies. First,
the research has had a direct impact on Transparency International and
TI-UK in particular, in terms of both its future strategy and also its
future advocacy policy: To produce an advocacy plan; to hold 4 regional
events; and to publish 4 policy papers as a foundation for advocacy.
Indeed, TI stated:
"Since funding is available for these activities, we plan to use them
as a focus of our advocacy activities until September 2012. In
particular, the policy papers will present an opportunity to provide
brief publications that outline TI-UK's views on specific subjects,
building on the research already undertaken for the UK Corruption
Report. Each paper will have one, or a small number, of very clear
advocacy objectives — ie identifying what TI-UK is seeking to change."
"TI-UK cannot address all the problems identified in its UK Corruption
Report. We therefore attempted to prioritise them and concluded that it
would be desirable to give the highest priority to the issues set out
below. Each issue will be the subject of a policy paper, to be published
by the end of 2011. An advocacy plan is being developed for each issue,
in part using the TI-S toolkit outlined in Annexes II and III, that will
lay out what TI-UK needs to do to achieve the change(s) recommended in
each policy paper. The 4 priority areas identified are:
- Anti-corruption agency (and UK strategy to combat corruption at
home and abroad);
- Organised crime including within prisons;
- Politics, including parliament, the executive and political
parties; and
- Media
"The Corruption in the UK Report contained 25 headline and research
recommendations, plus several minor recommendations. It covered 23
separate institutions, themes and pillars, each of which is important in
its own right. Of the four areas it picked out as most in need of urgent
advocacy, only sport does not feature in our priority list." (TI-UK)
Interestingly, in terms of impact, it was notable that TI explored the
research lacunae that the researchers had identified and commented on
(whether that was in terms of the researchers observing a paucity of
research or incomplete research). Thus, for example, TI has noted that
future research needed to be broader in scope and imaginative in
execution. By way of illustration, it argued for longitudinal analysis of
the corruption issue which would by implication factor in changes within
the public sector and should focus upon the police service, local
government, the NHS and social housing as core targets and/or vectors for
corruption. That analysis should automatically legislate for the
inevitable impact upon the sector by issues caused or facilitated by lower
resources input. More broadly, TI suggests that the research indicates a
need to undertake a more systematic analysis of corruption in sport
including some demarcation in terms of corruption typologies and impact
within respective sporting institutions. TI also argues that research upon
those sectors not ordinarily apparent in corruption analysis such as
marginalised communities and/or those sectors not fully present in such
analysis such as agriculture, private security and waste management, as
well as comparative assessments of corruption typologies within the four
countries of the UK and within regions of each country, should be
In terms of broader policy and practice, the research elicited a personal
response from the Prime Minister David Cameron [1] and has led to a number
of questions being raised in Parliament [2], particularly regarding
corruption in prisons and the recent restructuring of HM Prison's
Corruption Prevention Unit [3].
The research has also been cited and used in the Home Office's most
recent strategy on Organised Crime [4], which noted that:
"A recent report by Transparency International highlighted the need
for more action to understand and combat the growing threat of
corruption in key sections of the UK.21 Many public and private sector
organisations, including all law enforcement agencies, have guidelines
guarding against staff corruption. SOCA offers help and advice on public
sector corruption in relation to organised crime, although we do not yet
know the full extent of the problem. SOCA will carry out an
assessment of the extent of corruption by organised criminals
in the public and private sectors and recommend ways for
addressing it."
Although relatively recently published, the research has already made an
impact in academic circles and is cited extensively in Nicholls et al's
(2011) second edition of Corruption and Misconduct in Public Office
[5]. The work has also received major media coverage including BBC
television, The Guardian, The Telegraph and the Wall
Street Journal and has been the subject of a commentary in the Guardian
[6]. Building on this work, Macaulay was invited to advise TI New
Zealand's National Integrity Study; has been involved in creating TI-UK's
Anti-Corruption Defence Digest; was appointed as an advisor on TI-UK's new
study of local government; as a contributor to the latest Committee on
Standards in Public Life (CSPL) inquiry. In addition, the standards
committee research has impacted various councils across the UK; for
example, Walsall Council has "noted" and taken into consideration the
study [7], as have a number of other councils in all parts of England,
including Epsom & Ewell [8], Sefton [9] and Macaulay's former
home council and one of CfSL's local stakeholders Redcar & Cleveland
Sources to corroborate the impact
- The PM's letter has been published on TI-UK's website
- Hansard
- Hansard
- Home Office (2011) Local to Global: Reducing Risk from Organised
Crime (London: TSO)
- Nicholls, C. Daniel, T. Bacarese, A. and Hatchard, J (2011), Corruption
and Misconduct in Public Office2nd edition(Oxford:
- Walsall Council Standards Committee
- Epsom & Ewell Council
- Sefton Council
- Redcar & Cleveland Council$File/Standards%2002.03.10.pdf