An innovative partnership between academic researchers, coastal management groups and end-users delivers targeted research and enhances communication.
Submitting Institution
Edge Hill UniversityUnit of Assessment
Geography, Environmental Studies and ArchaeologySummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Earth Sciences: Oceanography, Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience
Summary of the impact
A research partnership between Edge Hill University and Sefton
Metropolitan Borough Council developed innovative methods of identifying
gaps in knowledge and understanding about sedimentary coastal dynamics and
investigating practitioner needs. The partnership enabled the
dissemination of scientific information to audiences across the wider
community. The partnership provided a framework which enabled and enhanced
integrated coastal zone management (ICZM). Within this framework coastal
zone managers were supported in the development of adaptation and
mitigation strategies, taking account of both long and short term
environmental change. Policy and management decisions are now based upon
sound scientific evidence wherever possible, ascertained by research where
time allows, with significant scientific, social and policy benefits.
Practice elsewhere on the UK's Irish sea coast, and elsewhere in the EU,
has been influenced.
Underpinning research
The research partnership between Edge Hill University (EHU) and Sefton
Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) began in 2003, funded by SMBC and the
NERC FREE programme. It built upon Worsley`s membership of the Sefton
Coast Partnership (SCP) from 2000, with the aim to investigate
non-academic/practitioner needs (e.g. understanding rates of coastal
change) to enable effective Integrated Coastal Zone Management
(ICZM) and to identify gaps in knowledge and understanding about soft
sediment coastal dynamics. Such understanding is vital in soft sediment
coasts because they have the potential to change rapidly in response to
global climate variability. This was achieved by enhancing the
understanding of coastal environmental change, further developing links
between researchers and end-users, including practitioners, particularly
those involved in policy and decision making, both locally and nationally;
academics of different disciplines, such as archaeologists and ecologists;
educators; and local residents (hereafter, `end users'). In addition, new
research was undertaken that met the needs of these users, predominantly
into coastal dynamics specific to Sefton.
The work of the partnership was funded from 2008 to 2011 by the European
Union's Interreg IVB Innovative Management for Europe's Changing Coastal
Resource (IMCORE) programme and by DEFRA's Pathfinder project. The
IMCORE programme promoted trans-national, innovative and sustainable
approaches to reduce and adapt to the ecological, social and economic
impacts of climate change on coastal resources. The EHU-SMBC partnership
was one of 13 `expert couplets' of academics and practitioners across
Northwest Europe. Through the Pathfinder project, SMBC, supported by the
coastal partnership, was one of 15 local authorities selected to explore
new approaches to planning for and managing adaptation to coastal change
together with their local communities. Between 2008 and 2011 the
partnership investigated and evaluated the responses of end-users to
concepts such as rapid and long term environmental change, sea level rise
and sedimentary dynamics. All work undertaken by EHU was carried out by
Worsley (Professor in Physical Geography, employed by EHU 1999-2011 F/T;
2013 P/T) and Holden (Research Fellow, employed by EHU 2008-2011). The
IMCORE `expert couplet' in NW England was unique, involving
multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder practitioners, end-users and
educators to investigate the use of key concepts and develop new means of
transferring knowledge and understanding to the community. The research
- Detailed coastal sedimentary analyses and characterisation to map
sediment transport pathways along the north Sefton coast (1),
fundamental in assisting management decisions at the medium to long-term
scale. The sedimentary data are held as an open resource for research by
the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) which is a national
facility for marine and coastal researchers, both academic and
- Analysis of saltmarsh accretion and erosion. This was undertaken in
order to further inform decisions and provide evidence of coastal
processes occurring in real time that could be utilised to inform and
educate end users (1,3,6).
- Research into historical secondary data pertaining to the Sefton
coastline, and development, with SMBC, of a database of archival and
historical resources, accessible for all (4,5,6).
- Developing a schematic model of coastal sedimentary dynamics in the
Eastern Irish Sea (6,7).
- Collaboration with local groups, delivering knowledge and
understanding to identify gaps in the understanding of coastal dynamics
and environmental change, and investigate how concepts e.g coastal
environmental change were used in non-academic settings (2,3,7,8,9).
References to the research
Items 1 & 4 subject to peer review, and fundamental aspects of
Holden's PhD (supervised by Worsley).
1. Holden, V.J.C., Worsley, A.T., Booth, C.A. & Lymbery, G. (2011)
Characterisation and sediment-source linkages of intertidal sediment of
the UK's north Sefton Coast using magnetic and textural properties:
findings and limitations. Ocean Dynamics. 61 (12) 2157-2179. doi:
10.1007/s10236-011-0448-x (Impact Factor 2012: 1.761; 5 Year Impact
Factor: 1.846, journal ranking 27/60 in Oceanography, ISI Journal Citation
Report (2012), Thompson Reuters).
2. Holden, V.J.C. and Worsley, A.T. (2011) Adaptation to Coastal Change:
The Sefton Coast. Report on the approach taken by Sefton Council to
adapting to coastal change. Report to the UK Government, Department of the
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
3. Worsley, A.T., Lymbery, G., Holden, V.J.C., & Newton, M. (Eds)
(2010) Sefton's Dynamic Coast, Proceedings of the conference on coastal
geomorphology, biogeography and management. Sefton MBC.
4. Holden, V.J.C. (2010) The historic development of the north Sefton
Coast. In: Worsley, A.T., Lymbery, G., Holden, V.J.C., & Newton, M.
(Eds) Sefton's Dynamic Coast, Proceedings of the conference on coastal
geomorphology, biogeography and management. Sefton MBC.
5. Holden, V.J.C. (2008) Report on the Evolution of the Ribble Estuary,
with Particular Reference to the North Sefton Coast. Prepared for Coastal
Defence, Sefton Council. Pp 69.
6. Holden, V.J.C. (2008) Report on the Salt Marshes at Marshside,
Southport. Prepared for Coastal Defence, pp 39
7. Worsley, A.T., Holden, V.J.C., and Millington, J. (2012) Coastal
Communities. In: Booth, C., Proverbs, D., Hammond, F. and Lamond, J. (Eds)
Solutions for Climate Change Challenges of the Built Environment.
Blackwell Publishers.
8. Holden, V.J.C., Lymbery, G., Booth, C.A., Worsley, A.T., Suggitt, S.
and Wisse, P. (2005) Collaboration between researchers and practitioners
within the context of Integrated Coastal Zone Management: a case study of
the north Sefton coast. In: Kungolos, A., Brebbia, C.A. & Beriatos, E.
(Eds) Sustainable Planning and Development. WIT Press, Southampton.
9. Worsley, A.T., Lymbery, G., Booth, C.A., Wisse, P. and Holden, V.J.C.
(2005) The `Sefton Coast Partnership': an overview of its integrated
coastal zone management. In: Kungolos, A., Brebbia, C.A. & Beriatos,
E. (Eds) Sustainable Planning and Development. WIT Press, Southampton. p.
Details of the impact
During the period January 2008 to July 2013 the collaboration between
researchers, coastal management professionals and other coastal
stakeholders improved the management of coastal resources in Sefton and
other coastal areas.
As a result of research by Worsley and Holden on the NERC FREE programme
(Section 3: 1, 4, 5) and through ongoing engagement with SMBC, Edge Hill
was invited by SMBC to form an expert couplet in a collaborative coastal
management project (IMCORE). Collaborative work undertaken in this couplet
increased capacity to respond to ecological, social and economic impacts
of climate change on the viability of coastal sectors and the defence of
coastal communities from flooding and erosion (Section 5: 3, 7, 8, 9). The
role that Worsley's and Holden's expertise on sedimentary dynamics and
integrated coastal zone management (Section 3: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9) played in
the formation and success of this expert couplet in the IMCORE project is
confirmed by SMBC's Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Manager, (Factual
Statement (FS) 1): "The partnership with Worsley and Holden was initially
research-focused, in order to gain a better understanding of coastal
processes." (Section 3: 2, 7; Section 5: 5, 7, 8).
EHU expertise and research undertaken before 2008 and subsequently, were
key to SMBC's approach to integrated coastal zone management (Section 3:
8,9; Section 5: 7) based on the following principles: 1) Decisions must be
based on sound science; 2) Adaptation to coastal change involves the
community itself and therefore necessitates the adequate and timely
sharing of information, knowledge and understanding; and 3) wherever
possible practitioners should engage in working partnerships with academic
teams. SMBC's Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Manager, (FS 1) notes: "As a
result of this collaboration we all gained an understanding of our
respective objectives and developed an excellent working partnership
between EHU academics and practitioners. This thereby facilitated an
improvement in the management of the coast through evidence based policy
making. This notion of `partnership working' is now strongly founded in
ICZM across the UK and can be seen in EU coastal research". Coastal
resource management in Sefton was (and continues to be) improved by:
1 — Generating a flow of new research that responded to the needs of
coastal managers and communities in order to better support ICZM.
The SCP, IMCORE and Pathfinder projects provided a framework within which
new targeted research was commissioned, with a key feature being that the
needs of coastal zone managers and end users were the predominant factor
in shaping the research questions investigated by the Edge Hill team.
2 — Disseminating research findings effectively to all coastal
stakeholders and undertaking Knowledge Exchange work. The
partnership provided a vehicle for the dissemination of research findings
and knowledge exchange. Presentation of scientific or technical
information in an accessible format with key messages was central to this
(Section 5: 4,8). Activity included field-based training days on historic
coastal change, aimed at end user individuals involved in talking to the
wider community about the changing coastline. Information was presented in
a way that allowed attendees to pass on the knowledge. This was followed
by the creation of support materials for the Sefton Coastal Heritage
Landscape project e.g. Historic Coast and Archaeology visit days, guided
walks, postings on Facebook and Twitter. EHU-delivered/informed training
has therefore become an integral and accessible part of the programme of
events for communities in the region. A national conference held in Sefton
in 2008 allowed peer-reviewed conference proceedings to be produced
(Worsley & Holden joint editors) and encouraged involvement from
practitioners, including authors who did not wish to present at the
conference, but whose work was important to include in the published
proceedings (Section 5: 6). This has provided a valuable resource on a
national scale to both academics and non-academics. Around 150 people
attended the conference, highlighting the importance of the coastline both
regionally and nationally. 300 printed copies of the proceedings were
produced, along with approximately 50 CD versions. Printed versions were
distributed to conference attendees, regional public libraries and
university libraries. All material is available to download from the
IMCORE web-site. The publication and web materials have increased public
awareness and improved understanding of the changing nature of the Sefton
Coast. Reflecting on dissemination work, SMBC's Flood and Coastal Erosion
Risk Manager comments, "Due to the long-standing nature of the
partnership, Worsley and Holden established a reputation as trusted
facilitators and sources of knowledge within the wider coastal
practitioner community. This was further strengthened by me having the
confidence in them to be able to recommend them unequivocally in this
role. Through the partnership we recognise our respective strengths and
work well together as a team. All this has led to a significant
dissemination of academic knowledge far better than any I have previously
experienced". (FS 1).
A 52 page publication timelining the historical events of the Sefton
coast was produced, for an inclusive audience, by Sefton Council Coastal
Defence and EHU (Holden and Worsley) in collaboration with the Sefton
Coast Landscape Partnership Scheme. It highlights how the coast has
changed continually, and how people have adapted to change. It is
available in all libraries in Sefton, from coastal partners (e.g. the
National Trust) and online via Sefton's Natural Coast website. Initially
4,000 copies of the publication were printed and distributed, but with
every copy being allocated, and libraries requesting further copies, a
further 4,000 copies were printed. The publication was considered very
informative for a range of stakeholders, from members of the public to
students, visitors, and as a key reference for practitioners concerning
expertise outside of their own field (Section 5: 9). SMBC's Flood and
Coastal Erosion Risk Manager comments "The [publication] provides a good
example of collaborative working, being a document with a clear purpose
and format — to communicate a substantive message regarding coastal change
to the public in a way that is both accessible and interesting. It was
brought together as a collaborative approach through the partnership but
benefited greatly from the ability of Worsley and Holden to communicate
technical knowledge to a non-technical audience". The quality and impact
of this work is confirmed by North West Coastal Forum (NWCF) Secretariat
in FS 2: "The partnership working involved in producing the Timeline
publication was acknowledged as a key part of the reason why Sefton
Council were awarded the North West Award for Coastal Excellence 2012:
Best Practice. The publication, and an innovative education pack, produced
as part of the IMCORE project work, were considered outstanding examples
of best practice and successful stakeholder engagement, contributing to
four of NWCF's six core objectives designed to create a more sustainable
coast". The Timeline publication is being replicated by Administração da
Região Hidrográfica do Tejo (Portugal) for their coastal zone to enhance
understanding of long-term change (FS 2), and elsewhere in the UK (Other
Source 9).
The influence of collaborative work in Sefton has been transmitted
through the North West Coastal Forum (chaired by Worsley since 2011), to
other coastal groups, as confirmed by SMBC's Flood and Coastal Erosion
Risk Manager (FS 1): "The experiences gained through this research
partnership with EHU have become embedded in the way that we now approach
management on the Sefton Coast. Further to this we seek to encourage its
use in other partnerships within which we operate, such as the North West
and North Wales Coastal Group". As the North West Coastal Forum
Secretariat confirms (FS 2): "Professor Worsley's involvement with the
NWCF arose directly from her work with Sefton Council, it was felt she
would bring a good understanding of the need for and benefits of
multi-sector partnership working on complex coastal issues, with her
experience being particularly relevant in terms of bridging the gap
between academic research and practitioners' needs".
Influence has also been transmitted beyond the Irish Sea coasts of
England and Wales. As the NWCF Secretariat confirms (FS 2), "The success
of the SCP and IMCORE was reflected in the lead role taken by the North
West Coastal Forum in the EU SUSTAIN project (2009-12) which brought EU
coastal communities in partnership with academic institutions across the
EU to devise new methods of defining sustainability in coastal zones". The
NWCF Secretariat continues (FS 2): "Professor Worsley's role in the NWCF
and her knowledge and expertise built up through many years of working on
coastal issues have been key in influencing and driving forward the work
of the Forum from this time onwards and in supporting the full range of
Forum interests in integrated coastal management. Because of this, the
Secretariat, on behalf of NWCF, has been called upon to advise coastal
groups nationally and internationally."
Sources to corroborate the impact
Factual Statements: Issues addressed identified in Section 4.
- Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Manager, Sefton Metropolitan Borough
- Regional Coastal Project Officer, North West Coastal Forum.
Other Sources:
- Licco (2013) Compendium of Best Practice for Managing Coastal Change —
Monitoring and Community Engagement Techniques:
This reports lists IMCORE for its use of innovative approaches — expert
couplets of researchers and policy makers working closely together
- Coastlines articles — e.g. Article in `Coastlines' by Graham Lymbery,
Technical Services, Sefton Council:
`Research ... enables us to improve our overall understanding of this
complex and changing environment, and to assist with management
decisions which are based on the best available knowledge at any given
time' (research referred to includes Holden's PhD project).
- Sefton Coast Partnership Annual Reports
- Roberts, G. and Worsley, A. (2008) Evidence
of human activity in mid-Holocene coastal Palaeoenvironments of
Formby, North West England. In: Lewis, J. and Stanistreet, J.
(eds). Sand and Sea: Sefton's Coastal Heritage: Archaeology, History
and Environment of a Landscape in North West England. Sefton
Council, Leisure Services Department, pp. 28-43. ISBN 978-1874516163
pp167-175, particularly p170.