Nutrition, health and welfare of stabled horses
Submitting Institution
Royal Agricultural UniversityUnit of Assessment
Agriculture, Veterinary and Food ScienceSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences: Veterinary Sciences
Medical and Health Sciences: Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, Nutrition and Dietetics
Summary of the impact
The domestic horse is often managed in sub-optimal conditions that
provide inadequate forage and high levels of starch leading to
respiratory, metabolic and behavioural disturbances. Research at the RAU
over the past five years has had a significant ameliorative impact upon
these welfare reducing phenomena via the development and marketing of the
following products:
- Hay steamers HG 1000, HG 600 and HG-GO (Propress Equine Ltd),
- Aquacid foregut buffering supplement (Marigot Ltd)
- Actisaf™ live yeast supplement (Lesaffre Feed Additives Ltd)
- horseRATION iPhone application (Arkuris Ltd)
In addition, impact of both nutritional and behavioural data has been
maximised via thorough dissemination of findings to the horse owning
populace via scientific reviews and lay publications.
Underpinning research
Research carried out by Dr Andrew Hemmings (senior lecturer) and Dr
Meriel Moore-Colyer (principal lecturer), both employed throughout the REF
(i) Hay steamers HG 1000, HG 600 and HG-GO
The results of the Moore-Colyer and Fillery (2012) experiment clearly
showed that steaming was significantly more effective than soaking at
reducing both microbial contamination and respirable particle numbers in
hay. Furthermore this is the first published paper to document the
negative impact of soaking hay, which actually increased the bacterial
concentration and so compromises the hygienic quality of the fodder. This
work has therefore raised the awareness of the negative impact of this
commonly used stable management practice for horse owners.
The research involved 5 repetitions x 3 treatments (dry, soaked and
steamed) of UK meadow hay. Microbial culturing techniques were used to
measure yeast, mould and bacteria concentrations in colony forming units /
g. A cyclone sampler was used to measure respirable particles (those <
5 um) numbers from post-treatment agitated hay. This work was conducted in
2011 by Dr Meriel Moore-Colyer, Principal Lecturer at the RAU.
(ii) Aquacid foregut buffering supplement (Marigot Ltd)
The Moore-Colyer et al. (2013) experiment was an in vitro
assessment of a feed supplement designed to reduce acidity in the fore gut
of horses suffering from gastric ulceration syndrome. This was the
essential initial work to determine if Aquacid had a buffering effect in
simulated gastric conditions when combined with a variety of commonly fed
diets. The work examined the effect of the buffer in both simulated fore
gut and hind gut conditions and found the supplement to be an effective
buffer and stimulant for hind gut fermentation. Marketing of the product
has been based on these findings. The experiment was carried out in 2010
at RAU laboratories by Dr Meriel Moore-Colyer and BSc student Katherine
Wakefield and published jointly with O'Gorman of Marigot Ltd.
(iii) Actisaf™ live yeast supplement to promote fibre
degradation in laminitic ponies
Laminitis afflicts 10% of the UK horse population, generating veterinary
fees of over £20 million per annum. Affected individuals will suffer
significant reductions in both welfare status and usefulness from
competition standpoint. The Hale et al., (2012) study was the
first to address aetiological factors relating to the hind gut microbiome
of laminitic versus control animals. High fibre and high starch feed
substrates were incubated with faecal inocula from a group of ponies with
a history of laminitis (n=8), and a group of disease free control animals
(n=8). The extent and rate of degradation of substrate was measured over a
96 hour period using a standard gas production technique. The laminitic
ponies demonstrated significant fibre digestion deficiencies, which
highlighted the need for feed supplements that promote cellulolytic
degradation. This work was carried out in 2011 at the RAU, by Catherine
Hale (Lesaffre) and Dr Andrew Hemmings (RAU).
(iv) horseRATION iPhone application
High starch diets are often cited anecdotally as the primary cause of
unwanted behaviours such as hyperactivity and stereotypy. The Hale et
al., (2011) work reported herein sought to address this long held
belief experimentally. In a randomised cross over design, horses (n=8)
were fed both a high fibre and a high starch ration, before measurements
of behavioural reactivity and heart rate were performed. A significant
increase in both behavioural reactivity scores and heart rate associated
with the high starch treatment indicates that starch contributes to
behaviours that detract from manageability. This data has potential to
better inform owners of feeding practices which impact negatively on the
behavioural profile of domestic equids. This work was carried out at the
RAU in 2011, by Catherine Hale (Lesaffre) and Dr Andrew Hemmings (RAU). In
addition, similar behavioural advice has been communicated via McBride and
Hemmings (2009) to a veterinary audience, and in the lay press to horse
owners through two pieces in Horse and Hound magazine (20.08.09 and
References to the research
Hale, C.E. Warren, H. and Hemmings, A. (2012). The fermentation
of hay and starch when incubated in vitro with faecal inoccula from either
normal healthy horses or horses with a history of laminitis. In: Forages
and Grazing in Horse Nutrition. European federation of Animal
Science EAAP publication No. 132. Ed. M.Saastamoinen, M.J. Fradinho, A.S.
Santos and N. Miraglia. 357 - 361 DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-755-4
Hale, C.E. Hemmings, A. and Bee, S. (2011). The effects of a high
starch, cereal-based diet compared to a low starch, fibre-based diet on
reactivity in horses. In Applied Equine Nutrition and Training.
Wageningen Academic Publishers. 227-231. DOI
McBride, S.D and Hemmings, A. (2009). A neurologic perspective of
equine stereotypy. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 29 (1)
10-16. DOI 10.1016/j.jevs.2008.11.008
Moore-Colyer, M.J.S. and Fillery, B.G. (2012) The effect of three
different treatments on the respirable particle content, total viable
count and mould concentrations in hay for horses. In: Forages and
grazing in horse nutrition. European federation of Animal Science
EAAP publication No. 132. Ed. M.Saastamoinen, M.J. Fradinho, A.S. Santos
and N. Miraglia. Pp 101-107 DOI 10.3920/978-90-8686-755-4
Moore-Colyer, M.J.S., O'Gorman, D.M. Wakefield, K. (2013) An in
vitro investigation into the effects of a marine-derived,
multi-mineral supplement in simulated equine stomach and hind gut
environments. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science (published
online Sept. 2013) DOI10.1016/j.jevs.2013.07016
Details of the impact
(i) Hay steamers HG 1000, HG 600 and HG-GO
The research provided essential evidence on the efficacy of the products.
It has allowed Propress Equine Ltd to produce marketing literature citing
the proven effects of the products to the consumer. Propress Equine Ltd
use the research in statements on their web page — `Only Haygain has
published scientific research to support these gains' / supported by
science, used by professionals' and PDFs of both the research archive and
a brief summary of the findings in the annual review of the RAU can be
downloaded from this webpage
accessed 5/11/2013) .Thus the work cited here underpins their marketing
and advertising.
The research has been disseminated in academic journals, popular
articles, through web sites, leaflets and at shows via trade stands. The
work has also been delivered via technical talks at veterinary CPD days in
Edinburgh and Nottingham Veterinary Schools and the Royal Veterinary
College. This has meant that the steamers are now recommended by many vets
when advising their clients on strategies to reduce respiratory disorders
in stabled horses.
The company has benefitted from the research in that it can support its
marketing statements with proven findings. Horse owners have benefitted by
being able to reduce the negative effects of dust in the stable and so
improve horse performance. Both are evidenced by testimonial statements on
the Haygain web site
(accessed 5/11/13)
timeline and delivery specifics
2011 Haygain fund research on respirable particle and microbial content of
dry, steamed and soaked hay lead by Dr Moore-Colyer (Moore-Colyer
and Fillery, 2012)
2012 Based on the results of the 2011 work Moore-Colyer in
collaboration with Haygain do further studies on the effect of different
wetting treatments on the microbial content of hay (award winning
presentation: , European Equine Health and Nutrition Congress, 2013); and
the effect of steaming on bacteria, yeast and mould concentrations in
haylage for horses (Leggatt and Moore-Colyer, Proceedings of
the British Society of Animal Science. Nottingham UK, April 2013).
Results of both studies used in marketing literature and as the basis for
further work.
(ii) Aquacid foregut buffering supplement (Marigot Ltd)
The positive buffering effect reported in the Moore-Colyer et al.
(2013) paper has been the major supporting evidence for the recent
re-launch in 2013 of this product internationally under the name
EquMinPlus. The incidence of gastric ulceration syndrome in performance
horses is > 80% and most professional riders use ant-acid supplements
to counteract the negative effect that ulcers can have on performance. The
extended period of buffering achieved by this product will make it an
extremely useful addition to any performance horse diet.
timeline and delivery specifics
2009 In vitro study Funded by Marigot Ltd
2010 Paper delivered at European Workshop on Equine Nutrition
2013 Re-launch of product based on research published (Moore-Colyer,
O'Gorman and Wakefield, 2013)
(iii) Actisaf™ live yeast supplement (Lesaffre Feed Additives)
Hale et al. (2012) reported a lower microbial fibre digestion
capacity in the laminitis prone phenotype and linked this deficit to
disease pathogenesis. Other groups have discovered that live yeast fed to
ruminants increases fibre digestibility via proliferation of fibre
digesting bacteria. Therefore Lesaffre Feed Additives (world's largest
manufacturer of live yeast) used the Hale et al.(2012) finding as
a primary justification for feeding a live yeast product (Actisaf) to
laminitic horses, in order to increase fibre digestion capacity in these
animals. Indeed, the seminal work evidenced herein has given rise to
additional in-vitro and in-vivo efficacy trials which
extend the Hale et al. (2012) work, now featuring live yeast
treatments fed to laminitic prone equids.
timeline and delivery
2011 - Lesaffre fund research an in vitro fermentation kinetics
study, led by Catherine Hale (Lesaffre) and Dr Andrew Hemmings (RAU)
2012 — On the strength of the significant differences uncovered,
Lesaffre begin additional investigation involving live yeast supplements
2013 — Lesaffre (a company new to the equine feeds market) use data
as part justification for more general expansion into the equine feed
supplementation sector
(iv) horseRATION iPhone application
Data from Hale et al., (2011) was used to inform development of
the iPhone application horseRATION. (available from the App Store; 2232
downloads by Nov 2013; 187 purchases of the full product) Based on the
owners assessment of a particular horses behavioural profile (see figure
1), a suitable balance of fibre versus starch is recommended, according to
the animals foreseen workload. Currently on licence to Arkuris Ltd, the
app was developed at Aberystwyth University with support from Centre of
Excellence in Mobile Applications and Services (CEMAS) — an initiative of
the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Figure 1. horseRATION behavioural profiling screen a) input unit b) owner feedback example
Aside from iPhone application development, research into the linkage
between feeding and behaviour has been widely disseminated to the end user
via publication in veterinary journals (e.g. McBride and Hemmings 2009)
and two articles (20.08.09 and 16.06.11) commissioned for the leading UK
equestrian lay publication `'Horse and Hound'' (circulation~50,000
weekly), thereby ensuring well targeted impact.
timeline and delivery specifics
2011- Feeding trials into high and low starch diets conducted, led
by Dr Andrew Hemmings (RAU) and Catherine Hale (Lesaffre)
2012- horseRATION iPhone application development begins, with
Catherine Hale leading the nutritional aspects of the project, and Arkuris
managing programming and marketing strategy
2012- horseRATION iPhone application launched at the Royal Welsh
2013- horseRATION wins British Equine Trade Association Award
for Innovation award.
Sources to corroborate the impact
Hay steamers HG 1000, HG 600 and HG-GO
Evidence of the use of the research can be found on the Haygain web site
which shows a summary of all the work done at RAC, photographs of
microbial culture plate (from the research) a list of publications, and
testimonial statements from horse owners. Also leaflet citing the RAU
work?? produced by the company available on request.
Aquacid foregut buffering supplement — letter from R&D Manager
Marigot Ltd, Co. Down) "further to the recent acceptance of your work on
EquMin Pus in the Journal of Veterinary Science, I wanted to write and let
you know just how much of a difference this will make you our company
profile. The value of peer-reviewed publications is enormous in this
market place and outs Marigot Ltd in a different league from other
companies who do not publish. We will use this publication to develop our
customer base, to develop our marketing materiel and a literature for our
customers both veterinarians and horse owners"
Actisaf™ live yeast supplement - letter from R&D
Director Lesaffre Feed Additives, France "The work as reported by Hale et
al., (2012) co-authored by Dr Andrew Hemmings, (Royal Agricultural
University) has provided a vital starting point, with regards to
Lesaffre's push into the equine market place. More specifically, this data
shows considerable potential for Actisaf TM, to act as a promoter of hind
gut health, with reference to the debilitating metabolic condition known
as laminitis. Indeed, an extensive in-vivo feeding trial featuring Actisaf
TM has already been undertaken with laminitis susceptible ponies, and an
additional field trial is currently underway".
horseRATION iPhone application
"As manager of mobile application development at Aberystwyth University, I
can confirm that research contributed to by staff of the Royal
Agricultural University (Dr Andrew Hemmings) has informed the development
of ration formulation software for horses at our university. Specifically,
the iPhone application horseRATION™, on license to Arkuris Ltd, utilises
findings from the Hale et al., (2011) high / low starch study to properly
advise owners on feeding for optimum behavioural output. Furthermore, as
testament to the quality of this product, horseRATION ™ recently won the
coveted BETA Innovation Award 2013" Technology Transfer Officer; Research,
Business & Innovation Visualisation Centre, Aberystwyth.
Web link, attesting to the success of this iPhone application at the
British Equestrian Trade Association 2013 awards ceremony: