Environmental Radioactivity: Regulation and Protection
Submitting Institution
University of StirlingUnit of Assessment
Earth Systems and Environmental SciencesSummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Mathematical Sciences: Statistics
Chemical Sciences: Other Chemical Sciences
Engineering: Environmental Engineering
Summary of the impact
The science conducted in environmental radioactivity and radioecology
ranges from the development and deployment of detection systems to the
characterisation and implementation of radiological risk assessment tools.
This has led to impacts in international standards, regulation development
and regulation enforcement, including: advising the Scottish Environment
Protection Agency (SEPA) on hot particle hazard, risk, detection and
recovery; developing the framework for environmental protection through
the International Commission on Radiological Protection; developing
standard specifications for the manufacture of environmental monitoring
equipment for the International Electrotechnical Commission; and providing
training courses through the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Underpinning research
The Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory (ERL) at the University of
Stirling is led by Dr David Copplestone and Professor Andrew Tyler. At the
radioecology end of the ERL's research spectrum, we have developed
radiological risk assessment methods for humans and wildlife, and assessed
the impacts of radionuclides released during radioactive waste management
and disposal, reprocessing, power generation and nuclear accidents. Our
current research in this area is focused on understanding the ecological
effects of ionising radiation, and how ecological systems adapt to the
environmental stress caused by such exposure. Models developed by
Copplestone of radionuclide transfer and behaviour have been used to
improve radiological risk assessments. We have also applied genetic and
molecular techniques to better understand radiological impacts on
wildlife. We continue to assist the Environment Agency in the development
of their approach to wildlife risk assessment from ionising radiation. Our
research into radionuclide transfer parameters to, and on the biological
effects of ionising radiation on, wildlife is contributing to the
development of international databases (www.wildlifetransferdatabase.org
and www.frederica-online.org
respectively). The scientific understanding derived from his research
is currently being used in the development of the International Commission
for Radiological Protection's (ICRP), recommendations for environmental
protection (he is a member of the ICRP's Committee 5).
At the physical end of environmental radioactivity research, we
specialise in laboratory, in-situ and mobile gamma spectrometry,
environmental dosimetry and the characterisation of radioactive hot
particles and developed the ISO17025 accredited ERL to demonstrate system
quality and traceability. The development of real time in-situ and mobile
gamma detector systems (exploiting new crystal technologies and
configurations) offer immediate benefits to surveys of contaminated land,
site characterisation and determining dose rates but is hindered by
variations in the vertical activity distribution leading to significant
loss of measurement accuracy. This research exploits characteristics of
scattered photon radiation using novel spectral algorithms, driven by
empirical and Monte Carlo approaches, to yield information on the spatial
(including depth) distribution of specific radionuclides in the
environment. Importantly, this approach provides the way forward for more
accurate in-situ estimation of environmental radioactivity concentrations
to: 1) support baseline surveys for environmental radioactivity; 2) enable
the detection of hot particles; and 3) provide accurate real-time
contaminated land assessment. The ERL undertook the first in-situ
radiometric survey at a national scale to estimate the background
radionuclide concentrations and contributions to external gamma dose rate
for Environment Agency, Scottish and Northern Ireland Funding for
Environmental Research, Food Standards Agency and Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. By exploiting airborne remote sensing
techniques we provided maps of the distribution of radionuclides in
estuarine environments for better dose characterisation of people and
wildlife. This was expanded further to establish the dose rates to
critical groups within the Ribble Estuary in support of the Environment
Agency's dose assessments, where it was demonstrated that the monitoring
of Beta and Gamma dose rates for regulatory purposes were inadequate. This
resulted in revisions in the statutory monitoring programmes taking
account of our recommendations on correct instrument deployment, use and
data processing. We have also been working on Radium-226 particle
dosimetry through skin contact and simulated stomach digestion to all
human age groups, underpinning the Scottish Environment Protection
Agency's regulatory activities at Dalgety Bay (UK) and the implementation
of the contaminated land regulations.
References to the research
(Stirling staff in bold)
Key publications:
1. Tyler, A.N., Dale, P., Copplestone, D., Bradley, S.,
Ewen., H., McGuire, C. Scott, E..M. (2013). The Radium Legacy:
Contaminated land and the committed effective dose from the ingestion of
radium contaminated materials. Environment International. 59,
2. Copplestone, D. (2012). Application of radiological protection
measures to meet different environmental protection criteria. Annals
of the ICRP. 41; 263-274.
3. Tyler, A.N., Scott, E.M., Dale, P., Elliott, A.T., Wilkins, B.
T., Boddy, K., Toole, J. Cartwright, P. (2010). Reconstructing the
abundance of Dounreay particles on an adjacent public beach in Northern
Scotland. Science of the Total Environment. 408, 4495
4. Howard, B.J., Beresford, N.A., Andersson, P., Brown J.E., Copplestone
D., Beaugelin-Seiller, K., Garnier-Laplace, J., Howe, P.D., Oughton,
D., and Whitehouse, P. (2010). Protection of the environment from ionising
radiation in a regulatory context-an overview of the PROTECT coordinated
action project. Journal of Radiological Protection. 30, 195-214
5. Tyler, A.N. & Copplestone D (2007). Preliminary results
from the first national in situ gamma spectrometry survey of the United
Kingdom, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 96 (1-3), pp.
6. Rainey, M., Tyler, A.N., Gilvear, D.J., Bryant, R., and
McDonald, P., (2003). Mapping Estuarine Intertidal Sediment Size Fractions
through Airborne Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing of the Environment. 86: 480
7. Tyler, A.N., Sanderson, D.C.W. and Scott, E.M. (1996).
Estimating and Accounting for 137Cs Source Burial through In-situ
Gamma Spectrometry in Salt Marsh Environments. Journal of
Environmental Radioactivity. 33(3): 195-212.
1995-98 NERC (ARSF). Stirling led research using spectroradiometry field
equipment and airborne remote sensing of the Ribble Estuary to
characterise intertidal sediment grain size distribution and Sellafield
radionuclide concentrations. NERC Scientific Services (£70k)
1995-05 3 PhDs funded by NERC, BNFL Sellafield Ltd and University of
Stirling. Remote sensing and modelling of intertidal radionuclide bound
sediments and flux in estuarine environments
2002-04 EA lead consortium of Government Departments and Agencies:
National Soil and Herbage Pollution Survey: In-situ Gamma Spectrometry
(£200k: £47k to Stirling).
2007-08 Geological Survey of Northern Ireland. Ground Reference Data
Collection: Validation of the Tellus Airborne Gamma Spectrometry Survey of
Northern Ireland. (£15k). Lead PI with the British Geological Survey
2008-09 EA. Dose reconstruction to critical groups in the Ribble Estuary.
(£50k; £25k to Stirling).
2010-13 Sellafield Ltd. Statistical Advise on Radioactive Particle
Monitoring, Stirling collaboration with University of Glasgow. (£15k to
2011-12. SEPA. Stirling led Dalgety Bay Headland Investigation, particle
digestion, dose characterisation. (£80k)
2011-13 SEPA. Baseline characterisation around nuclear sites by Stirling:
Torness and Chapelcross (£18k)
2012-13 SEPA. Development of a mobile monitoring gamma spectrometry
system for contaminated land characterisation (Phase 1) (£12k).
Details of the impact
As an internationally leading expert on radiological protection of the
environment, Copplestone has been appointed to Committee 5 (Environmental
Protection) of the International Commission on Radiological Protection
(ICRP). The ICRP helps to prevent cancer and other diseases and effects
associated with exposure to ionising radiation and to protect the
environment. The ICRP developed and maintains the International System of
Radiological Protection used world-wide as the common basis for
radiological protection standards, legislation, guidelines, programmes and
practice. Copplestone drafted new recommendations on environmental
protection which have been translated by the International Atomic Energy
Agency into the International Basic Safety Standards.
Being extensively involved in the development of radiological risk
assessment tools for wildlife, Copplestone is a technical expert for the
International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) technical cooperation projects
for Eastern Europe (over the last three years), and has been invited to
advise on environmental impact assessment from nuclear power plants to
Malaysia from September 2012. Furthermore, for the last three years
Copplestone has been involved jointly with the Centre for Ecology and
Hydrology and Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire in France
to provide training courses on radiological protection of the environment
tools and techniques as part of a NERC funded knowledge exchange
programme. This was extended in 2012 to two training courses in Australia
at the request of the Australian uranium mining industry who are just
introducing environmental protection into their assessment requirements.
Copplestone has also been instrumental in setting up international
databases on the environmental transfer of radionuclides to wildlife (the
Wildlife Transfer database) and the biological effects of ionising
radiation on wildlife (FREDERICA). These databases are currently hosted
online by Stirling and available for free to any interested parties and
are being used in compilations of data such as the UNSCEAR (United Nations
Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation) 2011 biological
effects on non- human species review and the International Atomic Energy
Agency's technical report series (in press) on radionuclide transfer to
wildlife and the International Commission on Radiological Protection
(ICRP) publication 114 on radionuclide transfer to the ICRPs reference
animals and plants.
Copplestone continues to provide technical expert input to national and
international committees (e.g. Oslo-Paris Convention for the North-East
Atlantic on behalf of the Department of Energy & Climate Change and
Defra; IAEA Action Plan on Environmental Protection on behalf of UK; cross
government department review of the revision of (International and
European) Basic Safety Standards for radiological protection on behalf of
the Environment Agency and SEPA).
Recognised for the expertise in environmental gamma ray spectrometry and
dosimetry, Tyler was appointed to Dounreay Particle Advisory Group to
provide expert advice to Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and
the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (now Dounreay Site Restoration
Ltd) on the radioactive hot particle issue in 2000 (ending in 2009) -
resulting in significant improvements in the on/offshore monitoring
programme for particle abundance important in assessing the hazard and
risk to human health. This was in response to a request to SEPA by the
Secretary of State for Scotland and the work fed directly into SEPA's
regulatory requirements within Dounreay's site licence. In 2009 he was
appointed to the Particle Recovery Advisory Group (Dounreay), advising
SEPA and Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd on the on/offshore particle
recovery programme and strategy, resulting in 1248 particles being
recovered offshore using Remotely Operated Vehicle technology. In 2011,
Tyler was appointed to the Dalgety Bay Particle Advisory Group advising
SEPA on the Ra-226 monitoring and hazard. Now recognised as one of the
UK's experts on hot particles he has been working with Sellafield Ltd to
provide advice on the statistical interpretation and monitoring strategies
to be employed in relation to the hot particles on Cumbrian beaches to
establish optimal monitoring strategies. The ERL is now well established
and embedded within the SEPA's R&D framework, supporting key
regulatory activities and helping SEPA to check for regulatory escape. Our
work has been critical in providing the evidence base for SEPA to
interpret the UK's radioactively contaminated land regulations for
enforcement work at Dalgety Bay.
In London 2008, as the UK expert Tyler was elected to convene the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) working Group (Nuclear
Instrumentation Subcommittee 45B-Environmental Radiation Protection) and
was project leader for the international standards on mobile monitoring
(IEC 62438) and in-situ gamma spectrometry (IEC 61725) instrumentation
(with meetings in Paris 2008, Yokohama 2009, Seattle 2010, Las Vegas 2011,
Karlsruhe 2012, and Moscow 2013). This has resulted in IEC technical
standards that all manufacturers adhere to in the construction, technical
specification and environmental tollerances of equipment used for
environmental radioactivity measurement, monitoring and dosimetry. In 2012
Tyler was invited to chair National Committee 2 of the British Standards
Institute (BSI), reviewing ISO and IEC standards for Radiation Protection
to establish their suitability for the UK and inclusion by the BSI.
Sources to corroborate the impact
Hot Particle: Expert advice on hot particle detection, recovery and
the protection of humans
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Nuclear
Instrumentation Subcommittee 45B. Convener of Working Group B5: leading
and coordinating projects to prepare standards for environmental
radiation protection purposes
Doses to Biota: Generation of international databases for risk
assessment and provision of expert advice and recommendations for
Wildlife transfer database - www.wildlifetransferdatabase.org
and ICRP (2009) Environmental Protection: Transfer Parameters for
Reference Animals and Plants ICRP Publication 114 Ann. ICRP 39 (6),
Authors: P. Strand, N. Beresford, D. Copplestone, J. Godoy, L. Jianguo,
R. Saxén, T. Yankovich, J. Brown
Radiation effects database - www.frederica-online.org
and UNSCEAR (2011) Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation.
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
UNSCEAR 2011 Report to the General Assembly, with Scientific Annex.
- International Commission for Radiological Protection - www.icrp.org/icrp_group.asp?id=12
- International Atomic Energy Agency's technical cooperation
programme - www.iaea.org
NERC KE project - www.ceh.ac.uk/protect
Letters confirming the impacts of the ERL are also available from
Environment Agency, UK, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety
Agency, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC; France/US) and the
Scottish Environment Protection Agency, UK