Aligning anti-terrorism legislation with human rights
Submitting Institution
London School of Economics & Political ScienceUnit of Assessment
LawSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Studies In Human Society: Criminology, Political Science
Law and Legal Studies: Law
Summary of the impact
The research impact elaborated in this case study was facilitated through
the Human Rights and Terrorism project, which was led by Conor Gearty
between 2005 and 2008. Through a series of seminars on accommodating the
demands of human rights alongside the interests of national security, the
Human Rights and Terrorism project engaged with policy makers and those
concerned with criminal justice and anti-terrorist measures. Research
produced by Gearty in connection with the seminars shaped parts of the
Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 so as to integrate it within the traditional
criminal law model.
Underpinning research
All of the underpinning research has been published since 2002, when
Gearty joined LSE. From 2002 until 2009 Gearty was Director of LSE's
Centre for the Study of Human Rights as well as professor of human rights
law in the LSE's Law Department (he continues to serve in the latter
The main research insight which Gearty's scholarship has brought to
public attention, and which underpinned the Human Rights and Terrorism
project, is the necessity of integrating counter-terrorism law with the
traditional criminal law model. One of Gearty's core claims is that this
model — because it demands that those accused of terrorism be subject to
principles of natural justice (e.g., being made aware of, and allowed to
respond to, all charges made against them) and to a burden of proof beyond
reasonable doubt — ensures that defendants in terrorism cases are treated
as subjects with basic human rights and are not presumed to be enemies of
the state. This core claim underpins Gearty's critique of those who argue
for an emergency-based approach to terrorism (Gearty 2008a), and has led
him to reject the argument that aggressive anti-terrorist actions by
Western powers are a "lesser evil" that should be tolerated. His views are
clearly expressed in his commissioned article for Government and
Opposition's special issue on terrorism (Gearty 2007a). A more
policy-oriented formulation of the argument can be found in Gearty 2007b,
there is a chapter explaining the theoretical underpinnings of the
position in Gearty 2007c, and the argument features in Gearty's 2013
evidence to the Joint Committee on Draft Detention of Terrorist Suspects
(section 5 source 3).
The ESRC-funded Human Rights and Terrorism project has co-opted lawyers,
prosecutors, politicians, civil servants, members of the security forces,
and experts in foreign affairs in its effort to formulate an appropriate
balance between respect for human rights and the interests of national
security. The project was led by Gearty and ran from 2005 to 2008. It took
the form of six closed seminars for decision-makers (Gearty produced a
discussion paper for each seminar), followed by a similarly restricted
conference at which Gearty debated with Professor Sir Lawrence Friedman on
the issues arising from the seminars. The seminars and the debate are
summarized in a report (Gearty,2008b), along with an adapted précis
(Gearty 2007d) in Prospect magazine.
A central objective of the Human Rights and Terrorism project was to
develop fresh ways of approaching and drafting terrorism legislation
(section 5, source 6). As is explained in section 4, Gearty's research
emanating from the project impacted specifically on the content of the
Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 (and is likely to have post-REF 2014 impact on
the drafting of other procedural rules relating to counter-terrorism).
References to the research
(2008a) C. Gearty, `The Superpatriotic Fervour of the Moment' 28 (1) Oxford
Journal of Legal Studies 183-200. DOI number: 10.1093/ojls/gqn002
Evidence of quality: Peer-reviewed publications and citations as
noted above.
Details of the impact
Gearty's research impacted on the content of the Counter-Terrorism Act
2008 so as to integrate it within the traditional (i.e., human
rights-oriented) model of the criminal law. The research has shaped the
substance of anti-terrorism law and been of especial benefit to those
citizens whose fair treatment within the criminal justice system has
depended upon parliament enacting counter-terrorism legislation which
takes proper account of human rights norms.
The research which Gearty has produced in connection with the Human
Rights and Terrorism project (beginning with 2007a) is premised on the
proposition that counter-terrorist activities — e.g. interrogation and
detention procedures and the gathering of intercept evidence — should, no
less than alleged terrorist activities, be governed by the rules of
criminal procedure. In 2008, he used the ESRC funding awarded to the
project in order to organize the seminar series outlined in section 2.
Once the series was completed, he produced a report (2008b) setting out
his and other participants' arguments for counter-terrorism legislation
based on criminal law norms. Gearty's writing of the report coincided with
parliament debating the Counter-Terrorism Bill (afterwards Act) 2008. At
this point, he sent 2008b - along with 2007d (setting out the arguments in
summarized form) — to various members of parliament, the press and the
The project has had a direct impact on the content of the
Counter-Terrorism Act (section 5, source 4). The recommendations for legal
reform which emerged from the seminars are reflected in those parts of the
Act which make the criminal process central to counter-terrorist
strategies — in particular at ss 22 (post-charge questioning), 25
(recording of interviews), 26 (issue and revision of code of practice),
Part 3 (`Prosecution and Punishment of Terrorist Offences'), and ss 76, 77
(new terrorist offences triable under ordinary law). Gearty provides
details (at 2008b: 28-30) of the "many features" of the counter-terrorism
legislation which were first recommended at the seminars. He also notes
that a likely downstream effect of the research is further reform of the
law relating to intercept evidence:
"The terrorism laws are now unrecognisable from the slim, temporary
emergency measure introduced by Home Secretary Roy Jenkins in November
1974.... The government has now decided to proceed with further
investigations into the viability of [intercept evidence in criminal
prosecution for terrorism and terrorism-related offences] ... as long as
certain basic safeguards can be effectively implemented.... [T]he criminal
law orientation of counter-terrorism law would be given a further boost by
the change." (Gearty 2008b: 28-30)
That the project, and Gearty's research in particular, impacted on the
thinking of those responsible for ensuring that parliament introduced new
counter-terrorism legislation is attested to by some of the relevant
actors (section 5, source 5). The Human Rights and Terrorism project
seminars and debate were attended by a former Home Secretary, the then
senior security adviser at No. 10 Downing Street, a high-ranking security
adviser to the then Prime Minister, and others drawn from law, academia
and the civil service. Evidence of how the seminars influenced the
thinking of senior government officials can be found in feedback provided
by participants. One participant, the then Director of Public
Prosecutions, Lord Macdonald, writes:
"working with Professor Gearty, attending one of his seminars in the
national security series and reading the report that he produced ...
helped me both to frame and to justify the perspective that I took as a
senior law officer on these matters. This was all the more important to me
because of the difficult security situation that we faced as prosecutors
during my time in office." (Section 5, source 2.)
Similarly, Matt Cavanagh, the then Prime Minister's special adviser on
security and a seminar attendee, writes that "[f]rom 2003 to 2010 I worked
as a special adviser to a number of ministers — David Blunkett as Home
Secretary, Des Browne as Defence Secretary, and Gordon Brown.... [Gearty's
seminars] ... were more balanced than was typical of the time, allowing
the perspective of government officials and ministers to be represented
without losing any independence or critical rigour.... The effect ... was
[to ensure that] government thinking on [terrorism was] less insular, and
to inform and improve government decision making — including having an
impact on the content of the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008, which was being
formulated while the seminars were in progress.... [T]he emphasis on using
the criminal process for terrorist suspects wherever possible, which is
evident in that Act, reflected the influence of the seminar series in
general and Gearty's own work in particular". (Section 5, source 1.)
Why the impact matters. But for Gearty's research having had the
impact demonstrated in this study, criminal law procedural principles are
unlikely to have been incorporated into the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008 in
the way that they now are, and so defendants in cases of alleged
terrorism, not being tried according to the criminal law burden of proof,
would be less well protected.
Sources to corroborate the impact
All Sources listed below can also be seen at:
1. Associate Director, Institute of Public Policy Research, testimonial.
This source is confidential.
2. Former Director of Public Prosecutions, testimonial. This source is
3. Evidence (from Gearty) to the Joint Committee on Draft Detention of
Terrorist Suspects (Temporary Extension) Bills, 23 June 2011.
4. Counter-Terrorism Act 2008, ss 22, 25, 26, Part 3, and ss 76,
5. HC Deb 19 November 2001 vol 375 col 69 (MP for Dudley North) ("I am
sure it would help the House if the Minister, or the Home Secretary, could
reiterate that it is Government policy that the Bill's provisions will be
a last resort—in other words, that if foreign international terrorists can
be prosecuted here ... they will be.... I should also say that, at first
blush, I am attracted to Professor Gearty's proposal ... for an annual
report on detentions, by an independent commissioner").
6. "Liberty and Security", Cambridge Centre for Public Law and Law
Without Borders event, Cambridge University, May 2013, at