Sea-level rise and critical transport infrastructure
Submitting Institution
Plymouth UniversityUnit of Assessment
Geography, Environmental Studies and ArchaeologySummary Impact Type
EnvironmentalResearch Subject Area(s)
Earth Sciences: Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
Research conducted at Plymouth University on the coastal environment has
informed climate strategy and transport planning in the UK. The research
resulted in the United Kingdom Climate Impact Programme (UKCIP)
re-analysing and correcting rates of coastal land movement to improve
predictions of sea-level change, in its UK Climate Projections science
report (Lowe et al. 2009). These data now help underpin government
policy related to climate change impacts. A follow-on project, focusing on
the impact of sea-level rise on the Dawlish-Teignmouth stretch of the
London-Penzance Railway line, was used by Network Rail in the
implementation of its climate change adaptation strategy. This stretch of
railway is recognised as critical infrastructure as it is the only means
of access to west Devon, Plymouth and Cornwall by train from the rest of
the country. Devon County Council also used the work to inform its third
Local Transport Plan (LPT3) and the future management of coastal
Underpinning research
Beginning in 2007, the underpinning research was conducted at Plymouth
University by Professor Roland Gehrels (1995-2013), Professor
Jon Shaw (2006-present), Dr William Marshall (RCUK
Fellow 2007-2012), along with former PhD students Dr Antony Massey
(1998- 2004) and Dr David Dawson (2007-11). The first stage sought
to establish the rate of sea-level rise along the coastline of the
Southwest peninsula. Sediment cores from south Devon were collected
between 2004 and 2009 to produce new high-quality relative sea-level data
(Gehrels et al. 2011). Previous methods to calculate rates of land motion
for the Southwest were based on poor-quality data and the incorrect
assumption that relative sea-/land-level change is equivalent to absolute
land motion. The research criticised the methods used by UKCIP, and
discussed the implications for the rest of the UK (Gehrels 2006, Gehrels
and Long 2008, Gehrels 2010). As a result, a list of sites where geo-data
were urgently needed to calculate rates of relative vertical land motion
was published (Gehrels 2010). This work established the current rate of
relative sea/land level change at ~1.1mm per year, with sea levels rising
faster than for any other region in the UK (Gehrels et al. 2011).
A second research stage was then undertaken to apply these findings about
regional sea-level change to the pressing regional policy concern of its
potential impact on the Dawlish-Teignmouth railway line. Local and
regional stakeholders have long emphasised the vulnerability of this
section of track infrastructure, which runs between an exposed shoreline
and coastal cliffs at just above the high water mark. Line closures and
delays due to wave `overtopping' are not uncommon, especially during the
winter months, with knock-on effects throughout the region that lies to
the west. As such our research was designed to combine physical and social
science approaches: in particular, we set out to relate the specific
impact of sea-level change on the Dawlish-Teignmouth railway line to the
wider socio-economic functioning of the region.
This second stage of the research was sponsored by Great Western
Research, Network Rail, and Devon and Cornwall County Councils. New
information on sea-level rise was used in combination with historical data
of disruptions to the railway, and UKCIP climate and socio-economic
scenarios, to enable empirical projections of overtopping of the
London-Penzance railway at Dawlish. We provided new estimates of service
disruption, delays and damage to the sea defences. Costs to the region's
economy and to Network Rail were also calculated. Projections suggest that
in 2020 the current frequency of line problems on the track will be
doubled and in a worst case scenario problems on the line could occur on
up to 120 days annually by the end of the century. Results highlighted
that a rise in sea-level of over 1 metre (e.g. UKCP09's H++ scenario)
would completely inundate sections of the track and put Dawlish sea-wall
defences at a significant risk of breaching. Many communities that rely on
the railway will be at increased risk of socio-economic exclusion, and in
the longer term Plymouth, west Devon and Cornwall would experience
significant impacts on their economic competitiveness (Dawson 2012).
References to the research
Gehrels, R, Dawson, D, Shaw, J and Marshall, W (2011). Using Holocene
relative sea-level data to inform future sea-level predictions: an example
from Southwest England. Global and Planetary Change 78, 116-126. Peer
reviewed international journal, Impact factor: 2.930.
Massey, A, Gehrels, R, Charman, D, Milne, G, Peltier, W, Lambeck, K and
Selby, K (2008) Relative sea-level change and postglacial isostatic
adjustment along the coast of south Devon, United Kingdom. Journal of
Quaternary Science 23, 415-433. Peer reviewed international
journal, Impact factor: 2.308.
Gehrels, R (2010) Late Holocene relative sea-level changes and crustal
motion around the British Isles: lessons for the 21st century. Quaternary
Science Reviews 29, 1648-1660. Peer reviewed international
journal, Impact factor: 3.973.
Gehrels, R (2006) Sea-level rise and coastal subsidence in southwest
England. Reports and Transactions of the Devonshire Association
138, 25-42. Peer reviewed journal on regional issues with
international circulation.
Gehrels, R, Long, A (2008) Sea level is not level: the case for a new
approach to predicting UK sea-level rise. Geography 93, 11-16.
Flagship publication of the Geographical Association, presenting scholarly
research to lay readership.
Dawson, D (2012) The impact of sea-level rise on the London-Penzance
railway line. Unpublished PhD thesis, Plymouth University.
Details of the impact
Our research has led to an improved understanding of environmental risk
associated with sea- level change in south west England, and has
influenced government and institutional policies related to the management
of this risk. In light of the paper Sea-level rise and coastal
subsidence in southwest England (Gehrels 2006), UKCIP altered their
website to explain that the high subsidence rates in the Southwest were
based on insufficient data. Dr Chris West, the Director of UKCIP,
wrote "Based on your work, we have decided to add... to our technical note
"Updates to regional net sea-level change estimates for Great Britain."...
We would also very much like to include a link to your paper, so that
those stakeholders who are interested can obtain further details of your
work" (Reference 4). In 2008 Gehrels was invited by Dr Jason
Lowe of the Met Office to provide input into the section on vertical
land-level movements for the UK Climate Projections science report
(Reference 7; see Lowe et al. 2009 - reference 1).
UKCIP's published sea-level projections have since been corrected based
on the Plymouth research. The debate we instigated led to UKCIP's
determining vertical land movements in a revised manner, i.e. by using a
numerical model of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment that is calibrated by
relative sea-level data, and the UK Climate Projections science report
contains the revised predictions (see reference 1). In 2010 our research
led to the publication of a revised map of vertical land movements in the
British Isles (Gehrels 2010). Importantly, the UK Climate Projections
science report now underpins government policy on the coastal zone
impacts of future to climate change (see, for example, Reference 2).
The second stage of the research, focusing on the Dawlish-Teignmouth
railway line, has proved particularly informative for both Network Rail
and the Local Authorities in the south west. Network Rail's Principal
Engineer and Chair of the company's Climate Change Adaptation Group, John
Dora, states that "the research has been extremely useful in
highlighting the wider impacts of future sea-level rise, as well as
helping the British railway industry to recognise the importance of
understanding the potential future impacts of climate change on railway
operations. The research has clearly illustrated the economic benefits
that could arise by implementing a climate change adaptation strategy for
the Dawlish section of railway, and Network Rail is currently using the
outputs to aid the formation of long term plans for the future of this
line in association with the Environment Agency and local authorities"
(Reference 5). More broadly, the research has helped Network Rail to
improve their overall approach to climate change adaptation by utilising
economic indicators and leaves them better informed on how coastal railway
issues in the UK could be examined in future research and network
resilience programmes.
We were keen to disseminate the results of the socio-economic analysis as
widely as possible to stakeholders in order to stimulate and inform debate
on the future of the important regional railway links. Concrete evidence
of the impact of the research is provided by Andrew Ardley,
Transportation Manager at Devon County Council. Commenting on the research
in relation to Devon and Torbay's Local Transport Plan (LTP3), he noted:
"Devon and Torbay's LTP3 was written in the context of a 15 year time
frame to 2026 but also looking ahead to the impacts of critical factors
affecting infrastructure such as climate change. The plan places a
particularly important emphasis on the economic impact of the Exeter to
Plymouth rail line for Devon, Torbay and Plymouth / Cornwall in its
Strategic Connections section. The plan is used as a lobbying mechanism
for improvements to strategic infrastructure - a clear evidence base was
essential for this and the research [i.e. that outlined in this document]
provided the necessary background on climate change in the case of the
rail line in the Dawlish / Exe Estuary area. The final copy will be used
in future reviews of the LTP to ensure that there are clear plans for the
future management of the infrastructure" (Reference 6)
Sustained heavy rain in 2012 has added further urgency to debates
surrounding the need to protect the UK's critical infrastructure against
extreme weather events and underlying climatic changes. Railway line
flooding - described as the worst in a decade - on south-west England's
rail network resulted in ~£12.5m in compensation being paid by Network
Rail to train and freight operators because services did not run due to
the damage caused to the lines (Reference 3). This disruption to rail
services combined with our research have increased the sense of awareness
of climate-related infrastructure vulnerability for both Network Rail and
the Southwest Local Authorities, and the need for future adaptation and
Sources to corroborate the impact
- Lowe, J, Howard, T, Pardaens, A, Tinker, J, Holt, J, Wakelin, S,
Milne, G, Leake, J, Wolf, J, Horsburgh, K, Reeder, T, Jenkins, G,
Ridley, J, Dye, S, Bradley, S (2009) UK Climate Projections science
report: Marine and coastal projections. Met Office Hadley Centre,
Exeter, UK.
Gehrels is discussed at the following extract from this report:
- DEFRA 2012 UK Climate Change Risk Assessment: Government Report.
- Written statement from the Director of UKCIP, 9/6/2008
- Written statement of Principal Climate Change Engineer at Network
Rail, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London, N1 9AG, 2010.
- Written statements of Principal Environmental Policy Officer and
Transportation Manager at Devon County Council, 2010.
- Email correspondence with Head of Knowledge Integration and Mitigation
Advice, Hadley Centre Met Office, and lead author of UKCP09 science
report Marine and coastal projections, June 2008.