Promoting Healthy Living in Deprived Communities
Submitting Institution
Staffordshire UniversityUnit of Assessment
Sport and Exercise Sciences, Leisure and TourismSummary Impact Type
HealthResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
We have been involved in initiatives to improve the health behaviour of
~20,000 people from
deprived communities, with a focus on increasing levels of physical
activity, dietary change, and
engagement with natural environments (e.g., parks). We have worked with
communities to ensure
the sustainability of these positive changes. Further, we have
disseminated our research widely
through engagement with stakeholders to influence practice and policy and
through media
coverage. These impacts are based on our research which has demonstrated
that to change
health behaviours multiple levels of intervention are required and we have
focused on two of these
levels; community engagement and changing the environment.
Underpinning research
Our research has been conducted within a social-ecology framework, with
the aim of promoting
healthier lifestyles in deprived communities. The approach to healthy
living has focused on health
improvement through physical activity, healthy eating and engagement with
the natural
The impacts reported in this case study flow from research ongoing since
2006. We began with a
project funded through the MRC National Preventive Research Initiative
[1,2,5] in which attitudes
to, and engagement in, physical activity and health outcomes were mapped
in deprived inner-city
communities. The data highlighted that the majority of residents (~65%) in
these communities were
not physically active, but were not ready, or interested, in changing
their behaviour [1,2]. Analysis
of individual and area-level physical activity correlates enabled us to
identify a need to improve
both environmental factors, such as access to quality green space, and to
engage with
communities at the individual level in order to effect sustainable
behaviour change. It is these key
findings that has guided our subsequent initiatives to improve health
behaviours, and has led to
two notable initiatives.
In 2008 we embarked on a Natural England funded project (ProGreSS) to
engage residents of
deprived urban communities with local green space [6]. We engaged with the
community and local
partners to increase use of a four-hectare public park. Physical site
improvements and community
events were undertaken and follow-up data outlined improvements in
residents' perceptions of the
park and antisocial behaviour, which reflected a real reduction based on
police data [3,4].
In 2009 we secured funding for a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) in
partnership with NHS
Stoke-on-Trent and delivered a large scale community-led intervention to
reduce health
inequalities relating to physical activity and healthy eating [7].
Specifically we aimed to improve
attitudes to, and engagement in, health-enhancing activities in deprived
communities. Three full-
time community development workers were employed to deliver the project
and each was
allocated to a deprived area in Stoke-on-Trent to facilitate the
development of interventions defined
by community members. This bottom-up, community-led approach developed a
wide range of
activities, including physical activity classes (e.g., zumba, aerobics)
and community healthy cook
and eat sessions. We also built on findings from the Natural England
ProGreSS project regarding
the importance of green space quality (not just quantity) and activities
that can take place there,
and provided events to promote community use of local green space (e.g.,
community picnics,
community allotments). Pre-post intervention data demonstrated that levels
of physical activity and
healthy eating improved in the three areas, with concurrent increases in
social capital.
Collectively this research has resulted in eight papers, 15 conference
presentations and has been
supported by three completed funded projects, and one which is ongoing.
Our research was begun
by Professors Davey and Cochrane who left in January 2010 to move to the
University of Canberra
and have continued to work as collaborative partners. Since January 2010
the work has been led
by Associate Professor Chris Gidlow and supported by Professor Marc Jones.
It has also been
conducted in collaboration with NHS Stoke on Trent and Stoke-on-Trent City
References to the research
All the research outputs below are peer reviewed and have been the result
of externally funded
[1] Cochrane T., Davey R.C., Gidlow C., Smith G.R., Fairburn J., Armitage
C.J., Stephansen H.,
and Speight, S. (2009). Small area and individual level predictors of
physical activity in
urban communities: A multi-level study in Stoke on Trent, England.
International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health, 6(2), 654-677.
[2] Gidlow, C., Cochrane, T., Davey, R. C., Smith, G. and Fairburn, J.
(2010). Relative importance
of physical and social aspects of perceived neighbourhood environment for
health. Preventive Medicine, 51(2), 157-163.
[3] Gidlow, C. J., and Ellis, N. J. (2011). Neighbourhood green space in
deprived urban
communities: issues and barriers to use. Local Environment 16(10),
[4] Gidlow, C. J., Ellis, N. J., and Bostock, S. (2012). Development of
the Neighbourhood Green
Space Tool (NGST). Landscape and Urban Planning, 106, 347- 358.
The research has been supported by the following grants:
[5] MRC funded National Preventive Research Initiative (£304,000) awarded
to Professor Rachel
Davey and Professor Tom Cochrane: Social Ecological Mapping of Physical
Activity Behaviours
and Health Outcomes in Deprived Inner-city Communities (May 2006-Sept
[6] Promoting Green Space in Stoke-on-Trent (ProGreSS): Natural England
funded project
(£48,793) to engage residents of deprived urban communities with local
green space awarded to
Dr Chris Gidlow (2008-2010).
[7] My Health Matters (£245,000): A NHS Stoke-on-Trent and Knowledge
Transfer Partnership
(KTP) evaluating the use of community-led interventions to reduce health
inequalities relating to
physical activity and healthy eating awarded to Professor Rachel Davey
then led by Dr Chris
Gidlow and Professor Marc Jones (2009-2012).
Details of the impact
Our research has outlined the importance of environmental aspects (e.g.,
access to green space)
and engaging with communities as important drivers in behaviour change.
The impact of our work
is seen in the positive changes in health behaviours of people from
deprived communities resulting
from research initiatives which address community engagement and
environmental aspects;
sustainable changes after the research was completed; engagement with
stakeholders to influence
practice and policy and dissemination through media coverage.
Our intervention work on the Natural England Funded ProGreSS project
reported improvements in
the 250 residents' perceptions of the park and antisocial behaviour, which
reflected a real
reduction, based on police data over a 12 month period [3, 8]. This is
illustrated in the quote of one
resident who said "I'm not sitting here, watching my window in case they
come throw eggs at me. I
haven't done that for a good 12 months now since you started all this
kicking it all off. I think it's
marvellous and it's made our life a lot better." [8].
In the `My Health Matters' (MHM) project 18,308 people received health
promotion information;
there were 11,525 attendances at community events, and of these 1,678
subsequently engaged on
a regular basis in community events (e.g., regular attendance at physical
activity sessions).
Community engagement is evidenced in that during the project 45 volunteers
and 15 community
champions were engaged and along with 102 partners ranging from large
companies (e.g., B&Q;
Co-Op), service providers (e.g., Citizens Advice Bureau), local charities,
local media and schools
[9]. Levels of physical activity and healthy eating improved in the three
deprived areas where the
intervention took place, and increased social capital was also observed
[9]. The positive change in
health behaviours is reflected in quotations from the residents who
mentioned "every session has
been fun and I have done more exercise now than I have done before" and
"before I did My Health
Matters ... I wouldn't even try to eat or try a piece of fruit or veg, but
now ... I eat different fruits and
veggies and things I thought I would never try." [9].
The sustainability of our impact is evidenced in that the three full time
community development
workers funded by the MHM project have had their contracts extended by
Stoke-on-Trent City
Council [9,10]. Further this work has now been expanded from the three
deprived areas as part of
the original MHM project to up to 18 areas across Stoke-on-Trent [10,11]
under a new My
Community Matters scheme (MCM). A change in the environment is evidenced
in that the
previously underutilised local assets, such as community centres, and
allotments, have been
developed into fully functioning community hubs staffed by community
groups which, with the
support of the MHM project and other partners, have been successful in
receiving further funding
(£60,000) to develop community provision [9,10]. We continue to support
the evaluation of
community developments work in the city through a part-funded PhD
scholarship (half-funded by
Staffordshire University and half-funded by NHS Stoke-on-Trent) of the new
MCM scheme [10,11].
The sustainability of our impact is also evidenced in the changes in the
physical infrastructure
resulting from the ProGreSS Project, such as opening up densely wooded
parts of the park and
introducing a new play area [8].
Our impact is also evident in our work with stakeholders to influence
practice and policy. The
findings of the MRC-funded National Preventive Research Initiative [1, 5,
12] that both environment
and engaging with communities at the individual level were identified as
important drivers in
behaviour change provided an important stimulus that led to the formation
of the Healthy Public
Policy Group [13]. This was a collection of key stakeholders from
academia, local authority and the
NHS to ensure that health and lifestyle were considered in local policy
and action (e.g., proposed
planning developments), and providing a sustainable mechanism for
University researchers to
influence local action. This group ran until 2013. The work of this group
will now form a part of the
new proposed Centre for Research and Action on Health Inequalities (CRAHI)
a joint initiative
between Staffordshire County Council, Stoke-on-Trent City Council,
Staffordshire University and
Keele University, due for launch in 2014. This new Centre will be based at
Staffordshire University
and over the next three years will administer a budget of ~£1 million
provided by Staffordshire
County Council and Stoke-on-Trent City Council. Continued work with the
city council has
culminated in the establishment of a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Peer
Review service within
the Centre for Sport, Health and Exercise Research, whereby developers
wishing to build in Stoke-
on-Trent must submit an HIA, and we provide a quality assurance service
[14]. Data from the MRC
and MHM projects has also influenced policy, with data highlighting issues
relating to health and
urban planning in the city that stimulated the production of a
supplementary planning document for
Stoke-on-Trent City council [15].
Our expertise has also been recognised by involvement in a major project
in which we continue to
develop a social-ecology approach promoting healthy living with emphasis
on environmental
aspects and community engagement. We play a leading role in the PHENOTYPE
project: a four-year, €3.5 million, European project to explore links
between the natural
environment and health. It involves nine partner institutions and this
unit is leading experimental
work into psycho-physiological responses to different types of urban and
natural environment,
whilst making substantial contributions to community survey and
epidemiological work. One work
package is devoted to working with policymakers and other stakeholders to
ensure that results
develop European implementation guidelines for the design and management
of the natural
environment to maximise health benefit [16].
Our work has been covered in the media [8, 9]. We are also involved in a
learning exchange
initiative between communities in England and the USA. Under the REACH US
/ UK Communities
for Health Learning Exchange Programme representatives from Stoke-on-Trent
(inc. Gemma
Hurst, Research Assistant on the MHM project) visited University of
Alabama at Birmingham
(UAB), and were hosted by the Minority Health Research Centre (MHRC) at
UAB in November
2011 and March 2013. In June 2012, the US delegation made the return
journey to Stoke-on-Trent.
A partnership between Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent City
Council and University of
Alabama at Birmingham has continued to develop with both institutions
working with partners
towards developing a sustainable smart cities / regeneration hub [17].
Sources to corroborate the impact
[8] For details on the Natural England Funded ProGreSS project, including
the final report see:
[9] For details on the My Health Matters Project, including the final
report see:
[10] Principal Manager Health Improvement - Social Determinants of
Health; Stoke on Trent City
[11] For details of the My Community Matters Scheme see:
[12] For Details on the MRC Project see:
[13] Evidence for the Formation of the Healthy Public Policy Group
[14] Information on our Health Impact Assessment Process can be found
[15] Supplementary planning document for Stoke-on Trent City council
based on MHM.
[16] For details on PHENOTYPE see:
[17] For evidence of the learning exchange initiative see: