Safer Human-Computer Interaction for Healthcare
Submitting Institution
Swansea UniversityUnit of Assessment
Computer Science and InformaticsSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
Research into the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) issues behind medical
error has enabled
hospitals to procure safer devices and is strategically changing
attitudes. Approximately 10% of
deaths due to preventable errors in hospitals are computational errors; in
absolute numbers, this is
higher than road fatality rates. Corresponding increased hospital stays,
etc, are estimated to cost
the NHS over £600m per annum. Our formal analyses and laboratory research
with clinicians show
error rates can be reliably reduced dramatically by software and HCI
improvements (for details see
reference list). Swansea's research has significant international
reach across decision-makers,
clinicians, manufacturers, and regulators. The US Food and Drug
Administration (the FDA, the
leading regulator) say research-based improvements will take decades and
have therefore started
to co-author papers with us to improve impact (all healthcare
manufacturers watch the FDA
Underpinning research
Our original research discovered that, and analysed how, interactive
medical devices (e.g., drug
delivery systems) ignore certain classes of critical user error, and that
by managing error better,
patient harm can be reduced. Clinicians make data entry slips (about 4% of
keystrokes entered by
nurses cause unnoticed errors [R1]), and errors are parsed badly and
misinterpreted on many
devices [R5]. If neither user nor device notices errors, this can lead to
adverse incidents.
We developed rigorous (e.g., using PVS [R3]) and novel (e.g., using eye
tracking with nurses [R1])
methods for analysis and evaluation that have transformed the
understanding of user interface
safety for healthcare. Our approaches refine theories and design
techniques to assure safety, and
ensure systems are more resilient to human error. Our analyses of
systematic design variations led
to techniques to reduce severe errors by factors up to 25 compared to
devices in current use in
hospitals. We thus developed evidence-based principles,
which have been used in NHS
procurement [C2] to purchase £1.5m of safer devices.
Impact is viewed in the context of preventable hospital deaths: 17% are
due to
numerical/calculation errors alone (under-reported, since few clinicians
notice them). We found
paediatric intensive care patients have a 20% chance of avoidable drug
calculation errors per
week. Exact figures are contentious; the BMJ estimates UK acute hospital
preventable fatality
rates of 14,000pa — but it is a mistake to focus too much on fatalities:
extended hospitals stays
and litigation costs the NHS over £600m pa, and there are social and
financial impacts on patients,
relatives, and on clinicians too.
High quality prior work. Thimbleby's [R4] was the
foundational, peer-reviewed, international
conference paper for the EPSRC Programme Grant [G1], defined by EPSRC as
"recognition of
highest-quality and world-leading research". It identified major
shortcomings in infusion pumps for
the first time, and developed a methodology for identifying similar
The funding supports a team at Swansea: 3 PhDs; 2 RAs; 3 PDRFs; 2 co-Is
in Computer Science,
2 in College of Medicine; and a full-time Impact Facilitator:
The UOA team consists of PI: Professor Thimbleby (since
2005); co-Is: Dr Eslambolchilar (since
2006, Associate Professor), Professor Matt Jones (since 2006);
PDRFs: K. Li (since 2010), G.
Neizen (since 2012), H. Tu (since 2012); RAs: A Gimblett
(since 2008), P Oladimeji (since 2008);
PhDs: A Cauchi (since 2010), A Lewis (since 2011), T Owen
(2009 to June 2013); FT Admin: J
Doyle, V Hurst.
[R5] led to a large new research stream within the EPSRC Programme Grant
led by Swansea.
Some papers have been officially co-authored with the FDA, the world
leaders in medical
regulation. Continued research has led to international best paper prizes,
at ACM CHI and ACM
EICS (Engineering Interactive Computer Systems) etc.
Papers have been used for course material for workshops with B-Braun
(Europe's largest medical
device manufacturer) in Swansea, Sheffield (B-Braun's UK base) and Germany
[R5]. 3 PhD
students have won best paper prizes for both doctoral work and for
mainstream refereed papers.
Several of our papers have been cited by the US Institute of Medicine in
major reports.
References to the research
Authors in bold are in the UOA.
[R1] A. Cox, P. Oladimeji & H. Thimbleby, "Number
Entry Interfaces and their Effects on Errors
and Number Perception," Proc IFIP Conf on Human-Computer Interaction —
Interact 2011,
IV:178-185, Springer Verlag, 2011. Peer reviewed, full paper. ///
Unique laboratory experiments
show skilled nurse drug dosing errors can be reduced by a factor of over
6 by improved
design of user interfaces; also used eye tracking to support rationales
for similar error
reductions in other applications.
[R2] P. Lee, H. Thimbleby & F. Thompson, "Analysis of
Infusion Pump Error Logs and Their
Significance for Healthcare," British Journal of Nursing, 21(8):S12-S22,
2012. Peer reviewed, full
paper. /// The largest survey and analysis of infusion pump log data
(approximately 500,000
hours); shows a high proportion of staff time is wasted in user
interface design problems.
[R3] P. Masci, R. Ruksenas, P. Oladimeji, A. Cauchi, A. Gimblett,
Y. Li, P. Curzon & H.
Thimbleby, "The benefits of formalising design guidelines: A
case study on the predictability of
drug infusion pumps," Journal of Innovations in Systems and Software
Engineering. DOI:
10.1007/s11334-013-0200-4, 2013. Peer reviewed, full paper. /// Formal
analysis can completely
eliminate certain classes of use error.
[R4] H. Thimbleby, "Interaction Walkthrough: Evaluation of
Safety Critical Interactive Systems,"
Proc XIII International Workshop on Design, Specification and
Verification of Interactive Systems
— DSVIS 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4323:52-66,
Springer Verlag, 2007. DOI:
10.1007/978-3-540-69554-7_5. Peer reviewed, full paper. /// Paper
underpinning the EPSRC
Programme Grant — showed there was a serious, but soluble problem in
health IT.
[R5] H. Thimbleby & P. Cairns, "Reducing Number Entry
Errors: Solving a Widespread, Serious
Problem," Journal Royal Society Interface, 7(51):1429-1439,
2010. DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2010.0112.
Peer reviewed, full paper. /// Laboratory experiments and simulation
show improved user
interfaces can reduce out by ten errors by a factor of two.
[R6] H. Thimbleby & D. Williams, "Using Nomograms to
Reduce Harm from Clinical Calculations,"
Proc IEEE International Conf on Healthcare Informatics — ICHI, 2013
[in press; publication date
September 2013]. Peer reviewed, full paper. /// Alternatives to
conventional calculators can
reduce error rates and their relative magnitude, in our experiments
completely eliminating
errors out by more than 50%.
R1, R3 and R5 best represent the quality of the research.
In addition to the EPSRC Programme Grant mentioned in section 2 above,
the research has
attracted significant support from other sources:
[G1] H. Thimbleby, co-investigator (Swansea PI), EPSRC Programme
Grant, EP/G059063/1,
"CHI+MED: Multidisciplinary Computer-Human Interaction research for the
design and safe use of
interactive medical devices," £6.7M fEC with UCL, QMUL and industrial
partners, 2009-2015. See — site for more details
of the research, impact, results, industrial
collaborations, etc.
We also obtained EPSRC Creativity@home funding, EPSRC Building Global
Engagements in
Research, and Impact Acceleration Account funding. We are CoIs on the
eHealth Industries
Innovation Centre project in Swansea's College of Medicine. Our work has
led to other EPSRC
grants, including EP/F059116/1, EP/G003971/1 (Platform Grant),
EP/J020834/1, and a Royal
Society-Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowship (2008/9).
Details of the impact
Healthcare suffers because of preventable errors. Our impact lies in
showing the benefit of
rigorous Computer Science and in changing attitudes. IT is a solution but
also a current problem.
Improved design is a cost for manufacturers given the prevailing culture
of blaming clinicians
instead; manufacturers bemoan "regulatory burden" and, under current
legislation, might rather
ignore problems. The impact of our research can be described in the
following ways:
Policy debate stimulated and informed by research. We conceived of
and ran 5 "Tully
Meetings" (named after Prof Colin Tully, one of the founders with Thimbleby
of the NHS23 group)
to bring >200 top computer scientists and clinicians, including UK
military, Department of Health,
CfH (Connecting for Health), reporting into the Royal College of
Physician's Future Hospital
Commission and their work on e-prescribing [C3, C6].
Potential losses mitigated by improved risk assessment by health
service. Collaborating with
the NHS we showed in the largest ever study [R2] poor design of infusion
pumps induces wastage
of ~£1,000/pump/year. This led to retraining, and informing manufacturers
of improvements. [R5]
was used in requirements for a £1.5m procurement.
Public discourse stimulated and informed. We have given 120+
presentations (in REF period)
at medical conferences, industrial seminars and workshops at international
conferences such as
ACM CHI (2010; 2011; 2013), ACM EICS (2011; 2012; 2013), BCS HCI (every
year), as well as
presentations to CTOs of B-Braun [C5], Boston Scientific, clinical
organizations, hospital trusts, etc
[C7]. Thimbleby was Clinical Human Factors Group trustee in
its formative year, helped it raise
funds and profile, and remains on its Advocacy Panel. The Royal Society
and Gresham College
invited public lectures.
Improved quality, efficiency & productivity of professional
service. Drug doses rely on
complex calculations. We developed calculators that eliminate some sources
of error completely. A
prototype was exhibited at a Royal Society Summer Science exhibition and
in TECHFEST, India,
etc. With a consultant anaesthetist we provided evidence nomograms have
advantages over
conventional methods for a number of medical calculations, including
time-pressured burns
resuscitation [R6, C1].
Defined best practice for professional bodies and learned societies.
The Royal College of
Physicians, the Royal College of Anaesthetists, the Royal College of
Physicians Edinburgh, the
Royal College of Pharmacists, Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists, Scottish
Intensive Care Society,
Central Sterilising Committee, Scottish Clinical Skills Network, etc, have
had invited lectures from
us. We have undertaken confidential assessments of medical devices for the
NHS in respect of
criminal and professional investigations.
Thimbleby has been invited on the Royal College of
Physicians (RCP) Commission, and elected
Honorary Fellow, the "highest honour the RCP can bestow on a non-medically
qualified person" as
well as Fellowship of the Edinburgh RCP; evidence of high-level
recognition of the impact of this
unique work.
Supporting and enabling staff to achieve impact. We appointed an
Impact Facilitator with £70k
for impact activities specifically in this area in August 2013.
Demonstrating reach. We consulted with Huawei on mhealth
(mobile health) [C4], with B-Braun
(largest European manufacturer) and consulted on future devices [C5]. A
spin-out company THIS
(Tech Health Interactive Solutions) (
was formed in 2013 to enable the reach and
frequency of consultancy to expand.
Public engagement has been achieved through participation at major
exhibitions, including
venues such as the Bombay Institute of Technology's TECHFEST, the Welsh
Eisteddfod, TEDx,
etc, each attracting thousands of public visitors. All our workshops have
patient representatives
and clinicians. Other non-Computer Science lectures include International
Federation of
Information Processing groups, Stanford Research Institute, MIT,
Cambridge, Berkeley, Oxford,
Stanford. We ran workshops in China with leading medical schools (Jiao
Tong; Fudan), Huawei
[C4] and Smiths Medical.
Thimbleby has been invited to write for clinical journals,
as well as present over 95 invited
lectures/keynotes (in the REF period) at clinical conferences and training
days, UK and
internationally; talks were attended by ~1,800 clinicians undertaking
continuing professional
development (total direct audience reach of over 6,700 with ~43% clinical
and manufacturers) [C7].
For building a completely new field, this is significant reach. We were
invited by Tata to run a
masterclass for leading software engineers. Half of the Formal Methods
in Interactive Systems
2013 papers by other groups develop our work.
Our films are shown in clinical conferences, having impact beyond our
control: "I presented a
session at a clinical risk conference yesterday in London and used [your
video] and it went down a
storm [...] The feedback was excellent and I've already received
requests from other people [...]"
Significance is evidenced by international recognition of the
healthcare improvements, the quality
of the work (including 5 best paper prizes), and by peer-reviewed evidence
conducive for high
impact in healthcare; our research shows that preventable deaths could be
halved using modified
UIs for data entry [R5]. Impact is increasing, but even if applied
unchanged today we could prevent
~7,000 UK deaths/year, with additional benefits in finance and wellbeing,
and additional impact for
the second victims, the clinicians.
Our impact must be viewed against cultural resistance to improve system
safety. Our research and
evidence-based approaches to mitigate that, and consultancy and our
evangelisation of the results
is both direct impact and conducive to impact. We have engaged and
continue to engage across
the spectrum, from hospital officers and consultants to the UK and Welsh
Chief Medical Officers as
well as international leaders like the World Health Organisation and FDA.
For example, Sir Liam
Donaldson (Chief Medical Officer, 1998-2010, and current Chair of the
World Alliance for Patient
Safety) asked to co-author with Thimbleby a high-profile and high-impact
article for the British
Medical Journal specifically to raise the awareness and impact of
this work.
Sources to corroborate the impact
[C1] Consultant Anaesthetist, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health
Board, Morriston
Hospital, Swansea.
[C2] Devices Manager, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board,
Singleton Hospital,
[C3] Director, Royal College of Physicians Health Informatics Unit,
[C4] Head of mHealth Solutions & Marketing at Huawei Technologies,
Huawei Ltd, Basingstoke,
Hampshire, UK.
[C5] Vice President Global Marketing & Sales, B-Braun AG, Melsungen,
[C6] — Tully Meetings records, etc.
[C7] Spreadsheet of participants at seminars/keynotes/workshops.