Improvements to the Environment by means of Broad Band Sound Attenuating Devices
Submitting Institution
Loughborough UniversityUnit of Assessment
PhysicsSummary Impact Type
TechnologicalResearch Subject Area(s)
Engineering: Interdisciplinary Engineering
Medical and Health Sciences: Neurosciences
Summary of the impact
Sound pollution, which harms quality of life and health
(e.g. hearing loss, hypertension and heart disease), is a subject of
public concern and legislation. Research at Loughborough University has
led to the design and production of a new generation of sound
barrier for a wide range of industrial and business partners,
a number of them leaders in their field. These sound barriers provide
improved environmental benefit and reduced cost
in compliance with EU Regulations. A spin-out
company (Sonobex) has been established to test and market these designs
and products. Outreach by Sonobex through the media and at the Houses of
Commons has led to a contribution to the understanding of science
and engineering to both the public and to policy
Image: Drs Chalmers and Elford with the first commercial prototype.
Underpinning research
Noise barriers are used to reduce noise disturbance from industrial
plant, roads, railways etc. Traditionally outdoor noise barriers are
constructed from solid structures (concrete walls etc.) which act both to
absorb the sound and also, by reflection, to deflect it away from the
areas that require protection. Whilst these traditional methods can be
very effective they generally suffer from the major disadvantage of
preventing the free flow of air and light through the barrier. Recent
years have seen a growing interest in the potential for use of sonic
crystals — arrays of cylindrical rods — as noise barriers. An advantage of
sonic crystals (SCs) is that by varying the distance between the rods it
is possible to attain peaks of attenuation in a selected range of
A further advantage of an SC barrier in comparison to more traditional
sound barriers are its ability to allow light to pass and, uniquely, that
it does not present an obstruction to the free flow of air. However,
barriers using `conventional' SCs suffer from the major disadvantage of
providing attenuation only over a rather narrow frequency band (and
harmonics thereof) and are therefore unsuitable as barriers to broad band
The concept of using Locally Resonant Sonic Crystals (LRSC) in which the
cylinders in the array act individually as resonators whose frequency
differs from that of the array helps to alleviate this problem but broad
band attenuation is still not achieved. Experimental and modelling work
carried out in the Loughborough University Physics Department by research
students and latterly postdoctoral researchers Dan Elford and Luke
Chalmers (2007-2013) under the joint supervision of Prof. Kusmartsev (Head
of Department, staff member 1990 to date) and Dr. Swallowe (Senior
Lecturer, staff member 1984 to date) [3.1, 3.2] in which the use
of multiple active Helmholtz resonators as scattering elements was
investigated has shown that carefully designed LRSCs can provide
attenuation well in excess of that provided by normal `mass law'
attenuators and in broader frequency ranges than conventional LRSCs.
The key aspects of the research outcomes and the potential impact are
that with LRSC systems attenuation is as good as with conventional
barriers but
1) In all situations a flow of air and light is possible — thus systems
such as industrial compressors can be acoustically shielded without being
enclosed. This is a major advantage since air flow is required to provide
cooling [3.1, 3.2]
2) LRSCs can be manufactured from a very wide range of materials and can
be used to architecturally enhance the appearance of a building while
providing (when used as a window covering) shade from direct sunlight and
attenuation of exterior sound along with a free flow of cool air [3.1,
3) Conventional sound barriers for outdoor use (e.g. along motorways in
residential areas) are intermittently subjected to very considerable wind
loading resulting in the need for massive supports. The wind permeability
of LRSC barriers considerably alleviates this requirement [3.1, 3.2]
4) Barriers can attenuate at low acoustic frequencies without the need to
satisfy the mass law. [3.1, 3.2]
The work is protected by GB and international patents [3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
References to the research
Because of the commercial implications journal publications are limited
but it is worth noting that the Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America is one of the most highly regarded and has the highest `H-index'
of any acoustics journal as well as being rated A* confirming the quality
of the underlying research. Since 2010 over £350k has been invested in
commercialising the technology.
3.1. Chalmers, L., Elford, D., Kusmartsev, F. and Swallowe, G.M.,
Acoustic band gap formation in two-dimensional locally resonant sonic
crystals comprised of Helmholtz resonators, International Journal of
Modern Physics B, 23, 4234-4243 (2009), DOI:
10.1142/S0217979209063390 — B ranked journal in ERA 2010 journal
rankings H-index 49
3.2. D. Elford, L. Chalmers, F. V. Kusmartsev, and G. M. Swallowe,
Matryoshka locally resonant sonic crystal, Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America, 130(5), 2746-2755 (2011), DOI:
10.1121/1.3643818 — A* ranked journal in ERA
2010 journal rankings. H-index 105
3.3. GB patent application GB0901982.9 (Feb 2009), Attenuators,
arrangements of attenuators, acoustic barriers and methods for
constructing acoustic barriers; G.M. Swallowe, D. Elford, L.
Chalmers, F. Kusmartsev
3.4. International patent application PCT/EP2010/051370 (Feb.
2010); Attenuators, arrangements of attenuators, acoustic barriers and
methods for constructing acoustic barriers; G.M. Swallowe, D.
Elford, L. Chalmers, F. Kusmartsev
3.5. European Patent Application No. 10704128.7 (2012); Attenuators,
arrangements of attenuators, acoustic barriers and methods for
constructing acoustic barriers; G.M. Swallowe, D. Elford, L.
Chalmers, F. Kusmartsev
3.6. US patent application No. 13/148020 (2012); Attenuators,
arrangements of attenuators, acoustic barriers and methods for
constructing acoustic barriers; G.M. Swallowe, D. Elford, L.
Chalmers, F. Kusmartsev
Research Grants Obtained:
EMDA Innovation Fellowship: PI Dr. G. Swallowe, CI Prof F. Kusmartsev.
£15,948 from October 2010 for 8 months "Sound Blocking Technology"
EPSRC EP/I029001/1: PI Prof. F. Kusmartsev, CI Dr. G. Swallowe. Value
£167,750 from January 2011 for 12 months "Practical Sound Attenuation
using Broad Band Sound Attenuating Devices"
KTA Funding: 1st Feb 2012-30th Sept 2012: Dr D.
Elford £61,000 "Novel Noise Barrier Technology"
Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellowship: Dr D Elford £83,000
from 30th March 2012 for 12 months to turn research into a
viable operating spin out company.
Details of the impact
We now provide evidence to show that the research findings that we have
cited in 3.1 and 3.2 have resulted in two major impacts:
(1) the design and production of a new generation of sound barrier for a
wide range of industrial and business partners, a number of them leaders
in their field. These sound barriers not only provide commercial and
operational benefit for these companies but they additionally provide
improved environmental benefit (reduced sound transmission) and reduced
cost in compliance with EU Regulations. A spin-out company (Sonobex) has
been established to test and market these designs and products
(2) a contribution to the understanding of science and engineering to
both the public and to policy makers, via Sonobex.
Impact 1
The outcome from the research is in the commercialisation stage and the
research grants listed in section 3 have been awarded in order to develop
commercial products based on the academic research carried out in
2007-2012 [3.1, 3.2]. A spin-out company Sonobex
Ltd. was formed in May 2013 and prototype sound barriers have been
successfully tested. The list of project partners given below is evidence
that Sonobex Ltd has established its visibility and is set
to realise its potential in both UK and international markets. Because of
the damaging effects of noise on public health and
the environment, European Legislation [The European
Parliament and The Council of The European Union, Directive
2002/49/18.7.2002.] for noise has required each member state to prepare
noise maps of larger towns and cities and to publish action plans that
identify noise standards and set out programmes to reduce levels to these
standards. The first UK round of noise mapping has been completed (2011)
and the second round of noise mapping is taking place. A follow on
regulation to the Environment Noise (England) regulations, 2006 will
require reductions in noise limits to take effect from 2016. The noise
which is predominately of concern is airborne sound and the Loughborough
University research and development of air sound barriers with their
advantages as outlined in Section 2 has led to interest from a wide
variety of major construction firms. As such the solutions provided by
Sonobex Ltd, based on the research conducted within the Unit, is
contributing to the implementation of public policy and improved
public services.
Current business partners, attracted to the technology because of its
potential for improved public health and quality
of life, include:
- Alkane Energy (Methane Extraction — prototype installed) [5.1]
- East Midland Trains (prototype installed) [5.5]
- British Gypsum (prototype designed) [5.2]
- Tarmac Building Products [5.3]
- Cherwell District Council design for first ever acoustically designed
sheltered housing for autism sufferers [5.4]; their application
for sheltered housing incorporating Sonobex attenuators has won
the Department of Health Care and Support Specialist Housing Fund
design competition and will commence construction in
- A leading European power infrastructure company (non-disclosure
agreement in place) have placed an initial order for a trial
instillation for power station use in Brazil.
- Colas rail (France) who are evaluating the SonoBex designs with a view
to a roll out in the French rail transport infrastructure.
The range of designs and products include:
- Production of enclosures for use around noisy machinery in factories,
air conditioning systems, road drills etc.- the Alkane Energy prototype
and the "Major Power Infrastructure Company" order are of this type [5.1,
- Sound barriers for use along motorways and railways with reduced wind
loading, improved drainage and visual impact — East Midlands Trains
prototype is in this area as are the Colas rail designs [5.3, 5.5].
- Prevention of sound barriers forming a physical barrier to small
animal movement.
- Bespoke barriers for special needs — Cherwell District Council
sheltered housing application [5.4].
Impact 2
Loughborough's spin out, Sonobex has featured on national radio (BBC
Radio 4's PM show) and newspaper (The Times, Innovation & Growth
supplement) as well as in more specialist outlets (The Engineer magazine
and a cover article in Innovation & Research Focus). Sonobex and the
BBC have agreed production of a feature in the The One Show for 2014. This
provides further evidence of an on-going commitment to public engagement.
In addition, for his work on sound barrier technology, Elford won a Bronze
award from the Parliamentary & Scientific Committee at the Houses of
Commons research competition — SET for Britain. Sonobex has
therefore made a contribution to the understanding of science and
engineering to both the public and to policy
Sources to corroborate the impact
Full commercial products are not yet available but trials have been
successful and we expect that commercial products and consequent full
impact on society will take place in late 2013. Support letters from
Tarmac, British Gypsum, Lindhurst/Alkene Energy, Cherwell District Council
and East Midlands trains have been provided.
The following sources of corroboration can be made available at request:
5.1. Letter from Managing Director, Lindhurst Engineering Ltd.
Midland Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts., NG17 5HG
5.2. Letter from Project Leader, Project Engineering Dept.,
British Gypsum, East Leake, LE12 6JU
5.3. Letter from Chief Executive Officer, Tarmac Building
Products, Tunstead Road, Buxton, SK17 8TG
5.4. Letter from, Delivery Team, Regeneration and Housing,
Cherwell District Council, Bodicote House, Bodicote, OX15 4AA
5.5. Manager, East Midlands Trains Etches Park Depot, Deadman's
Lane, Derby, DE24 8WE