International study of mobile phone use (INTERPHONE)
Submitting Institution
University of LeedsUnit of Assessment
Public Health, Health Services and Primary CareSummary Impact Type
PoliticalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
More than 6.5 billion people worldwide use mobile phones, and
identification of any associated health risks is of vital importance to
global public health. Researchers at Leeds have had a central role in the
design, scientific direction, conduct, and dissemination of Interphone,
the largest and most comprehensive case-control study of mobile phone use,
which showed that mobile phone use is not associated with an increased
risk of brain tumours. Interphone, for which Leeds was the largest study
centre from 13 countries, along with a concurrently run UK North study,
has made a major contribution to government policy recommendations,
international exposure guidelines for non-ionising radiation, and
international assessment of carcinogenicity.
Underpinning research
In the late 1990s the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended
research into the possible adverse health effects of mobile phone use.
In 1999, Leeds researchers - Principal Investigator Patricia McKinney
(Senior Research Fellow, 1993-2001, Reader, 2001-2005, Professor
2005-date) and Roger Parslow (Research Associate, 1996-2001,
Senior Research Fellow, 2001-2007, Senior Lecturer, 2007-date) - designed
and obtained funding for an independent `UK North' (Scotland, West
Yorkshire, Trent and West Midlands) epidemiological case-control study
investigating risk factors for adult brain tumours, including mobile phone
At the same time, McKinney and Parslow collaborated with the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon to assess the
feasibility of an international study combining multiple national data
sets. Once shown to be viable, the multinational Interphone study was set
up to determine whether mobile phone use increased the risk of brain
tumours. McKinney played a key role in establishing and implementing
Interphone from its inception in 2000 and was one of five scientists on
the epidemiology committee, formulating the scientific direction and
conduct of the research (1). Also in 2000 in Leeds, Parslow managed the
design and programming of the common data collection tool (the computer
assisted personal interview (CAPI)) used by all 13 countries in Europe,
North America, Asia and Australia contributing to Interphone.
As part of the UK North study in Leeds, work was done to validate how
accurately individuals remember their past use of mobile phones by
comparing individual `recall' with mobile phone records (2). The results
showed reported use may not represent actual use, a finding replicated in
Interphone, using validation data from Leeds and 10 other international
centres (3). Leeds also ran a pilot study, provided the only UK data, and
consulted on data analysis, for Interphone research of mobile phone power
output, leading to a new exposure assessment for mobile phone radio-
frequency radiation (4). Through this key validation work, Parslow and
Sarah Hepworth (University of Leeds; Research Fellow, 2002-05,
Senior Research Fellow 2005-date) made the only UK contribution to a
series of studies (2,3,4) that enhanced the scientific robustness of
In 2006, independently of Interphone, an academic collaboration between
the UK North study in Leeds and the UK South study (run by Professor
Anthony Swerdlow, Institute of Cancer Research, London) published national
results showing that overall mobile phone use was not associated with an
increased risk of developing a brain tumour (5). This was led by Leeds
(Hepworth and McKinney, first and last authors) who contributed 60% of the
brain tumour cases in the study.
This UK data combined with that from 12 other countries was used to
create an Interphone dataset on over 5,000 brain tumours. Leeds was the
largest Interphone study centre contributing 23% of overall cases. Results
from Interphone published in 2010 showed no evidence of an increase in
risk of developing a brain tumour as a result of using a mobile phone (6).
Interphone remains the largest and most comprehensive case control study
of different independent populations.
References to the research
1. Cardis E, et al (including McKinney PA and Hepworth SJ). The
INTERPHONE Study: Design, Epidemiological Methods, and Description of the
Study Population. Eur J Epid 2007; 22: 647- 664. DOI:
10.1007/s10654-007-9152-z. McKinney and Hepworth worked at IARC on this
publication; McKinney made a substantial contribution to the concept and
design and was a member of the Epidemiology Sub-committee (named in
alphabetical order as the 1st group of non-IARC authors) who wrote and
critiqued the output for important intellectual content.
2. Parslow RC, Hepworth SJ, McKinney PA. Recall of past use of mobile
phone handsets. Rad Protect Dosim 2003; 106: 233-40. A novel paper on how
(in)accurately individuals recall their true mobile phone use.
3. Vrijheid M, et al for the Interphone Study Group (including McKinney
PA, Hepworth SJ and Parslow RC). Validation of Short-Term Recall of Mobile
Phone Use for the Interphone Study. Occ Environ Med 2006; 63: 237-43. DOI:
10.1136/oem.2004.019281. First international paper on the validation of
recall of mobile phone use. Parslow worked as a Technical Advisor at IARC
advising on analyses, interpretation and output: Leeds was the largest
contributor of data. McKinney, Hepworth and Parslow critiqued the paper
and UK North was the only centre to provide 3 authors on the paper.
4. Vrijheid M, et al (including Hepworth SJ and Parslow RC). Determinants
of mobile phone output power in a multinational study: implications for
exposure assessment. Occ Environ Med 2009; 66: 664-71. DOI:
10.1136/oem.2008.043380 First international exposure assessment of mobile
phone power output by direct measurement. Parslow was a member of the
Interphone Expert Working Group on RF radiation measurement. Hepworth
advised on statistical analyses and all Leeds authors contributed to study
design, conduct and critiqued the paper.
5. SJ Hepworth, MJ Schoemaker, KR Muir, AJ Swerdlow, MJA van Tongeren, PA
McKinney. Mobile phone use and risk of glioma in adults: a UK case-control
study. BMJ 2006; 332: 883-86. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.38720.687975.55 (full
paper). The largest (over 950 brain tumour cases) published study with
significant international impact for academia, commerce, media and the
general public.
6. The INTERPHONE Study Group (including McKinney PA and Hepworth SJ).
Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the
INTERPHONE international case-control study. International Journal of
Epidemiology 2010; 39: 675-94. doi:10.1093/ije/dyq079 Final results paper
of Interphone. McKinney had a major input into the intellectual content
and interpretation of results.
McKinney was principal investigator of the UK North study which received
£1.7 million total funding from i) the EU European 5th Framework
programme `Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources' FP5 (26%);
ii) IARC (2%); iii) the UK Government (44%, including the Health and
Safety Executive 22%, the Department of Health 7%, and the Mobile
Telecommunications and Health Research Programme 15%); and iv) the mobile
phone industry (28%).
Details of the impact
It has been estimated that globally there are almost as many mobile phone
subscriptions as there are people. Rigorous, high quality, independent
research is vital for governments and agencies responsible for
safeguarding public health against a background of increasing concern over
potential harms.
Impacts on health and welfare and public policy and services
International policy
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) produces
monographs on environmental factors and the risk of human cancer providing
scientific support for action taken by national health agencies tasked
with preventing exposure to potential carcinogens. The long-awaited
monograph evaluating the carcinogenicity of mobile phone exposure was
delayed more than two years to ensure the inclusion of evidence from
Interphone [A].
Primary evidence from Interphone showed that overall, mobile phone users
had no increased risk of brain tumours (although in a single small
subgroup of those with the highest cumulative call time, a raised glioma
risk was seen). No trend in increasing risk was observed for cumulative
call time or for increasing numbers of calls or years of mobile use. The
World Health Organization (WHO) website [B] notes `Based largely
on these [Interphone] data, IARC has classified radiofrequency
electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)',
a low risk category which also includes coffee consumption. It also cites
Interphone (the only individual study discussed) as `the largest
retrospective case-control study to date ... showing no increased risk
of glioma or meningioma with mobile phone use of more than 10 years'.
The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
(ICNIRP) is an independent international body that publishes Exposure
Guidelines for Non-Ionising Radiation, endorsed by the WHO, and
which includes radiofrequency fields from mobile phones. These guidelines
are on the radiation protection agenda of virtually every country
worldwide. They have been formally adopted as national standards in over
50 countries including Australia, Canada, many countries in Europe, Latin
America and SE Asia, and form the basis of the US and Japanese guidelines.
In 2010/11, ICNIRP published specifically on Interphone [C],
commenting on its large size and noting that `Interphone added greatly
to the volume of evidence available' and that the outcomes include
an important contribution to the evidence base for the ongoing review of
international exposure guidelines.
The ICNIRP Standing Committee on Epidemiology states `the accumulating
evidence is increasingly against the hypothesis that mobile phones cause
brain tumours in adults'. It adds, "importantly, Interphone has
provided valuable methodological insights aiding the interpretation of
epidemiological research into mobile phones and health" [D].
UK Government policy
The Health Protection Agency (HPA), now part of Public Health England,
has a statutory responsibility to advise the Department of Health on
health effects related to mobile phones and has adopted the ICNIRP
standards on radiation protection exposure for mobile phones. In their
public health advice, the HPA quote their independent Advisory Group on
Non-Ionising Radiation (AGNIR) which states: `T he INTERPHONE
study ... has contributed importantly to our understanding of possible
health risks from use of mobile phones' [E]. A dedicated web
section on Interphone on the HPA website has seen approximate 200 visitors
a month since April 2010 (E). A major HPA report on radiofrequency
electromagnetic fields published in 2012 addresses Interphone in detail
and concludes there is no convincing evidence that mobile phone
technologies cause adverse effects on human health [F].
Public debate and awareness
A measure of the significance of the impact of both the UK and the
Interphone studies for the general public was the management of media
dissemination by the Science Media Centre, London [G], an
organisation that independently promotes the voices and views of the
scientific community to the news media. McKinney gave press and TV (BBC,
ITV, Sky News) briefings (e.g. Mobile phones 'unlikely' to cause
cancer, BBC News), and we are aware of over 75 news articles,
including articles in all the UK national broadsheets (e.g. Mobile
phone study finds no solid link to brain tumours, The Guardian) and
across the international press (including the New York Times and Reuters)
that reported on Interphone.
Impact on commerce
Reassurance for industry
Interphone has enabled governments in over 50 countries worldwide to
adopt scientifically validated exposure guidelines that have allowed
continued expansion of the mobile phone industry, leading to major
economic benefits. Without Interphone results, as one UK AGNIR committee
member points out: `There would have been pressures to restrict
exposures to the radiofrequency radiation from mobile phones on a
precautionary basis' [H]. He added that Interphone
results have `helped to allay public anxieties about mobile phone
technology' potentially increasing their commercial value.
The mobile phone industry is forecast to have a global market value of
$334.8 billion in 2015. Mobile phone network operators and manufacturers
both in the UK and worldwide have committed over $13.4 billion since 2000
towards investigating health impacts of mobile phone usage. Funding to the
University of Leeds and Interphone was `firewalled' to ensure the
independence of the academic researchers but the results were
unsurprisingly welcomed by the industry [I]. The UK Mobile
Operators Association, a consortium of all UK network operators, stated
that `Interphone is likely to be recognised as an important part of the
wider scientific evidence' underpinning the WHO policy advice on RF
Environmental Health Criteria [J].
Sources to corroborate the impact
[A] Letter from Head IARC Monographs Section, International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC), confirming Non-Ionizing Radiation, Part
II: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields
was scheduled immediately after the release of the Interphone results to
ensure their contribution to the evidence base.
[B] World Health Organisation. Electromagnetic fields and
public health: mobile phones. June 2011 Fact sheet 193
[C] International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection
(ICNIRP). (i) `Guidance on Radiofrequency' specifically
noting Interphone
(ii) Swerdlow AJ, et al, ICNIRP Radiation Protection Standing Committee on
Epidemiology. Mobile Phones, Brain Tumours and the Interphone Study:
Where Are We Now? Environmental Health Perspectives 2011; 119:
[D] Letter from Vice Chair of ICNIRP, corroborating the important
contribution of Interphone to on-going work on ICNIRP's guidelines on
exposure to mobile phones.
[E] Health Protection Agency. (i) Health advice on mobile phones
following the Interphone study.
(ii) HPA Advisory Group on Non Ionising Radiation (AGNIR) statement on
[F] Health Protection Agency. Health Effects from Radiofrequency
Electromagnetic Fields: a report of the independent Advisory Group on
Non-ionising Radiation. April 2012.
[G] Letter from Chief Executive of the Science Media Centre,
attesting to the media impact and widespread national and international
coverage of the Interphone results. This included: Mobile
phones 'unlikely' to cause cancer, BBC News;
Mobile phone study finds no solid link to brain tumours, The
No link found between mobile phones and cancer, Nature News
of full media coverage available on request.
[H] Letter from member of the DH Stewart Committee on Mobile
Phones and AGNIR (2001-09) stating that Interphone has been pivotal in
managing health risks from mobile phones.
[I] Mobile Operators Association statement on Interphone
[J] Letter from the Chair of the UK Mobile Operators Association
Science Working Group confirming that identifying health risks of mobiles
has global significance to the industry.