Case Study 1: The Movement Assessment Battery for Children a universal standard of assessment and intervention to improve the lives of children showing movement difficulties
Submitting Institution
University of LeedsUnit of Assessment
EducationSummary Impact Type
SocietalResearch Subject Area(s)
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Summary of the impact
Research examining the best ways of identifying and diagnosing motor
impairment in children has established a universal standard of assessment:
the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC). Co-authored by Sugden
(University of Leeds), a complete new edition was developed in 2007. The
second edition contains a new standardised test of motor impairment, a new
criterion referenced checklist and a new intervention manual based on
participation and learning, all informed by the authors' theoretical,
empirical and professional research. The MABC is used in educational,
health, and psychological services globally to provide detailed and
accurate profiling of children 3 - 16 years, and through assessing
children's motor skills and providing guidelines for intervention, it is
used to determine strategies across the world to improve participation in
activities in daily living for children with movement difficulties.
Underpinning research
Co-authors, Sugden (University of Leeds, 1977 - present),
Henderson (Institute of Education, London) and Barnett (Oxford Brookes
University) have made their careers' work the study of motor development
and impairment, particularly in children, including those with
Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), known as dyspraxia in the UK,
learning difficulties, mild cerebral palsy and autistic spectrum disorder.
The authors have brought theoretical, empirical and professional knowledge
of the motor domain and used this information to inform the Movement
Assessment Battery for Children (MABC) and its assessment, diagnosis and
intervention for children with movement difficulties.
A complete new edition of this assessment and intervention package
(MABC2) was developed in 2007 drawing upon earlier work. MABC2 [1]
was a total revision and re-standardisation of the three components of
assessment, diagnosis and intervention, working from the most recent
empirical evidence and feedback from professionals in education, health,
psychology and researchers worldwide. This edition contains a new
normative referenced Test and a new criterion referenced C hecklist.
Used together as a two-step approach to assessment and diagnosis, informed
by the research work of Sugden [2], they help identify a child
with motor difficulties by comparing the child's score to the normative
and criterion referenced data, and then offering intervention guidelines
in the third new part of MABC2 — the Ecological Intervention
Test: The Test is divided into three sections;
manual skills, aiming and catching, and balance skills, allowing an
examiner to see exactly how the child's performance compares with his/her
peers, giving a percentile ranking for each item, each section of the Test
and for the overall score. The Test also allows for qualitative
observations to be made by the examiner on how the child performs, with a
summary as to how the sections affect the child's overall education in
school. Data were collected throughout the UK, from 1200 children between
the ages of 3 and 16, with roughly 100 children in each age. The sample
was representative of the UK population of children from the 2001 census
data according to geographical region, gender, age, parental education and
race/ethnic groups. The co-authors engaged an external specialist
statistician (from Cambridge Assessment Centre), an expert panel was
convened comprising of nine professionals, and over 50 standardisation
examiners were used. Confirmatory factor analysis verified the structure
and the construct validity of the MABC, and various measures of
reliability and validity were taken during the development of the Test.
Detailed work on this continues with different population groups of
children [3].
Checklist: Data were collected on 395 children for the Checklist
and sampled according to the 2001 census norms in the same way as the Test
above. The Checklist is divided into three sections: firstly,
tasks are performed in a stable environment and are predictable such as a
standing jump or writing; secondly, in an environment that is moving and
unpredictable, such as throwing and catching or tag, and thirdly,
assessment is made of the child's personal qualities during movement, such
as planning and organisation, impulsivity, passivity and confidence.
Intervention Manual — Ecological Intervention: The
revised guidelines for intervention, co- authored by Sugden,
Henderson and Barnett, are also informed by specific research by carried
out by Sugden from 2003 - 2006 [4] - [6]. Ecological
Intervention is not restricted to recognised `experts' but involves
numerous individuals (in the home, schools, community, health services)
who can help children overcome movement difficulties in two ways. Firstly,
there is the modification of the context or environment enabling the child
to participate, which is a perquisite for learning. Secondly, it employs
the most up to date teaching/therapeutic methods to enable the child to
learn. The revised procedures in Ecological Intervention are also
informed by research from grants from 1999 - 2006, awarded by Action
Medical Research, ESRC, NHS and Regional Health Commission Research [grants
i - v], all with Sugden as Principal Investigator.
References to the research
[1] Henderson, S.E., Sugden, D.A. & Barnett, A.
(2007). The Movement Assessment battery for Children. London: Pearson. 2nd
Edition. ISBN: 978 0 749136 08 6 for manual and 978 0 749136 031 for
Ecological Intervention.
[2] Wright, H.C. & Sugden, D.A. (1996). A two step
procedure for the identification of children with developmental
co-ordination disorder in Singapore. Developmental Medicine and Child
Neurology, 38, 1099-1105. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8749.1996.tb15073.x. Using
the Test and Checklist directly addresses the assessment and diagnostic
criteria for DCD laid out in the APA Diagnostic Manual and the WHO
Classification leading to 2nd edition.
[3] Schulz, J., Henderson, S.E., Sugden D.A. Barnett, A.
(2011). Structural validity of the Movement ABC-2 test: Factor structure
comparisons across three age groups. Research in Developmental
Disabilities, 32, 1361-1369. DOI:10.1016/j.ridd.2011.01032. A
special edition of this journal with this paper using confirmatory
factor analysis to verify the structure and the construct validity of
the MABC 2. Data for this collected during the Test development period.
[4] Sugden, D.A. & Chambers, M.E. (2003) Intervention in
children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: The role of parents and
teachers. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 73,545-561.
DOI: 10.13.48/000 709903322591235. The use of the MABC showing how
teachers and parents can enact an intervention programme leading to
improvements in children with DCD providing empirical and practical
support for all three components of the Movement ABC 2
[5] Sugden,D.A. (2005) La prise en charge dynamique du trouble
d'acquisition de la coordination- TAC. (Dynamic management of coordination
disorders). In R. Geuze (Ed) La maladress chez les enfants presentant un
trouble d'acquisition des coordination motrices: revue des approches
actuelles. (Developmental coordination disorder: a review of current
approaches). Solal: Marseille. Pp197-227. English Translation 2007. ISBN
2-9914513-70-4. A chapter describing and analysing overall research
conducted at Leeds leading to Ecological Intervention.
[6] Sugden, D.A. & Chambers, M.E. (2007) Stability and change
in children with developmental coordination disorder. Child: Care
Health and Development, 33, 520-528. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-
2214.2006.00707x Two year period to examine longitudinal changes in
children with DCD following intervention, confirming validity of
assessment procedures and intervention guidelines of MABC.
Grants (all awarded to Sugden as Principal
[i] Action Medical Research. 1999-2001. £44,176. Reference:
SP3410. Management and intervention in children with developmental
coordination disorder using teachers and parents.1st intervention study.
[ii] Action Medical Research, 2001-2003. £46,749. Monitoring the
Educational Performance of Children with Developmental Coordination
Disorder. Reference SP 3733. Longitudinal 2 year follow up to 1st
intervention study.
[iii] NHS, Regional Health Commission Research, 2001-2003.
£71,704. Effective Intervention in Children with Developmental
Coordination Disorder. 2nd intervention study on a larger
scale comparing hand-outs to parent and teachers engaging with the
actual intervention.
[iv] Action Medical Research, 2004-2006. £74,001. Reference SP
3912. Coordination Disorders in the early Years. 3rd
intervention study with younger children (3-5 year olds).
[v] ESRC, 2004-2006. £15,000. Reference RES-451-26-0163. Seminar
Series. Developmental Coordination Disorder as a Specific Learning
Difficulty. 4 x 2 day meetings at Leeds with attendance for UK,
Europe, North America (USA/Canada) and Australia.
Details of the impact
The MABC is recognised as a universal standard in the assessment of motor
impairment in children, including DCD and other developmental disorders
such as dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, autistic spectrum disorder,
speech and language disorder and cerebral palsy. It has also been
described as a "gold standard" for measuring and describing the severity
of children with motor impairment [A]. With the information
provided by the Test and the Checklist together, both an
individualised and group programme of intervention can be developed from
the Ecological Intervention manual, helping to determine
strategies to improve the lives of children showing movement difficulties.
Educational and Clinical usage — indicating ease of and widespread use
with potential for beneficial effect on children's lives
The MABC is seen as the first choice for clinicians such as
paediatricians, educational psychologists, physiotherapists and
occupational therapist from across the world, including the UK, Europe,
USA and Canada [A - H]. Head of Research at The Children's Trust,
a national charity working with children with acquired brain injury and
multiple disabilities, describes the MABC as "the assessment of choice
for therapists working with children with coordination difficulties"
and that it is "easy to use and children readily engage with it" [C].
The Director of the Dyscovery Centre, a centre of excellence in the UK for
children and adults with specific learning difficulties, further describes
the MABC as "integral in our education/clinical and research work".
Initially set up to co-ordinate services for children across the UK, the
Dyscovery Centre now sees children and adults from as far afield as
Ecuador, Hong Kong and the UAE, successfully treating thousands of
children and training over 10,000 health and educational professionals [D].
Research usage — indicating reliability and validity
Research articles regularly feature in prestigious journals examining and
noting the excellence of the reliability and validity of the MABC, with a
recent example in Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology,
which noted that, "The MABC-2 is a reliable and valid measure to assess
motor competence in children with DCD and the scores provide the
reference point for clinical decision making in the management of the
individual child." [E]
The establishment of the MABC as an internationally reliable and valid
research tool therefore allows researchers and professionals in
laboratories and developmental centres across the world to agree on
perceptions of children's movement difficulties, contributing to accurate
evaluation of intervention and provides a reliable assessment tool to
document improvements in the motor performance of thousands of children.
Examples of its research use include:
- A team in Germany conducted the largest survey of diagnosis,
assessment and intervention methods for children with DCD, and published
it as the Swiss-German guidelines in 2011. Accepted by other
international bodies, including the European Academy for Childhood
Disability, it awarded MABC an `A', positioning it as the nearest
instrument available to a gold standard (A* is the highest standard; no
instrument has achieved this) [F]
- In the USA, a major longitudinal study is being directed by Stanford
University, examining the early childhood trajectory of children born
prematurely with very low birth weights. The study chose MABC as the
assessment tool to assess the motor development of these children [G]
- In the UK, a longitudinal study involving 7000 premature children is
being carried out the University at Bristol, which chose to use the MABC
to assess the motor capabilities of the children at various stages of
their development [H]
Usage worldwide — indicating global impact — and requests for clinical
and research training
The field of motor disorders involves individuals who are both
educators/clinicians and researchers, with their work encompassing both
empirical work in schools and clinics and practical work with the
children. Conferences on the topics also involve both research and
practical work. Since 1993 there have been nine world conferences on DCD
in the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, USA and Switzerland, and the
MABC is used more than any other instrument for the for the selection of
children in the research and professional papers. Moreover, in the last 15
years there have been four special editions of Journals totally devoted to
DCD: Research In Developmental Disabilities; International Journal of
Development, Disability and Education; Journal of Human Movement Studies
(2). For the identification of children the majority of research papers
have used the MABC.
The co-authors have all conducted training workshops in the UK and
abroad, with specific named invitations to Sugden to conduct
workshops in UK, Ireland, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Canada, USA and South
America. Sugden has also successfully supervised six PhD students
using the MABC, and has been external examiner for ten others.
Furthermore, Sugden has made over ten keynote addresses at
international meetings and conferences about the MABC since 1993, and as
further evidence of its global reach, the MABC has been translated into
German, Dutch and Swedish, with French, Portuguese, Italian and Japanese
currently being planned by the publisher.
Sources to corroborate the impact
[A] Director, CanChild Cente for Childhood Disability, Mcmaster
University, Canada: "The MABC has become the gold standard that is now
used for research around the world for measuring and describing the
severity of children with motor impairment".
[B] Head Occupational Therapist of the Paediatric Occupational
Therapy Service at St Johns Hospital in West Lothian: "The MABC is
widely used in Scotland by a range of Allied Health professionals to
support clinical decision making for a range of children with
neurodevelopment disorders".
[C] Head of Research, The Children's Trust, Tadworth: "The
MABC is the assessment of choice for therapists working with children
with coordination difficulties...sound theoretical base, easy to use,
and children readily engage with it".
[D] Director of the Dyscovery Centre, University of Wales,
Newport: "We use the MABC as the first line of assessment and
guidelines for intervention when we are examining movement
characteristics of children. It is valid and reliable and the children
enjoy it and engage with it appropriately. It has been integral in our
educational/clinical and research work over the past 15 years".
Further details of the work of the Dyscovery Centre:
[E] Yee-Pay Wang et al (2012) Reliability and responsiveness of
the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition Test in
children with developmental coordination disorder. Developmental
Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, 2,160-165. DOI:101111/j.1469-8749.2011.04177.x
[F] 2011 Swiss German European Guidelines. Child Centre Maulbronn
& University of Heidelberg, Germany. Blank R, et al (2011) European
Academy for Childhood Disability (EACD): Recommendations on the
definition, diagnosis and intervention of developmental coordination
disorder. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54, 1,
54-93. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469- 8749.2011.04171.x
[G] Professor of Paediatrics (Neonatology), Division of Neonatal
and Developmental Medicine, Stanford University, USA: "The MABC is an
extremely important and robust tool for both care providers and
investigators in long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes among high risk
infants. We are using it in our School Age Follow Up study of extremely
premature infants in the Neuroimaging and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
[H] Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. A study of
7000 children using MABC as their assessment instrument for motor
Lingam R., et al (2009) Prevalence of Developmental Coordination Disorder
Using the DSM-IV at 7 Years of Age: A UK Population-Based Study. Pediatrics
123, 4, 693-700. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-1770