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Designing Virtual Worlds

Summary of the impact

Professor Richard Bartle's `player types' model outlines the types of players who play Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs). Critically, his research shows that for MMORPGs to remain sustainable, the virtual worlds in which they are set must appeal to a balance of these different types of players. This insight enables commercial developers to design games that have broader and more sustainable appeal. Bartle's work has been widely adopted across the MMORPG industry and the principles of his research have informed the development of numerous games, a notable example being BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic. Bartle's work is credited as a key influence in transforming the online games sector from niche to mainstream.

Submitting Institution

University of Essex

Unit of Assessment

Computer Science and Informatics

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Information and Computing Sciences: Information Systems

Adaptive AR and Digital Art

Summary of the impact

Augmented reality (AR) and physiological computing (PC) represent computing paradigms for wearable technology. Both forms may be combined to deliver Adaptive AR (A2R) where changes in psychophysiology are used to adapt digital artifacts in real-time. A number of art exhibits were created that represented A2R and were presented to the public as part of the Turning FACT Inside Out show in Liverpool. The impact of this research is evidenced by: (a) engaging the public with emerging technology, (b) influencing the strategy of an arts organisation, and (c) informing the practice of artists.

Submitting Institution

Liverpool John Moores University

Unit of Assessment

Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Information and Computing Sciences: Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, Information Systems
Studies In Creative Arts and Writing: Film, Television and Digital Media

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