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The MacTutor History of Mathematics Web Archive at the University of St Andrews is one of the most accessed resources worldwide for mathematics and its history. The archive includes detailed biographies of 2740 mathematicians and over 2000 other pages of essays on specific topics and supporting material, presented in a readily searchable form which engages and informs. It has had great influence on popularising and communicating the essence and importance of mathematics, inspiring a broad audience across the world, as well as being a vast educational resource. The site has sustained an average of two million hits per week over the last six years. It has been the basis for college courses worldwide and numerous student and school projects on mathematics and its history, and it has served as a seminal resource for many popular science, reference, and academic books, TV and radio broadcasts and lectures. The Archive continues to grow, with new material continually being researched and added.
Research by Irene Lemos and Robin Lane Fox on Euboean culture and its dissemination across the Mediterranean has provided cultural, pedagogical, and economic benefits to a range of users. Archaeological investigation by Lemos has contributed to a radical reconfiguring of views of the Iron Age of Greece and of links between Greece and the Near East. Lane Fox integrated this archaeological evidence with research into landscape and mythographic traditions in a monograph Travelling Heroes. The main beneficiaries of the research have been, internationally, readers of Lane Fox's book, viewers of the BBC television programme Greek Myths, and visitors to exhibitions in Athens and Switzerland; within Greece, the people of the village of Lefkandi; and in the UK, the BBC, which has gained revenue from the sale of the TV programme to other broadcasting corporations.