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Challenging rape myths and re-directing juries

Summary of the impact

The research of Prof Jennifer Temkin on rape myths and stereotypes has influenced the way in which rape trials are conducted and drawn the attention of participants in the criminal trial process to the dangers of stereotyping victims and defendants.

The effects of Temkin's research include:

  • bringing about change to the instructions given by judges to juries in rape trials; see the revised guidance introduced by the Crown Court Benchbook used universally by the relevant judges;
  • training prosecutors, advocates and judges in rape myths and the risks of stereotyping;
  • raising public awareness about rape myths and stimulating media debate around rape, sexual stereotyping and the assumptions made about victims and alleged perpetrators of sexual offences; and
  • informing government policy on measures relating to rape investigations.

Submitting Institution

University of Sussex

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Studies In Human Society: Criminology
Law and Legal Studies: Law

Applied research leading to the regulation of drip pricing

Summary of the impact

From the 1990s UCL Economics invested in the capacity to conduct fundamental and applied research in behavioural and experimental economics. This was the basis for the research which provided the evidence base for the Office of Fair Trading to identify and act upon misleading pricing practices, particularly `drip pricing', in 2010. As a result, 12 major airlines announced that they would include debit card charges in their headline prices, and government announced that the EU-wide Consumer Rights Directive would be implemented a year earlier than it was due to go into effect.

Submitting Institution

University College London

Unit of Assessment

Economics and Econometrics

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Economics: Economic Theory, Applied Economics

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