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MMU Research Impact On Combating Musculo-skeletal Disuse In Older People.

Summary of the impact

Manchester Metropolitan University's (MMU's) novel research on the musculoskeletal adaptations to resistance training has directly informed what has been called the "gold-standard" for exercise, physical activity and rehabilitation guidelines for older adults published in the USA, as well as the UK Department of Health's guidelines on physical activity and exercise for older adults. MMU's musculo-skeletal research has led to commercial impacts as it has directly informed the design, and modifications to the design of `Technogym' (an international exercise equipment manufacturer) and vibration training devices. Clinical impacts have been realised through the contribution of musculoskeletal research into rehabilitation programmes for children with muscle weakness across Europe. And finally, MMU's research has also raised awareness of, and informed local Government decision-making and policy on, ageing and musculoskeletal deterioration.

Submitting Institution

Manchester Metropolitan University

Unit of Assessment

Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Human Movement and Sports Science, Neurosciences

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