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Dowdeswell Industry

Summary of the impact

Research based on unique marine-geophysical, bathymetric and geological data from the previously little-known polar shelf seas, collected and analysed by Dowdeswell and colleagues, has had significant impacts on the work of British and international charting agencies and on the activities of multi-national hydrocarbons companies. In terms of hazards in polar seas, these high-resolution water-depth data from offshore of Greenland and Antarctica have proved invaluable for use by the UK Hydrographic Office and international sea-floor mapping agencies in formal navigational charts that have wide international reach. Industry has also used Dowdeswell's satellite-derived measurements of iceberg dimensions and drift tracks, together with evidence on iceberg-keel ploughing of the sea floor, to assess hazards of operating ships and sea-floor structures in Arctic waters. Dowdeswell and colleagues' interpretation of seismic data has generated understanding of Quaternary sedimentary geometry and architecture on glacier-influenced shelves. This has been used in collaborative projects with hydrocarbons companies in applications to identify sorted sandy sediments (significant as oil and gas traps) in hydrocarbon-bearing ancient glacial rocks, for example in North Africa.

Submitting Institution

University of Cambridge

Unit of Assessment

Geography, Environmental Studies and Archaeology

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Geology, Oceanography, Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience

Dowdeswell Museum

Summary of the impact

Polar research at SPRI has been made accessible to wider audiences through the Polar Museum, which is unique as Britain's only museum dedicated to the Arctic and Antarctic. The Museum's formal plan has at its core the use of displays to communicate SPRI's research findings to a general, non-specialist audience; for example, showing the public how this research is deepening the understanding of environmental problems such as sea-level rise. A complete redesign in 2009- 10 utilised SPRI research in polar science and humanities to underpin museum displays (which had previously related only to polar exploration) and to project the significance of the rapidly changing polar environment — climatic, social and cultural — to a diverse audience (c. 50,000 in 2012) with international reach. Research is communicated through captioned museum exhibits, interactive screens and audio-guides, talks and tours, and Internet resources. Wide secondary reach includes substantial media coverage in newspapers, TV and radio. The Polar Museum was shortlisted for the Art Fund's prestigious Museum of the Year Award in 2011 and for European Museum of the Year in 2012.

Submitting Institution

University of Cambridge

Unit of Assessment

Geography, Environmental Studies and Archaeology

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Geology, Oceanography, Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience

4) Stability of ice sheets

Summary of the impact

This case study details the impact of current glaciological research at the University of Aberdeen on the Earth's polar ice sheets on practitioners and services in the non-academic science community, specifically the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and European Space Agency (ESA). In addition, the research has informed public understanding of the stability of the polar ice caps under the influence of climate change. The beneficiaries of our research are professional scientists in Environmental and Earth Sciences working at BAS and ESA who have used our findings to constrain computer modelling of ice sheet dynamics and to calibrate and validate measurements of ice sheet mass change. We have been involved in major international collaborative field research on the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets to better define the current basal and surface boundaries of the ice sheets and to improve the understanding of the sensitivity of the ice sheets' boundaries to climate change over a range of timescales.

Submitting Institution

University of Aberdeen

Unit of Assessment

Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Oceanography, Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience
Engineering: Geomatic Engineering

Fragile subglacial environments get formal protection as a consequence of Bristol research

Summary of the impact

As research led by Professor Martin Siegert at the University of Bristol between 2001 and 2006 has shown, a complex, dynamic and living world exists beneath the thick ice sheets of Antarctica. These pristine aquatic environments are likely to be subject to international exploration and study for decades to come. Siegert and his team not only furthered scientific understanding of subglacial lake systems but also highlighted the potential damage to these environments during direct exploration and demonstrated the need for a formal code of conduct to protect them from contamination or undue disturbance during such work. The research was instrumental in achieving the adoption by the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting in 2011 of a code of conduct presented by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. The code, which is binding on the 50 nations that are signatories to the Treaty, identifies subglacial environments as being of special scientific interest and provides clear guidance to scientists on accessing these fragile ecosystems responsibly. Prior to this agreement, given that traditional deep-ice drilling techniques involve kerosene-based antifreezes, the ecosystems within subglacial lakes and their downstream catchments were in danger of being seriously compromised.

As a consequence of his research on subglacial lakes and in recognition of the impact of his work, Siegert was awarded the 2013 Martha T. Muse Prize by the Tinker Foundation (value $100,000).

Submitting Institution

University of Bristol

Unit of Assessment

Geography, Environmental Studies and Archaeology

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Geology, Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience
Engineering: Geomatic Engineering

Informing public perception of the impact of climate change on Earth’s ice masses

Summary of the impact

Supported by world-leading research, Geography and Earth Sciences' Centre for Glaciology (CfG) operates as a highly-effective hub for providing information to the public concerning the relationships between climate change and Earth's ice masses. The impact of this engagement has been to inform the knowledge base of an international audience of people concerning the reality of climate change and its consequences for the cryosphere. This has been achieved through (i) extensive involvement in television, radio and newspaper coverage, (ii) the design and provision of a broad range of innovative internet-based and social media resources, and (iii) authorship and presentation of lectures, books and articles specifically designed to improve public understanding.

Submitting Institution

Aberystwyth University

Unit of Assessment

Geography, Environmental Studies and Archaeology

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Geology, Oceanography, Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience

Informing sustainable management of the deep-sea

Summary of the impact

This case study highlights the research at Plymouth University evidencing the problems of deep sea fishing in European waters. Working with policy makers, NEAFC, GOs, NGOs, and industry the researchers have contributed to solutions to deep-sea management problems across Europe. They have developed new techniques for habitat mapping which, coupled with human use data, has helped establish large offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) that have minimized the effects of displacement on the industry while providing key refuges for ecosystem recovery and conservation.

Submitting Institution

Plymouth University

Unit of Assessment

Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Oceanography
Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology

Sustainable Marine Management Implementation

Summary of the impact

Based on biogenic reef research at Heriot-Watt University (HWU), nine Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been designated and established in the Northeast Atlantic, Caribbean and Eastern Pacific, and a further six are under consideration. These MPAs represent 10% of the Caribbean Sea area, 6% of the UK's inshore Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and 18% of the MPAs under consideration in Scotland. In addition, our ecological assessments of the biodiversity value and structure of biogenic habitats, and their sensitivities to widespread stressors, stakeholder conflict assessment and economic assessments have underpinned the objectives, management measures and assessment of MPAs, and other marine spatial planning initiatives, undertaken in the context of both the current marine environmental conditions and future climate change trajectories.

Submitting Institution

Heriot-Watt University

Unit of Assessment

Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology, Other Biological Sciences

Management of the Bushmeat Industry in Gabon

Summary of the impact

Work by University of Stirling staff has contributed directly to improved wildlife resource management in the Central African region. Innovative research into the status and trends of key wildlife populations, ecological impacts, resource harvests and trade, drivers of resource use and assessing management success have contributed directly to new thinking on the issue, revisions of laws and policy and to success in attracting foreign aid for management issues. Stirling staff members now advise the Government of Gabon on resource management policies, National Park management and biodiversity issues.

Submitting Institution

University of Stirling

Unit of Assessment

Geography, Environmental Studies and Archaeology

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Economics: Applied Economics

Ocean acidification Research as a model for Environmental Education in Secondary Schools

Summary of the impact

Dr Ceri Lewis' research expeditions to the Canadian High Arctic to investigate impacts of ocean acidification, have informed educational material, introducing oceans education to schools, both nationally and internationally. Lewis worked with Digital Explorer, a non-profit organisation, to provide free lesson plans and multi-media resources on ocean acidification and Arctic climate change to classrooms, both nationally and internationally. The resulting education resources, informed by Ceri's fieldwork, are already being used by 1,225 UK secondary schools (i.e. 30% of secondary schools in the UK), reaching over 658,000 pupils within the first year of being launched. These school resources are also being used internationally including a training programme in Alaska and outreach examples across Europe.

Submitting Institution

University of Exeter

Unit of Assessment

Biological Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Geochemistry, Oceanography
Biological Sciences: Other Biological Sciences

Increased awareness and changes in the practice of interviewing eyewitness testimonies in the Italian legal system

Summary of the impact

Two books and review/research articles in Italian have disseminated the findings from the underpinning research on creating false autobiographical memories and the dangers of inadequate interviewing techniques. This work has critically increased awareness in the Italian legal system amongst both barristers and judges, to the point of shaping the practice of interviewing witnesses in that country. It has also informed all verdicts on child sexual abuse by the Supreme Court of Cassation.

Submitting Institution

University of Hull

Unit of Assessment

Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Psychology and Cognitive Sciences: Psychology

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