Impact Global Location: Bangladesh

REF impact found 66 Case Studies

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Access to Justice Through Education: Building a Law Clinic Culture in the UK and Beyond

Summary of the impact

The pedagogic research undertaken by the School of Law has produced an ambitious and innovative model of clinical legal education: the in-house live client model, which offers a university-based free legal service offering full representation to private clients and NGOs in the form of the Student Law Office. The Student Law Office integrates supervised legal service in the law curriculum, thereby delivering free access to justice to the wider community whilst benefiting the learning environment. Impact is three-fold:

  1. a major contribution to voluntary legal services in a region with high social deprivation: over 1,000 clients secured access to justice and over £840,000 of compensation has been recovered for clients;
  2. a national and world leading role influencing the legal profession, regulators and policy makers; and
  3. building the capacity of law clinics in other HEIs to provide a free legal service.

Submitting Institution

Northumbria University Newcastle

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy, Specialist Studies In Education
Law and Legal Studies: Law

Adoption of behavioural roadside training programme improves children’s road crossing skills.

Summary of the impact

In a series of training studies on children between the ages of 5 and 12 years, a research team at the Department of Psychology successfully demonstrated that substantial improvements in roadside decision-making and behaviour can be achieved in children as young as 5 years. Based on their findings, the team developed and evaluated a training intervention (Kerbcraft) aimed at improving children's pedestrian skills through practical roadside activities which was formally adopted by the UK government. Since 2008, the majority of 5-7 year old children in the UK have received formal pedestrian skills training using Kerbcraft either in its full or adapted form. Kerbcraft now plays a key role in the UK Government's road safety strategy and has been cited as an example of best practice by the World Health Organisation and safety agencies across Europe, the US, Australia and in developing countries such as Ethiopia and Bangladesh.

Submitting Institution

University of Strathclyde

Unit of Assessment

Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services

Community intervention through women’s groups improves maternal and newborn survival and health in low-resource settings

Summary of the impact

UCL researchers and overseas partners have developed a successful community intervention to improve maternal and newborn health, which is now saving lives in India's poorest communities and is being taken up in other low- and middle-income countries. The intervention involves village women's groups working together to identify, prioritise and address common problems during and after pregnancy using local resources. The process was tested successfully in Nepal, led to a 45% reduction in newborn mortality in an award-winning trial in rural India, demonstrated an impact on maternal mortality in a meta-analysis of seven trials across four countries, and has already been scaled up to a population of over 1.5 million in rural India's poorest communities.

Submitting Institution

University College London

Unit of Assessment

Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services

Ecologically-based rat management for increased food security and improved livelihoods in Africa and Asia

Summary of the impact

Rats are responsible for massive damage through crop destruction, stored food consumption and disease transmission. Steven Belmain's research on ecology and management of rodents has increased understanding in a neglected field. He has helped mitigate a regional famine and save lives during a rodent population outbreak in South Asia, and changed national policy and practice in South Africa. He has demonstrated how an African city can reduce zoonoses, and how damage to crops can be dramatically reduced. He has shown how communities can transform health and livelihoods if they work together and that rat-damage can be managed sustainably without using poisons.

Submitting Institution

University of Greenwich

Unit of Assessment

Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Science

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Ecological Applications, Environmental Science and Management
Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services

Elucidating the genetics of deafness leads to better diagnosis and clinical services

Summary of the impact

Our research has had impact on the activities of practitioners and their services, health and welfare of patients, on society and on public policy. New diagnostic tests for genetic deafness have been introduced, and healthcare guidelines and professional standards adopted through our investigation of the aetiology of childhood-onset hearing loss. Disease prevention has been achieved by our research on antibiotic-associated deafness, public awareness of risk to health and hearing has been raised, and we have increased public engagement through debate on scientific and social issues. We have also influenced public policy on ethics of genetic testing for deafness with our research resulting in improved quality, accessibility and acceptability of genetic services among many hard-to-reach groups (deafblind, culturally Deaf, and the Bangladeshi population of East London).

Submitting Institution

University College London

Unit of Assessment

Clinical Medicine

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Biological Sciences: Genetics
Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Neurosciences

Enabling Transnational Artistic Exchanges on Gender and Conflict in South Asia

Summary of the impact

Ananya Kabir's pioneering research on how the visual arts in South Asia express trauma generated by conflict resulted in a major exhibition at Leeds and associated events nationwide, attracting over 130,000 visitors. Her focus on female artistic responses enabled long-term partnerships with South Asian cultural producers, whom she helped to connect with museums and galleries in the UK. Through both her research and direct involvement with impact, Kabir has facilitated transnational pathways of professional development whilst creating and interpreting South Asian cultural capital for British and South Asian heritage audiences.

Submitting Institution

University of Leeds

Unit of Assessment

English Language and Literature

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Language, Communication and Culture: Cultural Studies, Literary Studies
History and Archaeology: Historical Studies

Equal Human Rights for Same-Sex Couples and Parents

Summary of the impact

Prof. Robert Wintemute has presented his comparative law research on sexual orientation discrimination to the European Court of Human Rights or ECtHR (through written and oral arguments on behalf of intervening non-governmental organisations or NGOs), and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights or IACtHR (through oral and written evidence as an expert witness). His research has helped to persuade these Courts to adopt landmark judgments that greatly improve legal protection of the rights of same-sex couples and parents in the 47 countries with combined populations of over 800 million people that are parties to the European Convention on Human Rights (EConHR), and the 23 countries with combined populations of over 550 million people that are parties to the American Convention on Human Rights (AConHR).

Submitting Institution

King's College London

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Law and Legal Studies: Law

Extreme weather services benefiting industry and humanitarian relief

Summary of the impact

Research conducted within the Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Centre has underpinned the development of innovative extreme weather services for the real-time monitoring of global tropical storms and European extreme weather. These services have achieved significant commercial and humanitarian impacts worldwide. Within the REF impact period these impacts included £1.319 million of income generated by sales of commercial products; 24,000 subscribers receiving free storm alerts and/or seasonal forecasts; seasonal forecasts distributed to reinsurance companies worldwide; and a contribution to lives saved in Bangladesh from tropical storm Mahasen (2013). Twenty-two international organisations have also benefited from the commercial extreme weather services; for example, they support the claims division at RSA in assessing risk, allocating resources and detecting fraudulent weather claims; and they enable the Norwegian Hull Club to alert its portfolio of over 9,200 vessels worldwide to steer clear of approaching dangerous storms.

Submitting Institutions

University College London,Birkbeck College

Unit of Assessment

Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography
Engineering: Maritime Engineering

Gender, parenthood and public policy

Summary of the impact

The impact described involves significant contributions to international and national policy development and practitioner/public engagement, emanating from the findings of longitudinal qualitative research on parenthood transitions, gender and caring. These findings have influenced international policy evidenced though advisory roles and policy development at the World Health Organisation and national policy through engagement with think tanks, public/practitioner bodies (e.g. National Childbirth Trust) and membership of a Labour party policy review panel on fatherhood. The research findings have promoted public engagement, led to media invitations, been cited as evidence in policy review, noted in Hansard and led to change in professional practise.

Submitting Institution

Oxford Brookes University

Unit of Assessment

Politics and International Studies

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences: Psychology

Global maternal health – improving access to maternity care in developing countries

Summary of the impact

The Millennium Development Goals placed improvement of maternal health and reduction of maternal mortality high on global policy agendas. Our research at King's College London takes this aim forward by producing detailed analyses of health systems barriers to timely access to maternal healthcare in a variety of settings in Africa and Asia, complemented by synthetic reviews of evidence to inform governments and international agencies. Our contribution has drawn international policy attention to the impact of healthcare financing mechanisms on delivery of maternity care and subsequent wellbeing, and the importance of effective emergency maternity referral systems. Our work has directly informed the design of referral systems in several countries.

Submitting Institution

King's College London

Unit of Assessment

Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Medical and Health Sciences: Public Health and Health Services

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