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This body of research, led by Plymouth University, has challenged the model used for NHS resource allocation because it does not promote `equal opportunity of access to health care for equal needs', a core principle of the NHS. The research has stimulated debate amongst policy makers on NHS resource allocation and the team's mental health estimates were used to allocate £8billion of NHS funding. The Department of Health described this as a "step-change improvement". Their research is also one of the factors which led to the end of the Four Block Model, the £29 billion formula grant at the centre of the local government finance system.
Paechter's research has attracted wide interest among educational practitioners and the broader public. As a result of this, she has been invited to contribute to radio programmes, Teachers' TV broadcasts, and other media for professional and general audiences. Her research has been widely reported in the media. It helps to shape public understanding of children and gender, and public debate about young people, both in the UK and internationally. She has influenced both high-level policy through her evidence to the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and practice, through her presentations to groups of practitioners.
University of Reading research on precocious (young early) readers identified phonemic awareness (the ability to hear, identify and manipulate small units of sound) as being important for success in learning to read words. These findings have impacted on national recommendations about the teaching of phonics in the early years; influenced the development of a series of television programmes for pre-school children; influenced the teaching of reading in English in Malaysia; and led to involvement in the development of a phonics screener for Year 1 children. The work has also had an impact on classroom assessments and the training of teachers.