Impact UK Location: Exeter

REF impact found 30 Case Studies

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Advances in Gamma-Ray Detection and Imaging

Summary of the impact

The University of Southampton's distinguished body of work on the design of technology for gamma-ray detection and imaging has informed new counter-terrorism practices. Technological advances arising from the research have been crucial to delivering significant benefits in the fields of homeland security and nuclear safety — the latter particularly in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima disaster. A spin-out company, Symetrica, currently employs 26 people in the UK and the USA, has a forecast turnover of more than £10 million for 2013-14 and has been recognised as an example of best practice. It is a technological leader in the field of radioactive isotope identification.

Submitting Institution

University of Southampton

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Physical Sciences: Astronomical and Space Sciences, Atomic, Molecular, Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Other Physical Sciences

9. Predicting turbulence – improved weather forecasts and £1.25 million annual savings for MoD

Summary of the impact

Research carried out at the University of Leeds has led to the development of a system for predicting severe air turbulence at airports and elsewhere. The research modelled highly localised `rotor streaming' turbulence which is too small-scale to predict using today's numerical weather prediction models. The Met Office now uses the highly efficient 3DVOM computer prediction model, based on the Leeds research, to improve its operational weather forecasting, especially for providing warnings of `gustiness' to the public and airports and to highlight risks of overturning of high-sided vehicles. In addition, the model is used by forecasters to predict dangerous turbulence at Mount Pleasant Airport in the Falkland Islands, and has led to the prevention of around five flight diversions per year at an estimated cost saving of £1.25 million.

Submitting Institution

University of Leeds

Unit of Assessment

Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Atmospheric Sciences
Engineering: Maritime Engineering, Interdisciplinary Engineering

Clear About Carbon: Leading Sustainable Procurement in the Public and Private Sector

Summary of the impact

Research at the University of Exeter Business School (UoEBS) has embedded low carbon practice into the procurement policies and supply chains of several Cornish private and public sector organisations — including police and health authorities, education and council institutions. Through the Clear About Carbon (CAC) project, innovative methods to nurture leadership qualities which advance sustainable practice locally have led to those models being replicated both nationally and Europe-wide as part of the global drive to meet emissions targets. The research has contributed to sustainability initiatives led by the Department of Health and Defra, and boosted economic competitiveness of participating organisations.

Submitting Institution

University of Exeter

Unit of Assessment

Business and Management Studies

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services: Business and Management
Studies In Human Society: Policy and Administration
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences: Psychology

Climate Change Data for Future Proofing Building Design

Summary of the impact

Exeter's Centre for Energy and the Environment has created novel probabilistic weather files for 50 locations across the UK, consisting of hourly weather conditions over a year, which have been used by the construction industry to test resilience of building designs to climate change. They have already had significant economic impact through their use in more than £3bn worth of infrastructure projects, for example, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Leeds Arena, and the Zero Carbon Passivhaus School. The weather files are widely available to professionals and endorsed by internationally leading building simulation software providers such as Integrated Environmental Solutions.

Submitting Institution

University of Exeter

Unit of Assessment

General Engineering

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Atmospheric Sciences
Built Environment and Design: Other Built Environment and Design
Economics: Applied Economics

Climate Tipping Points – impact on climate policy and risk assessment

Summary of the impact

Research at the University of Exeter identifying potential climate tipping points and developing early warning methods for them has changed the framework for climate change discussion. Concepts introduced by Professor Tim Lenton and colleagues have infiltrated into climate change discussions among policy-makers, economists, business leaders, the media, and international social welfare organisations. Thorough analyses of abrupt, high impact, and uncertain probability events, including estimates of their proximity, has informed government debate and influenced policy around the world. It has also prompted the insurance and reinsurance industry to reconsider their risk portfolios and take into account tipping point events.

Submitting Institution

University of Exeter

Unit of Assessment

Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Atmospheric Sciences
Environmental Sciences: Ecological Applications

Cohabitation, marriage and the law: informing and influencing policy debates on legal reform in a changing society

Summary of the impact

Research undertaken by Barlow at Exeter into cohabitation, marriage and the law has shaped, informed and influenced long-running public and policy debates in Britain over the need to reform aspects of family (property) law, in light of widespread public confusion and on-going societal shifts. The research findings on attitudes to cohabitation and marriage, community of property and pre-nuptial agreements and the law, each cited in public consultation papers and reports advocating reform, have influenced the Law Commission and judiciary in the UK and informed German policymakers. The cohabitation research in particular has-

  • shaped public information and legal advice;
  • informed and stimulated high-profile law reform lobbying campaigns and media debates;
  • strongly influenced Law Commission legislative proposals on cohabitant intestacy, and
  • shaped national policy in use by government to oppose reform in parliamentary debates.

Submitting Institution

University of Exeter

Unit of Assessment


Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Studies In Human Society: Demography
Law and Legal Studies: Law

Commercialisation of a Novel Diagnostic Test for Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis

Summary of the impact

Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is a frequently fatal disease of haematological malignancy patients, caused by fungi from the genus Aspergillus. Dr Christopher Thornton has developed and commercialised a novel point-of-care test for the diagnosis of IPA with an Aspergillus-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) JF5 generated using hybridoma technology. Using this mAb, he has developed a lateral-flow device (LFD) for the rapid detection of Aspergillus antigen in human serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluids (BALf) that signifies active infection. Commercial exploitation of the patented technology has been met through the establishment of a University of Exeter spin-out company, Isca Diagnostics Limited.

Submitting Institution

University of Exeter

Unit of Assessment

Biological Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Medical and Health Sciences: Clinical Sciences, Immunology, Oncology and Carcinogenesis

Diagnosing malaria using magneto-optic sensors

Summary of the impact

Malaria is endemic in more than 100 countries but its rapid and accurate diagnosis in locations remote from clinical laboratory facilities remains challenging yet desperately needed. This case study describes how scientific discoveries made in the field of digital data storage have been developed and applied to deliver a rapid, reliable and low cost malaria diagnosis sensor suitable for field application. Diagnostic devices have been both laboratory-tested and clinically trialled on over 900 patients under adverse field conditions in malaria endemic countries with very promising results. The health impact includes not only significantly reducing unnecessary treatments but potentially saving millions of lives.

Submitting Institution

University of Exeter

Unit of Assessment

General Engineering

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Biological Sciences: Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Medical and Health Sciences: Medical Microbiology

Endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic ecosystems: Impacts on new policies and guidelines, and economic benefits for the UK.

Summary of the impact

Research led by Professor Charles Tyler at the University of Exeter has provided critical data on the widespread adverse oestrogenic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wild fish populations in the UK. This has triggered the UK government to take action through investment in research and development of policies and guidelines. The research has led to world-wide recognition that endocrine disrupting chemicals are an emerging policy issue, a £40 million demonstration project with the UK government and water industry, and multi-million pound benefits to the UK in terms of improved water quality and safeguarding freshwater wildlife.

Submitting Institution

University of Exeter

Unit of Assessment

Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Environmental Sciences: Environmental Science and Management
Biological Sciences: Ecology
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences: Fisheries Sciences

Flood Damage Appraisal Research

Summary of the impact

Throughout the REF period our research - driven by risk assessment theory - has provided a continuously updated set of unique models, data and techniques for assessing the benefits of UK flood alleviation investment. These have been used to justify all flood alleviation investment for the whole of the UK for the whole of the REF period (c. £3bn), as well as for the previous 30 years. Our work has been central to all assessments by Defra and the Environment Agency (EA) of national flood risk (Foresight; NaFRA (England, Wales, and Scotland); LTIS) and all the Catchment Flood Management Plans for England and Wales. The research is also used in Scotland (by the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, SEPA), by international and national insurers (e.g. through Risk Management Solutions Ltd), and in many other countries.

Submitting Institution

Middlesex University

Unit of Assessment

Geography, Environmental Studies and Archaeology

Summary Impact Type


Research Subject Area(s)

Earth Sciences: Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience
Economics: Applied Economics

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